
时间:2022-08-05 13:30:04 | 来源:语文通



Last Sunday was going to have a birthday, we went to her house to play.


We set off in the morning when we packed up, and we were older, so we have to buy some delicious things for me. My brother and sister and brother are living in the house.We bought roasted chicken and cake for the grandma, and then the grandfather went to buy some side dishes. We played for a while at the house, and then heard a footsteps. My aunt came over. She took my brother.Our children packed together the living room, we set the table, lift the chairs, and packed the living room for a while.Wow, finally reached a happy link.We are finally about to open meals. I inserted the candle on the cake and lit it, so I made a wish, and the world was quiet immediately. I seemed to hear the voice of my uncle.As if he heard that I said, "Let's eat a reunion meal." 姥 blows out the candle, and the grandfather said to have a meal.


My mother is responsible for cutting the cake, my sister helps my mother, and I am responsible for transporting cakes for everyone. Everyone has cakes. I tasted it, ah, the cake is delicious as it is rising to heaven.Self -pulling, at this moment, my mood cannot be expressed in words. It is expressed in a word to express everything. Our family is reunited together and eat happily.Some people and laughter are envious of many people. I really hope that time can stay at this moment, letting me enjoy the joy of gathered together.


I am kind and kind, and I am very admirable.I know how to educate people, it is a role model for a good mother.



Today's festivals are really coincidentally. Mid -Autumn Festival, National Day and grandfather's birthdays have arrived.


At more than 7:00 in the morning, my mother called me and my sister, brushing her teeth, washing my face, eating, and packing for a while.On the way of the grandfather's family, along the way, my cousin cousin often called me and kept asking me when to come. Finally, we came to the grandfather's house. On the road, we walked for more than an hour. I just got off the car. My cousin, my cousin, brotherThe cousin rushed like a tiger, played with me, and after a while, we drove to the restaurant for dinner.


Mom ordered a lot of dishes, and we took a bottle of cola one by one. After a few minutes, the dishes came up. I saw it, there were: fish flavor shredded pork, sauerkraut fish, cold dishes, soup, crickets ... we picked up chopsticks and gobbled.Eat it, each dish is very delicious, especially the fish fragrant meat is mixed with rice. It tastes very fragrant. After a while, we finally reached the cut cake. We removed the cake and inserted it.Candle, brought a birthday cap to the grandfather, sang a happy birthday song, and a whispered. The candle was blown out. The mother picked up the knife and gave everyone a piece.Grandpa, the cream is very sweet, and the fruit is very delicious. Finally, we finished this meal. My cousin, my cousin, and my grandparents said goodbye.Leaving here.



Yesterday, my mother told me that today is my good friend invited me to participate in his birthday party.


Participating in the party, my mother took me to the hotel. This is a four -star hotel. When I came to the gate, Ma Ruiyang was waiting at the door. I got off the car and the two of us hugged them.Take a pen from the pocket and a correction band of this pen to glow. Put it on the bedside at night, and the entire house will be immersed in the color.


When we came to the private room, Huang Yixiang and Wei Zichen had been waiting for us at the door of the private room. We went in to have a large round table and a sofa, two single sofas, and a TV hanging on the wall. We were on the round table.After looking for a good position, I went out to play. When we came back again, the table was already full of vegetables. We sat down and gorgeled and ate it. After we were completely full, we got a plate of carp.It will rush up and eat this carp a little bit.


After eating the table after eating, we started singing a birthday song for Ma Ruiyang. After singing, we started eating birthday cake. Huang Yixiang stained his fingers with cream and wiped it on my face.On his face, he chased me with some cream. I ran and ran, and finally caught up by him. After eating the cake, we sat on the sofa watching TV.


The birthday party this time is my most memorable time.



One day, in a certain class in a certain school, the students surrounded the two tables at the same table, two boys and girls at the same table. Everyone listened to what they were talking about. The girl said, "On Sunday, my mother bought me.I am very happy after a big birthday cake. "The boy said," I just got a nine -year -old birthday. On that day, our family went to the amusement park together and played very happy. "


When everyone talked together, only Li Xiaoming stood alone and did not speak alone. When everyone returned to the seat, Li Xiaoming looked out the window and said to himself.I really want to have a birthday with my parents.


This sentence happened to be heard by the female classmates at the same table, and he discussed with several other classmates in the class. Since Li Xiaoming's parents are not around, we should give him a surprise and let him have a happy birthdaySo they began to discuss details.


At noon the next day, the class suddenly left several students, and some of them blown balloons.Some hanging ribbons, and classmates took out the prepared cakes, and various snacks and fruits. When I was going to school in the afternoon, everyone saw Li Xiaoming come in and said, I wish you a happy birthday.The scene was stunned and happy. Everyone sat down and sang birthday songs and ate cakes. Li Xiaoming said that this is really a happy birthday.



During a day of class, five or six classmates talked about their birthdays together. A classmate said: "I have a 9th birthday last week, and my mother bought me a big cake." Another classmate said:"I just got my birthday, and our family lived together that day." Students, you said in a word and discussed excitedly, only Li Xiaoming standing next to him silently.


Li Tong, the squad leader, found that Li Xiaoming, who was unhappy next to him, and later heard him whispering to himself: "Oh! I am almost my birthday, but my parents are working outside ...It's. "


The squad leader Li Tong was so delicate, so he told the class committees in the class: "Li Xiaoming classmates are about to celebrate their birthday, but his parents are working in the field.Arrange the classroom, and then tell the teacher of the class teacher, take some time for our classmates to give Li Xiaoming a birthday. "This proposal was unanimously approved by the teachers and students.


On his birthday, some students went to pick up Li Xiaoming, took him slowly, and left some time for the classmates in the classroom to prepare to surprise him a big birthday.When Li Xiaoming walked to the classroom, as soon as he entered the door, he saw the blackboard and wrote: Happy birthday to Li Xiaoming!His desk is full of blessing cards and a big cake.The classmates looked at him with a smile and felt like opening a grand birthday party.The celebration has begun. Everyone sings birthday songs, eat cakes together, wishing together, blowing candles together, together ...


Li Xiaoming smiled happily, this is a birthday party that made him remember.



After the test at the end of the last semester, Lu Hanyi invited our family to go to birthday.When I was happy, I started with a small gift I bought online in advance.

After the test at the end of the last semester, Lu Hanyi invited our family to go to birthday.When I was happy, I started with a small gift I bought online in advance.


We soon arrived at our destination. I went to Lu Hanyi when I got out of the car. I saw Lu Hanyi chatting with my classmates in the homestay. When she saw me, she quickly got up and welcomed me.Auntie prepared a lot of very fun games, and after all people came to Qi, they started the game.

We soon arrived at our destination. I went to Lu Hanyi when I got out of the car. I saw Lu Hanyi chatting with my classmates in the homestay. When she saw me, she quickly got up and welcomed me.Auntie prepared a lot of very fun games, and after all people came to Qi, they started the game.


The first is the "Water Gun War". We are divided into boys and girls.I took a water gun, quietly opened the door, aimed at the target, and started shooting."Yes! Successful attacks!" Later, I went with Guo Yanglu to go sneak again, but the boys were shocked. They chased us and shot me a shot ... After the water gun war ended, everyone became the "falling chicken chicken chicken"Let's look at each other's wolf and laugh.

The first is the "Water Gun War". We are divided into boys and girls.I took a water gun, quietly opened the door, aimed at the target, and started shooting."Yes! Successful attacks!" Later, I went with Guo Yanglu to go sneak again, but the boys were shocked. They chased us and shot me a shot ... After the water gun war ended, everyone became the "falling chicken chicken chicken"Let's look at each other's wolf and laugh.


The next thing to play is the most intense "tearing brand".We put on the clothes with a brand -name brand, and the long -awaited tear -up competition finally kicked off.I saw some of the students clinging to the brand with their hands tightly to prevent others from tearing it off; some used "Falun Dafa", lying on the ground, and clinging to the ground on the ground, making people unable to lift it.Zhang Zuming grabbed a person first, I went up and teared, and tore a surprise, haha, we cooperated very well.

The next thing to play is the most intense "tearing brand".We put on the clothes with a brand -name brand, and the long -awaited tear -up competition finally kicked off.I saw some of the students clinging to the brand with their hands tightly to prevent others from tearing it off; some used "Falun Dafa", lying on the ground, and clinging to the ground on the ground, making people unable to lift it.Zhang Zuming grabbed a person first, I went up and teared, and tore a surprise, haha, we cooperated very well.


The sky gradually darkened, we also played a lot of games, went to walk away, and went back to the homestay for dinner. There were many dishes.Tomato scrambled eggs ... I drooling my drool, you need to know that I ate a total of three bowls of rice!

The sky gradually darkened, we also played a lot of games, went to walk away, and went back to the homestay for dinner. There were many dishes.Tomato scrambled eggs ... I drooling my drool, you need to know that I ate a total of three bowls of rice!


When the sky was completely dark, we left reluctantly.That day was the happiest and most fulfilling day I played!

When the sky was completely dark, we left reluctantly.That day was the happiest and most fulfilling day I played!



After the test at the end of the last semester, Lu Hanyi invited our family to go to birthday.When I was happy, I started with a small gift I bought online in advance.

After the test at the end of the last semester, Lu Hanyi invited our family to go to birthday.When I was happy, I started with a small gift I bought online in advance.


We soon arrived at our destination. I went to Lu Hanyi when I got out of the car. I saw Lu Hanyi chatting with my classmates in the homestay. When she saw me, she quickly got up and welcomed me.Auntie prepared a lot of very fun games, and after all people came to Qi, they started the game.

We soon arrived at our destination. I went to Lu Hanyi when I got out of the car. I saw Lu Hanyi chatting with my classmates in the homestay. When she saw me, she quickly got up and welcomed me.Auntie prepared a lot of very fun games, and after all people came to Qi, they started the game.


The first is the "Water Gun War". We are divided into boys and girls.I took a water gun, quietly opened the door, aimed at the target, and started shooting."Yes! Successful attacks!" Later, I went with Guo Yanglu to go sneak again, but the boys were shocked. They chased us and shot me a shot ... After the water gun war ended, everyone became the "falling chicken chicken chicken"Let's look at each other's wolf and laugh.

The first is the "Water Gun War". We are divided into boys and girls.I took a water gun, quietly opened the door, aimed at the target, and started shooting."Yes! Successful attacks!" Later, I went with Guo Yanglu to go sneak again, but the boys were shocked. They chased us and shot me a shot ... After the water gun war ended, everyone became the "falling chicken chicken chicken"Let's look at each other's wolf and laugh.


The next thing to play is the most intense "tearing brand".We put on the clothes with a brand -name brand, and the long -awaited tear -up competition finally kicked off.I saw some of the students clinging to the brand with their hands tightly to prevent others from tearing it off; some used "Falun Dafa", lying on the ground, and clinging to the ground on the ground, making people unable to lift it.Zhang Zuming grabbed a person first, I went up and teared, and tore a surprise, haha, we cooperated very well.

The next thing to play is the most intense "tearing brand".We put on the clothes with a brand -name brand, and the long -awaited tear -up competition finally kicked off.I saw some of the students clinging to the brand with their hands tightly to prevent others from tearing it off; some used "Falun Dafa", lying on the ground, and clinging to the ground on the ground, making people unable to lift it.Zhang Zuming grabbed a person first, I went up and teared, and tore a surprise, haha, we cooperated very well.


The sky gradually darkened, we also played a lot of games, went to walk away, and went back to the homestay for dinner. There were many dishes.Tomato scrambled eggs ... I drooling my drool, you need to know that I ate a total of three bowls of rice!

The sky gradually darkened, we also played a lot of games, went to walk away, and went back to the homestay for dinner. There were many dishes.Tomato scrambled eggs ... I drooling my drool, you need to know that I ate a total of three bowls of rice!


When the sky was completely dark, we left reluctantly.That day was the happiest and most fulfilling day I played!

When the sky was completely dark, we left reluctantly.That day was the happiest and most fulfilling day I played!



1、特别:特别读音为tè bié,是指1.不一般,与众不同。 2.格外。 3.特地,特意。 4.尤其。特别 tè bié词语意思:1.不一般,与众不同。 2.格外。 3.特地,特意。 4.尤其。(1) [special;out of the ordinary unusual;exceptional]∶不一般;与众不同特别的场合(2) [exceptionally]∶格外一个特别聪明的孩子(3) [particular;specially]∶特地;特意我特别提到那一点(4) [especially;in particular]∶尤其我喜欢乡下,特别是在春天分词解释:尤其:副词。表示更进一步:他各门功课都好,语文尤其突出|数量固然要紧,质量尤其重要。特地:1.亦作“特的”。 2.突然,忽然。 3.亦作“特底”。特别,格外。特意:1.不同的认识和看法。 2.表示专为某件事。格外:①副词,表示超过寻常:久别重逢,大家格外亲热ㄧ国庆节的天安门,显得格外庄严而美丽。②额外;另外:卡车装不下,格外找了一辆大车。...特别怎么造句,用特别造句»

2、生日:生日读音为shēng rì,是指1.出生之日。亦指每年满周岁的那一天。 2.指有生之日。人出生的那一天,每年满周岁的那一天也叫生日祝你生日快乐生日 shēng rì词语解释:1.出生之日。亦指每年满周岁的那一天。 2.指有生之日。[birthday]人出生的那一天,每年满周岁的那一天也叫生日祝你生日快乐分词解释:有生:1.有生机。 2.有生命者。 3.有生命。 4.生活;生存。 5.生来。一天:1.一昼夜。 2.指一个白天。 3.犹一时,泛指不太长的时间。 4.整天;成天。 5.某一天。 6.一块天空。 7.指满天。 8.一重天。 9.如天之大。形容很大,很多。出生:1.胎儿从母体中生出来。 2.指事物的产生。 3.舍生。 4.分出。...生日怎么造句,用生日造句»