
时间:2022-11-10 13:20:28 | 来源:语文通



清明节去踏青作文 篇1清明节踏青优秀作文 篇2清明节踏青的作文 篇3清明节踏青的作文 篇4清明节踏青优秀作文 篇5清明节踏青的作文 篇6清明节踏青的作文 篇7

清明节去踏青作文 篇1


On the morning of April 5, I hurriedly dressed and set out for Grandma's house. After lunch, my two sisters and I went to the field to fly kites. When we walked to the ridge, we saw a green wheat seedling stretching its waist against the wind, as if to say, "I wake up, I want to grow up quickly."


When I got to the field, I raised the kite high, bent over, and ran straight ahead. The kite was like a beautiful small airplane, soaring into the sky. Fewer and fewer lines, the kite flies higher and higher. Looking at the flying kite, my sister suddenly had a whim and proposed to fold a small plane model with paper and put it on the kite line, so that the plane could fly to the end of the kite with the wind.


As soon as I heard this, I was so happy that I quickly took out all kinds of papers and folded out many kinds of planes, including aviation planes, helicopters, cargo planes, and passenger planes. They were all of different sizes. We put small planes on the kite line, and the planes floated with the wind on the kite line, like a group of fighter planes. When we finally collected the kite, we looked at it reluctantly and thought, "If only we could play for a while!"

清明节踏青优秀作文 篇2

清明,是咱们中国传统节日之一,在当日咱们要去各个地方的烈士陵园给为了咱们和平而逝去的英雄祭祀,当然也要给咱们逝去的亲人祭祀。不过咱们全家要去“母亲河”那里踏青,由于这个节日正是 :万物复苏、空气清新的好时候!

Tomb sweeping Day is one of our traditional Chinese festivals. On that day, we will go to the martyrs' cemeteries in various places to offer sacrifices to the heroes who died for our peace, as well as to our relatives who died. But our family will go to the "Mother River" for an outing, because this festival is a good time for everything to recover and the air to be fresh!

在去踏青的路上我也不免看到一些给逝去的亲人祭祀的人,再看着翠绿色的柳条随风飘动着,嫩黄的油菜花也在风中跳着婀娜的舞姿,不禁让我想起了“春城无处不飞花,寒食东风御柳斜”这首诗 句……

On the way to the outing, I couldn't help but see some people offering sacrifices to the dead relatives. Seeing the green willows fluttering in the wind, and the yellow rape flowers dancing gracefully in the wind, I couldn't help thinking of the poem "Flowers fly everywhere in the Spring City, and the east wind resists the willows"

在一路的欢声笑语中,咱们终于抵达了“母亲河”,在旁边的饭店里大饱一顿后(在大船上)便上岸到了黄河边,我心中也有一点兴奋,由于我看到了咱们中国人所有的“母亲”,是它养育了咱们中国 人!

In the laughter and laughter along the way, we finally arrived at the "Mother River". After a big meal in the nearby hotel (on the big boat), we went ashore to the Yellow River. I was also a little excited because I saw all the "mothers" of our Chinese people, who raised us!

不过咱们也不是空手而来的,我还发明了一种游戏,它可是相当危险的,但是它很好玩儿。咱们先在靠黄河边上一点的岸上慢慢地用小碎步在上面踏,然后它会越来越软,有时还会冒出水泡,当时我害 怕极了,紧张极了,总感觉自己要掉下去,由于地软软的总感觉要落出来一个大洞,要把我陷进去。原理是这样的:黄河水已经将岸上的土地浸透啦,别看它外表坚固其实很危险,听妈妈说她小时候有 人在上面玩,结果就有人掉进水里淹死啦,所以胆小者勿玩哟!

But we didn't come here empty handed. I also invented a game. It's dangerous, but it's fun. Let's step on it slowly with small steps on the bank near the Yellow River. Then it will get softer and softer, and sometimes bubbles will appear. At that time, I was extremely scared and nervous, and I always felt that I was going to fall. Because the ground was soft, I always felt that a big hole would fall out and I would be trapped. The principle is as follows: The Yellow River water has soaked the land on the bank. Although it looks solid, it is actually very dangerous. My mother said that when she was young, someone played on it, but someone fell into the water and drowned. So don't play!


In this outing, I had good food, played with good food, and saw good food. It was great! Come and play if you don't believe me!

清明节踏青的作文 篇3


Today is Tomb Sweeping Day. The ancients said: It rains one after another during the Qingming Festival. The weather is also overcast. Our family went to Cihu for an outing.


As we walked along the road, we saw that the strong grass broke through the ground with its tenacious perseverance. It was not willing to be outdone to welcome the spring. It changed into green new clothes. There were pieces of flowers in the green grass, red, green, yellow... We walked a section of the road again, and came to a field. There was a beautiful golden yellow everywhere in front of us, and rape flowers stood in full vigor, Pearly dewdrops roll on the golden flowers like slides... By the Cihu Lake, willow plaits are decorated with green leaves and buds, which is more beautiful than any girl's headwear.


After passing Cihu Cemetery, we couldn't help walking in. Looking at the graves of the martyrs, looking at the wreaths, looking at the pure little white flowers, my heart can not help waves. I thought a lot: today's happy and beautiful life was created for us by the revolutionary martyrs, and it was also bought with their blood. Therefore, an idea came into my mind: I should inherit the martyrs' will, study hard, and strive to become the pillar of the country.


Then, we went to Huangjia'ao again. The mountain was also full of people. Everyone's faces were full of nostalgia. Looking at this scene, I felt some regret in my heart. I hope my elders can live a long life and be healthy.


This Tomb Sweeping Day outing gave me "Mom, look, I wanted to report to a small reporter, but you wouldn't let me.


We arrived at a rockery. A waterfall flowed down from the top of the mountain. It was beautiful. Many people took photos here. My sister and I climbed up and down the rockery happily. There is a very shallow stream at the foot of the mountain. The water is very clear. I unexpectedly took a sip of it with my hand without thinking. It is a little sweet, and the coffee is bitter. My sister said, "Brother, you are really good!" I said, "It tastes great, sister. Would you like to take a breath?" My sister shook her head repeatedly. Mother said: "This water can become an immortal after drinking. My son will become an immortal."


We came to another rockery again. This rockery also has waterfalls. There is water flowing under the waterfalls, and there is a small stone arch bridge in the middle, which is inlaid with oval pebbles. It is very beautiful. It's really beautiful here. There are mountains, water, trees and flowers. It looks like a fairyland on earth.


My mother urged me several times. My sister and I left Jiangdi Paradise reluctantly. We are really looking forward to another holiday. I want to have a good time again.

清明节踏青的作文 篇4


A drizzling rain falls like tears on the Mourning Day; The mourner's heart is going to break on his way. Ask where the restaurant is, and the shepherd boy points to the Apricot Blossom Village. "This is a poem written by Du Mu, a poet of the Tang Dynasty. Every year on the Tomb Sweeping Day, every family will visit the tomb and worship, give some money to their ancestors in the underworld, and ask them to bless and be safe.


This year's Tomb Sweeping Day is different from previous years. Instead of visiting my ancestors' graves, I went to my grandma's grave, which I hadn't visited for 9 years. Grandma died when I was very young. I can only vaguely remember that she was very kind to her children. Grandma died of cancer. At that time, my mother took my little hand to see Grandma every day. Once again, I bought some sugar for Grandma to eat. Grandma smiled happily. Anyway, Grandma is a kind, hardworking and dedicated spirit to children in my heart!


We arrived at Beiniu by car. We parked the car in a factory yard, and we took paper money and other things down the ditch. The scenery on the way down the ditch is very beautiful: lilac flowers, hazy mountains, and a white cloud like tree standing half way up the mountain. Although the scenery is beautiful, I am still thinking about how difficult it is for my mother, aunt and other brothers and sisters to go to school, especially self-study at night.


When we got to the ditch, we saw a house that was about to collapse in front of us. It was conceivable how bad the economy was. Walking down again, I saw my mother's childhood house, but now it has been used to raise pigs. In this ditch, one family after another, how close it is.


We walked on the tomb of Super Grandma. After walking for a while, I finally saw the tomb and ran to it excitedly. After everyone arrived, we started to burn paper. First, we dug a small hole in Grandma's grave and inserted a small yellow flag. Then I volunteered to take a sickle to give Grandma "cosmetic surgery", that is, to remove weeds from Grandma's grave. We started to burn paper. We drew a circle in front of the grave to prevent other ghosts from robbing Grandma of her money. We also put beef, bread and fruit on the grave for Grandma to eat, because Grandma loved them most. I also set off firecrackers myself. Time ticked away, and we also went to the grave. We got our things ready for the ditch.


I said goodbye to my mother's hometown and grandma with a feeling of reluctance. Grandma, I will definitely come to see you!

清明节踏青优秀作文 篇5


Today is Tomb Sweeping Day. My mother, my mother, my mother's friends and her daughter went for an outing together. On the radio in the car, we heard the song of Tomb Sweeping Day: It rained heavily during the Tomb Sweeping Day, and passers-by wanted to die. Excuse me, where is the tavern? The shepherd boy points to the Apricot Blossom Village. I also heard about the customs of Tomb Sweeping Day. I know that there are many interesting activities in Tomb Sweeping Day, such as mountain climbing, hiking, swing playing, tree planting, kite flying, etc.


We happily came to Yalin Modern Agricultural Park. There are hydroponic gardens, 100 orchards, tropical orchards, rose gardens and tomato gardens.


We came to the hydroponic garden, where there were sculptures of small animals in the Chinese zodiac. There are also various vegetables, including Chinese cabbage, purple cabbage, lettuce


We arrived at the Hundred Orchards, where there were many fruits and melons. There are tomatoes, pumpkins, gourds, winter melons, snake melons, and so on. I have never seen them before.


We entered the tropical orchard, where there are pistachio and papaya


We went to the Rose Garden. There were pumpkins in different shapes, some like flying saucers, some like bracelets, some like hammers, and some like tadpoles.


We arrived at the tomato garden, where there were red tomatoes and green tomatoes that were not yet ripe.


Out of the tomato garden, we went to a big lawn, where many people were playing with lost handkerchiefs, and others were flying kites... We sat there and watched them play for a while, then went to the shop to buy seeds, and then we went home happily.

清明节踏青的作文 篇6


On the day of Tomb Sweeping Day, the sun is shining brightly and the warm spring breeze blows on your face, making you feel especially comfortable. It happened to be March 3, the day when the temple fair was held in Qishan. So my family went to Qishan to catch the temple fair.


We came to the temple, took out the candles and offerings we had brought from home, and put them one by one. Grandma and Grandma were still talking about something and kowtowed in front of each statue. Although I didn't understand anything, I did. I think this is a good sustenance and respect for the gods!


After the incense ceremony, we will go climbing. As the old people were old, we didn't climb much, so we found a restaurant on the mountain to prepare for dinner. Because it is a holiday, there are so many people visiting the Chess Mountain. We waited a long time to eat, but when we were hungry, everything was delicious.


It's time to go home. The happy day soon ended!

清明节踏青的作文 篇7


My father and I came to the Oriental Pearl TV Tower Park happily. A park is more like a garden and parking lot. The flowers there are sparse, dense, elegant or plain; There are pink begonia, red camellia, snow-white pear, and yellow winter jasmine. There are many kinds and they are open to the outside world. This one hasn't been appreciated yet, and that one has been opened again. The park is close to the river and the trees are tall and big, so egrets and crows come here to build nests and incubate eggs and raise young birds.


After entering the park, turn right and walk across a small stone bridge to a towering tree. I walked curiously, holding the tree in my hands, but my hands could not touch it at the other end. I had to ask my father to help me. We were hand in hand, our heads touching the trunk, our shoulders clinging to the tree, and our hands barely touched each other. I looked up at the tree. At the branch of the tree trunk, several pot shaped nests were lying in the middle. At this time, there was a sound of flapping wings in the sky, and a white shadow passed through the sky. When I looked up, a few small mouths were stretched out from one nest, and a cry came out. Only two adult egrets flew in, with a small fish in their mouth and stuffed it into the little egret's mouth. The remaining little egrets were still "babbling". The egrets kicked their feet and flew to the Huangpu River to catch fish. "Quack... quack..." The crow's monotonous and repeated tune rang again. Beside a tall tree, the bird "dropped" another bomb.


There are many side roads in the park, and I wander around like a ghost. Near the bridge, there is a small pavilion. Next to the pavilion, there is a small pond. In the pond, groups of small tadpoles are swimming around. They will hide in the green algae; A little tail in the pond; After a while, dive underwater; After a while, I will come to the surface with my eyes closed... It's really a lot of different and attractive.


Oriental Pearl TV Tower Park has beautiful scenery everywhere. I hope you have the opportunity to visit it carefully.