In summer, everything recovers, showing vitality everywhere.In this happy season, I stepped on a unforgettable journey and completed a growth.
In the summer, the students of the college institutions went to the Municipal Intelligent Security College to carry out a five -day and four -night summer summer camp.With hope, I ran into the campus.The first thing that looked at the bottom was a few simple old buildings, and then walked in a lawn with a wide white light.My excitement, my period, suddenly turned into the sun that can be burned into the sun, and it was clear that there was a sense of suffocation in the summer.
On the scorching sun, the difficult training began -without the color of the summer, just sweaty; there was no leisure of the summer vacation, just anxiety and boring; there was no boring to leave the hometown, just physically and mentally exhausted ... I silently complained:"What summer camp is this summer, and it is not allowed to live in life!"
Just I didn't wait for him to sort out the time to return the aftertaste, and the days slipped so.
"Class 5! By the fifth class! By!" The cheers from everyone were coming out of the ear.Under the scorching sun, the students stood upright, like a pine trees.His face, black glowing; eyes, vibrant; heart, looking forward to ... Under the command of the instructor, the youthful petals are quietly spreading.
Another dusk came. In the afterglow of the sun, I quietly said to myself: I like that summer journey!
The moon came out, and Nuo Da's lawn was quiet, like a poem.
My classmates and I stand on the sports field. Rourou's moonlight invades everyone's hair and everyone's clothes, and also flows in the hearts of everyone's eyes ... The scene of the scenes of the scene flashed out of the eyes, and the ears are next to the eyes.The puppet on the grass was crying at leisurely, and I used to be urgent to train quickly. I suddenly felt inexplicably sad for the journey of the station.
It was the last night of the Intelligent Security School, and the instructor sent everyone to a very quiet outdoor basketball venue."Sit!" The instructor's order was as powerful as friendship day.But after a uniform posture, everyone faintly realized a different atmosphere.
"Looking forward to the people can calm down and think about what they have gained in recent days?" The instructor said seriously.I looked up and saw the sky. The starry sky tonight was different. It was like who was careless for a while to spill the black ink on the raw propaganda paper.Litter, light up all summer.I relieved gently, the night breeze slowly blows, and my heart is more quiet.
I think that in recent days, I think that I can feel happiness by being exposed to the sun. I can feel happy by bite by mosquitoes.I enjoy this pain and happy day.
When I walked back to the bedroom that day, I accidentally found a very eye -catching star in the sky.In joy, this short and unforgettable summer journey needs to come to an end ...
1、夏日:夏日读音为xià rì,是指1.夏天。 2.夏昼。 3.夏天的太阳。 4.比喻态度严厉。语本《左传.文公七年》:“赵盾,夏日之日也。”夏日 xià rì词语解释:1.夏天。 2.夏昼。 3.夏天的太阳。 4.比喻态度严厉。语本《左传.文公七年》:“赵盾,夏日之日也。”分词解释:态度:1.人的行为、表情。 2.对某事的观点和做法。严厉:严肃而厉害:校长处理问题很严厉。太阳:太阳系的中心天体。银河系的一颗普通恒星。与地球平均距离14960万千米,直径139万千米,平均密度1.409克/立方厘米,质量1.989×10^33克,表面温度5770开,中心温度1500万开。由里向外分别为太阳核反应区、太阳对流层、太阳大气层。其中心区不停地进行热核反应,所产生的能量以辐射方式向宇宙空间发射。其中二十二亿分之一的能量辐射到地球,成为地球上光和热的主要来源。左传:书名。又称《春秋左氏传》或《左氏春秋》。儒家经典之一。编年体春秋史,相传是春秋时鲁国史官左丘明著。纪事起于公元前722年,终于前464年,资料丰富,叙事详明,文笔优美。...夏日怎么造句,用夏日造句»
2、旅程:旅程读音为lǚ chéng,是指1.旅行的路程。 2.喻人生历程。旅程 lǚ chéng词语意思:1.旅行的路程。 2.喻人生历程。(1) [journey;itinerary;route]∶旅途;从一地到另一地的旅行路程(2) [transit]∶人从生到死这段时间人生的旅程分词解释:人生:①人的生存和生活:人生道路|幸福的人生。②中篇小说。路遥作。1982年发表。高加林高中毕业后一心想离开农村,后因叔父的关系当了县委通讯干事。他抛弃了深爱着他的农村姑娘刘巧珍,而与县广播站播音员黄亚萍相爱。不久,他“走后门”当干部的事被人告发,只得回乡劳动,他和黄亚萍的关系也告结束。旅行:1.群行;结伴而行。 2.远行;去外地办事﹑谋生或游览。 3.远行的人。路程:又称“路径”。质点运动轨迹的长度。是标量。质点在某两个确定位置间运动时,路程可以是任何值。历程:经历的过程:光辉的历程。...旅程怎么造句,用旅程造句»
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