
时间:2022-09-10 13:24:03 | 来源:语文通



庆祝元旦的作文500字 篇1欢庆元旦作文500字 篇2欢庆元旦作文400字 篇3庆元旦作文 篇4字元旦节优秀作文 篇5庆元旦作文500字 篇6

庆祝元旦的作文500字 篇1


Today, we have a New Year's Day celebration, because this is our first New Year's Day in elementary school, so everyone shows their good tricks, which is amazing.


The show is colorful.There are blackets, blowing Sax, blowing gourds, fast boards, performing magic, sketches, songs, etc., which are overwhelming.


Wu Yao's playback performance began. As soon as he sounded the exquisite flute, the noisy classmate suddenly quietly came down.They listened quietly.The sound of the flute was cheerful and melodious, and the sound of blowing first made people feel a quiet feeling. Later, they suddenly entered the climax, making people feel excited and cheerful.Wu Yao was blowing, we listened, completely silent in the kingdom of music, seemed to see the dense forest in our minds, and the smell of flower fragrance was exposed to the music.Suddenly, the forest disappeared, and there was a turbulent sea in front of us. The sound of the sea flowers hit the rocks everywhere, and it echoed the sound of rumbling ...Suddenly, there was nothing. We looked at it. It turned out that Wu Yao was finished.Suddenly, the class reported the applause of the mountains and the sea, and the applause was endless.Yeah, Wu Yao blows the flute so nice, who will not be moved!


It's my turn to perform the magic "wonderful card." I invite a audience to draw a card casually, and then) composition fans ● www..cn (start to find, finally found the card, finally found that card, finally found the card,The whole audience was stunned by my performance. After a moment of quiet, I suddenly reported her roar -like applause, all of which was surprised by this.


Later, some sketch "Sima Guang smashed the tank", which made the audience laugh back and back.Some people also talked about a "Grass Boat" Cheating "Arrow", which let us understand a lot of knowledge, and also performed the story drama Jingyu Qin and so on. They were all wonderful.


The New Year's Day celebration is over, but my heart is still on New Year's Day.


Study abroad ’s web column brings you the most authoritative and most type of composition on New Year's Day. I hope everyone can like it.

欢庆元旦作文500字 篇2


January 1st is the first day of the New Year.


I was sitting on the sofa at home, and suddenly my stomach began to call rhythm, and I must be hungry!What should I do?Mom can only come back at 12 o'clock."Guru Guru" continues to protest.The instant noodles are gone, and I don't have a penny on my body. What should I do?Forget it, let's cook it yourself!So I marched into the kitchen!


"Oh, oh, I smashed my feet, it hurts!" I yelled."Forget it, let's bear it! No one at home anyway."


Next, I started looking for vegetables.I turned left and right, flipped up and down, and only found potatoes, eggs, flour, seasonings."Make eggs and stir -fry potatoes!" Just do it. I took the potato that went to the skin and cut it!This potato was so unusual. I hadn't cut it for four knives. "Wow, go to death!" I split the potatoes in half, and then I was unattended.The potato finally lost!


Everything is ready and start cooking.I poured some oil into the pot. When I was hot, I pushed the potato down the "fire pit!""So good!" I rushed out of the hall.Then he rushed in regardless of everything, and came several times.Finally, there was no cigarette, and the two eggs were beaten by the trend. I tuned the fire.Unexpectedly, they jumped up "Disco Dance" jumping.I quickly pressed the pot lid, exposed a small gap, added some water to the pot, simmered for a few minutes, sprinkled some salt, poured some vinegar, and made great achievements.Wow!So fragrant!I smelled the scent of nose!Hurry up and pour the vegetables from the pan.Take a bun, pinch some delicious and delicious egg potatoes, and taste carefully.It's so fragrant!I didn't expect my cooking skills.


"Hands in myself," the food made by itself is fragrant.In this special festival, I experienced my own joy!

欢庆元旦作文400字 篇3


On December 31st, our school will also hold a grand New Year's Day celebration. After the students heard this exciting news, they were excited.Tell you, this time, the teacher chose me to arrange the classroom!I didn't sleep well all night.The next day, after I came to school, Feng Xuelin and I had several other classmates to arrange the classroom together. The location of the layout was very beautiful., I am really proud of being a member of Class 5 (4)!


That day, the sixth grade elder brothers and sisters will help the children who have not entered the team with a red scarf to make them a real young pioneer!I think, at this time, their mood must be very excited. As long as they become a young pioneer in a day, can they not be excited?


Tomorrow, there is another more exciting link in our class, that is, "flowers to the teacher", which is a big secret of all our classmates.That is the good idea of our squad leader. How hard is the teacher? For our growth and learning, how much hard work has been paid!Our teacher Wang, watching our homework in the classroom every day at noon; for our growth, the teacher often finds some depressed students and go to them to talk about them until they no longer frowning.


Let's look forward to this grand New Year's Day event together!

庆元旦作文 篇4


I still remember that the New Year's Day of 20XX is so cheerful. I live that fast. In a blink of an eye, we have to welcome the New Year's Day of 20xx. Our mood is extremely excited.The New Year's Day gala began.


In the afternoon, the performance finally started, and the shows dazzled everyone.The most admiration for me is Taekwondo performers, all chic boys and girls


They appeared together, their movements were really amazing, and finally a thrilling performance came: jumped from the three people who squatted, and kicked the broken wooden board.This dangerous movement makes us very excited. We dare not think more, our eyes firmly stare at the taekwondo boy.I saw that he jumped over the three taekwondo masters who had no time to cover his ears, and kicked the wooden board with his feet.At this time, the cheers and applause of the audience became a piece, and the students were admiring the Taekwondo master so powerful.The last show is the most popular. The teachers sang the song "Welcome to Beijing", and the audience sang the audience. It can be seen how attractive this is. The wonderful singing infected us.It's over, but this event makes us miss ...


In the end, it is about to reach New Year's Day again. I really hope to be as lively as last year.

字元旦节优秀作文 篇5


Today, it is January 1, 20, and it is also New Year's Day.There are people's laughter everywhere, but it is lively.Dad took me and my mother to play in the stadium.


About half an hour, the destination was reached. Looking at it, there are countless fitness. I'm happy, touch here, touch it; play here, play there. Suddenly, Dad took my hand and "dragged" me into the football field. I looked forward, and the football field was wide and large, making people look particularly comfortable. I couldn't wait to jump down the steps, jumping around the green, yellow and green lawn. Dad jumped off the steps, walked to me, and said, "You are running here, and I will give you a reward." "That's good." I said it didn't care. "Preparation -Run!" Under my dad, I rushed out like an arrow of Li Xian. After a while, I felt powerless. My running speed is getting slower and slower. When I finally sprinted, I speeded up. At this time, the wind sounded in my ear. It's closer, closer, 5 meters, 4 meters, 3 meters, 2 meters, 1 meter, here! Dad looked at me with panting, and deliberately came to a long voice and said, "Comrade, you are pretty good, 2 minutes and 16 seconds!" I couldn't control so much, asked, "What about the reward?" Dad smiled mysteriously: " The reward is -sugar cane! "I grabbed sugarcane from my father's hands and ate it. Dad looked at me and laughed meaningfully.


I am so happy today!I know the truth of a lifetime benefit: I must be patient with everything, and I cannot abolish it halfway.

庆元旦作文500字 篇6


Our school has carried out: "Celebrating New Year's Day" activities, the students are very happy, and now it is when we show their skills.


To carry out the event, of course, the blackboard before and after the classroom is the first to decorate the classroom. The students are willing to contribute to the class. I saw the four vigorous characters "Celebrating the Dan" on the blackboard, with some grass and butterfly trees on it ... and saw flowers and plants under the back of the blackboard. Balloon and other pictures. In addition, the table also changed, and the three tables were fighting, and two vertical "1" was arranged. There are two big zithers in the middle, Li Yanrui went up to perform first. He put on his fingers and popped up a comfortable song. Just as we listened to the fascination, Li Zhenrui had finished. Then Yang Wen was round, and she put on her finger shell and played a tribute to "High Mountain Flowing Water". She stunned God's unpredictable, making people suddenly feel towering mountains. The storm is exciting. I do n’t know how many people have been, we should have chorus in our boys, we excitedly sang the title song of the Romance of the Three Kingdoms. From the first leader, I first sang the beginning of worship and alliances, and my fellows were full. When singing at the end of the film, we sang softly: "It was the same root, how urgent the frying." After the singing, I felt interest, so we asked to sing another song "Love Sale". I often sing, so I was a little excited, especially Ying Chenggang. He sang his mouth: betrayed my love, you left me with me ... I also let go of my throat and sing. We all sang very much, so I got applause. Let the teachers laugh. After singing, I felt my feet trembling, and I felt a little excited.


I felt happiness and improve the synchronization of our boys.