
时间:2022-07-13 13:38:50 | 来源:语文通



On July 1, 2021, we ushered in the 100th birthday of the Communist Party of China.This is the century of struggle, a century of struggle, and a century of dreaming of dreams.


The great Chinese nation was a poor and backward country before the founding of New China.Internal and external problems, the people's lives are hungry and cold.


Nowadays, under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, the economy, culture, and technology of the motherland have developed rapidly, and they have been confident that they are full of confidence to a well -off society in an all -round way.


In the city where we live, the countryside has also changed dramatically. The high -speed rail and airports have been built.Sharing cars, bicycles, and electric vehicles make people travel more and more convenient.


From the sheep intestine trail in front of her grandmother's house, the muddy roads to the cement roads leading to all corners of the village today, the messy weeds on both sides of the road are also replaced with small flower beds made of cement, and bright street lights are installed.Let the night's night no longer darkened, and the old people also live a leisure and entertainment life like people in the city after dinner.


Reminate the past, the ancestors worked hard and determined to save the country.Let's start from now on, and strive to become a newcomer with ideal, morality, culture, and discipline, and dedicate our wisdom and strength to the motherland.



1、百年:百年读音为bǎi nián,是指①很多年,极言时间之长:百年不遇的水灾|百年大计|十年树木,百年树人。②一生;一辈子:百年好合|百年之后。百年 bǎi nián词语解释:①很多年,极言时间之长:百年不遇的水灾|百年大计|十年树木,百年树人。②一生;一辈子:百年好合|百年之后。(1) [in a century;centenary;centennial;a hundred years]∶指很多年百年老屋,尘泥渗漉。——明. 归有光《项脊轩志》百年大计(2) [lifetime]∶指人的一生;一辈子百年之后,即死了以后分词解释:水灾:1.亦作“水菑”。 2.因久雨﹑山洪暴发﹑河水泛滥等原因而造成的灾害。百年树人:树:种植,栽培。比喻培养人才是长期而艰巨的事。极言:1.竭力陈说。 2.谓直言规劝。 3.指直言规劝的言辞。 4.谓夸大其辞。...百年怎么造句,用百年造句»