According to my many years of reconnaissance experience in school, I found that there are many "division" during the exam. According to my years of judgment, I summarized these "Gou points points."The strength, they all have the best skills, the same method is the same.
According to my many years of reconnaissance experience in school, I found that there are many "division" during the exam. According to my years of judgment, I summarized these "Gou points points."The strength, they all have the best skills, the same method is the same.
"Long -neck probe" faction
"Long -neck probe" faction
During the exam, they always waited for the teacher to go outside to inspect, deliberately removed their own things, and applauded the students to help them pick them up. At this moment, when they borrowed their lives to help them pick up things, they put all their eyesight on good students.On the test papers, so we have a high score, we can't learn these methods!
During the exam, they always waited for the teacher to go outside to inspect, deliberately removed their own things, and applauded the students to help them pick them up. At this moment, when they borrowed their lives to help them pick up things, they put all their eyesight on good students.On the test papers, so we have a high score, we can't learn these methods!
"Gesture Transmission" method
"Gesture Transmission" method
Poor students often buy some good students before the exam. They often put the price about 3 yuan. At this time, there are many poor students in this class, and which one who buys a good life often tells other poor students, soHao Sheng has a huge temptation for this huge gold. Good students use gestures in the examination room to express the answer. This method is not only difficult to find, but also convenient. These good students are really "seeing money"!
Poor students often buy some good students before the exam. They often put the price about 3 yuan. At this time, there are many poor students in this class, and which one who buys a good life often tells other poor students, soHao Sheng has a huge temptation for this huge gold. Good students use gestures in the examination room to express the answer. This method is not only difficult to find, but also convenient. These good students are really "seeing money"!
"Super Cheating" method
"Super Cheating" method
Poor students always copied some textbook answers on the paper and draft books of rubber rubbing, so they were carefree in the examination room.,awesome!
Poor students always copied some textbook answers on the paper and draft books of rubber rubbing, so they were carefree in the examination room.,awesome!
No matter which genre, what I want to say is: We want to get good grades, we have to work hard ourselves.
No matter which genre, what I want to say is: We want to get good grades, we have to work hard ourselves.
According to my many years of reconnaissance experience in school, I found that there are many "division" during the exam. According to my years of judgment, I summarized these "Gou points points."The strength, they all have the best skills, the same method is the same.
According to my many years of reconnaissance experience in school, I found that there are many "division" during the exam. According to my years of judgment, I summarized these "Gou points points."The strength, they all have the best skills, the same method is the same.
"Long -neck probe" faction
"Long -neck probe" faction
During the exam, they always waited for the teacher to go outside to inspect, deliberately removed their own things, and applauded the students to help them pick them up. At this moment, when they borrowed their lives to help them pick up things, they put all their eyesight on good students.On the test papers, so we have a high score, we can't learn these methods!
During the exam, they always waited for the teacher to go outside to inspect, deliberately removed their own things, and applauded the students to help them pick them up. At this moment, when they borrowed their lives to help them pick up things, they put all their eyesight on good students.On the test papers, so we have a high score, we can't learn these methods!
"Gesture Transmission" method
"Gesture Transmission" method
Poor students often buy some good students before the exam. They often put the price about 3 yuan. At this time, there are many poor students in this class, and which one who buys a good life often tells other poor students, soHao Sheng has a huge temptation for this huge gold. Good students use gestures in the examination room to express the answer. This method is not only difficult to find, but also convenient. These good students are really "seeing money"!
Poor students often buy some good students before the exam. They often put the price about 3 yuan. At this time, there are many poor students in this class, and which one who buys a good life often tells other poor students, soHao Sheng has a huge temptation for this huge gold. Good students use gestures in the examination room to express the answer. This method is not only difficult to find, but also convenient. These good students are really "seeing money"!
"Super Cheating" method
"Super Cheating" method
Poor students always copied some textbook answers on the paper and draft books of rubber rubbing, so they were carefree in the examination room.,awesome!
Poor students always copied some textbook answers on the paper and draft books of rubber rubbing, so they were carefree in the examination room.,awesome!
No matter which genre, what I want to say is: We want to get good grades, we have to work hard ourselves.
No matter which genre, what I want to say is: We want to get good grades, we have to work hard ourselves.
1、我们:我们读音为wǒ men,是指代词。称包括自己在内的若干人。 包括我在内的一组人当我们想到劳动时,也只有在这时,我们才觉得我们太老了我们 wǒ mén词语意思:代词。称包括自己在内的若干人。[we;us] 包括我在内的一组人当我们想到劳动时,也只有在这时,我们才觉得我们太老了分词解释:在内:包括在…以内。包括:包含(或列举各部分,或着重指出某一部分):语文教学应该包括听、说、读、写四项,不可偏轻偏重ㄧ我说 ‘大家’,自然包括你在内。自己:1.代词。自身﹐本身。 2.自己人。 3.知己亲近;关系密切。代词:代替名词、动词、形容词以及其他实词的词。有人称代词(我、你、他)、指示代词(这、那)、疑问代词(谁、什么)三类。...我们怎么造句,用我们造句»
2、流派:流派读音为liú pài,是指指学术思想或文艺创作方面的派别。流派 liú pài分词解释:指学术思想或文艺创作方面的派别。(1) [tributary]∶水的支流(2) [school;sect]∶指学术、文化艺术等方面有独特风格的派别分词解释:方面:就相对的或并列的几个人或几个事物之一说,叫方面:优势是在我们方面,不是在敌人方面ㄧ必须不断提高农业生产方面的机械化水平。派别:①水分道而流:百川派别,归海而会。②指学术、宗教、政治组织内部的分支或小团体:应该尽快制止组织内部各派别之间无谓的争斗!● 派 pài ㄆㄞˋ◎ 水的支流:九派(指长江支流之多)。◎ 一个系统的分支:派系。派别。派性。党派。◎ 作风,风度:正派。气派。派势。派头。◎ 分配,指定:派赴。派驻。派遣。委派。◎ 指摘:派不是。◎ 量词(a.用于派别,如“两派的意见争论不休”;b.用于景色、气象、语言等,前面用“一”字,如“一派胡言”、“好一派北国风光”)。● 流 liú ㄌㄧㄡˊ◎ 液体移动:流水。流汗。流血。流泪。流程。流泻。流质。流水不腐。汗流浃背。随波逐流(随着波浪起伏,跟着流水漂荡,喻没有主见,随着潮流走)。◎ 像水那样流动不定:流转(zhuǎn )。流通。流寇。流浪。流离。流散。流失。流沙。流露。流萤。◎ 传播:流言。流传。流芳。流弊。流毒。流行(xíng )。◎ 指江河的流水:河流。江流。溪流。激流。奔流。◎ 像水流的东西:气流。暖流。电流。◎ 向坏的方面转变:流于形式。◎ 旧时的刑罚,把犯人送到荒远的地方去:流放。流配。◎ 品类,等级:流辈。流派。◎ 指不正派:二流子。...流派怎么造句,用流派造句»
3、考试:考试读音为kǎo shì,是指通过书面或口头提问的方式,考查知识或技能。 通过书面或口头回答、现场操作等方式考查人的技能或知识水平考试 kǎo shì词语意思:通过书面或口头提问的方式,考查知识或技能。[examination;test;exam] 通过书面或口头回答、现场操作等方式考查人的技能或知识水平分词解释:提问:1.传讯审问。 2.提出问题要求回答。考查:用一定的标准来检查衡量(行为、活动):考查学生的学业成绩。通过:1.通行;穿过。 2.议案等经过法定人数的同意而成立。 3.以人或事物为媒介或手段达到某种目的。 4.征求有关的人或组织的同意或核准。...考试怎么造句,用考试造句»
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