Some people say: "Guilin's mountains and rivers, Yangshuo Landscape Guilin." But I want to say: China Silk Armor World, Jiangnan Silk Armor China.
Silk is a crafts.It first is a silk product that is processed by industrial processing after agricultural production.Let's go to the assembly line together to find out.To make silk, we must first go through the process of raising silkworms.The silkworms are black first, thin and small. Through eating all day, they gradually grow up, and the needs of things are increasing. They have grown until the silkworms that can always be cocoon, becoming small white balls.At this moment.The silkworm farmers led them into industrial procedures.The workers unbuttoned them, and then there was a piece of silk.Then correspond to their quality processing them into different silk products.After passing through the industrial program, a silk appeared.This silk has become colorful silk in the process of dyeing.
At this time, the silk looked beautiful, and it was slippery.Is it just not using the beautiful and luster silk?Then it ’s wrong. If you want to know deeply, follow this little guide to explore.
Ancient Chinese labor people often use some silk for clothing.People in the court put on it to show their identity.Sometimes the silk is also given to the emperor's reward.
Silk is not only good -looking, valuable, but also very comfortable.Real silk is composed of protein fibers. It has excellent biocompatibility with the human body. In addition, the surface of the human body is the lowest in various fibers, only 7.4 %.It sucks and wets.Inhalery yin, vacuum, and heat resistance.
Although the life of the silkworm is short, it has left a piece of cleanliness for the world. Now that silk has become an important symbol of China, and it has also become the favorite gift of international friends.
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