
时间:2022-11-03 13:11:47 | 来源:语文通



西游记续写作文 篇1西游记续写作文 篇2西游记续写作文 篇3西游记续写作文 篇4《西游记》续写作文 篇5西游记续写作文 篇6西游记续编 篇7

西游记续写作文 篇1


It is said that the four Tang Monk and his disciples returned to the world and lived different lives.


Tang Monk is a scholar who is proficient in English and other foreign languages. He thought: I heard what kind of cram school is popular now, and the income is good. We started a "Quick Start English" class, and now many children come to study every semester. Tang Monk thought: Not bad. I will do this in the future.


Pig Bajie became a pig because of reincarnation, so he was proficient in pig temperament. First, I went back to Gaolaozhuang to open a pig farm. They took good care of the pigs, all of them were healthy, and they were sold in the city, because there were many people who could buy pigs easily. Bajie is no longer lazy, and began to move to the market, producing pork products such as Laozhu pork jerky, Laozhu ham sausage, and gradually became famous in the pork industry.


Where will Wukong go? Don't ask, Huaguo Mountain. He realized that the immortals were not very clever and could not idle around. So he took his "monkey grandchildren" to open a scenic spot in Huaguo Mountain. He also borrowed some books, learned many ways to do business, and learned that it takes time to be a tourist attraction. With more and more people coming, Tiktok began to patronize here, but it was tiring enough to clean up the garbage, so Wukong implemented the open season, open day, etc.


Sha Seng was very honest. When he returned to Tongtian River, he saw that there was no bridge in Tongtian River, so he went to learn about bridge construction and grew step by step in engineering. He studied hard and became an engineer. At the repeated request of monk Sha, the government approved his plan to build a bridge on the Tongtian River. A year later, a beautiful bridge appeared there.


The four disciples had their own achievements, so they agreed where to go for a few days

西游记续写作文 篇2


Ending 1:


After taking sutras, they went to a beach to swim. The knowledgeable Monkey King said: If you encounter bubbles in the sea, you must bite them. Because it is the air in the sea. After that, they went underground one by one. When they saw the beautiful scenery at the bottom of the sea, they were full of praise. Suddenly, a series of bubbles burst out. Tang Monk, Wukong, Bajie, and Sha Monk all saw them and quickly jumped on them and bit them. It was so disgusting because it was the serial fart of the white dragon horse. Ha ha······


End 2:


After taking the western scriptures, they looked for jobs in the same city in May 8th. Later, they found their favorite jobs. Wukong became the chairman, Bajie became the model, Tang Monk went to the temple, and Sha Monk became Wukong's assistant. The White Dragon Horse, however, crossed the ancient times and became a coachman.


End 3:


One day, they went on an outing together. When I came to a big forest, I suddenly met a big poisonous snake. Tang Monk was so scared that he jumped three feet high. But Bajie said, "It's OK. Don't be afraid. Let me come.". He quickly knocked the serpent unconscious with his rake. Wukong and Shaseng found some firewood and fruit in the forest. They enjoyed a delicious forest picnic together.


One sentence comment: three different endings with interest, keeping pace with the times and flavor.

西游记续写作文 篇3


This is a feast of reading. There are warm articles here, which record the ordinary people and ordinary things around us.


But it is these ordinary people and ordinary things that always have a power to move us, so that we can pursue our dreams and stick to them. What touched me was "The destiny is in my own hands". This article said that the author's performance was very poor in the second day of the junior high school, and the class teacher called several poor students over to let them disappear in the unified examination, and also made a sarcasm. The author went home to talk with his father, and his father said a word; Destiny is in your own hands. This sentence made the author return to the classroom and work hard. Although he was not a top student when he graduated from junior high school, he took off the hat of a poor student and entered senior high school. He began to rank first, and finally entered the university. On the way of growing up, everyone is denied sometimes. Not everyone grows up in praise. In fact, praise and criticism are not the main thing, it depends on whether you are persistent.


We are the only ones who can grasp the future. Neither happiness nor unhappiness at this time can determine our future happiness and success. If you want to make yourself successful, grasp your present and stick to your dream. The extraordinary power of these stories moved us, and the words of vigilance made us more realistic. So, were you moved?

西游记续写作文 篇4


Tang Monk took in another apprentice, feeling very happy and a sense of security.


However, he did not know how many monsters would defeat him and how many difficulties were waiting for them to overcome. They only know the present, but they don't know what will happen later!


They climbed over mountains and mountains, went to a small mountain village to have a rest for the night, and then hurried on the next day. I can't even thank you. They came to the sea again and saw many seagulls. While looking at him, a turtle came to me. The turtle was very big. The turtle decided to take him to the other side.


The tortoise swam with difficulty, but in order to make Tang Monk believe the old tortoise first, he carried them to the opposite bank. Then, as soon as we got to the other side, we sprayed a belly of water on them. Pig Bajie suffered the most and was about to become a drowned rat. When Sun Wukong saw that the old tortoise was honest, he was so cunning.


Sun Wukong hit the old tortoise hard, but the old tortoise seemed to be undamaged, so he sprayed water on Sun Wukong again. The Monkey King is really helpless. After catching a handful of monkey hair and blowing it, many little monkeys came out to beat the old turtle's shell with a few small gold stirrups, but it had no effect. In addition, the old tortoise sprayed water and washed the little monkeys away.


Sun Wukong ran to the sky again and invited the Goddess of Mercy. As soon as Guanyin Bodhisattva sprinkled water, the old turtle was drowned.


Sun Wukong was very happy and went to thank Guanyin. However, Tang Monk asked curiously, "Excuse me, where are we going?" Guanyin Bodhisattva said: "Your road is still long, and you have to open up your own.


With that, Guanyin Bodhisattva flew away.


Then, what will happen to the five apprentices? Please look at the next episode of "Strolling in the Land and Chatting".

《西游记》续写作文 篇5


The five disciples came to the seaside and felt very comfortable looking at the vast sea. Sun Wukong walked in front of him and shouted from time to time, "Master, hurry up." Pig Bajie was tired when he walked at the back, and the sweat dripped from his face to his shoes.


Pig Bajie was so tired that he was panting. He said to Shifu, "Shifu, let's take a rest on that big stone!" However, Tang Monk said, "Hurry up! We still have a long way to go!" Pig Bajie was very unhappy, so he sat down on the big stone to rest and said to his master, "Shifu, it's so comfortable and cool here! Come and sit down!" After that, go sit down!


However, Shifu said to Pig Bajie, "Bajie! I'm thirsty! Go and fetch some water." Pig Bajie said, "I said Shifu! Now I have just sat down and will go to fetch water. I am also tired." "Go quickly!" Shifu said. "Why do I always go? I suffer the most! I won't go." "You go! I haven't drunk water for several days. Go quickly." But Pig Bajie said without moving: "I won't go." Shifu said again, but Pig Bajie still pouted and said: "I won't go."


Tang Si looked at this and said, "Well, Shifu, the second brother is not going. Let me go!" "It's still Tang Sihao," said Shifu and Zhu Bajie in unison. "What are you talking about? It should be said by people like me." Tang Monk said. With that, Tang Si went to the seaside to fetch a bowl of water for his master.


After drinking, Shifu walked along the beach. Looking at the traces of himself walking on the beach, he couldn't help saying: "We are just like this footprint, step by step. They walked to the pavilion, walked to the field, and smiled at the green vegetable fields.


What will happen in the end? We'll see. See the next episode>.

西游记续写作文 篇6


"Books are the ladder of human progress, and books are the president of human knowledge." A good book can let us increase our knowledge, and we can also get endless happiness. Friend, do you like reading? Let me recommend you a book called Journey to the West.


Journey to the West is Wu Cheng'en's masterpiece in the Ming Dynasty and one of the four masterpieces. The first seven chapters narrate the birth of the Monkey King, which caused havoc in the Heavenly Palace and was subdued by the Buddha at the foot of the Five Elements Mountain. From the eighth to the twelfth chapters, they mainly wrote stories about Sakyamuni making sutras, Guanyin visiting monks, and Xuanzang's birth. The rest of the chapters mainly describe the story of the four masters and disciples who fought against demons and devils all the way, and finally obtained the scripture after going through ninety-nine eighty-one difficulties.


This is a novel and interesting book, which I never tire of reading. The chapters such as "The Heavenly Palace", "Three Beats of Baigujing" and "The True and False Monkey King" are even more wonderful and impressive. At the same time, the book also depicts characters with distinctive personalities. Such as the Monkey King, who is witty and brave, and hates evil as a foe; Tang Monk was indomitable; Monk Sha is honest and honest; Pig Bajie is delicious and lustful, but they all show their magic. They have gone through thousands of hardships and made great efforts to get the scripture, leaving a deep impression on the readers.


"Journey to the West" also taught me a truth about life: when encountering difficulties, we should be unafraid of danger and unite as one; When encountering problems, we should persevere and try our best to solve them.


Would you like to see it after listening to my introduction? Action is better than heart beating. Take action quickly!

西游记续编 篇7


Time flies like an arrow. In the twinkling of an eye, Sun Wukong and others have returned from the western sky and entered the 21st century.


Monkey King returned to his hometown, Huaguo Mountain. The monkey grandsons of Huaguo Mountain were very excited when they found the figure of the Great Sage on the radar. The monkey manager arranged everyone to take pictures of the Great Sage with their mobile phones. Sun Dasheng saw that everyone was holding something like a brick, "click, click, click," and the bright light kept his eyes open. He quickly asked the monkey manager, "What's the matter?" "We are taking pictures of you with our mobile phones!" The monkey manager replied with a smile. "What brand of mobile phone is this?" Sun Wukong asked. "This is our best domestic P30 Huawei mobile phone, which is sold all over the world. Now even India, where you learned from, is using this mobile phone!" Manager Monkey immediately presented Sun Wukong with a P30 Huawei mobile phone.


Sun Wukong was very happy when he got his mobile phone, but his face was still full of surprise, and his mind was full of questions: "How did you know about the news that I came back from the West?"


"The Great Sage has no idea." The monkey manager explained, "One day in the sky, it has been thousands of years in the world. Since you learned from the West, our Huaguo Mountain has undergone tremendous changes." "You see, this' pot 'told us when you came back." The monkey manager points to the radar. "Can the pot talk?" Sun Wukong was puzzled. "Yes, the name of this pot is Radar. All visitors to Huaguo Mountain in the sky and on the ground are under our supervision." The monkey manager replied proudly.


"Great Sage, there is something more magical about Huaguo Mountain!" Manager Monkey took the Great Sage to the Huaguo Mountain Internet Bar. The Great Sage was delighted to play the League of Heroes and the King's Glory game under the guidance of the Chief Monkey Manager.


The Great Sage went to Huaguoshan Market under the leadership of the Monkey Steward. "Dasheng, what do you want to buy?" The monkey manager asked. "How can I buy without my wallet?" Sun Wukong was worried. "Dasheng, we don't need a wallet. We just need WeChat and Alipay." Manager Monkey said, took out Huawei's mobile phone, opened WeChat and Alipay, and taught Monkey King how to use WeChat and Alipay to shop on the spot. The progress of science and technology made the highly skilled Monkey King praise: "The world is changing so fast that I can't keep up with the times!"


The monkey manager took Monkey King to watch the 4D movie, experienced the amusement park, and stayed in a five-star hotel, making Monkey King feel the progress of science and technology and the beauty of life again.


The Monkey King sighed with emotion: "China is developing too fast. Although I am good at martial arts, it is useless!" "Great Sage, our good days are still ahead of us. Chang'e-4 has achieved the first soft landing of human beings in the Aiken Ring Basin at the back of the moon. In the near future, we are still looking forward to visiting the moon!" The monkey manager replied proudly.


"It seems that we Huaguo Mountain monkeys must study hard and work hard to keep up with the pace of the times! Of course, we should take care of our health and enjoy the happy life brought by social progress!" Sun Wukong sat on the dragon chair and said to everyone.