
时间:2022-11-21 13:03:27 | 来源:语文通



劳动节-作文迷§www..cn 日记 篇1劳动节日记 篇2劳动节日记 篇3劳动节 篇4

劳动节-作文迷§www..cn 日记 篇1


Today, the weather is sunny and the sun is shining. Mom, Dad and my brother, we went to the beach of Jinshawan to play together.


The sea is very blue, and the sea is salty. When we sit on the beach and look at it from afar, the vast ocean is sparkling, like a blue satin inlaid with silver scraps. Rows of spray rush to the shore and laugh at us.


I put on a swimming circle, and my father accompanied me to the sea to accompany the waves.


The sea warmheartedly adds my feet, and the waves caress me like the great hands of a loving father, swaying my skirts. This warm feeling makes me unforgettable in this life.


On the way home, I saw a terrible city on the coast, surrounded by black walls. It looks like a magnificent castle.


I hope the vast sea will always be so beautiful and blue.

劳动节日记 篇2

5月1日 星期六 晴

Saturday, May 1 Sunny


The annual Labor Day has finally arrived in our expectation and expectation. Today, our family went to Taishan for a tour.


The Diwang Square in Taishan is really bustling and crowded. Once you enter Diwang Square, you can clearly see a sign beside a large "turkey" with the words "Welcome" written on it. More than ten meters later, you can see unique and charming shops. Some people say that there is nothing beautiful about the shop. But I think it is very artistic. The shops are different in shape and appearance. For example, beer sellers use the shape of the Big Three car, which is also called Sanwen car; The shop selling fish eggs is more interesting. It is made of large eggshells; There are also barbecue snacks, which are made by bus


If you have a chance, you can also go to Diwang Square in Taishan to have a look.

劳动节日记 篇3


Today is Labor Day. Our family is sitting together watching TV. Suddenly, I had an idea: Isn't it Labor Day today? I mentioned to everyone that let's clean the house together. As a team leader, she assigned us tasks to clean the kitchen. Mom cleaned the table, Lin swept the floor, and I mopped the floor.


We were all tired, but when we got to work, we cleaned the house clean.


How happy today! We had a happy and meaningful May Day at home!

劳动节 篇4


After dinner this afternoon, Grandma asked me to wash the dishes. I went into the kitchen and Grandma tied my apron for me.


I picked up the brush and began to wash the dishes, but I was too busy alone. Grandma came to help me and used the brush to deal with those naughty soldiers. Finally, those naughty bowl soldiers had to surrender, and I put them in the cupboard one by one. Grandma said to me, "You are really bad. You can already wash the dishes." Grandma smiled happily, and I smiled shamefully!


I will practice Labor Day with practical actions.