
时间:2022-11-01 12:49:52 | 来源:语文通


六年级变形记作文 篇1六年级变形记作文 篇2变形记猪作文400字 篇3六年级变形记作文 篇4变形记作文 篇5变形记的作文 篇6变形记变成一条鱼400字作文 篇7变形记作文400字 篇8变形记变成一条鱼400字作文 篇9变形记变成一条鱼400字作文 篇10

六年级变形记作文 篇1


Pangpang is a little pig, but he doesn't feel happy at all. So it is ready for a deformation.


Pangpang thought, it's good to be a little rabbit, so he can jump farther. So Pangpang tied two springs to his legs. Pangpang just hopped out for a walk.


On the way, Pangpang meets an elephant. When Pangpang saw that it was an elephant, he quickly showed off: "Hey! Elephant! Do you think I look like a rabbit?" "Ha ha!" The elephant laughed and said, "You are just a pig with two springs tied to your legs!" Pangpang is very angry. He made a face at the elephant and turned away.


Pangpang thought that the long trunk of an elephant was very interesting, otherwise... he would become an elephant! Just do it, Pangpang finds a long sculpture


Feed the pipe and put it on the head. Pangpang swaggered out.


On the way, Pangpang met the zebra again. He showed off to the zebra, "Hey, friend, I'm a long nosed elephant!" The zebra smiled and said, "My friend, are you here to make fun? You are a stupid pig with a plastic tube!"


Pangpang was very sad and walked away angrily.


It's not happy. Pangpang muttered. "Who says I'm unhappy? I'm happy!" A little pig said. Pangpang is dubious.


So the little pig led Pangpang to the quagmire and jumped down with Pangpang's hand. Pangpang found that the dirtier he was, the happier he was!

六年级变形记作文 篇2


One day, there was a storm and a flash of lightning passed by my eyes. My eyes turned black. I opened my eyes again and found that I was in a mysterious place. The boundless darkness was right beside me. From time to time, I could see a bit of starlight, but those starlights only stayed in the darkness for a few times and then disappeared. I glanced down again and found that I had become a star. At this time, I was startled when I heard a loud bang. A big thing suddenly appeared in front of me. A meteorite rolled towards me. If I don't move now, it will roll onto me. The meteorite is getting bigger and bigger in front of me. I hope I won't be hit, but the meteorite is getting closer and closer to me, but I'm still in place. I'm still trying to move aside. Whew, a heat wave brushed my cheek, and I almost fainted. But it would be dangerous in outer space. I still want to go back as soon as possible. What can I do if something happens again? I tried my best to move forward. I didn't know how long I had been walking. A black hole appeared in front of me. I thought how hard it would be to live here. It would be better to feel the pain coming and going faster. I just moved in. I returned to my home, I sighed, just come back, just come back, and then I happily walked to my room.

变形记猪作文400字 篇3


The mother pig took the little pig to school. She had to do her homework in class every day. The little pig thought, "I always have to do my homework. I can't play. It's really annoying.". One day, he saw a hare jumping and playing on the grass. He wanted to be a hare to play. How happy he was! So he put two big leaves on his ears and three small leaves on his mouth. He played on the grass like a rabbit. At this time, he met a goat. He said to the goat, "I am a lovely hare." The goat said, "You are not a hare, you are a stupid pig. A hare can jump very high, but a pig has no such ability. If you don't believe it, try it." The little pig jumped hard. Unexpectedly, he broke his ear and hurt his mouth, making him dizzy and dizzy. The little pig thought: It's no fun to be a rabbit, but to be a goat! He found two branches tied to his head as horns, and a large leaf stuck to his chin as a beard. He pretended to be a goat and walked leisurely in the grass. Suddenly, a big tiger jumped out of the grass. The little pig trembled with fear. It spread its hooves and ran quickly, ran through the woods and over the mountains, and then escaped from the big tiger. Piggy thought: If you don't read, you have no knowledge, so you will always do wrong things and be bullied. It's too sad to have no knowledge. You'd better be yourself and read well. This is the real happiness!

六年级变形记作文 篇4


I was sleeping soundly when I heard a lot of birds singing. I felt very strange. I sat up suddenly and found that the world had changed dramatically. By a flower, I became a stone.


I asked the rose beside me: "Where is this?" She ignored me. She looked arrogant and uncomfortable. How could such a beautiful flower make friends with a stone! I used to be a big fat stone! Different from the stones beside me, I was big and flat, so I could let people sit down and have a rest for a while. Two children came over, and they played with roses on me all of a sudden. I was very happy. Rose could not envy me, but no one could smell its fragrance. I said to her: "Your fragrance and beauty are everywhere, so don't care about everyone's attention, I like you very much." She finally smiled.


Although stones are ordinary, they are very useful. They can be used as houses, models, benches and ladders. They can be used as stepping stones for human beings. I am proud of being a stone!


When I wake up, I am no longer a stone, but I still remember the selfless dedication of the stone. I want to be a person like the stone, work hard to hone, be a useful person to the society, and give play to my own value and make contributions to people in any position!

变形记作文 篇5


One day I was having a class in the classroom. Suddenly, I became small.


I looked down, God! This is not a chair, it is an abyss! "How can I get down from such a high place? If I jump down, I will get hurt!" I thought to myself. When did the chair get so rough! Wearing shoes is very painful. I was thinking about how to get out of the chair when the smell of perfume came to my nose. I looked up and saw many "giants" in the classroom. The classroom became bigger and bigger, and the aroma seemed to be getting stronger and stronger. It was really pungent. I covered my nose and thought about how to get down. Yes! "God helps me. My classmates' clothes are leaning against my chair!" I danced with joy.


I jumped, grabbed the edge of my deskmate's coat and climbed up. My bad deskmate shook for a while. I didn't feel it usually, but now the earth is shaking like an earthquake. I grabbed my classmate's soft clothes and moved slowly carefully to avoid falling down. Sometimes she shakes a few times, and I jump and grab another piece of her clothes, just like a monkey. After a while, my face was as hot as a tomato, and I thought, "I'm so tired, but I can't rest. What should I do?" When I saw the legs of the chair, I jumped as if I were on a slide and fell on the ground. Great, I can finally go out

变形记的作文 篇6


I want to become a tree, because I saw many people carving on the tree, and I want to punish them.


One night, I read a plant book. The more I read it, the more sleepy I became. After a while, I slowly closed my eyes. As soon as I opened my eyes, I found that I was not in my bedroom. I see familiar streams, familiar flowers and plants. Only then did I realize that I had become a big tree at the gate of the park! After a while, I saw three or four adults come and say, "Look for some leaves to make specimens." Several people replied, "Wow!" Several adults looked up and saw me.


The adults came running quickly. They all stretched out their hands and pulled my hair down. I felt very painful on my scalp, and soon I became bald. Just as several adults were about to leave, I suddenly said, "Stop!" Several adults were surprised, as if they thought that there was a tree that could speak in the world. I said: "If you are a tree, I am you, and I tear your hair off, are you happy?" Several adults said: "Not happy!" Several adults put the leaves beside me and said, "Sorry!" Several adults left, and suddenly a gust of wind blew, and my leaves blew away with the wind.


In a hurry, I suddenly opened my eyes. At this time, I actually saw my arm! I rushed to the toilet and saw it. It scared me to death. I just had a dream!

变形记变成一条鱼400字作文 篇7


In the evening, I read a book of oceans. I always want to swim in the sea with those fishes when I see them free. With this mentality, I gradually fell asleep.


I was awakened by a branch, but the surrounding environment surprised me even more: it was not a branch but a small fish, thousands of fish were swimming in the sea, and the coral below was as beautiful as a gem. Everything is so peaceful and beautiful. I admire the scenery of the sea bottom in the water, and my heart sighs incomparably.


Suddenly, the originally bright sea floor became dark. Looking up, a boat passed by and threw the "deadly net" to us. I escaped. When I saw my partner caught in the fishing net, I was very scared. There was still some danger in the sea!


I swam to the distance. It was as beautiful and peaceful as the original sea area. I was relieved. I made friends in the sea, talked with other small fish, and swam and played with them in the sea. There are more fish and more happiness here, but sometimes some small fish fight. I watched the scenery in the sea and gradually fell asleep.


As a fish, I felt the joy of swimming on the sea floor and some dangers on the sea floor, but it also made me feel the beauty of the sea.

变形记作文400字 篇8


When I become a rubber


An Chengjie


Students, have you ever had any magical experience? well! Don't tell me, I really had a magical experience! Last night, I had a strange dream that I became a rubber.


I put them on the booth of the mall and received the attention of everyone. There are also a variety of stationery beside me, but I feel that everyone comes to watch me because I have a vivid panda design on my body.


A handsome little boy fell in love with me at a glance and bought me and put me in the stationery box.


The little boy is a child who studies very hard. When a stroke goes out of line, he will use me to erase it gently and then write again. Every time I see him holding a full mark paper, I will be happy for him. After just a few months, I became dirty and stiff. The little boy will drop a lot of dregs when using me, just like a handful of salt sprinkled on the table. Finally, the little boy threw me directly into the trash can.


In the dark, I heard "Children, the meal is ready, get up and eat!" I was awakened by the familiar voice. It was a strange dream!


But on the way to school, I thought of the little boy again. He studied so hard and his words were so beautiful. I should study hard like him and cherish the learning supplies of my composition bar.

变形记变成一条鱼400字作文 篇9


I like the boundless sea, because I want to become a beautiful mermaid and make friends with dolphins in the sea, play hide and seek with clownfish, and play games with all the little fish. However, I can't swim, which makes me feel very upset.


Of course, I came up with a good idea. I can have swimming lessons. In this way, I learned how to swim, and I can play with the little fish freely in the water like a mermaid!


Today is the first day of my holiday. My mother really registered for the swimming class for me. I'm really happy. When I first saw my teacher, I was very excited and nervous. I was afraid that she would throw me into the swimming pool. But my teacher is really good. She is a very patient female teacher, with long blond hair and strong muscles, and looks very energetic. The teacher taught me two movements at the beginning: hold your breath and breathe. Then, I learned four breaststroke movements, namely, closing, turning, kicking and floating. At first, I was afraid of water! But later, the teacher encouraged me again and again: "Come and have a try. Believe me, you will be brave!" I did as the teacher said. Sure enough, I was brave!


I bravely learned to swim in the water and felt like a real mermaid. I like my swimming teacher very much because she is very responsible and patient. I'm looking forward to tomorrow's swimming class!

变形记变成一条鱼400字作文 篇10


"Xinxin, have dinner!" I haven't played in the yard for a while, and I don't want to eat at all


"Xinxin, have dinner!" Mom's voice is much louder.


I really hope to become a fish at home, so no one will ask me to eat when I play. I thought, I felt itchy. I looked down and found that I was much smaller, and I was still floating in the water! I really became a fish!


You guess, what color do I get when I change my body? Of course not black, red is also wrong, by the way, gold!


I became a small golden fish, and the colors of my companions were also very bright: black and white, red and white, yellow and white... Their colors were very beautiful!


I will make all the small fish in the tank my friends, so that someone can talk with me and play games with me.


It's time for supper. Mother is sitting on the stool, eating pine nut corn. God! That's my favorite food!


After mother finished eating, she went for a walk. I asked my companion curiously, "Why doesn't she feed us?" The companion said, "The host has fed us food in the morning. The morning is the day's food!"


My stomach is getting hungry, alas! It's really troublesome to be a fish. You can't even eat if you want to.


"Little greedy cat, hungry, right? Xinxin!" Mom said something and winked at me.


Oh, my mother is the one who knows me best.


Alas! How did she know my secret?