
时间:2022-09-16 13:30:26 | 来源:语文通



给自己一个笑脸 篇1给自己一个退路作文 篇2给自己一个读书梦 篇3给自己一个机会 篇4给自己一个退路作文 篇5给自己一个退路 篇6给自己一个退路作文 篇7给自己一个退路作文 篇8给自己一个笑脸 篇9给自己一个退路作文 篇10

给自己一个笑脸 篇1


People are laughing all the time, but have you asked them really happy?At this time, can you really have a calm in your heart?Do not!You don't, we don't!I didn't give myself a smiley face, not let myself have a calm!


In this huge world, the smiley face is calm.If the smiley face is the moon, then it is a stars; if the smile is a match, then it is a small fire candle on the match. Even if it is small, it belongs to its own light; if the smiling face is the key, then it is a lock that opens our hearts for us.


In learning, we should give ourselves a smile and let ourselves have a calm.People do not often say that "learning makes me happy," learning is indeed happy. Only if you are interested in learning can you embrace it; only if you use learning as a big thing in your life will you feel it;Only when you use your studies as a smile can you gain a calm.I feel that learning is an indispensable thing in life. If it is lost, it will lose an opportunity to temper.So, classmates, face learning frankly!


In life, we should give ourselves a smile and let ourselves have a calm.In life, we can gain a lot of happiness.Some people think that there is no fun to live, and they are born lightly.I think that's stupid!In the world of your life, things are like seven -color rainbow, colorful, making our lives colorful and colorful.As a volunteer, you can feel the satisfaction brought by different positions, and you will gain a smiley face; blood donation can help those who are in danger see the light of hope, just like you pulled him back from the god of death, and your heart will be in your heart.Happy; go to the orphanage, nursing homes, accompany the elderly and children, they are also lonely, accompany them for a while, chat for the sky, can also gain happiness, double.This is the two arrows and double sculptures.Living in this world, having a life, I am proud of it.So, let's face life frankly!


In society, we should give ourselves a smile and let ourselves have a calm.The same species between people is the highest animal, but we are not as good as animals.


Give yourself a smiley face and have a calm!

给自己一个退路作文 篇2


"Lijian Mountain is full of energy, and it is not good to die, and he does not die.The sword pierced the enemy like a phantom in his hands. This night was definitely a killing night, and the red blood reflected his dark black pupils.This is his last hunting ...


I don't know how many people he had killed.Now he has avoided the fire for the time being.At the Wujiang River, the black wind blown his hair full of blood stains. He is always so brave, and he is always such invincible. He is a well -deserved overlord.However, just tonight, the former king of Jiangdong was trapped here. He knew that he would die, just tonight.He felt that he was really sorry for his children, and those real men just lost the chance to go home because of himself.


His thoughts could no longer stop from the beginning.


In the distance, a small boat gradually appeared in sight, and Wujiang Pavilion brought his last hope.


He couldn't help laughing.The death of heaven, I crossed me!


In this way, he still rushed to the chase proudly and witnessed the title of Western Chu overlord with his last blood.


As a result, there was no Xiang Yu in this world, and Liu Bang never had an opponent who could compete with him.The world can't help but regret it. If he has passed Wujiang, history may be rewritten ...

给自己一个读书梦 篇3


Zhang Xiaohan


Where to find the joy of reading?A few plum blossoms.


Reading accompanies me to grow up.Under the lamp, I flipped the jasmine tea sent by my mother from the old thing in the south of the city, and remembered the journey of my reading.


When I was a kid, I loved to read a fairy tale book.When I went home from school, I hurriedly took out my "Alibaba and the Four Forty Forty Thief" and looked at it with great interest.My mother called me to eat, but I was still immersed in the scene of the Forty Thieves of Alibaba's war.Go to the living room and eat while reading. At the end of the chapter, I finally put down the book and found that the meal was basically not moved.There are thousands of clocks in the book of clouds'! "


With the continuous growth of age, after entering the junior high school, the fairy tale books on the bookshelf gradually retreated, replaced by a classic novel "Dream of Red Mansions", "Water Margin", "Earl of Christ", "Star", "Star","Spring Water" ... everything should be.


"The Old Things of the City", the world's simple world, the darkness of the critical human nature in "Camel Xiangzi", Fu Lei's teaching in "Fu Lei Family Book", the wit and bravery of the small radish head in "Red Rock", in the "Alert" Wang Zengqi's writingThe characters are vivid. "Silent Spring" allows us to recognize the importance of protecting the environment and how far from the stars is from us ".


However, I like to walk in J.K Rowling's "Harry?Potter.


Harry?Potter's magic world is beautiful and thrilling.Opening the book, there seemed to be the diagonal alley, the magnificent Hogwarts, the broad Kuiddic Stadium, the vossic and evil face, and the smile of Most of the crescent glasses.Harry?Potter's bravery and wiseness and dedication spirit deserves our forever learning.


Reading can help us cultivate sentiment, enrich our lives, make us elegant, let us understand the true meaning of learning, the true meaning of life.


"Those who know are not as good as those who are good, and those who are good are not as good as those who are happy." Only by reading can we understand the profound connotation of this sentence, let us understand why they learn.


Give yourself a dream of reading, let myself have a good future, reading makes me happy, and reading makes me grow.

给自己一个机会 篇4


Qin Huimin


Each of us will have many opportunities and challenges in our lives.It may make you a strong sense of satisfaction, or it may make you lose, but all of this is based on the opportunity you start to get this opportunity.


There will be more and more opportunities in the future, such as participating in sports meetings, participating students, joining the group ... This is the opportunity we can seize as a middle school student. We should be brave to try, don't be afraid of failure.In fact, failure is not terrible. What is terrible is that you do n’t try it at all or do n’t try it after “running the wall”. Life is a process of constant trial-challenge-failure and success.This process can exercise you and make you a better self than now.Therefore, please give yourself a chance when necessary.


Some people may ask, what if there is no chance? Here, I want to give him a word, "The weak is waiting for the opportunity, the strong is creating the opportunity." A simple sentence, but I think it covers the development requirements of the future society. Indeed, what society needs is not the giant of the mouth, but the benchmark of action. Ma Yun is a character that we all know, so everyone must know that Ma Yun is not inaccessible in the middle school entrance examination, but this "failed" person won the "full score" in the test of "life". Isn't Alibaba, Taobao, Tmall, and Tmall, did he really change our lives? Why did Ma Yun succeed because when he came down in the college entrance examination, he did not sit in place to wait for others to give him a second chance. Instead, he stood up and caught up and finally won applause from the world. Isn't this the "strong style" of the opportunity? Although each of us cannot be like Jack Ma, we are looking at our own mountains and mountains we want to do, but I believe that if you have this opportunity, as long as you have a serious effort to do it, you will definitely not regret it in the future. After all, "In this country, you can stop in place only by running continuously." To get faster than others, you must seize the opportunity in life to discover your biggest potential.


Don't choose ease when you are unrestrained.Now that you have chosen the distance, you can only take care of the wind and rain.Youth means that I knew I was wrong, and I had to struggle to the end!


Give yourself a chance and get a blue sky.

给自己一个退路作文 篇5


Seeing this topic, there may be many people who are disdainful and think that people who retreat to themselves do not believe in themselves, cowardly people.Maybe there will be many people who feel puzzled. Doesn't people work hard without retreating?With the retreat, isn't it given them a good excuse?


However, I don't think so. I think that the person who leaves a retreat is really talented and ambitious; like breaking the boat, although the soldiers did not retreat, they could only fight hard.However, they ignored the mentality of the soldiers.The soldiers did not have the retreat, and naturally they were very panic. Because there was no retreat, no one could predict their life and death in an unknown prophet, and could only listen to the destiny.At this time, the psychological defense of the soldiers is very fragile. Even if the enemy sells a flaw or kills a carbine, the number of deaths and injuries is more than a victory.


I have experienced this experience.On one occasion, there was a difficulty of mathematics. I racked my brain to think of the first few steps. However, this question must be completed. I am very irritable and depressed.On my face, my face was wrinkled like bitter gourd, and my brows seemed to be stuck with glue, locked tightly together, and I vented my hair and bite my pen.After a while, not only the hair was messy, but also a few more dental prints in the pen. There was no way. I had to let go of it to write. It didn't matter if I wrote it wrong.No, the idea is getting clearer, and the writing is getting smoother.


Give yourself a retreat, which is a more confident of the following things; give yourself a retreat, let yourself have a hope; give yourself a retreat, so that you have a calm in your heart.Give yourself a retreat, not cowardly, but only a little!

给自己一个退路 篇6




Life is not all the way to the way, but to make yourself look like a good way through your own efforts.


But often people also encounter some obstacles that they cannot overcome. In this case, they need to give themselves a retreat. This is not to escape, but to save strength.


Sometimes the B program is often more useful than plan A, and people cannot always see themselves too tightly. Sometimes they leave themselves to retreat, and they are also left for themselves.


I remember that I had two friends to participate in the mathematical knowledge competition together. At that time, I was determined to win the championship without retreat. I was firm. This is our only A program, but this plan gave friends a lot of pressure, evenI was eliminated when I couldn't play all the strength, but at the time I did not find out how much the plan was, and I always complained that my friends dragged me back. Now I think about it. I am really sorry for them.


It wasn't until one day that something happened that I knew how correct it was for myself!At that time, I read a news, as if that during the college entrance examination, a high school student had too good mental stress and did not achieve good results. More importantly, the parents of high school students only gave him a plan A without a back road. FinallyAs a result, I understand that the life with hope will become beautiful. There is a saying that it will be good. How can I find my true potential.


Give yourself a retreat and let yourself have a hope.

给自己一个退路作文 篇7


Many people think that leaving themselves for retreat is a timid approach and the manifestation of the weak.When most people encounter difficulties, they will do their best and deal with it without reservation.


I do n’t agree with difficulties, I do n’t leave my way to deal with it.When you encounter difficulties, you should not avoid it. You should do your best to deal with it, but once you fail, do you think about the consequences?Therefore, I feel that when I encounter difficulties, I face it bravely and do my best to deal with my ability.


The phrase "Gentleman's revenge, ten years has not been late" has been circulating from ancient times to the present. Doesn't it explain this truth?Failure again, face it again, and discuss long.When Yue Wang Gou Jian was defeated by Wu Wangfu, he did not commit suicide, a hundred.He chose "retreat", because he knew the principle of "aversion to aversion to revenge, ten years before", which was exactly that he had a retreat for himself, so that he won the victory in the battle of Wu Yue ten years later, and Wu Wangfu was huge.However, he chose to commit suicide so that Wu Guo perished.


During the Three Kingdoms period, Liu Bei repeatedly defeated and defeated repeatedly during the group of heroes. Later, he did not achieve a country that was established in the Three Kingdoms.Yes, he left his way for himself, not like Xiang Yu, he failed to see Jiang Dong's father, and committed suicide.In fact, the retreat is not exactly the manifestation of the weak. Isn't the king and Liu Bei of Liu Bei?Although they were a little confused in their later years, they couldn't wipe out their glory.


In modern history, the Red Army was forced to the Long March because of the siege of the Red Army. The Communist Party also chose to retreat to themselves and preserve their strength in order to have the opportunity to win during the liberation of the Anti -Japanese War.Isn't this reflected that the retreat can bring victory, not the performance of the weak?Essence


In today's society, investment is a way to get rich, but it is also a way to bankrupt.Although I am not an economist, investment is risky. Don't blindly think that investment is making fast, and put all funds to invest.You must know that investment is also fast, leaving a retreat and basic funds for yourself.


Although some people will say that they do not leave their way to retreat and can inspire themselves to fight for success, because there is no retreat, once failure, there is no chance to come back.And leaving yourself with a retreat, if you fail, you will have the opportunity to start again.Therefore, we should do our best to overcome difficulties, defeat setbacks, and strive for success in the absence of retreat.

给自己一个退路作文 篇8


Some people say that giving myself a retreat is actually retreating, not to face reality, but I don't think so, leaving myself a retreat, there is no room for development, there is more hope that belongs to myself?It is a kind of intelligence, but also a way to make a living.


I remember at a sports meeting, a friend's group launched a fierce chasing match with the delegation of another school. Before the game, many people from many parties had already optimized a friend's school.Comparison of thin schools, the results of the battle have long been unknown, and the results are expected.The friend's delegation came to the stage to speak, but he did not use victory, generous and generous words, but read an article -failed speech!Yes, he had written this manuscript before he came to power. Others said he had no confidence and he didn't care.On the stage, he said: "The reason why I write two speeches is not to be weak, but to tell everyone to learn to give ourselves a back road. If we have not wins today, is it necessary to talk about victory on the stage on the stage.Do you tell me? "Be prepared at any time, and learn to let yourself have an unexpected hope ..." No one in the audience said, I was deeply inspired by my friend's approach!


Learn to give yourself a retreat, which is a signing above. In life, learning to give yourself a reasoning and make full preparations, which is the key start of success; to leave a retreat for yourselfGive yourself more hope, be able to use sufficient confidence for it, and have sufficient courage to use it.


Workers who work under the well, while clearing the obstacles in front of them, also need to remove the precipitation behind them, otherwise it is equivalent to the destruction of themselves; sometimes, learning to give up is also a way to succeed!


Give yourself a retreat, you will have a new hope, maybe the new hope is not just one!

给自己一个笑脸 篇9


Cheng Yufan


With the sound of "wow", a small life was born, and with a loud cry, a life of a full score was withered.It can be seen that from the opening to the end of the life, it is accompanied by crying. Some people say, "How can it be called life without experienced a little wind and rain?" Yeah, people are coming to the world to suffer and experience.


However, there are still many people full of sunshine in their hearts. They are competing with difficulties in the face of difficulties. So how do these people do?The answer is the same -give yourself a smiley face.


When you are not confident, give yourself a smiley face.When people always have inferiority, they may feel that their gifts are not as good as others at the birthday banquet of classmates; they may be afraid of their classmates joking themselves in a speech competition;It's right.At this time, you can give yourself a smiley face and secretly tell yourself: "I am the unique in the world, I am the best!" Maybe my gift is not as good as others, but "gift lightness" is my heart;Maybe my speech is not the best, but I have the courage to talk about it. I am already "the best"; maybe my looks and learning are not as good as others, but I am me, and there is only me and me in the world.I can have an interesting soul, a kind heart, I am the most beautiful. I can study harder, compare with myself, and live up to myself.


When you encounter difficulties, give yourself a smiley face. The so -called "difficulty is like a spring, you will be weak, you will be weak." When you encounter difficulties, you dare not face, give yourself a smiley face, and secretly secretly give yourself a smile.Tell yourself: "Face it to face it, at least have the opportunity to defeat it, but if you escape, you will never defeat it. Do I really be willing to be defeated like this?" Then raised our mouths and bloomed our smileAnd to defeat it step by step, as long as we are not discouraged and don't give up, what else can I do?


Therefore, you must give yourself a smile and believe that you are the best.Mr. Yang Yan said, "I pretend to be strong, and in the end it is really strong." So, we gave ourselves a smiley face, raised the corner of the proud mouth, blooming bright smiles, you will become confident and strong!

给自己一个退路作文 篇10


I always look forward to making everything the best, hoping that everything is perfect.But there is no perfect in the world, but we can pursue perfection.


I don't want to have "stains" on my life, even if it is just a small thing.I hate my family, hate their "cold and blood ruthlessness", and hate them for thinking about others, but I forgot that they are still my family from beginning to end, even if they do something wrong.Moreover, they have paid too much for me after all.


I think, sometimes my pursuit of perfection will be regarded as "obsessive -compulsive disorder"!Occasionally, when I see dirty things on the ground, I will feel that it is very eye -catching, but I don't want to clean it up, thinking about ignoring it.As a result, it was still impossible to clean it up to clean it.Maybe sometimes I get up, and so is the quilt.I don't know how many times I tangled in my heart.


Or maybe some things are caused by my increasingly serious cleanliness.Just say a certain day, and when I saw a person who hadn't seen it for a long time, I chatted with her happily.After a while, I regretted chatting with her, and the smile on my face froze.When she spoke, the saliva star flies, and I sprayed my face. I think she said for so long. If I take a bowl of bowls, the saliva can be at least half a bowl!However, when she hadn't noticed it, she had a smile on her face, but she didn't know how much she despised her.


I still remember that when I got on the bus, I found a lot of people, leaving only the last row and a few empty positions.I hesitated and walked to the end.When I reached another station, several people came up, and they sat next to me.However, some people work in those fish factories and have a fishy smell on her body. She did it next to me.There are five seats in the last row, but it will be crowded when you sit up.At that time, my throat was a little uncomfortable. When I smelled the fishy smell, it was a bit uncomfortable, so I covered my nose inadvertently.That person seemed to be aware of something, (I think I think I think she is dirty, so I try my best to keep my body away from me.


Sometimes, I should really not be so stubborn to pursue perfection.When doing things, you should often take into account that in the end, leave some retreats for yourself, and you can't do too much.