我和小兔子的故事作文 篇1我和小兔子的故事作文 篇2我和小兔子的故事作文 篇3我和小兔子的故事作文 篇1
Last Sunday, Grandma gave me a rabbit. It was just over a month old. It was very small. Its fur was black. When I brought it, it was timid and didn't run fast.
That night, the little rabbit looked very unhappy and didn't eat much. The next morning, I put the rabbit on the grass, and it began to eat grass. It also jumped. It seems that the rabbit has been used to this environment.
The happy bunny ate the draft with relish. After eating it, he washed his face with two front paws and scratched his ears with one front paw, looking very cute. Every afternoon when I finish my homework after school, I run to see my little rabbit. It seems to be familiar with me. It lies on my hand, lazy and unwilling to move. Sometimes I put it on the ground to let it move, but it still doesn't move. Its belly is on the ground. At first sight, it looks like it is sick. But don't be confused by its tricks! As long as there is movement, it will run out like an arrow leaving the string. Since I have this little rabbit, I feel very happy in my life. I think it would be great if this little rabbit would accompany me forever! But one day, the rabbit suddenly disappeared.
It was a Saturday morning. When I came back from learning English, I found that the rabbit was missing. My mother and I took out all the things in the shed to find it. However, I couldn't see its shadow. I was so worried that I cried. My mother and I went to the back of the shed to find it, but we didn't get it. The little rabbit is so small. Will it live without my mother and me? Throughout the afternoon, I saw its lovely figure in front of my eyes from time to time. I found every corner of our yard. I hoped it would miraculously appear in front of me, but it had been missing for 10 hours. It was raining in the middle. I couldn't think of it. My greatest hope is that it can return to nature and live a free and happy life
我和小兔子的故事作文 篇2
我们家养了两只可爱而又漂亮的小兔子,是舅舅给我和弟弟买的。它的两只耳朵向上竖着,圆圆的脑袋上嵌着一双红红的眼睛像红宝石一样闪闪发光,眼睛下面长着一只Y字形鼻子,闻起东西 一嗅一嗅的,鼻子底下长着三瓣嘴,吃东西时一动一动的,吃完东西时会把小红舌头伸出来,好像正在回味!它全身雪白雪白的,我绞尽脑汁的给小兔子起一个好听而有意义的名字。一只叫欢欢,一只 叫乐乐,合起来叫欢乐。欢乐的意思是祝它们每天快乐、欢乐的意思。
We have two lovely and beautiful rabbits, which my uncle bought for my brother and me. Its two ears stand up, its round head is embedded with a pair of red eyes that sparkle like rubies. Under its eyes, it has a Y-shaped nose. It smells and sniffs. Under its nose, it has three mouths. It moves when eating. When eating, it sticks out its small red tongue, as if it is aftertasteing! Its whole body is white and snow-white. I racked my brains to give the rabbit a nice and meaningful name. One is called Huanhuan, the other is called Lele, which together is called Joy. Joy means wishing them happy and joyful every day.
有一天,我和妈妈去菜市场买了一些青菜和萝卜,回到家我把青菜和萝卜切成小片放在笼子里,小兔立即张开三瓣嘴大口大口的嚼起来,吃的津津有味,还时不时的抬起头看看我,好像对我 说:“谢谢你,主人!”我看了心里有说不出的高兴,对我的小欢欢、小乐乐说:“慢慢吃,不要咽着,想吃我再给你拿。”
One day, my mother and I went to the vegetable market to buy some vegetables and turnips. When we got home, I cut them into small pieces and put them in the cage. The rabbit immediately opened its three mouth and chewed them with great gusto. He also looked up at me from time to time, as if to say to me, "Thank you, master!" I was so happy that I could not tell. I said to my little Huanhuan and Lele, "Take your time. Don't swallow it. I'll bring it to you if you want."
小欢乐也非常贪玩,我把它俩放进纸箱里,放在阳台上,有的时候跳出来在阳台上玩耍、打闹,尿的拉的阳台上臭气熏天。这下有点让我妈妈生气,我就迫不及待地抓起小兔子雪白的耳朵, 只见上面两只爪子缩在胸前,下面的脚不停地挣扎着,好像对我叫道:“主人,主人,快放下我吧!”
Little Joy is also very playful. I put them in a cardboard box and put them on the balcony. Sometimes I jumped out to play and play on the balcony. The balcony where I urinated stinks. This made my mother angry. I couldn't wait to grab the rabbit's snow-white ears. The upper two claws were huddled in front of my chest, and the lower feet were struggling, as if to shout to me, "Master, master, put me down quickly!"
Although my little joy is very greedy and playful, it brings endless fun to my life. It is an indispensable part of my life.
我和小兔子的故事作文 篇3
A few days ago, I bought a cute and lazy little white rabbit from the flower and bird market. I took the snow-white rabbit home and put it on the ground. It ran around as if I liked the home very much.
When I saw this gesture, I thought: What a lovely animal! The rabbit's loveliness is shown in its gait, eating and sleeping. The rabbit's gait is very cute. It doesn't walk as fast as a duck or as leisurely as a goose, but it has a moderate pace, and sometimes it runs. I put it on the table and kissed him.
The way rabbits eat makes us laugh. Our rabbits are mini rabbits that only eat vegetables. My rabbits sometimes run under the sofa or hide on the balcony. But as long as you see green vegetables, you will run out immediately. It is typical that green vegetables don't kill you. Rabbits are afraid of everything. They always want to curl up in the corner of the cage. But when they see a dog, they also go to it and say something. The sleeping appearance of the rabbit is even more lovely. If I don't look carefully, I can't see it is a rabbit. At first, I thought it was a small pompon, but after a closer look, I saw the rabbit sleeping, and suddenly realized.
Once, I took the rabbit to take a water bus. It was exactly one o'clock in the afternoon. Somehow, the rabbit fell asleep while sitting. I guess it's the rabbit who has taken a nap, so he won't make any noise, because as long as he sleeps, no one can wake him up. The rabbit is really lively, innocent and lovely.
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