
时间:2022-06-09 13:39:00 | 来源:语文通


Gently walked through the spring and summer, ushered in the autumn of the cold wind.The boat on the river, the reeds shaking lightly, the wind gathered in the south.At a glance on the Ganjiang River, but in the field of vision, I couldn't find the expectation figure.Leaning on Teng Wangge's puppet column and chanting Wang Bo alone.


More than a thousand years have passed, and the scenery here is still, but unfortunately things are wrong.That year, Tsing Yi fluttered, and the talented people had already passed away.Teng Wangge is still, but the scenes of staggered rationing no longer exist, and poetry strings are just cope.


Surrounded by the teng Wang Pavilion, the sun was lying obliquely in the river water.What is the emperor in the pavilion today?Sitting on the steps outside the cabinet, the listener precipitated.In his heart, he still thought about Jiang Boli's peerless talent Wang Bo.


Teng Wangge, after many baptism of war, rebuilding, it is difficult to imagine the original appearance of Li Yuanying.I listened to Jiang Shui, like the voice of Teng Wangge, who was weeping.


It is hard to imagine the mood when Wang Bo came here, whether it was sad or desperate.I only know that this talent is talented and died in early years.Teng Wangge is the last stop in his life and the most glorious stop.


When Wang Bo is far away from Chang'an, will Changan remember him?I am afraid that when he turned around and walked towards Jiannan, Changan threw him behind.Who else will read Wang Bo alone in Fuzheng?


However, Wang Bo couldn't wait, but Wang Bo, who couldn't help lonely, went to the north and faced the emperor, and expressed his willingness to ask for the army to join the army.But a lot of soldiers.However, the scholar's pedantic, after all, angered the emperor, almost lost his life.The repeated floating of life, Wang Bo's heart was cold.


A pavilion/hiding in the clouds/facing Jiangshui/呓 呓 alone.The river is gray, as if to render the whole sky.When the discouraged Wang Boru was planted into the river, did the Tengwang Pavilion who lost his confidant shed tears all day?


This young man who reads the schedule is fleeting like a flower.And he left the "Three Days of Shu" and "Shengquan Banquet" and became an immortal poem.Yang Jiong, who is also the fourth talent of the Tang Dynasty, also said: "Every time there is a article, it is shocked at home."


Teng Wangge and Wang Bo, is Zhong Ziqi and Yu Boya, or the spiritual partner of Lin Daiyu and Jia Baoyu?


The sun was scattered, and the people in the cabinet went to the building, and the birds were not there. The unique Teng Wang Pavilion and Jiang Shui stayed. What I can see is the cabinet.



1、江南:江南读音为jiāng nán,是指①长江下游以南的地区,就是江苏、安徽两省的南部和浙江省的北部。②泛指长江以南。江南 jiāng nán分词解释:①长江下游以南的地区,就是江苏、安徽两省的南部和浙江省的北部。②泛指长江以南。(1) [south of the lower reaches of the Changjiang River]∶长江下游以南的地区,就是江苏、安徽两省的南部和浙江省的北部江南草长,杂花生树。——南朝梁. 丘迟《与陈伯之书》江南好风景。——唐. 杜甫《江南逢李龟年》能不忆江南。——唐. 白居易《忆江南》春风又绿江南岸。——宋. 王安石《泊船瓜洲》(2) [south of the Changjiang River]∶泛指长江以南江南出楠梓。——《史记.货殖列传》分词解释:南部:1.指南匈奴诸部。 2.南边;南方地区。北部:1.泛指一国一地的北方地区。 2.谓汉时北匈奴所居之地。 3.《三国志.魏志.武帝纪》:“﹝太祖﹞年二十,举孝廉为郎,除洛阳北部尉。”后因以借指令尉。...江南怎么造句,用江南造句»

2、独语:独语读音为dú yǔ,是指自言自语。 神志一般清醒而喃喃自语,见人语止。属虚证。多由心气虚,精不养神所致。见于癔病、老年性精神病等。也有人习惯独语独语 dú yǔ词语解释:自言自语。[soliloquy] 神志一般清醒而喃喃自语,见人语止。属虚证。多由心气虚,精不养神所致。见于癔病、老年性精神病等。也有人习惯独语分词解释:自言自语:自己一个人低声嘀咕。● 独(獨) dú ㄉㄨˊ◎ 单一,只有一个:独唱。独立。独霸。独裁。独创。独特。独辟蹊径(喻独创新风格或新方法)。独具慧眼(形容眼光敏锐,见解高超)。◎ 老而无子:鳏寡孤独。◎ 难道,岂:“君独不见夫趣(趋)市者乎?”◎ 〔独孤〕复姓。◎ 语助词,犹“其”:“弃君之命,,独谁受之?”● 语(語) yǔ ㄩˇ◎ 话:语言。汉语。英语。语录。语汇。语重心长。◎ 指“谚语”或“古语”:语云:“皮之不存,毛将焉附”。◎ 代替语言的动作:手语。旗语。◎ 说:细语。低语。● 语(語) yù ㄩˋ◎ 告诉:不以语人。...独语的反义词,独语的反义词是什么»