
时间:2022-07-08 13:27:06 | 来源:语文通



I think it has become a person like him -he has more than 3,000 inventions a year, and this invention has changed to anyone's daily life.He is like an outstanding magician, transmitted to every corner of everyone next to everyone, making the world more and more brilliant, making the people in the photos more and more concert, so that people who are far away from thousands of miles can hear each other.The sound of the between.For him, there is no end to invention.He is an outstanding inventor -Toma Alva Edison.


At first I learned about the invention, but I just watched these weird game props in the Japanese cartoons "Doraemon". I imagine that when I grow up, I must invented such good items to do my best to do myself.So I fell in love with the invention.


In the second grade, everyone learned a text content called "Edison Save Mom". It was about that at that time, there was no source of lamps.The basic principles of reflection surface on the bathroom mirror make the natural light full of rooms, allowing the mother's surgical treatment to develop smoothly at home.When the students laughed with Edison's name and the name of "Eddman" in "Ultraman" in the cartoon film, they did not laugh.I admire me and his wisdom and his cleverness. Everyone is about the same age, but I can't think of that way.After class, I bought a book named "Edison".From the book, I asked "why 22 is equivalent to 4, but not equal to 5", incubation in the warehouse and other things.This kind of thing looks laughing, but it actually contains Edison's obvious curiosity.


The phrase "why" includes a longing for the last answer of the matter. In order to better become an excellent inventor, I should be brave to ask "why".Mr. Sun Yat -sen's "Ask if you don't understand" and Monkey King Mencius Mencius.


That is, aspiring to be the inventor, carefulness, self -confidence, and perseverance are indispensable.Don't be discouraged if you fail, let alone lose your confidence.In order to better invent the bulb and put the tungsten filament of the bulb into the electric bulb, he spent a lot of time.For more than a year, you can still be unremittingly unremitting after failing to count. Do n’t you have perseverance?"Genius is one percent of the design inspiration, plus 99 % of sweat." Yes, it is essential to obtain benefits only if you invest in diligence.


"Born my material must be useful".I will always remember Teacher Peng's teachings: "Good men in China are intended to be far away. Even if the surrounding is stormy, I don't sway the direction!"


Rest assured, in order to better be an excellent inventor, I can do my best to work hard!



1、发明:发明读音为fā míng,是指①创造(新的事物或方法):发明指南针 ㄧ火药是中国最早发明的。②创造出的新事物或新方法:新发明ㄧ四大发明。③〈书〉创造性地阐发;发挥②:发明文义ㄧ本书对《老子》的哲理颇多发明。发明 fā míng词语解释:①创造(新的事物或方法):发明指南针 ㄧ火药是中国最早发明的。②创造出的新事物或新方法:新发明ㄧ四大发明。③〈书〉创造性地阐发;发挥②:发明文义ㄧ本书对《老子》的哲理颇多发明。分词解释:方法:关于解决思想、说话、行动等问题的门路、程序等:工作方法ㄧ学习方法ㄧ思想方法。火药:炸药的一类。爆炸时有的有烟,如黑色火药,有的没有烟,如硝酸纤维素。事物:指客观存在的一切物体和现象:任何事物都不是一成不变的。发挥:①把内在的性质或能力表现出来:发挥积极性ㄧ发挥模范作用ㄧ发挥技术水平ㄧ发挥炮兵的威力。②把意思或道理充分表达出来:发挥题意ㄧ借题发挥。老子:①父亲。②骄傲的人自称(一般人只用于气忿或开玩笑的场合):老子就是不怕,他还能吃了我!...发明怎么造句,用发明造句»

2、发明家:发明家读音为fā míng jiā,是指创造新装置、新设计 或新方法者。创造新装置、新设计 或新方法者发明家 fā míng jiā词语解释:创造新装置、新设计 或新方法者。[inventor]创造新装置、新设计 或新方法者分词解释:创造:1.亦作“剙造”。 2.发明;制造前所未有的事物。 3.制造;建造。 4.犹创作。谓撰写文章或创作文艺作品。设计:1.设下计谋。 2.根据一定要求﹐对某项工作预先制定图样﹑方案。 3.指搞设计工作的人。...发明家怎么造句,用发明家造句»

3、变成:变成读音为biàn chéng,是指1.从以前的状态或情况转化为现在的状态或情况。 2.呈现某种新的实质或性质而成为……。变成 biàn chéng词语解释:1.从以前的状态或情况转化为现在的状态或情况。 2.呈现某种新的实质或性质而成为……。(1) [become;turn into;change into](2) 从以前的状态或情况转化为现在的状态或情况由于许多人偷木料,茂密的山林变成了光山坡(3) 呈现某种新的实质或性质而成为…他以前的敌人变成了忠实的盟友分词解释:性质:事物本身所具有的与他事物不同的特征:问题的性质|社论带有指导性质的。现在:1.存在。 2.指目前活着。 3.现世,今生。 4.眼前一刹那。与过去﹑未来相区别。后泛指此时﹑目前。情况:1.志趣,志向。 2.情谊,恩情。 3.情形。 4.犹体统。 5.情趣,兴致。 6.心情,情绪。 7.今亦特指军事上敌情的变化。以前:1.比现在或某一时间早的时期。 2.泛指从前,以往。...变成怎么造句,用变成造句»