
时间:2022-10-25 12:59:46 | 来源:语文通


“六一”儿童节 篇1六一儿童节的作文700字大全 篇2六一儿童节作文1000字 篇3六一儿童节的作文500字 篇4六一儿童节作文范文字 篇5欢庆六一儿童节作文600字 篇6作文700字 篇7

“六一”儿童节 篇1


You know what? Yesterday, our teacher celebrated the annual Children's Day.


In the morning, I entered the classroom. I'm surprised: why didn't you read early? Then I thought: Today we celebrate Children's Day! 8: At 00, the teacher gave us a lot of snacks: cookies, jelly, seaweed, juice... Ha! These snacks are enough for me to eat for three days! The teacher also showed us a movie called Journey to the Dream Ring.


I prefer afternoon activities to morning activities. As soon as I got to the classroom, the teacher mysteriously gave each of us a small bag. I quickly opened the bag, wow! Another snack: there are sandwich biscuits, lollipops and jelly sweets... The teacher looked at us and said, "This is a little gift from the family committee for the children."


After that, it is the most exciting art performance and game time! My performances include chorus and double shake. Watching the performance of the students, I really think that the students are really versatile. Deng Yuhang's double shake is really powerful, jumping 30 times at a time! Deng Zhikang's Taekwondo is very powerful. How high he plays! Huang Manfen's story told by Yule on Composition Network is very interesting, and the voice is very clear


During the game time, my favorite is "Stool grabbing". "Come on, Liang Zhaocheng! Come on, Liang Zhaocheng!" It seems that everyone is very enthusiastic about stool grabbing!


The game begins. Some students moved carefully, ready to sit down at any time; Some use their hips to face the stool, fearing that others will move faster than them; Some were so nervous that the teacher sat down before stopping the music. As the saying goes, "One should not lose strength." You see, Huang Haoyu immediately pushed the students next to him down, sitting on the seat with scissors and laughing!


When robbing the stool, there is another interesting thing. The second group of students grabbed the bench in the first round, and the music stopped, but two students did not sit down. Isn't it seven people with six stools? There should be only one person not sitting! At this moment, the students and the teacher shouted together: "Here! Here is the seat!" They rushed to their seats like two arrows. The students were also amused by them, and the classroom was full of laughter.


I like the "June 1" in 2020!

六一儿童节的作文700字大全 篇2


Today is Children's Day. My mother said she would give me a happy and special holiday.


When it was almost time for dinner, my mother said she would take me for a picnic. She cleaned up for a while, and then took me and my grandparents to a small lake surrounded by reeds. The scenery here is so beautiful! The red sun was shyly covering half of his face, as if playing hide and seek with me. His eyes were secretly shining with dazzling light in the middle of the small lake. Look! The tall and strong reeds in the middle of the small lake showed golden light. The lake is surrounded by lush reeds, which are like soldiers on sentry duty, blocking the attack of sandstorms, fearing that the lake will be slightly damaged. Looking into the sky, several wild ducks were flying with wings waving, as if to say to me: "Hello, little friend! Welcome to this beautiful lake."


After enjoying the beautiful sunset, my mother said, "Let's prepare for a picnic!" I said, "OK, Mom." As I answered, I assigned them jobs: "Grandpa and I are responsible for lighting the barbecue oven, and Mom and Grandma are responsible for preparing the food for barbecue." Mom looked at Grandpa and Grandma and smiled with understanding.


My grandfather and I found some sticks and soon lit the charcoal. At this time, the barbecue stove was still emitting wisps of green smoke from time to time. In a twinkling of an eye, Mom and Grandma also prepared the barbecue food. I looked at lamb kebabs, ham sausages, fish balls, mushrooms, etc.


After a while, the charcoal was completely burned, and the fire in the barbecue stove was like torches. Mom said: "Now you can roast mutton kebabs, ham sausage, fish balls, mushrooms and other foods." Then we put the food on the barbecue. My mother told me, "These foods should be turned back and forth, or they will be burnt." Unconsciously, the food was ripe, and my mother sprinkled some spices on it. Grandma said, "What will you taste first?" I can't wait to taste a mutton kebab. I feel the mutton is very tender and delicious! I said, "It's delicious. You all need to eat quickly." I have eaten some of all kinds of food, and the taste is different. Compared with them, I like to eat kebabs most. Our family soon got full. They all said that it was good to have dinner in the wild. Grandpa and grandma smiled happily when they saw how delicious I was.


After eating, we packed all the things for the picnic, put the garbage in the dustbin, and went home happily.


I had the most fun on this Children's Day. It was really an unforgettable Children's Day.

六一儿童节作文1000字 篇3


With the thoughts of the wind, facing the fragrance of flowers, listening to the singing of birds, we can not help ushering in the "61" Children's Day.


"61" has brought endless happiness to children; "61" is a stage for children to perform themselves; "61" is a day for children to breathe freely; "June 1"


Children's Day, the "June 1" children's day, is coming! The school organized us to participate in the "garden tour" activities (playing games), with a variety of projects: loops, dribbles, marbles... Our class's activity is to grab chairs. The rules of the game are: put five chairs in the middle of the classroom, and then the teacher plays music. Six people walk around the five chairs. When the music stops, six people immediately grab seats. Those who do not sit on the chairs are eliminated, and one chair is lost for each game. come from


The game begins! I attended with a feeling of excitement. Five classmates and I stood by the chair, staring at the chair. When the music started, the students walked around the five chairs slowly, and I was no exception. I thought: Even if I didn't get the chairs, it didn't matter. We were happy together! Although I thought so, I stared at the five chairs with my eyes fixed on them for fear that they would be robbed by other students when I was unprepared. Look at the students again. They all look serious and concentrate on the five chairs. They are worthy of the demeanor of Bao Qingtian. Some frown as if they are thinking about something. The word "Sichuan" appears on their forehead; Some of them turned their eyes and then looked around, as if they were scheming in their hearts; And... there are many students around to cheer us up. Look! They were so excited that they stamped their feet. The cheers of "Come on! Come on..." kept lingering in my ears, which made me brave. At this time, the music stopped suddenly. Fortunately, I was quick in eyes and quick in hands. I sat down on the chair, crossed my legs and looked like a winner. When I faced the last hurdle, my opponent turned out to be a male classmate. We whirled around the chair with the music, and we all stared at the chair intently for fear that it would slip away in an instant. At that moment, I was dizzy, but the teacher playing music was against me. It happened that at this time, the music stopped. We rushed to the chair as if we were a treasure. And I was crowded by the male classmate and fell on all fours. At this time, all the students around laughed and leaned back. The teacher also said jokingly, "Wang Yilan, your butt is too small!" I can't help laughing


"June 1" made us spend a day in joy; "61" has made us all sunshine girls; The "June 1" has changed our daily quietness; "June 1"


Today, the school ushered in the annual International Children's Day. Came to the school gate, only to see the school playground decorated, one side of the colorful flag against the wind to recruit small hands. What a lively scene! I quickly came to the classroom again. Wow, the classroom is beautiful like a colorful ocean. Several students have arrived early. It seems that they, like me, are excited to play games early.


After a long time, the teacher came and she gave us each a ticket. We counted the games. Oh, how many! There are nine. When the teacher told us that we could play, we went to the designated place in groups of three and five.

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I have spent many International Children's Day, but the most unforgettable thing for me is the garden activities held on this International Children's Day.


On the morning of International Children's Day, the school gave each of us a bag of gifts. I opened it and saw, wow! It's very rich, including shrimp cakes, seaweed, milk, raisin cakes, puffs, lollipops... After we got the gifts, we began to visit the garden.


I first played the game of glass ball. My PK is with a little brother. At the beginning of the game, I quickly picked up chopsticks and clamped towards the glass ball, but the glass ball was like a naughty child and could not catch it. The little brother next door has added three glass balls. I really want to catch a glass ball and put it in the bowl while the teacher is not paying attention. It took me a lot of effort to get one, but the little brother next door seemed to be friends with the glass ball, so I caught the glass ball in one clip. In the end, I lost. But he won the consolation prize - two sweets.


Then I went to play the game of robbing chairs. In groups of five, four chairs. When the music started, we all turned around the chair and stared at the chair as if we were afraid of losing it. After a while, the music stopped and everyone scrambled for chairs. Because I was close to the chair, I easily grabbed it. The second round started, leaving only four people and three chairs. As soon as the music sounded, everyone slowly revolved around the chair. The music stopped at once. Fortunately, I was quick to react and grabbed the chair. I became more and more brave until the final. There are only two people left, one chair. As soon as the music sounded, my eyes were fixed on the chair, and my ears were also high. As soon as the music stopped, I immediately grabbed the chair. The other side did not respond as quickly as I did. Finally, I won the game and won a packet of cookies.


Then I played many games and won many prizes. I was very happy!

六一儿童节作文范文字 篇5


Every student in the world has a happy and unforgettable June 1. Maybe they are looking forward to the coming of June 1 every day, and maybe they are preparing for it every day.


Today is Children's Day. I came to my dear alma mater and saw that everyone's faces were full of smiles and their slightly narrowed eyes were shining with joy. However, I was very sad because this is our last June Day. How I hope that all this will not come, and how I hope that time will stay in our happiest time.


The students of Class 61 sat in the classroom and watched wonderful programs. At the end of the class, the teacher said something to us, which really benefited me, The teacher said "Students, when I didn't take your class, I was thinking that if any teacher took your class, that teacher would be unlucky. Who knew that I took your class. To be honest, when I first came here, I saw that your class was so messy, and I really didn't want to teach you. But later, I found that you also have a kind and lovely side. Over time, I have a deeper understanding of you, and even you As my children, today is the last time we have a heart to heart talk under the eaves of this house. I will never tell you so much truth again. Each of you has his own goal, and each of you has a place to look forward to. After you leave, we will see each other again, and that will be strangers. Therefore, we will cherish your friendship in this last period of time. " After the teacher said that, everyone cried. Many people held the teacher and kept saying that the teacher didn't want to leave you... After class, the teacher's eyes turned red with ours. The teacher said sadly, "OK, students, forget the pain just now, and be happy to finish your last June Day!" Later, we performed interesting programs, and some students deliberately made the teacher laugh, In this way, we spent an unforgettable Children's Day with our teachers.


Childhood is a pure and unforgettable time. In childhood, we weave beautiful stories every day. A holiday, a discovery, a toy, an insect, a dispute... It seems so insignificant, but it is full of our happiness, dreams and pursuit.

欢庆六一儿童节作文600字 篇6


What holiday is June 1? Everyone should know! Oh, it's International Children's Day! Have you been looking forward to this day for a long time? Are you excited and happy? How many children are looking forward to this day! Because on this day, children will have a very happy life and will receive many children's gifts.


June 1 is the first Children's Day since I entered junior high school, so I'm still a little happy. Sometimes I think of the time when I was in primary school. I played games with parents and cooperated with them, which fostered the feelings between parents and students; They will also receive children's day gifts from schools and parents.


In junior high school, I thought it was only June 1. But to my surprise, because some students did not do their math homework, the math teacher asked the students who did not do their homework to buy some gifts for us. But our head teacher didn't prepare anything for us. We looked at other teachers who gave us gifts, which made people feel envious. For example, the head teacher of Class 2 bought two cakes for them; The teacher of Class 4 bought pizza for them. Alas, he was a little jealous, and he thought to himself: Why is the head teacher of my class so good


At the last class in the afternoon, the students who were punished were given a biscuit, two pieces of sugar and half a cup of drink. When I was drinking, a surprise arrived and our prefect brought in some things. At first sight, we all clapped our hands excitedly because it was the June 1 gift from the prefect. The prefect gave each of us two Wangwang cakes and a piece of chocolate, and we were very happy. After that, the prefect told us that this year is the last Children's Day, and the next year will not pass. When we left, the prefect told us to throw away the garbage, and then went out with a smile. Our hearts were sweet, but we were a little unhappy, because even the head teacher did not buy us children's gifts, but the prefect prepared gifts for us.


However, the June Day holiday is still going well. I tried a new 61. The last June Day this year shows that we are no longer children, we have entered youth, and we hope that the children will have a happy life in the last June Day!

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On the morning of May 30, the artistic performance themed "Happy First Primary School, Happy June Day" was held on our school playground as scheduled.


Before the performance, the students picked up all kinds of small stools, consciously lined up in a long line, and walked happily to the playground. I saw a huge crowd on the playground. This spectacular scene reminded me of the scene of ants moving. After sitting down, I was surprised to see that the stage layout was very beautiful and refreshing. The stage is covered with a pleasing blue carpet; There is a huge plaque at the back of the stage, and the four characters "Happy Little" are particularly striking; The front of the stage is full of colorful and charming flowers; On both sides of the stage are bubble machines ready to go.


The artistic performance is rich in content and diverse in forms. In the melodious and cheerful rhythm, the actors performed songs, dances, instrumental music, sitcoms and other programs selected by each class. They sang beautiful songs with the most beautiful voice, expressed the joy of celebrating the festival with the most cheerful dance steps, and interpreted the infinite love for happy life with the most vivid language. Various programs are colorful, and the school has become a sea of joy.


What I can't forget is the program of our class - "Palette". The actors' costumes are unique. The red and white costumes and the black costumes make a beautiful scene. The brightest leading actor wears more distinctive and charming clothes. Chai Chenxi is wearing black clothes with golden five pointed stars, while the actress is wearing red clothes with golden five pointed stars. Sometimes they form two square arrays, sometimes they become small holes... This colorful and changeable "palette" makes the students under the stage fascinated.


What moved me most was the last program, the sitcom. It is about a dear and respectable teacher who found that a student's schoolbag had been left in the classroom, and a small hole had been broken. Although the teacher found a needle and thread to fill the hole carefully, he accidentally made the needle bleed. The student who carelessly lost his schoolbag walked into the classroom, just saw the scene in front of him, and was moved to tears... I couldn't help crying too.


The performance ended perfectly soon. We reluctantly left the stage, and we are looking forward to the arrival of the next happier "June 1 Festival"