
时间:2022-07-08 13:27:06 | 来源:语文通



On the May Day holiday, I went to the suburbs to play and watched the rural scenery full of poetic and picturesque. The scenery there really made me unforgettable.


At the destination, I saw a large piece of rapeseed flowers in the car.The golden yellow rapeseed flowers are like a piece of golden ocean. As soon as the wind blows, the rapeseed flowers flutter with the wind, like a golden waves rolling up, beautiful.I rushed into the rapedown happily and took this beautiful scenery with a camera.


Beyond the pond not far away, the grass is green, and the beautiful dress is inlaid with the beautiful dress of the pond.In the pond, it was fascinated, with a faint water mist, floating around the pond.The lotus leaf and lotus flowers in this gauze, with a hint of mystery.We seem to be in a fairyland.


After a while, the wind was scraping, and the wiper brush was under the wiper, but it would not stand for five minutes.Niu Er ate grass, and the grass wet by rain was straight again, and he was not angry and complained. The wilderness was like a green and yellow oil painting, as quiet and serene as usual.


Seeing that I was accustomed to the high -rise buildings and dense cars in the city, I seemed to be in the world, and I came into contact with nature at a close range. It was really a lot of ways to watch the beautiful scenery different from the city.



1、景色:景色读音为jǐng sè,是指景致:景色迷人ㄧ日出的时候景色特别美丽。景色 jǐng sè词语意思:景致:景色迷人ㄧ日出的时候景色特别美丽。分词解释:景致:风景:西山有几处好景致。时候:1.季节;节候。 2.有起点和终点的一段时间。 3.时间里的某一点。迷人:1.沉湎于某项爱好或某种事物的人。 2.俗人;糊涂人。 3.迷惑人;使人分辨不清。 4.使人昏迷。 5.使人迷恋;使人陶醉。特别:1.不一般,与众不同。 2.格外。 3.特地,特意。 4.尤其。...景色怎么造句,用景色造句»

2、郊区:郊区读音为jiāo qū,是指城市周围在行政管辖上属这个城市的地区。 城市周围属该城市管辖的地区郊区 jiāo qū词语解释:城市周围在行政管辖上属这个城市的地区。[suburbs] 城市周围属该城市管辖的地区分词解释:管辖:管理;统辖(人员、事务、区域、案件等):管辖范围丨直辖市由国务院直接管辖。周围:1.环绕着中心的部分。 2.周匝,围绕一周。 3.指圆形物之周边。这个:1.指示比较近的事物或人。 2.指代事物﹑原因或情况等。 3.表示夸张。 4.表示训斥。...郊区怎么造句,用郊区造句»