
时间:2022-09-12 13:20:32 | 来源:语文通



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清明节扫墓作文600字 篇1


The annual Qingming Festival is coming.


We made an appointment with Grandpa's tomb on Sunday.Grandpa died early. At that time, he was buried, and it was on the mountain opposite the village of Grandma.After lunch, our family set off with a sacrifice and set off.


We climbed the rugged forest roads and shake all the way.When we were almost at the sight, we were dumbfounded: I haven't come for a year. The forests cover the trees and weeds. There is no way to find the entrance at all.After thousands of hardships, we finally came to Grandpa's tomb.


Putting down the sacrifice, we started to cooperate in division of labor and get busy.Grandma picked up the hoe and removed weeds. Dad and his uncle removed thorns. The dead leaves and filled soil on the grave sweeping the grave were responsible for origami money and tomb money.I do n’t idle, wear gloves, and help pull out the grass on the tomb.Suddenly, I felt a little painful. At first glance, it turned out to be stabbed by the grass and flowed a little bit of blood.When my mother met, she quickly used paper to help me stop bleeding.After the grass was finished, we started to offer the tomb money. We gently put the colorful tomb money on the tomb and pressed it with a small soil block.After doing this, we put the sacrifice in front of the tomb and started worship.


The most thrilling scene was burning paper money. At this time, it was already afternoon.Thinking of the news report two days ago, everyone shuddered by the forest fire due to the burning of the grave and burning paper.We quickly surrounded a wall next to the paper money.After a human paper war, the paper money was finally stepped on, but the aunt lost a pair of pants -the trousers were burned with a hole.At this time, what was a thrilling scene finally fell!


Mom proposed that we worship loved ones with flowers next year. Now that we have entered a civilized society, we must try to adopt a civilized way.Everyone listened and felt very reasonable.

清明节扫墓作文500字 篇2


Today is the Qingming Festival, which is a holiday for the people across the country to worship ancestors.But everyone knows why the tomb is sweeping?I was still very unclear, so I checked the information on the Internet to see the origin of the Ming Festival. It turned out that this was evolved from the traditional customs of our Chinese nation.In ancient times, people believed that the Qingming Festival started at the solar terms.The Han Dynasty Liu An's "Huainanzi" stated: "After the spring equinox, the fifteenth day refers to B, and the clear wind arrives." This clear wind was in March of Yangchun, so it was called "March".


Later, the book "Hundreds of Affairs" once explained: "At this time, all things grow, they are clean and clear, so it is called clear." Obviously, the Qingming Festival is because of its seasonal, in light, temperature, rainfall, etc.It is named for good.Later, the emperor called the Cold Food Festival (that is, today's Qingming Festival) to commemorate the loyal minister Jiezi.Over time, the Qingming Festival has become a day of worship ancestors, and it is the traditional festival of the Chinese nation.Today, my parents and my mother came to my hometown to see that many people had come to the tomb early.I saw one of them holding a white green bar in his hand and hanging on the branches.


Then take out 2 candles and 3 fragrances from the bag, ignite it with a lighter, insert it into the soil before the worship, and then take out the money paper from the bag to burn into a bunch of them.Thinking: "Today, the ancestor is the Qingming Festival. I brought my family to visit you and give you money to burn money. I hope you live happily in the underworld. At the same time, please bless our family.Fortune. We will continue to visit you in the Qingming Festival next year and give you money. "Today's Qingming Festival, although I am very tired, I am very happy because I learned knowledge and knew how to use it.My own labor expresses my nostalgia and respect for my ancestors. I think it must be very meaningful!EssenceDo you want to go to the grave too?May wish to tell me your grave sweeping process!

清明节扫墓作文600字 篇3


The Qingming Festival is the traditional festival of our Chinese folk.On this day, people have the customs of mourning the deceased, pining sorrow, and remembering their loved ones.


Today is March 8th, the team members and student representatives of our group school went to Huangyu Shan Park to clean the tomb of the martyrs.The excitement we chatted endlessly, it seems that everyone is full of enthusiasm and longing for this event.The bus slowly drove to the school, and we lined up neatly into the car.The car started, and along the way, many high -rise buildings can be seen.After the bumps all the way, we came to Huangyu Park with excitement and wanted to see the story of the martyr.In the park, the tall trees are lush, like a natural parasol.When we walked into the park, we looked around curiously, and a tall stone monument stood in front of us, and it was engraved with the words of the martyrs of Wang Jinyu forever.


The teacher asked us to line up. First of all, the teachers and the representatives of several brigades put the colorful wreaths in front of the monument. Under the monument, we can see the profile of Martyr Wang Jinzheng. We have learned that he was one of the leaders of our party's early peasant movement in southern Zhejiang. He was arrested in Kita Ci Lake on July 8, 1930. Essence The heroic righteousness that night. We think, how brave he is, sacrificing his life for the recovery and construction of the southern Zhejiang Party. Then, the teacher asked us to bow to the monument of the revolutionary martyrs with the infinite respect of the revolutionary martyrs. In the first three bow, I suddenly thought of those martyrs who died of the battlefield for the construction of the motherland. Because they had the spirit of their not afraid of sacrifice, we could live a carefree happy life. Essence In the end, the teacher told us the specific story of Martyr Wang Jinzheng. Everyone is trendy, everyone is silent, and everyone admires him! The teacher led all the classmates to swear to the martyr's tomb: Everyone should remember their mission, cherish time, and determine to study hard for the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation!


Over time, we reluctantly left Huangyu Park in the car and returned to school.....Then, then, then

清明节扫墓作文600字 篇4


With the passing time, in a blink of an eye, we ushered in the traditional Chinese festival of Qingming Festival. On this day, we will use practical actions to express their respect for the ancestors.


Today, the sun just showed her head, and was called by her mother to go to the countryside early.We were on the road. During the driving, we found that the vehicle was endless. It should also return to the rural grave to sweep the grave?


When I got home, I saw that the weather was extremely brilliant today. With such a good mood, with our respect for the ancestors, we went up the mountain.The road to the mountains is very steep, all the stabbing are everywhere, and it is easy to be stabbed.


When I came to the tombs of the ancestors, I expressed their respect for them.When you listen, there is a sound of firecrackers in the mountains that we are thinking about our ancestors. Although they can't feel it, they will remember in the spirit of heaven.


Of course, in front of the ancestors' tombs, it is absolutely indispensable to burn incense and worship the ancestors. Today, I saw my dad lit a handful of paper money and put it in front of the tomb to express his love for the ancestors.While kneeling, he hoped that his ancestors would bring us the weather and Guotai people.


The Qingming Festival immediately reminded me of the country's policy.Respecting the old and loved the young is the traditional Chinese virtue.However, the leaders did not forget those dead martyrs, and deliberately made the Qingming Festival, for the national leave, so that the dead relatives could also see our blessings to them in heaven.Let the traditional virtues of China -filial piety, extend thousands of passes, and let the generations feel the warmth of China from generation to generation.Those who have died will be moved by the virtue of China by seeing this?


Slowly approaching noon, we should also go home. Along the way, thinking of the topic of filial piety, my feelings are deep because I live in such an environment.To this end, we must also inherit the traditional Chinese virtues, and we must learn to be filial and gratitude, and be a useful person.

清明节扫墓作文 篇5


Today is the Qingming Festival. Everyone must know how to sweep the grave today to see how my Qingming Festival spent.


At 9 o'clock in the morning, the person who went to the grave sweeping in his hometown came to Qi and officially set off!When we arrived at our hometown, we couldn't wait for the underground car and went up the mountain immediately.At first, we looked for the road up the mountain. There was only one way last year. There were a few paths emerging this year. Fortunately, my aunt found the way. I rushed to the front of the team.The rain was very slippery, and there were plants along the way to stab my hands, and they finally went to the cemetery of the old man.We took out the items of worship, including candles, incense and Ming coins. Grandma also brought a rooster from the house, killed the chicken in front of the cemetery, and sprinkled the chicken blood on the underworld. The mother -in -law said that there was chicken bloodMinding is a stamp.The most scary thing is that the killing chickens are still walking after being released!In front of the old lady's cemetery, we ordered candles and incense, set off firecrackers, and then went down the mountain.When I went down the mountain, because the road was too slippery, I slipped down in "slipping", making it all mud, everyone praised me that I was "brave" and not afraid of dirty.


Then, we went to the graveyard of Taigong and Taomao again. I found that my mother -in -law actually bought a million "pound" to make a coin. Everyone joked that let Taigong and Taomao go to Hong Kong to play, and they asked the two people to divide them on average.


After going down the mountain, we were very hungry. After the grandmother's house, everyone gorged Amy Guo (a food eaten at the Qingming Festival). The chicken killed on the cemetery was also eaten by us.It's delicious!


What do you think of my Qingming Festival?How is it written?If you have any suggestions, leave me a message, please give me a lot.

清明节扫墓作文600字 篇6


In the spring of the year, the peach blossoms were scattered, and a piece of petals fell on his head. He regretted sighed that another year passed, and spring came again ... He was a fisherman, his age gradually became bigger, his legs and feet were no longer so convenient, but his legs and feet were no longer so convenient, but his legs and feet were no longer so convenient.Even a little clumsy ...


This year, I went back in Qingming and stood in front of the tombstone of the person who had left. I was suddenly scared. I was afraid that he would leave me ... I saw a shadow in the Cao Cao Jian, I recognized him, he was walking step by step, he was walking step by step.On the mountain, I ran down, holding her elbow, and accompanied him step by step. He asked my recent situation, I replied, "Grandpa, I'm fine, you should pay attention to your body."Sleeping through his whole body, he was wearing a cotton jacket, a pair of soil leather shoes, and faintly wet water droplets.


His hands were swollen and couldn't describe. Looking at some red frostbite, my tears couldn't stop falling down. He raised his hands and was at a loss, anxious to stop me, I wiped out tears, raised my head and looked at hisHis eyes, his face was wrinkled, his eyes were loosened, and his eyes could not be seen. The two eyes were deeply sinking, as if it was going to sink, the gray eyes, the two pupils turned into the two pupils turned into it turned into intoTwo stones, eyes were bleak, no longer had a god when he was young ... His appearance was eroded by years, and the years were deeply imprinted on his forehead. His beard was like weeds.How long have you not taken care of ...


Walking down from the mountain, I pulled his wrist, he walked in front, I followed, suddenly, my feet slipped, my body was hanging, and I fell heavily on the ground.Generally, faint tingling, he felt the strangeness behind him, turned around and saw my embarrassment. He quickly pulled me up. I quickly stood up.It hurts, I pulled out a forced smile and told him that I didn't hurt, I didn't want him to worry about me ...


His youth was quietly stolen by years, but he was completely unknown. He still insisted on catching eels and still thought that he could eat it ...


I hate the years, and I ask the years not to steal his younger, okay?

清明节扫墓作文 篇7


Today is the Qingming Festival, so the grave sweeping and worship ancestors are very important today.


Early in the morning, under the call of grandfather and grandmother, we moved towards the southeast of the county. I rode a bicycle and quickly reached the destination. After locking the car, we started to go up the mountain.It is made of soil, so it is very slippery and very difficult to walk. My famous sports shoes can be stunned along the way.You can see the rolling mountains, and you can also hear the sound of flowing water and the crisp bird call.....Then, then, then


After a difficult journey, we came to the tomb of the grandfather's house and saw that there were weeds in front of the tomb. Didn't it just clean up last year?At this time, a poem suddenly appeared in my mind: the wild fire was endless, and the spring breeze was blowing again.The vitality of the grass is so strong, and the work of just one year has covered the entire tomb. It seems that the task of cutting grass is very arduous, so I took out the sickle to cut the grass.I picked up the sickle and chopped it out of the weeds, but the weeds were not cut off, but my hand was cut bleeding.Dad saw this scene and hurried to teach me to cut grass.


Dad said to me, "Cut the grass first, then press the grass tightly, then press the grass down, and then cut it with a sickle, so that the grass can be cut off. So, I do it according to the method of my dad taught.The grass was cut off by me. With the efforts of my dad and me, I finally cut the grass. I also helped my mother sweep the floor. We cleaned the ground, put the flowers respectfully, and then returned to the house.


Although I am tired today, I am very happy. I have learned knowledge and used my own labor to express my nostalgia and respect for my ancestors. I think it must be very meaningful.