
时间:2022-09-29 13:18:18 | 来源:语文通



中秋节经典的短句 篇1八月十五的诗句 篇2中秋节适全发朋友圈的句子 篇3中秋节发朋友圈的说说 篇4

中秋节经典的短句 篇1


1. The Mid -Autumn Festival Moon Sixteen Rounds, the old nest is brilliant.Golden Autumn old nest poems, how many stones in the coming year.


2, full moon flying bright mirror, fold the big knife.Turning far away, climbing Gui Yangtian is high.The waterway is suspected of frost and snow, and Lin Qi sees feathers.At this time, the white rabbit was desperate.


3. The Mid -Autumn Festival is now, you are in the city.In the past few years, buying a house and marrying a wife must be inherited.Yuanyue Gao Gao enjoys Tianlun, but you are helpless and you are the future.Love God makes compassion for us, and the arrow of Chibi shows the power of God.


4. Obviously my heart, the moon represents my heart.Please go to eat spicy powder and say something for you.


5. At the atrium, the white tree 冷 crow, the cold dew is indifferent wet osmanthus.Tonight, people look at it tonight, I don't know who Qiu Si Luo!


6. In a blink of an eye, it was another round of cycle, and I heard the fragrance of osmanthus in August.The moon quietly climbed up the tree, and everyone appreciated the moon cake.The moonlight is like water sprinkled on the ground, and the corner of the wasteland is falling into the hall.There is no bottom hole in the deep sky, exploring Wu Gang in Moon Palace.


7. Yongyue's verse is like the ocean, and after the Mid -Autumn Festival, he is busy writing.I hope I will be Mid -Autumn Festival every day, and it will be crazy every day.Parents and children are happy, and they do not have to partial pain.The moon palace Chang'e is not lonely, Wu Gang cuts tree osmanthus fragrance.


8. Empty Bi Wuyun wet clothes, the stars are out of the clear rules.Donglin didn't get higher, and when the world was looking at the road.It is also clear that it is clear, and it is willing to teach the secrets of Danzhi.Poor Guan Ye Xuanjuan shadow, facing Wuhou's wine.


9. August 15th, everyone eats moon cake together.One person is not enough to eat, you have to eat two to enjoy!


10. The boundless wasteland Xiaotun order, the moonlight is cold.The end of the world was silent, and the wild grass pond was reflected in the jade plate.The Hope Han Palace is so close, reaching out and Chang'e shirt.Two Wowota Celebrate Mid -Autumn Festival, and see the moon cake wall.


11. The deeper moonlight half of the house, Beidou Langan south is oblique.Tonight is notomed at the warmth of spring gas, and the worm has a new green window screen.


12. The Chinese tradition is more than a thousand years, and the autumn wind is given a reunion.Faithful life knows the five flavors, and Leju has a lot of money.


13. Mid -Autumn Festival Yue Yingxiang Si, parents care about passing thousands of miles.Looking forward to the heir family of Hongyan, sending Youzi to miss his relatives.Sitting alone in the world alone, miss emotions, hiding the bottom of your heart.Youth wandering is a struggle, when will Yijin return to their hometown?


14. Last night, happy and sorrow today, lonely shadow hovering with Wangjiang Tower.Why bother to hang a tree, and there is hope in front.


15. The Mid -Autumn Festival Moon Sixteen Circles, before Xing Xing's book.I do n’t leave to plant Tao Li, and what year is the year.


16. It is romantic, and the baby, baby and women cultivate the earth.It has never been the Mid -Autumn Festival, and the Northeast moon cakes are like stones.


17. The Mid -Autumn Festival Moon Children's Sixteen Rounds, thousands of miles to appreciate the moon.There is no message from usual, but friendship is always concerned.


18. Pharaoh spent fifteen at home, his wife and children hot.For several years, he defended the city of Wang Rong, and the liver and intestine were broken.Spring Festival is worth a thousand dollars, and he gets up in the morning.


19. The Mid -Autumn Festival was sixteen, and Fang saw Tingting a day.Tianxian buried his head to learn Mao Xuan, and he flew to Yunnan.


20. You come to me in the north, and my brother is busy. Although he didn't know each other at the time, who knew today?The five categories of Amei are old black, and my brother ranking is not red.

八月十五的诗句 篇2


1. Several years, ten years, ten Mid -Autumn Festival.——Fan Chengda's "Water Tune Songs · Demonstrate Ten Years"


2. Good season, willing to get every year, common Mid -Autumn Festival.——The Xu Youzhen "Mid -Autumn Festival · Mid -Autumn Festival"


3, only to the half break in the cool autumn, fighting into double must.——Sodizu "Man Jianghong · Mid -Autumn Festival Night Tide"


4, how can the rain of rain be happy, the sound, and the spots.——Chen "Jiangchengzi · Mid -Autumn Festival morning rain and late sunny"


5. Under the wandering of the dance, I do n’t know how to do it tonight.——Su Shi "Niannu Jiao · Mid -Autumn Festival"


6. The sea of the sea is slightly cloudy, the golden well is cool, and the rhyme is anxious.——Wu Wenying "End Prime Minister · Jiachen Mid -Autumn Festival"


7. Lulu Xiangxiang, remember to meet in the New Year.——Wu Wenying "End Prime Minister · Jiachen Mid -Autumn Festival"


8. Every circle is a good night.——Wu Wenying "Jade Lochi · Guayi Gourd Du Mid -Autumn Festival Fud"


9. The flavor of Zen is sorrowful, giving me clear and full of light.—— Huilin "Monthly Mid -Autumn Festival Play Moon"


10, but maybe Wang Yan, relatively Yongzhindou.——Suzhe "Water Tuning Songs · Xuzhou Mid -Autumn Festival"


11. Promoting the reward, Hongyan Qi Tingzhou.——Suzhe "Water Tuning Songs · Xuzhou Mid -Autumn Festival"


12, Bai Ning's nominal Xiao, fragrant blew, leaning on the window of small bottle Shugui.——Wu Wenying "Yong Yu Le · Yiyi Mid -Autumn Festival Storm"


13. I do n’t know what year is the day of the palace.——Su Shi "Water Tune Songs · Bingchen Mid -Autumn Festival"


14. Tonghua Canghai, the haze is heavy, Yanbei Yannan Tian.——Wu Wenying "Yong Yu Le · Yiyi Mid -Autumn Festival Storm"


15. There are guests, and Gu Tingkong is self -hanging lonely shadow.——Sodizu "Qi Tianle · Mid -Autumn Festival Su Zhenyi"


16. At the power of the green smoke, the blue sea flying gold mirror.—— "Dongxiange · Sizhou Mid -Autumn Festival"


17. Thinking about it, see Chang'e tonight, sinking from the snow.——Sodizu "Man Jianghong · Mid -Autumn Festival Night Tide"


18. The real name of the Mid -Autumn Festival is Xiao Qin King.——Su Shi "Yang Guanqu"


19. People are still suffering from heat, and the lungs and dust are shifted to three realms.——Xiang Ziyi "Cave Xiange · Mid -Autumn Festival"


20. Benefit time, it is difficult to use.——Chen "Jiangchengzi · Mid -Autumn Festival morning rain and late sunny"


21. Sitting in the guest, Cui Yuyu, Zi Qiqiu.——Suzhe "Water Tuning Songs · Xuzhou Mid -Autumn Festival"


22. Ask the deep palace, Ji'e is here, the jealousy.——Wu Wenying "Yong Yu Le · Yiyi Mid -Autumn Festival Storm"


23. When Lu Liang, how much coldness is, Shenjing is far away, but only the blue bridge road is near.—— "Dongxiange · Sizhou Mid -Autumn Festival"


24. Small live in Jinghua, earlier, Mid -Autumn Festival.——Liuming Jin "Manjiang Hong · Xiaojiao Jinghua"


25. Yanbian Fengxun is small, Fei Qiongwang, Biyun is late.——Wu Wenying "Jade Lochi · Guayi Gourd Du Mid -Autumn Festival Fud"


26. The cold sky is the same.——Re Huan "The Second Mid -Autumn Festival, the Second of the Mid -Autumn Festival"


27. Liu Xia's boat is still unable to stabilize and can be a few days and Mid -Autumn Festival.——Liu Guo "Tang Duo Ling · Lu Ye Man Tingzhou"


28. Sending a couple, Mo Chiang is drunk.—— Wen Zhengming "Niannujiao · Mid -Autumn Festival Moon"


29. It is very round to teach night and night.——Xiang Ziyi "Cave Xiange · Mid -Autumn Festival"


30. The poor Huaihai is full of silver, and the Rainbow Rainbow Educate Globe.——Mi Yan "Mid -Autumn Festival Land Linewell Moon"


31. Wanli Juan Juan, a few fog screen clouds.——Wu Wenying "Jade Lochi · Guayi Gourd Du Mid -Autumn Festival Fud"


32. Ten rounds of frost shadow turned to court.—— Yan Shu "Mid -Autumn Festival"


33. The silver screen across the Cuizhou, the first painting of the new eyebrow, still covered in half.——Liu Kezhuang "Magnolia Orchids Slow · Ding Wei Mid -Autumn Festival"


34. If you want to take the wind and go back, how to ride the wing.——Su Shi "Niannu Jiao · Mid -Autumn Festival"


35. The excitement can already drive the pink daemon, and you can swallow Wu Yue.——Sodizu "Man Jianghong · Mid -Autumn Festival Night Tide"


36. The situation is bending the Mid -Autumn Festival, very good month, not in full.—— Xin Qiji "Magnolia Orchids Slow · Chuzhou Send Fan Ye"


37. Take the wind and go, long the sky, go straight down to see the mountains and rivers.——S Xin Qiji "Too often quoted · Jiankang Mid -Autumn Festival Night for Uncle Lu"


38. Consider Chang'e, the nine autumn palace is cold.——Sodizu "Qi Tianle · Mid -Autumn Festival Su Zhenyi"


39. This life is not good for this night.——Su Shi "Yang Guanqu"


40. Ask 姮 4, the bottom of the fate, there is a profit and loss, annoying jade ax, and reorganization of the wind.——Xiang Ziyi "Cave Xiange · Mid -Autumn Festival"


41. The lonely rabbit is desolate, and the wind is up, and the galaxy is turned.——Wu Wenying "Jade Lochi · Guayi Gourd Du Mid -Autumn Festival Fud"


42, osmanthus floating jade, the first month is full of streets, the night is cool.—— Wen Zhengming "Niannujiao · Mid -Autumn Festival Moon"


43. Only tonight, Hao Cai is the same.—— Guo Yingxiang "Drunk and Bing Yin Mid -Autumn Festival"


44. Waiting for dusk wind rolls, Jinyu, jade group.——Chen "Jiangchengzi · Mid -Autumn Festival morning rain and late sunny"


45. Frost Hua is full, want to fly across the colorful clouds.—— Wen Zhengming "Niannujiao · Mid -Autumn Festival Moon"


46. So far, it will not be a heavenly thing, it should be Chang'e throwing people.——Pi Riyu "Tianzhu Temple August 15th Night Guizi"


47. The water pavilion stares for a long time, and the period is not to be paid.——Liu Kezhuang "Magnolia Orchids Slow · Ding Wei Mid -Autumn Festival"


48. If there is no monthly household in the sky, Guizhi will damage to the West Wheel.——Mi Yan "Mid -Autumn Festival Land Linewell Moon"


49. Yin Qingyuan is short, and it is a good time on earth.——The Xu Youzhen "Mid -Autumn Festival · Mid -Autumn Festival"


50. Personally take the south building of Hu's bed, watch the jade as the world, Suqiu thousand hectares.——The "Cave Xiange · Sizhou Mid -Autumn Festival"

中秋节适全发朋友圈的句子 篇3


1. The moonlight is like water, sprinkled quietly on the ground, and puts the earth with silver -gray gauze skirts.She was wearing a plain white shirt, quiet, serene, gentle and generous.Her Yupan's face.Through willow.Leave a gentle smile.


2. On the night of the Mid -Autumn Festival, holding a cup of Xiangyu, staring at the distant night sky on the bar, letting the thoughts fly away from the confusion of the night.


3. A person's Mid -Autumn Festival is inevitable.When the family is there, it will feel the same as usual this day; only when you are alone and facing the empty room, can you deeply feel how happy it is.May cherish the person in front of you and enjoy the reunion night.


4. The night is deep, the moonlight flows, and the bright moonlight quietly sprinkle the clearness of the earth. The clear lake surface coincides with the sprinkled moonlight., Can't stop tears.


5. The Mid -Autumn Festival is the most full and perfect festival of the year. It has the most brilliant moon. When people appreciate the moon, they have a feeling of thoughts and lamenting the vicissitudes of years.


6. There is the moon at night, which looks charming; the sea has a wave of waves and looks profound; there is snowflakes in winter, which makes people feel romantic; I have you in my friends, which makes me feel honored;Blessings for you!


7. The Mid -Autumn Festival has been the most popular and most poetic and painted festival in my country since ancient times. It is a traditional festival after the Spring Festival.It entrusts people's unlimited love for life and longing for a better life.


8. Praying for the Mid -Autumn Festival: The smooth career is a blessing; a happy life is a blessing; love is sweet is a blessing; the children and grandchildren are full of blessings; friends' notes are a blessing; good health is a blessing;


9. Seeing the moon empty, sending a vein to loved ones and friends, it is the silver -light night sky, clearing a drop of acacia tears under the eyes, it is the scattered moon cake, and the flavor of the bottom of the heart is shallow.Essence


10. The month is the Mid -Autumn Festival, and the love is Jinqiu Nong. No matter where we are, we see a round of moon; no matter where we are, we have different cakes with the same feelings; no matter whether we are inWhere, our mood is always the same.


11. To the Mid -Autumn Festival, chrysanthemum cinnamon.On such a feeling that has been settled in the years, with the days with romantic colors, people pinch their wishes into a round moon, make the thoughts a cup of sweet osmanthus wine, and taste a kind of comfortable manner.Yearning and imagination.In the Qinghui of Rushui, listen to a string of the season that moved the season in that month.


12. The Mid -Autumn Festival Mid -Autumn Festival, the full moon is full of people, missing thoughts, and can't help tears.


13. Lonely people are destined to pass by the Mid -Autumn Festival. The Mid -Autumn Festival, when Haoyue is empty, and sprinkle silver white, it will always remind people of many beautiful and legends, and think of those people in those years.


14. What a wonderful night!What a beautiful Mid -Autumn Festival!The round moon, colorful fireworks.The red lanterns make this Mid -Autumn Festival extremely lively.I love the Mid -Autumn Festival, this is a moonlight night, and it is also an unforgettable night.


15. The wind is gently, the scent of osmanthus is permeated in the night, clear and clear, and the moon becomes plump day by day.The Mid -Autumn Festival, such as the rich Chang'e girl, came to us.Mid -Autumn Festival, in me, Mid -Autumn Festival is just a concept; Mid -Autumn Festival moon is just a memory or a beautiful dream.


16. When this season is coming, I should reserve this wonderful mood at ease; when the night is brilliant, the wine is fragrant; and then drink osmanthus wine with my loved ones to celebrate this happy Mid -Autumn Festival!


17. Traditional Chinese festivals in the Mid -Autumn Festival are August 15th of each lunar calendar.August is the second month of autumn. In ancient times, it was called mid -autumn. Because it was in autumn and in August, the people were called Mid -Autumn Festival, also known as the autumn, August, August, Yuexi, and MoonThe festival, because the moon is full on this day, symbolizes reunion, also known as reunion festivals.


18. In August, the osmanthus flowers on the osmanthus tree downstairs were opened one after another; for a while, the trees were fragrant, making people nostalgic.Rejoicing is busy folding the branches to leave fragrance, picking flowers and brewing wine; but unexpectedly a autumn rain, hitting the osmanthus was put off the ground; the splendid moment of the trees turned into golden yellow.After being disappointed, think if he is passionate about Lin Daiyu here, wouldn't he be a tear?


19. On the occasion of the reunion festival, I pinned my thoughts on my family in that round moon.Finally, I hope that parents are healthy, everything goes well, and happy Mid -Autumn Festival!


20. The full moon is beautiful, but after the full moon?Little, sad.The incomplete moon, with my sadness and a little confusion, is the direction I have always been looking for!It is also the dream I have been pursuing!


21. When the Mid -Autumn Festival night, I looked up at the sky and saw a round moon, but it was not a round moon that we often said.EssenceThe moon halo is exactly the matchmaker of this circle and the clear clouds. With the two, the two are lightly dot.


22. On the night of the Mid -Autumn Festival, I stood alone on the suspension bridge and looked up. There was no bright moon; overlooking, only the turbulent flowing water in the Baoxing River.


23. Looking forward to reunion, reunion days, festive days, peaceful days of festiveness, peaceful days of peace, peace of peace, happiness on happiness, and happy days of happiness: Happy Mid -Autumn Festival!


24. Old friends!It's Mid -Autumn Festival again!Beautiful women outside the moon are like clouds.Go on the street to choose your partner in this life!


25. The moon, like a wandering wandering, has wandered since the far away.Tonight, when I came to my side, what kind of gratitude would I use this mood?


26. Mid -Autumn Festival is a day of hometown.Looking at the bright moon, we couldn't sigh.Thinking of Su Shi's eternal famous water song, when the moon is clear, the wine is asked, and the wine is asked about Qingtian.


27. On this reunion night, many teachers sitting, in order to spread the seeds of knowledge, are far away from their hometown, their loved ones, and cultivate in a three -foot podium.The ocean of knowledge.


28. Lu Congbai is white tonight, and the moon is the hometown.Tonight is round, which is the time when I think about it.Although you and I can't get together, my thoughts and blessings accompany you to go every way.Dear, take care!


29. Happy, worry -free, hip -hop joy, engraving and happy, always free, the day is booming, the moon is getting better and better, and the age is smooth!In the Mid -Autumn Festival, borrowing a round and bright moon, preaching good blessings, good flowers, full moon, and reunion.


30. One round of bright moon, sprinkle thousands of thoughts; a lame of laurel, intoxicating happiness is around; a red candle, a smile of red reunion; a moon cake, taste the sweetness of life;tomorrow.Happy Mid -Autumn Festival!

中秋节发朋友圈的说说 篇4


1. Cut a happy cloud dress to set off your smile; cut a good moonlight to care for your sweet dream hometown; wrap a ray of peace cake, warm your happy atrium.The Mid -Autumn Festival is long, and the blessing is more auspicious.


2. The Mid -Autumn Festival is here. Don't forget to drink happy moonlight wine with your family, taste good osmanthus cakes, listen to reunion sea tide, watch Ping An Maple Leaf Dance, enjoy a good day of happiness, and watch friends blessings: Happy Mid -Autumn Festival!


3. The moon god is up, the black land is down. On this night of the lovesickness, the pig and your Chang'e sister love each other like honey, happy and happy for a lifetime.May the moon god testimony, witness the black land.Haha, even more Mid -Autumn Festival.


4. I took Chang'e's silk thread, embroidered on the moon, showing a pair of koi. May you be more than every year and show a peony. May you be rich and rich and show a Chinese dragon.Round, good luck continues.


5. The festival is coming to give you a moon cake: the first layer of wealth; the second layer of luck; the third layer of blessing; the fourth layer of romance; the middle layer is sweet, I wish you a good mood every day, a happy Mid -Autumn Festival!


6. In view of your supreme distinguished position in my mind, I decided to grab a first and send you a Mid -Autumn Festival in advance: the salary is doubled, the work is not affordable, the moonlight dreams follow, and I want to be happy.


7. The full moon tonight is as white as day, and the millennium cycle is still.The monthly increase of the Chinese people's life, after the years, the spring and autumn, after the true love of the truth, the full moon night's words are thick. At this time, the bright moon view is not enough.happy mid-Autumn Festival!


8. A round moon, pulled up the strong hometown, peeled away, and opened a little bit of sadness; a series of rural sounds outlined a faint home view, and the warmth was surged.Think of the film.Happy Mid -Autumn Festival!


9. The Mid -Autumn Festival is painting, and the lack of moon is a poem.Poetry is picturesque, and the beautiful scenery is given to me you beloved.Under the distant starry sky, looking up at the same Meiyue together is a contract for you and my soul!


10. In front of the bed, the moon bald guy is suspected to be on the ground, raised his head to look at the moon cakes, and bowed his head to his hometown.Watch this message is the silly guy!


11. Draw the circle of love with fate as a circle of heart, romance as the radius; take sincerity as a circle of heart, the mind as the radius, and draw the circle of friendship; take care as the center of the heart, hang it as the radius, and draw the circle of reunion.The Mid -Autumn Festival is here, I wish you happy!


12. This round of bending eyebrows, but your lips?Why don't you see that petal, is you kissing your lover in your dream, or is you playing Yu Xiao?Happy Mid -Autumn Festival!


13. There are always family wrappies in other places; they slip away for the years, and they have affection for soaking every day.The Mid -Autumn Festival is coming, let a simple hometown warm your atrium, wish you a happy Mid -Autumn Festival and everything!


14. Taking sincerity as a circle, the mind as the radius, draw the circle of friendship; take the fate as the circle of heart, the romance as the radius, and draw the circle of love; take care as the center of the heart, hang it as the radius, draw the circle of reunion; Mid -Autumn Festival; Mid -Autumn Festival; Mid -Autumn Festival; Mid -Autumn FestivalTo the end, I hope you are happy!


15. How many thoughts are merged in a round of the moon, how many of the night sky writes, and distant blessings to fly over the thousands of mountains and rhinos, but the silver moon will be sent to sincerity. I wish you a happy Mid -Autumn Festival and good luck every day.


16. Miss your sweetness, remember your fragrance, tear your coat, reveal your beauty, control my heartbeat, suppress the mania, and look like it really wants to say: Mid -Autumn Festival moon cakes are really seductive, the Mid -Autumn Festival is really seductive,Wish you happy!


17. A bright moon, sprinkled with Jiujiang.One year of autumn, harvest is looking at it.A cup of alcohol wine, long -lasting friendship.A kind of pride, a bit frank.A piece of moon cake, sweet fragrance.A precious sentence, unforgettable love.I wish the Mid -Autumn Festival a long time!


18. The happiest is the night of the Mid -Autumn Festival.Playing his joy with a happy smile, harmonious beauty and auspiciousness, showing the joy of the traditional festival of the prosperous world.I wish you a Mid -Autumn Festival reunion festival unlimited joy!


19. With the affection of Teacher's Day, give the beauty to the gardener; facing the advent of the Mid -Autumn Festival, I would like to accompany you to travel; I never stopped your blessings, and sincerely wish you a good mood every day!


20. Jinfeng sent Shuangqiu to come. The golden scenery everywhere is good. When you go out, you will go back to the family. The parents at home are preparing for a meal.In the Mid -Autumn Festival August 15th, let's let go of busy work and go home to drink with the elderly.


21. The long distance is connected to the long line, the long line is connected with long thoughts, long thoughts are connected for a long time, and the long years of missing you.The Mid -Autumn Festival is coming, and the moon is good, I wish you a happy!


22. Jade Rabbit, walking east.Dressing is not as good as new, people are better.The blessings of the festival, it takes you.Love is sweet and family is harmonious.Career is a cinnamon, promoted like a rabbit.Old friend, Happy Mid -Autumn Festival!


23. When we go to the Mid -Autumn Festival, see the moon again, and let us sit into a round moon, taste the mystery of life carefully, and feel the true meaning of life.A moonlight, such as flowing water, crooked.


24. The Mid -Autumn Festival arrives. Send you a big moon cake. The first layer is missing, the second layer is blessing, and the third layer is happy.I wish you happy forever, healthy and happy!


25. The lack of moon and the moon is a natural phenomenon. Gathering and separation are the evolution of the world. The hometown relatives are a stumbling in their hearts. Auspicious Ruyi is a sincere wish.In this reunion day of the Mid -Autumn Festival, I hope you remember your affection, your friendship and love, and love is inseparable.Happy Mid -Autumn Festival!


26. The Mid -Autumn Festival has always been known as the most humane and poetic festival, and the moon in this day is bright and round, so it is also called the reunion festival.


27. A round of bright moon thoughts, the moonlight of the two places seemed to be a water flow. The three lives were fortunate to be friends. The four seasons reincarnated to the Mid -Autumn Festival.Happy Mid -Autumn Festival.


28. Thinking of relatives, fakes of festivals, and thoughtfulness in your mind.The true feelings are like wine, looking back, and a greeting is still alcohol.The years are accompanied, friendship is together, and life is working with you in four seasons.Mid -Autumn Festival, I wish you a happy forever!


29. I want to ask for the bright moon in heaven. Trouble the moonlight with my thoughts on you, spread the blessings throughout your body, and take my voice: When the wind rises, I miss you!During the full moon, I read you!


30. Autumn and moon shadows the window sill, and the cold wind comes.The wax torch has no sleep and lonely shadow, how can Qingguang solve my monologue.Waking up at midnight, the silence outside the window, in the bleak moonlight, became more and more lonely and difficult to fall asleep.


31. Business is like a boat in the water, and the water can carry the boat can also cover the boat. We are a boat, the integrity is sail, the enthusiasm is wind, the customer is water, even if our boat is big, the sails are raised, the wind is crazy, but there is no you, but without you, but without youIt is difficult to walk, worth the Mid -Autumn Festival, I wish your family a happy reunion, and the Mid -Autumn Festival!


32. The moon is very round, the flowers are more fragrant, and the body must be healthy; the rain is swimming, the bird is crying, I hope you laugh every day;Happy joy and sorrow, I wish you a happy Mid -Autumn Festival!


33. The Mid -Autumn Festival is coming. Send you a white Guanyin, I hope you are quiet and unacceptable; send you a red Manjushri, I hope you will follow the law world; send you a yellow fortune god, wish you a good hand gold and silver;You King Kong destroyed.


34. The first Mid -Autumn Festival that lives alone is a festival that cannot be reunited. Now how small I am, it is helpless.


35. On the night of the Mid -Autumn Festival, the moonlight is bright and brilliant; the lights of the Mid -Autumn Festival are the brightest of the fire;I wish the Mid -Autumn Festival family reunion and happiness and peace!


36. Mid -Autumn Festival, the most worthy of celebration is reunion. The most happy thing is your customer. The most worthwhile is blessing. My biggest wish is that you and your family are happy and healthy. Happy Mid -Autumn Festival!


37. It is the Mid -Autumn Festival again.To control the holidays, you are healthy.The troubles are so comfortable.Friends wish each other and reunite together.


38. Outside of the nine days, the moon is a thousand miles of care; the rush is outside, the heart is not far away from the homeland; borrowing wine to wish, the sweat beads will change the gold bars;May you be happy and healthy!


39. The moon was shyly covered with layers. After a long time, it gently lifted its veil and gradually revealed its shining face.I looked up carefully and looked at the moon, and my heart was full of unlimited reveries to the distant moon.


40. Tian Gaoyun is full of round moon, and Qiu Shuangxing has another year.The Mid -Autumn Festival is thoughtful, and the whole family is reunion.Friends are so happy that they are so comfortable every day.May your healthy road pass, such as a sailing and happy news.Happy Mid -Autumn Festival!