
时间:2022-11-03 13:11:42 | 来源:语文通



六一儿童节作文 篇1难忘六一儿童节作文200字 篇2快乐的六一儿童节作文 篇3特殊的六一儿童节 篇4六一儿童节的作文500字 篇5六一儿童节作文 篇6

六一儿童节作文 篇1


Since this year's International Children's Day has entered the countdown, I am still full of expectations for this year's International Children's Day.


Just a few days ago, the head teacher also made a speech on this year's International Children's Day at a class meeting. The teacher said that this year's International Children's Day in the school prepared a gift for each of our classmates. When we heard the teacher's words, all the students in the class were very happy. We were looking forward to this year's International Children's Day. When the teacher said that, we were more full of expectations.


I almost counted the days to welcome the arrival of this happy festival for our children. When this day finally arrived, the whole campus was full of festive atmosphere.


In the morning class meeting, the teacher carried two big boxes into the classroom. When the teacher finished his busy work, he patted the dust on his hands, and then stood on the platform and said to us sitting on the seats: "Boys and girls, happy children's machine!" The teacher's blessing to us welcomed the applause of all our students. The cheerful applause in the classroom lasted for a long time, and we all looked at the teachers on the platform one by one.


At first, the teacher wanted to make a fuss with us, but we students knew the teacher's character well, until the teacher stood on the platform and talked about other topics, but never talked about today's topic. The teacher's move is to arouse our full curiosity, or let our classmates ask him about today's Children's Day. This is a move that the teacher will set aside for us before each activity. But when our students couldn't help asking the teacher first, there was a big truth waiting for us behind the teacher. Based on our understanding of our teachers, on this Children's Day, early this morning, we all agreed. Today, we quietly waited for our teachers to send us gifts for Children's Day. We can't say more or ask more.


The head teacher was surprised that we learned well today. At last, the teacher sent the children's day gifts to each student.

难忘六一儿童节作文200字 篇2


On Friday, we held the award ceremony of the Third Campus Star Talent Competition in our school to celebrate the "June 1st" literary and artistic performance.


In the morning, we arrived at the school in neat school uniforms happily. After arriving at the classroom, we carried our stools to the beautiful playground and waited for the start of the program. Soon, the host announced the start of the performance. The first program was "Inspiration of Happiness". The performers wore red skirts and danced on the stage.


My favorite program is the third one. The songs include "Mother in Candlelight", "Love in the End of the World", "Childhood is Growing", and "Gesang Meiduo in Dream". They are all winners of the Vocal Music Competition of Campus Star Talent.


After watching all the programs, I still think about those programs.


On this day, our June Day is really colorful.

快乐的六一儿童节作文 篇3


Ah, the long - awaited International Children's Day has finally arrived. I can't wait to come to school and get the activity card early.


Everyone rushed out of the classroom as soon as they got the activity cards, and I was no exception. My classmates and I came to Class 4, and there was a long line in front of the classroom door. Finally, it's my turn. I look at the rule next to it. It says, each person should make three shots, and one shot is enough. I thought to myself, what's so difficult? Just hit one. In fact, it was not as easy as I thought. I didn't hit both shots because the basket was too short to hit. But with my luck, I finally got in. After playing a few games, I came to our class. The games in our class are so popular! We lined up in a long line, which looked like a long dragon. After playing, I went to exchange gifts. I changed to popcorn, drinks and potato chips.


Ah, June Day is really lively.

特殊的六一儿童节 篇4


June 1 is our children's festival. All the students took part in the get-together in the school, while 80 of our students were selected to participate in the opening ceremony of the Dongying Disabled Games.


We lined up in a neat line, wearing bright red scarves on our chest, and came to the big playground of No. 1 Middle School in Lijin County. The audience was full. We walked around the playground with a bouquet in hand, and then we came to the audience to watch the talent show of the opening ceremony. There are group gymnastics, martial arts, festive gongs and drums... But my favorite is martial arts. Several older brothers are performing various martial arts skills. I saw a brother in a blue dress fly up, turn back from another brother's head and fall to the ground, and then another carp stood up. How wonderful! The field broke out bursts of warm applause from time to time. They were followed by the performance of the grandparents, who were playing Tai Chi in the soft and melodious music


This time when I participated in the Dongying Paralympic Games, I saw a lot of disabled people. Their spirit of being physically disabled, resolute and tenacious moved me deeply. As a healthy and lively teenager, I should love life more, actively participate in various activities and study hard!


I like International Children's Day, and I prefer this special International Children's Day this year.

六一儿童节的作文500字 篇5


International Children's Day is coming, and the students are joyfully welcoming the arrival of International Children's Day.


International Children's Day is a day for all our children. Students show their happiness with performances. The annual Children's Day is coming again. In the morning, I came to the school with great enthusiasm. I saw that teachers and students were preparing programs. The programs were so beautiful that I could not help watching them right away.


I don't know whether to watch it on the spot or on TV, but I hope to watch it on the spot, because I may forget the program after watching it on TV, and I will remember some happy things that happened on the spot.


I really want to watch the program now, whether on the spot or on TV, as long as I have a happy life, right?


Celebrate "June 1"


Children are the future of a country and the hope of a nation. It has always been the goal of all countries in the world to create a good family, social and learning environment for all children so that they can grow up healthily, happily and happily. The annual "June 1 International Children's Day" is a special festival for children.


The long-awaited Children's Day is coming. This is the happiest time for us. I will participate in an artistic performance tomorrow. It is to go to the Broadcasting Bureau with my teachers and students to perform programs. In order to celebrate our own festival, our school has prepared many colorful programs. Early tomorrow morning, my mother will send me to the school to gather. So I will have an early rest tonight to try my best to perform well in tomorrow's performance and add happiness to all children and big friends who see our program.


I wish everyone in the world happiness! I wish my teacher will always be healthy and beautiful.

六一儿童节作文 篇6


June Day is a festival for our children.


Today is Saturday, also International Children's Day, I am very happy. Because Friday's homework is more than half less than usual, there is no math, only composition in Chinese, and English is also very easy. I finished copying and writing before dinner on Friday, and then I have been playing after dinner. Later, I followed my father and them to a friend's house to play... After they slept, my father gave me my mobile phone to play with, so I was very happy on Friday. Saturday, not to mention, will be happier.


In the morning, I finished the basic English training, read for a while, and had lunch. After eating, Grandma went to play cards, and my brother and I took a nap at home. Before we fell asleep, Dad came back, looked at us and went upstairs to take a nap. I still didn't fall asleep. My brother fell asleep. Mom came back again. She said she came back from leave. Mom asked me if I had found blueberries, and I said no.


Mom said it was on a cabinet upstairs. I immediately ran upstairs and touched the top of the wardrobe. I went to a relatively high cabinet next to it again. I couldn't touch the top, so I opened the cabinet, but it didn't. Later, my mother came up to wash the blueberries. My brother and I took the blueberries down while my mother was holding her mobile phone. Mom saw it and followed.


My brother caught several at a time and ate them one by one. I use both hands. When one hand goes to pick up blueberries, the other hand has already put blueberries in my mouth. Then Mom asked us to try to grab a handful of them and fill their mouths. I didn't. My brother and mother did. They must be very sour like that.


I like this International Children's Day, I feel very happy.