In the winter of that year, I was in Tianjin.That year, I saw the snow, and the snow was flying.The snowflakes that danced in the sky made me remember, even if it was so long, now I still remember it.
"Grandma, grandma! Come on!" I ran happily in the snow and cheered.
"Be careful, don't run away, be careful!" Grandma followed me closely, "Wait, grandma!" I answered, "Okay!" The pace of running, waiting for grandma to catch up.While waiting, I looked at the strangely left, looking right, looking up, my eyes were not idle for a moment.Yo, grandma followed.I turned around and took a small footed. I just pulled my hand by my grandmother and said, "Be careful, don't run so fast. In case of wrestling, it is not you?I hold you, I won't fall. "Grandma stopped for a while and continued," Don't run! Grandma can't catch up with you. "Grandma held her hands and walked slowly in the snow.
At this time, snowflakes began to float in the sky.The cold snowflakes stimulated my little face, and I couldn't help looking up.Wow, so beautiful!The snowflakes of the sky fell slowly, sparkling under the refraction of the sun.I dragged my grandmother's hand hard and said to my grandma excitedly, "Grandma, look at it, you look at it! It's snowy, so beautiful!" Then, I broke the grandmother's hand and grabbed a snowflake from the air,Thinking of the star in the picture book, each corner has a lot of delicate patterns.
When I opened my hand and wanted to observe the snowflakes carefully, there was only a few drops of water droplets in my hand. I was anxious: "Grandma, grandma! Snowflake is gone, where did it run? Did I scare it away?"
Grandma looked at me, smiled, and said to me, "It was not scared by our little baby, it was melted." "Hua?" I asked in doubt, grandma looked at me frowning the little look., Laughing, "Yeah! It's melted. You see! Do you have water droplets in your palms? That is it melted into it."Chocolate will be turned, and snowflakes can also be turned. "Grandma touched my head and said," Stupid child, snowflakes are like ice, and those who encounter heat will turn into water. Your hand is hot.It's melted. "
In the winter of that year, I got a lot of gains. I saw the beautiful snow and knew a lot of common sense.The beauty of snowflakes made me remember. The knowledge of their fever made me still remembers. I thought it was a beautiful baby that could be held in my hand, but finally turned into a few drops of crystal clear water droplets.
Knowledge is by our side, waiting for us to discover at any time.I want to study hard and learn more.
Every winter I pray for a snow in the world, and then pray that my mother agrees to see me to see a snow.This is the case every year, never bothering until that year.
That year's snow arrived, but I couldn't get up to enjoy the snow. Because I was sick, I couldn't get out of bed, and I couldn't get out of bed. I was so painful and helpless.I can only look forward to myself better, and I can go out to enjoy the snow.
After eating breakfast that day, my mother walked to my room after washing the chopsticks, sat down, and whispered, "It's snowing." Later, after listening to my mother said that after she finished that, I rarely had an expression of joy.Essence
How can I not be happy?I have loved to see the snow since I was a child, and I do n’t know when I developed the habit.But I only know that I have a relationship with Xue and love the snow.So when I heard snow, I was excited.
However, after all, it was just joy and excitement.What can I do if I can't get off the bed?The window is behind, and there are trees in front of the window. I look tired and can't see anything.Helplessly I can only turn around and look at the wall.
The "Da Da Da" room was extremely quiet, and only the time slowly passed.I was silent and closed my eyes gently. I seemed to hear the winding outside wind. I heard the sound of snow falling on the leaves. I seemed to see the crystal clear snowflake, fell on the tree, melted, fell, and melted again.EssenceEssenceEssenceEssenceEssenceEssenceEssenceAfter such a cycle, a thin silver -colored clothes appeared on the leaves, so it was easy to put it on, which was very joyful.
Over time, this world has changed its new clothes, which is so pleasant.Occasionally, there are a few curious birds, stretching their wings, and walking in this cold world for a while.Xue was so serious and devoted to it. When he did not make the world dress up, he would not allow others to destroy it.People feel cold, and there are only those three or two people on the street.They also felt cold, but forced to live, they had to run around.
That year, when it was snowing, I couldn't see the snow.That year, I was sitting on the bed with my eyes closed and listening to the snow quietly.I heard the sound under the snow, I heard the cold sound, I heard the sound of warmth, and I heard the sound of time passing.
I couldn't hold it anymore, so I started to write, and slowly began to write my experience of listening to the snow.I just wrote so silently.I do n’t know anything. I only know that people do n’t have freedom is a painful thing. I only know that you can hear Xue Luo's voice, you only know that you only find the sound of time passing.
At this point, Xue has stopped.I saw the wireless white world, which was a symbol of happiness and beauty.So I started my own fantasy.It didn't take long for me to hear the noise, turned around and found that people had come out.Everyone appreciates this snow, and stays freely between this world.
I wrote here, and I looked back and found that the white world had disappeared, leaving only people's black footprints. I sighed but helpless. The beautiful things were really rare.
I didn't watch the snow that winter, because I couldn't see the snow, and I didn't want to see the world after the snow.
At this point, I was sleepy, put down my pen, turned around, and Xiaoxue floated in the sky again.
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1、冬天:冬天读音为dōng tiān,是指冬季。 同“冬季”冬天 dōng tiān词语解释:冬季。[winter] 同“冬季”分词解释:冬季:一年的第四季,我国习惯指立冬到立春的三个月时间。也指农历‘十、十一、十二 ’三个月。参看〖四季 〗。● 冬(鼕) dōng ㄉㄨㄥˉ◎ 一年中的第四季:冬季(农历十月至十二月)。冬天。冬眠。◎ 姓。◎ 象声词,敲鼓声:战鼓冬冬。● 天 tiān ㄊㄧㄢˉ◎ 在地面以上的高空:天空。天际。天罡(北斗星)。天渊(上天和深渊,喻差别大)。天马行空(喻气势豪放,不受拘束)。◎ 在上面:天头(书页上面的空白)。◎ 气候:天气。天冷。◎ 季节,时节:冬天。◎ 日,一昼夜,或专指昼间:今天。◎ 指神仙或他们所住的地方:天上。天宫。◎ 自然界:天堑。天时。天籁(自然界的声音,如风声、鸟声、流水声)。◎ 〔天干(ɡān)〕古代用来记日或年的字,有“天干”和“地支”两类,天干共十字:甲乙丙丁戊己庚辛壬癸,亦称“十干”。◎ 自然的、生成的:天然。天性。天职(应尽的职责)。天才(a.卓绝的创造力、想象力,突出的聪明智慧;b.有这种才能的人)。天伦之乐。...冬天怎么造句,用冬天造句»
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