
时间:2022-10-17 13:29:54 | 来源:语文通



母亲节的礼物(400字 篇1母亲节作文400字 篇2母亲节作文300字 篇3母亲节作文300字 篇4母亲节作文400字 篇5母亲节作文400字 篇6母亲节写母爱的作文300字 篇7母亲节作文400字 篇8

母亲节的礼物(400字 篇1


Chen Xiaoming felt very tired after a day of school today, so his mother gave Chen Xiaoming five yuan of pocket money before school. He was just about to buy snacks when he saw a sign at the door of the fresh flower shop. The sign said: "In order to celebrate Mother's Day, flowers in our shop are on sale at five yuan a bunch." Chen Xiaoming saw the sign and knew that today was Mother's Day. He took out five yuan from his pocket and prepared to buy a bunch of flowers for his mother. Chen Xiaoming selects flowers inside. He selects several "roses" and three "carnations" and gives five yuan to the uncle who sells flowers.


Chen Xiaoming walked on his way home, thinking: Mom must be very excited to see this bunch of flowers! He smiled as he walked, and soon came home. Chen Xiaoming took the flowers out of his back. His mother looked at them, and sure enough, her eyes narrowed into a line and said, "Boy, why do you buy flowers today?" Chen Xiaoming smiled and said, "Mom, today is Mother's Day. Have you forgotten?" In fact, my mother already knew that today was Mother's Day and wanted to test my son's memory. My mother hurriedly said, "I will cook something delicious for you right away." With that, my mother immediately turned and went to the kitchen to get busy.


Chen Xiaoming felt that just sending a bunch of flowers was not enough, so he immediately ran to the bathroom to sweep the floor with a broom. Although he was out of breath, he kept on.


This is Chen Xiaoming's gift to his mother. It should be very good!

母亲节作文400字 篇2


Mother's Day is the second Sunday in May every year. Today is Mother's Day.


Last night, I reviewed 《 Mom, Love Me Again 》 again, and I felt deeply.


At 8:00 this morning, I went to learn eloquence again.


As I expected, today's lesson is also a Mother's Day topic. The teacher asked everyone to think about what they wanted to say to their mother. From the first row, the students were very serious, and even several of them cried while talking. We were all moved to tears below.


The teacher said to us sincerely: "Children, mother is the spiritual mentor in the growth path of each of us; mother is the warm harbor when each of us is sad; mother is the guide on the road of success for each of us. This lesson of today's Mother's Day special topic is to tell the family that mother is worthy of our life, and we should respect our mother, start from childhood, and start from us!"


The teacher's words made us understand a lot. The teacher asked us to think about what we should give our mother on Mother's Day to express our gratitude and filial piety to her.


I thought a lot, and finally I gave my mother a mobile phone chain of Peppa Pig, because Mama pig has been with Paige for five seasons, and Mama has been with me for 13 years!


Here, I want to say to parents all over the world: Don't forget to leave a piece of love for yourself! I want to say to the children all over the world: Don't forget to respect your parents!

母亲节作文300字 篇3


Sunshine nurtures all things, and mother nurtures children. The annual Mother's Day is coming again. In order to welcome the arrival of Mother's Day, I have made full preparations for this festival.


Some people say that mothers are the eternal sun in children's lives, so we should be most grateful to our mothers on Mother's Day. Today, my mother and I were very happy because I was praised by the teacher.


When I got home, I began to implement my plan. First, I said to my mother, "Mom, you can have a rest today!" After saying that, I began to do housework: sweeping the floor, cooking, cleaning the table, and so on. A lot of housework awaits me, which is why I experienced the hard work of being a mother.


"Dinner is ready!" What a familiar voice! After I had a big meal, it was time to do housework and wash the dishes again. I picked up the dirty bowl and brush and brushed hard. I felt happy when I saw the dirty bowl turn white. After finishing my work, I sat down and had a rest for a while. Then I hammered my mother's back. Mom has been working for a day, and her back must be sore. At this time, elders hope their son or daughter will hammer their back with their soft hands. I gave my mother a hammer and said, "One, two, three..." It was late at night, and I fell asleep with the hammer


This Mother's Day is the most meaningful one I have ever had!

母亲节作文300字 篇4


Tomorrow is Mother's Day.


I don't remember when this festival was set up, but on the whole, it's really great.


However, every year on Mother's Day, businesses always seem to remind us.


"Mother's Day, surprise your mother“


"Mother's Day, sweet gift“


Of course, there are also various jokes in the circle of friends, forwarding, and some blueprints and slightly sour and sweet words.


This year, I saw some different words: "You love your mother in the circle of friends. Does your mother know“


"Please don't let your love only exist in the circle of friends“


Yes, the annual Mother's Day, the festival of the circle of friends.


I don't know whether those friends who have forwarded sweet and sour articles in the circle of friends showed any performance to their mother that day.


In the past, when I was away from home, I missed my relatives many times during festivals. Especially on such exclusive festivals, I felt especially unfilial without making a phone call.


Then, when you return to your parents' side, there will be deliberate gifts or help with housework.


But as I grew up, I felt more and more like we were shackled by the exclusive festival.


Don't you love your parents every day and every moment?


The ordinary little bit of filial piety will always be more true and secure than the show like love one day.


May we integrate the love of our parents into every day of life, and may all parents be happy and healthy.

母亲节作文400字 篇5


This day is a labor day and Mother's Day. Mother often runs around the clock for me, so yesterday I asked Jialai to make a festival for her.


In the early morning, my mother should know that this day is Mother's Day just as I know that this place is Children's Day. But she's still sleeping in bed!


I didn't dare to delay for a minute. I crept into bed and put on my clothes. Instead of waking my mother, I closed the door of my mother's room slightly and bought five steamed buns. I ate two and left three steamed buns for my mother.


At this time, I hoped that the door of the flower shop was still open, so I took the mop and wiped the house clean. I also wrote eight exaggerated characters with colored pens -- Happy Mother's Day! He also boldly cut it with scissors and stuck it on the wall. I drew a bunch of colorful flowers, tied them with ribbons, cut them and stuck them on the wall.

突然,妈妈房间的门启了我吓了一大跳。幸恶妈妈击着哈短走过去又关上了门 。我长长地吸没了一口吻。

Suddenly, the door of my mother's room opened and I jumped. Fortunately, my mother hit Haqian and walked over and closed the door. I lost my breath for a long time.


I went to the florist with ten yuan and bought a small bunch of carnations. They were very beautiful.


Back in the wild, I tied the flowers together with a blue ribbon.


Mother woke up, she opened the door, her mouth open enough to hold an egg. I hastened to greet her, holding the flowers and crying, "Mom, I wish you a happy Mother's Day!" Mother handed over the flowers and kissed me gently on the face.


I will never forget this day.

母亲节作文400字 篇6


Today is Mother's Day on May 12. The teacher took us to make a card to give her mother as a gift.


The teacher gave each of us a piece of sketch paper. I first wrote a blessing on it: "Mom, you brought me up from childhood. I can only grow up with your love. Happy Mother's Day!" Then I stuck the carnation decal on it, which was very beautiful. At this time, the teacher said that he would use wool to make lace and hide his love in the needle and thread. So I took a needle and a piece of wool. I compared it with a gourd to draw a ladle. I threaded the needle like my mother, but the thread never penetrated the needle's eye. It seemed to say, "The drill hole game is not fun. Don't play it." "No, I'm going to put the thread in." So I wet the thread and put it on again, but the thread seemed to be against me and just wouldn't go in. At this time, I was worried and said, "I quit." Then I threw the needle and thread away. But on second thought: When my mother sewed clothes for me, when did she give up because she couldn't put on the thread? So I twisted the thread into a thin, sharp thread and slowly threaded it through the needle's eye. Ah! When I put it on, I stitch it up. Finally, after sewing, I made some flowers. It looks like a greeting card bought from a boutique. My heart is sweeter than honey.


After returning home, my mother saw the card and said happily, "It's really my good child!" After listening to this, I felt happy.

母亲节写母爱的作文300字 篇7


Boys and girls, do you know what festival is on May 13? Yes, it's Mother's Day. Mother's Day is the second Sunday in May every year. On this day, people all over the world will send their mothers good wishes and beloved gifts.


In the morning, I got up very early. I sneaked into the living room, stuffed a card into the envelope, and put a paper cup doll and a carnation I made on the envelope, ready to surprise my mother. After preparing the gift, I walked back to the room gently and lay on the bed as if nothing had happened.


After a while, my mother woke up from her sleep and saw that she went to the living room, glanced at the gifts on the table, opened the cards and looked carefully. Mom's eyes are gradually moist. She must be moved by my gifts and blessings. I quietly walked behind my mother and said, "Mom, I wish you a happy Mother's Day!" Mother smiled brightly and said, "Thank you for my lovely daughter. You are my gift."


My mother has paid a lot for me, and what I have done for her is just a trivial matter. We are not only thankful for ourselves on Mother's Day. Mom, you should always be considerate and care for your mother. Happy Mother's Day to all mothers in the world!

母亲节作文400字 篇8

母亲节 明天就是母亲节了,应该给妈妈一个什么样的惊喜呢?有了,就来给母亲做一碗长寿面吧,于是我系好妈妈的围裙,学着妈妈平时给我做面条的样子,我开始做长寿面了。 第一部:煎蛋,我先将锅洗好,点火再将锅烧热,接着再倒入一些油,等油热后我将鸡蛋打入锅,等一边煎熟后,翻边再煎另外一边,这样一个金黄的鸡蛋就煎好了,但是我想要是只煎一个蛋,那妈妈就只能活一百岁了,不如多煎一个吧,

Mother's Day tomorrow is Mother's Day. What kind of surprise should I give my mother? Yes, let's make a bowl of longevity noodles for my mother. So I tied my mother's apron and began to make longevity noodles just like my mother usually makes noodles for me. The first part: fried eggs. I wash the pan first, ignite the fire, heat the pan, and then pour in some oil. After the oil is hot, I put the eggs into the pan. After one side is fried, turn over and fry the other side, so that a golden egg can be fried. But I want to fry only one egg, so my mother can only live for 100 years. Why not fry one more,

于是我二话不说就开始煎第二个蛋。好了现在第一部已经完成了。 第二部:煮面条,我想起了妈妈以前跟我说过煮面条的一些方法,怎么不溢锅、怎么判断面条是否煮熟。

So I started frying the second egg without saying anything. Well, now the first one has been completed. Part II: Cooking noodles. I remembered my mother told me some ways to cook noodles before, how to avoid overflowing the pot and how to judge whether the noodles are cooked.

我就开始煮了,先在锅里加上水,再盖好锅盖,接着站在一旁等水烧开,水终于开了,我手忙脚乱的将锅盖揭开,放入面条,赶紧用筷子将面条搅开,再慢慢等面条煮熟,煮到了一半后锅里面的水开始往外溢,我赶紧往锅里加了一点凉水,然后拿起筷子夹了一跟面条,看看熟了没有,我用筷子夹了夹面条,面条断了,也就是说熟了可以出锅了。 我终于给妈妈煮了一碗香喷喷的长寿面,看着妈妈吃得很香,我开心的笑了。

I began to cook. First, I added water to the pot, then covered the lid. Then I stood aside and waited for the water to boil. The water finally boiled. I hurriedly opened the lid of the pot, put in noodles, and quickly stirred the noodles with chopsticks. Then I slowly waited for the noodles to boil. When they were half cooked, the water in the pot began to overflow. I quickly added a little cold water to the pot, and then picked up a pair of noodles with chopsticks to see if they were cooked, I clamped the noodles with chopsticks, and the noodles broke, which means that when they are cooked, they can go out of the pot. I finally cooked a bowl of delicious long-lived noodles for my mother. I smiled happily when I saw my mother eating delicious.