
时间:2022-11-08 13:00:58 | 来源:语文通



国庆节作文600字 篇1国庆节作文 篇2国庆节作文 篇3国庆节作文 篇4

国庆节作文600字 篇1


Today is the mother's birthday. 6. It is a symbol of "slip". I wish my motherland "smooth slip" every day in the future


This afternoon, I went to the ecological park with my family. Ah, the ecological park seems to have changed. I have never noticed before that there are some falling flowers beside the pavilion, like purple flowers in the school. Holding a fallen flower, he approached Grandma and said, "Grandma, what kind of flower is this?" Grandma said, "This is a money tree. It's autumn and it's beginning to bear fruit." As soon as I heard it, a trace of joy welled up in my heart. Is this the money tree? It is said that if you are hit by the fruit of the money tree, you will have good luck all your life! I can't wait to shake up the fruit, but it fell a lot, but none of them fell on my head. It was really "a shot in the dark". Forget it. It won't fall on my head anyway.


Suddenly, I had an idea. I thought, otherwise, my sister and I would play a game: see who has the most money tree fruits, and put out a word or pattern.


I called my sister to a meadow. I count "one, two, three, start!" I was quick in eyes and quick in hands, and soon I got a big bag. At the last step, I thought about what to put on it? Oh, by the way, today is the National Day. Let's put the word "celebrate" on it! One point, one horizontal, one skim... Finish! Look at my sister. She is still spelling her name. "Ha ha, I have won", I shouted. My sister said, "Wait, I will be better soon. Be patient." Who knows, our naughty brother ran into our "battlefield" and rolled over several times. Just aimed at my sister's name. My younger brother, like an arrow leaving the string, turned my sister's name aside. Some of them were squashed by my younger brother. "No -- want -- come", my younger sister said desperately. And I, on the other hand, giggled. "All right, all right, this is a draw." I said. "Next time, I will let you", "Confucius moves - all is lost". "It depends on whether you have this opportunity.". I said with a smile. "Hey, your sisters and brothers, they are going home", Grandma shouted at us. My sister shouted, "I haven't played enough!" I picked up my brother and followed my grandmother. My sister seems to remember something, "Wait for me!"


Today's National Day is really fun.

国庆节作文 篇2


The National Day is coming, the weather is getting cold, and the national birthday is coming. Grandma took me to Tiananmen Square to see the national flag, which is flying in the blue sky.


The motherland wishes you a happy return; Motherland, please come back happily. How can you make a long journey in your motherland? Let me sing a song for you; I deeply love your motherland, this sentimental land; Thank you for your support, thank you, the motherland wish you a happy birthday! The motherland thanks you for helping us.


The motherland I love you, thank you for your care and help; Your motherland is hard, I will love your motherland, I love your China, let me know you, my China you are too tired, today every year, to a better tomorrow, spring to spring, I love you. There are so many charming mountains and rivers. I wish you to defeat the Japanese devils quickly; Let's be happy China. Without New China, there will be no motherland. I support your motherland. It is you who let me listen to the Party. The motherland thanks you for your trust in me.

国庆节作文 篇3


I have been in the third grade, but my brain is getting more and more annoying. Just like "National Day", let me talk about it!


I am the one today. My father took me to Wuhan. I went to my father's house. My father, my mother and my grandmother took me to Jiefang Park to watch the flower show. A little girl told me to watch the flower show and step on my feet. I hate it! I don't want to sleep when I return to their home. They let me sleep. well! It's really evil! I'm bored to death! I was so anxious to cry that I couldn't wait to fly back.


After coming back, my mind calmed down and I knew it. I'm sorry!

国庆节作文 篇4


On the first day of the National Day holiday, Grandma called me to bed early. I rubbed my eyes and said to Grandma, "Why do you call me up so early?" Then I fell asleep again. Grandma said to me, "Today, I will go to my sister-in-law's house to have a look." I got up immediately after listening. Because my sister-in-law moved to a new house this time, I really want to see what my sister-in-law's new house is like, so I got up.


After washing, I asked Grandma to take me, but Grandma told me to wait. I had to sit on the sofa and wait. After a while, my mother got up. When she saw me sitting on the sofa, she said to me, "Take me out to play today." I was surprised. My mother said she would take me out to play. I can't believe it, but I remembered that I had to go to my sister-in-law's house. I can only choose one. Finally, I chose to go to my sister-in-law's house, but my mother insisted on taking me out to play. I had to follow. Mother took me to the library to read the books. At lunch time, my mother took me to a restaurant for dinner, but my mother said she wanted porridge, but I couldn't tell her. We only eat porridge.


In the afternoon, my father took me to the zoo to see the animals. When I saw those small animals locked in cages, I began to pity them. The tiger is listless in the cage, and has no power of the king of the forest; Monkeys lie on the ground lazily, no longer as naughty as they were in those days; Running master cheetahs are about to become domestic cats. I wish they would become lively and not listless any more. This National Day, I had a very happy time. If you tell me about this National Day wish, my wish is to make the animals in the zoo happy. On the National Day this year, I went to many beautiful places, such as Guilin, the West Lake, and Mudu Shantang Street, which have a long history.


Snacks can be seen everywhere in Mudushantang Street, which reminds me of the sky. And small pendants are more dazzling. As soon as I entered Shantang Street, I could see all kinds of snacks, including Begonia Cake, Osmanthus Cake, Tofu Cake, etc. I was salivating. My father bought me a Begonia Cake to satisfy my cravings when he saw my eyes shining. I ate it three times as soon as I got it. I just felt delicious, sweet and soft.


Come here for a while, I saw white maltose. The hot hand of the maltose was holding two wooden sticks of "WWW.. CN", winding the maltose around. I was surprised. How could the maltose be so soft? I bought another piece with curiosity, and I bit it hard to make it very soft, Unexpectedly, I almost knocked my teeth out and asked my father: "Dad, why is maltose so hard? I think they were very soft when they made it? Why is it hard now?" The father smiled and replied, "Because they were warming up when they did it, how can they compare with the current one?" I understand now.


Later, my cousin and I bought another string of iron plate squid, which was delicious and tender. My cousin ate the head of the wooden swab greedily. I laughed and he didn't respond. I smiled and said, "Didn't you find that you ate the head of the wooden swab?" Only then did he vomit out the wooden swab.


When I left, I bought two bowls of tofu flowers, two bags of melon seeds and a Hami melon, and took them home to eat. The happy time is always so short. The sun sets in the twinkling of an eye. I reluctantly left Mudu Shantang Street, but my trip to Shantang Street filled my National Day with fun.