
时间:2022-10-20 13:05:34 | 来源:语文通


让人感动的一幕作文 篇1那一幕作文700字 篇2这一幕如此震撼作文1200字 篇3那一幕作文700字 篇4难忘那一幕作文 篇5那一幕作文800字 篇6这一幕很和谐 篇7那一幕让我感动作文 篇8

让人感动的一幕作文 篇1


On Sunday morning, my mother and I went to the supermarket to buy fruit. As soon as we got near the supermarket, we were surrounded by vendors who were holding stalls beside the supermarket.


A man with long hair and a moustache stopped us playfully, "Beauty, buy some grapes. My grapes are sweet and fresh, and they cost ten yuan and four jin." My mother held me and ignored him. Don't believe what the peddler said to me. It's common to be short in weight.


When I came out of the supermarket, I saw a large crowd of people around the fruit stalls of those vendors. What happened? It's not the way vendors argue with customers, I guess.


My mother and I crowded into the crowd, and saw an old grandfather lying on the ground, curled up, foaming at the mouth, twitching, with a very painful expression. The crowd around was full of chatter, pointing out that no one dared to help the elderly.


At this time, the long haired peddler threw several boxes of fruit on the tricycle to the ground, ran to the old man, wiped the foam from his mouth, pinched the old man, and shouted to the crowd around: "This is a stroke! Help me to carry him to the car and send him to the hospital quickly, or the old man will not be able to hold on." An aunt who was watching kindly reminded the long haired peddler, "Do you know him? Don't ask for trouble. What if he is wronged?" The peddler was worried. "Don't care if you don't know me? I'm not afraid!"


The peddler took the old man who had suffered a stroke to the hospital and rushed away. The crowd of onlookers did not disperse for a long time, and the noise of discussion rose again. My mother and I were silent on the way home. I don't know whether it is the admiration for the peddler or the previous misunderstanding of the peddler


That scene moved me.

那一幕作文700字 篇2


When we feel that we are sophisticated, there will always be some dusty hearts moved by the wind.


It was a summer day, and the sky suddenly overcast. Soon, the whole world was baptized by the storm. The raindrops slapped the window aimlessly, without the lasting appeal of "big pearls falling on the jade plate", and the glass had already been covered with a layer of water mist. The pouring rain forms a waterfall under the eaves. The trees were swayed uncontrollably by the sudden strong wind.


After a long time, the rainstorm finally stopped its angry steps. I went out of the door and silently watched the aftermath of the rain: the leaves on the ground drifted with the water, the billboards were scattered, hung horizontally on the roadside, and everywhere was in a mess


My heart was suddenly seized, and I continued to move forward with a heavy heart, trying to find a trace of life comfort. Turning around the corner, on one side of the road, a bright red caught my eye.


What's that? The uncontrollable curiosity urged me to move forward quickly. In a messy grass, a small flower was quietly opening, so beautiful, so striking. The storm did not make it bow, but it seemed to be reborn after baptism. It tilted its head, and there were still tears of torture on the petals. I am imagining its situation in the storm, how it should straighten its chest to accept the storm. Maybe it wants to stand tall and straight like Takamatsu, but it finds that it cannot. Therefore, it learned to lower its head. It firmly believed in its heart that the Storm Department would pass, and it could still raise its head. Facts proved that its prediction was correct. Although the tortured figure was still in pain, he still straightened his back and smiled.


I squatted down and looked closer. Some damaged leaves and petals stained with raindrops seemed to be smiling at me. At that moment, the whole world seemed to be lit up by it.


Yes, we often face storms in our life. In the process of fighting against our destiny, can we also take such attacks as baptism like this nameless flower, persevere, work hard, and fight desperately?


In the process of growing up, each of us is an unknown flower, sometimes slower than others, sometimes not understood by others, but as long as we stick to it and firmly believe, we can become strong.


I couldn't help looking at the little flower more, so that it was deeply engraved in my memory, always urging myself.

这一幕如此震撼作文1200字 篇3


Some things are not the thicker the better. They should be just right. If they are deep, we will speak in a shallow way. We will walk slowly along the long road. Maybe at some moment, you will find that this is also good.


I'm used to everything around me, and I don't have much energy to change, nor do I want to change. Looking at the flowers beside the desk from bud to wither, I felt sorry for them, but I was amazed by the beauty of their blooming. I accidentally caught a glimpse of the dull dry flowers beside them. Although they will not wither, they can only serve as a foil all the time and have no vitality.


When I was young, I was the tiny one in the vast crowd, neither outstanding nor annoying. I always live like this day after day. When I watch others' colorful speeches on the stage, I often cast an envious eye and look down at myself. I am still a person who is afraid of communicating with others. I often let this mentality negate myself. I feel that it is impossible for me to stand on the stage and speak a thorough speech confidently.


With this in mind, I got up and pulled out the eyesore dried flowers one by one and threw them aside. But when I look at the flowers that are blooming, I feel something is missing, which seems a little unexpected


By chance, I was informed that there was a group speech contest, and my friend's team needed a voice over. After knowing that, I hesitated... I wanted to seize this opportunity, but I was afraid that my shortcomings would humiliate my friends. I knocked back and forth on the keyboard, and then deleted it back and forth. I never dared to say the word "Hmm, I'll go". I recalled my timid and cowardly self before. I summoned up courage, closed my eyes, and forced myself to say the word.


Because it was a temporary notice, I only had three days to prepare. After I got the manuscript, I repeatedly memorized it, asked my friends about the methods and skills of the speech, and searched the Internet for ridiculous and untrustworthy ways to relieve stress. The friend said, "It's really no good. You can take the manuscript directly. The narration should not affect the score." I was silent, turned off the computer, and thought: I must prove to you that supporting role can also be wonderful.


In order to avoid mistakes in the competition, I read repeatedly in the room, looked at my mouth in the mirror behind my back, listened to my pronunciation again and again with a recorder, and hoped that even a minor mistake could be corrected in time before the competition.


On the day of the game, I practiced again and again backstage, but I still couldn't relax. I stood in the most beautiful place I used to think with apprehension, although I was a supporting role, although I stood in the most unobtrusive corner. I looked at the audience's admiration towards us, and I straightened up and finished my speech fluently and without any mistakes. The competition has been very smooth, and we have successfully won the prize. When we got on the stage and were ready to leave the stage, we were stopped. The judge said, "The last contestant, please stay." I was stunned and found that it was me who was talking about. I stared at the row of judges sitting in front of me. I started to be nervous again. My hands were secretly holding the corners of my clothes, and I was in a cold sweat. "Since your speech, I have been paying attention to you. You are the only voiceover without a script, and your voice tone is even more accurate than your teammates, but you are just a little unsure. Keep working hard." After listening, I raised a bow hurriedly and went down the stage contentedly.


On the way home, I passed a flower shop, stopped and went in to buy a lot of dried flowers. When I got home, I carefully inserted these cute flowers beside the flowers. Suddenly, I found that the flowers were more amazing only when they were accompanied by dried flowers.


In fact, this is also very good. Supporting role also have their own highlights. Don't be too concerned about their own status. If you try to do everything well, you will be your own protagonist. Flowers will look more beautiful only against the background of dry flowers. Without them, flowers will be monotonous and abrupt.


This is also very good. It's also good to be a supporting role. It also has its own highlights, and it can make itself more exciting!

那一幕作文700字 篇4


In the summer, I made an appointment with my friends to visit a town where the flower fields are famous. It attracts tourists from all directions.


It was still early in the morning when I arrived at the flower field. The crystal clear dewdrops reflected the light on the petals, making them more dazzling. Clusters of bright flowers gathered under the leaves, like countless butterflies, slightly spread their wings, and stopped in the air, standing still. A gust of wind blew and the flower shook a few times. It was so charming that it really looked like a girl in a flower skirt dancing beautifully. In late spring, the lilac will blossom purple flowers all over the tree. The flowers are not gorgeous, just like the size of a pen tip. They bloom, but pure and elegant, just like a purple mist. Look at the daffodils. The water in the pot is clear and bright, the leaves are green and the flowers are white, just like the Lingbo fairy floating on the water


Next to it is a piece of barren land, with many dead branches, dead leaves and fallen petals. When we asked the flower growers, they said that they had tried to make the land have vitality, but no matter how they were treated, they could not grow any flowers.


Suddenly, a slightly dazzling purple came into my eyes - a small purple flower. How did this flower grow on such barren land? Perhaps one day, a flower grower's negligence made a seed that should have blossomed fall into this barren land. The tender green leaves set off its small fragile petals. The stem is not as strong and hard as other flowers, supporting the whole flower. Even the petals are too small to be pitiful. Just now a worm flew over, looked at the petals, and flew away. It seems that the petals are too small for even the worms.


At night, the rain is beating the iron window like a blacksmith. I think the flowers in the flower field should have been knocked down.


The next day, in order to prove my guess, I came there again - the flower field was in a mess. Yesterday's barren land was full of "corpses" of these flowers. If yesterday's flowers were young and beautiful girls, today's flowers are old women in their twilight years. When I was watching the flower growers pick up the petals, I found an amazing scene - yesterday's flowers were still alive! Compared with yesterday, it seems that it has grown a lot, its stem has become strong and hard, its petals and leaves have become much larger, and its petals have become more colorful. Under the sunlight, it has become very beautiful and tall. It not only persisted in the "disaster", but also grew so much. Growing out of the barren land, they fought against the fate tenaciously. Flowers can be like this. Why can't people?


That scene shocked me, which made me know what is the tenacity and power of life.

难忘那一幕作文 篇5


Rodin said, "Beauty is everywhere. For our eyes, it is not a lack of beauty, but a lack of discovery." Indeed, in life, there are many beautiful scenes that deeply touched my heart.


One day in the summer vacation, my father and I went to Liusha to buy stationery. We took the No. 14 bus to Liusha. On the way, I thought happily: What will I buy later? Thinking, we have reached quicksand. Once I got off the bus, I began to plan again. Suddenly, a sudden brake interrupted my thoughts. A middle-aged man beside the road said, "Is something wrong?" I was curious and ran to the side of the road despite my father's repeated dissuasion. In an instant, a beam of sunlight shone into my soul, and that scene was really moving: a blind grandfather, leaning on this cane, felt for a road. He turned east and west, one hand clutching forward at random, one foot moving forward and one step backward. The car has started slowly. At this time, little boys in red hats and ragged clothes ran past. He took the cap off his head and waved it around. Perhaps the drivers who have found that the United States regards the red hat as a red light and stop their cars one after another; Perhaps, the neon after the rain is very attractive; Perhaps, the fragrant flowers are very attractive... But can these be compared with the beautiful scenery in life? Time seems to have been cut off, so all eyes are watching the little boy and grandpa go away


This moving scene is unforgettable in my life.

那一幕作文800字 篇6


It was raining heavily outside. Although the windows were closed, there was still a slight chill between the cracks, which made people shiver. I still remember that such a day and such a scene left an unforgettable scene that touched the soul.


Lightning streaks across the sky, tearing the night as if the gods split the sky. The rumble of thunder echoed in my ears, accompanied by my mother's scolding voice: "What's the matter with you these days? You are always absent-minded and do so badly in the exam!" I lowered my head, trying to bury my head deeply in my collar, and dared not look directly into my mother's eyes. She turned and left, and I silently began to finish my homework.


The thunder went away gradually, but it began to rain heavily, and the wind was blowing, making the leaves rustle. In this way, I am still struggling in the mountain of homework, and my mother once again came over and scolded: "I didn't do well in the exam, and I am still dragging my feet when I do my homework. When on earth can you let me take less exercise!" Tears rolled around in the eyes, but they didn't fall after all.


I finished all my homework with a feeling of depression. After finishing everything, I got into bed and planned to sleep with my eyes closed. At this time, the rain was much smaller than before, but there were still bursts of cold wind blowing into the room. I was wondering whether to get out of bed and close the window, but I heard a familiar sound of footsteps - it was my mother. I seem to have heard what she would say to me later: "Don't sleep when you have finished your homework. What are you doing so slowly?"


I quickly pulled the quilt, closed my eyes and "waited" for my mother's arrival. The sound of footsteps gradually approached, but it seemed that they were deliberately placed very lightly and slowly. I seem to be able to imagine that the owner of the footsteps tries to lift his feet without making any noise, and then drops his feet gently, careful not to be found by me.


The voice seemed to stop at the window, so I dared to open one eye secretly. Sure enough, I saw the familiar figure. Mother is reaching for the window. As the window was sliding noisily, she deliberately slowed down and moved a little until only a thin seam was left. The room suddenly became warm, and there was a little warmth on my body.


My mother came to me again. I thought she found that I hadn't slept yet - but with a fluke in her heart, she closed her eyes again. Unexpectedly, she just gently pulled the quilt over my bare hands. Suddenly, I was wrapped tightly, and the warmth flowed all over my body.


After my mother left, I opened my eyes, and tears slipped into my hair from the corner of my eyes.


I don't know when the rain outside the window stopped, and the bright moonlight sprinkled on the bedside through the curtains, soft as water.


"Kuang --" A thunder pulled me back to reality.


It has been a long time since I saw that my mother is just like this thunder, which is stern and terrible on the surface, but actually illuminates everything and my way, giving me the courage to overcome all difficulties and challenge the future.

这一幕很和谐 篇7


The afternoon sun spread on the ground, forming a tiny halo on my pages through the treetops. Dad smiled and sat on the small bench beside him. This scene was very harmonious.


That afternoon, when I opened the door, he came in with a big box in his arms, accompanied by the wind of the composition bar at the end of December. Smile at me: "Son, your new bookshelf is back!" Then he walked into my room with it.


Father bent down, folded the box, and scattered all the parts on the ground. I squatted on the ground, while he was assembling the bookshelf, he talked with me about the recent study life.


From time to time, he held the instruction manual to compare with the parts, and made a "thumping thumping" sound from time to time. His hands never stopped and his mouth never stopped. He kept saying, "I'm really old. I can't move with my old arms and legs. It's useless!" I didn't say anything, just smiled carelessly.


I took his cup back with the hot water just poured. He seemed very moved. He put his hands on his legs and struggled to hold the desk beside him. Then he rubbed his knees and waist with his hands. He reached out and took his water. He smiled, "It's going to be better soon. Learn from you. I can take it myself!". At the moment when he looked up, I saw some gray hair in his hair.


At that moment, I could no longer laugh carelessly. The roots of white hair appeared again and again in my mind. The tears blurred my eyes. I turned my head, looked out of the window, quietly wiped the tears with my hands, turned around, and tried my best to show my brightest smile. My father was also very happy. He took a big sip of water with his glass and said, "Look, you are happy!" When he turned around again, the bookshelf was ready. His slightly obese body moved the bookshelf with great effort, sucking on his stomach and moving the bookshelf into the narrow gap in front of the desk.


My tears welled up again, and I could not stop turning around in my eyes. Everything in my sight turned to ashes. Only a warm mahogany bookshelf under the white wall and the tall figure of my father in front of it stood in the corner of my room forever. This scene was very harmonious!

那一幕让我感动作文 篇8


In the hot summer, pink lotus blooms in the pond The red lotus outside CN attracted me to stop and stare. I looked at the fragrant lotus and thought about the beauty of "little lotus just shows its sharp feet, and dragonflies have already stood up". The memory of several years ago rippled in my heart, and I fell into deep thought for a moment.


That summer, the dazzling sunlight through the green leaves, gently touched my exercise book. Under the tree, I was anxious to solve a mathematical problem. There were many solutions. My preliminary estimate was about a dozen. Looking at the messy draft, I was very anxious. I had not started writing the problem to be handed in tomorrow afternoon. I turned my head and looked at Xi Yan with double willow eyebrows and Shan Fengyan who was reading quietly. I whispered, "Xi Yan, can you do this problem?"


Xi Yan looked at my impatient eyes and looked at the topic slightly. Her bushy eyebrows pressed together and replied, "If not." She paused for a moment. "Think again for yourself!" I glanced at her in anger, thinking that she just didn't care, so I ran away angrily. Later, I said nothing and didn't want to continue.


The next day, I sat under the tree again, thinking about how to fool my homework in the afternoon. I saw Xi Yan coming to me slowly. The wind blew across her cheeks, and her clear eyes looked so tired in the breeze. I asked her, "What's wrong? Why are you so tired?" Xi Yan took out a piece of paper from her back pocket and put it gently in my hand. Her soft and sweet voice came to my ears, explaining the way to solve the problem. But I, however, looked at the manuscript paper, and my heart rippled.


It was a scratchpad full of answers to yesterday's questions. It not only wrote the answers, but also carefully wrote the analysis process. I looked at her in surprise and asked incredulously, "How did you do it? There are more than ten kinds of problems to solve!" Xi Yan just turned her head, shrugged her shoulders, and said happily, "One kind of trial, one kind of trial, and it worked out." I was shocked. I saw her writing hard under the hot sun. Sweat fell on her face. She just wiped it gently and continued to write. After speaking, looking at her leaving figure, I couldn't help shouting: "Thank you!" Xi Yan just smiled and said, "It doesn't matter." The smile made me feel that it was the most beautiful, pure and bright smile.


After she passed, I was shocked, and my heart was warm. I didn't help Xiyan before, but she silently helped me without asking for return. Her silent help moved me. How many people in the world do it for benefit? Her silent help aims to be so pure, without seeking return, and should be the best way to help.


Turning around, I saw several lotus flowers in the pond. They were not noticeable earlier, but they were quiet and gentle. I smelled the faint fragrance of the lotus. At that moment, I suddenly woke up. Xi Yan, unlike the pink lotus, which has no publicity, did not smell fragrant, but bloomed silently.