
时间:2022-08-19 12:14:56 | 来源:语文通



Liangzhu ancient city, located in Pingyao Town, northwest of Hangzhou."Liangzhu", the name is also very poetic, which means "water in the water".


More than 5,000 years ago, Liangzhu people also saw this Feng Shui treasure land, and gave birth to the vast land in the Taihu Lake Basin in the lower reaches of the Yangtze River, breeding for more than 1,000 years.They made sunrise and sunset, relying on planting fields, fishing, hunting, and collecting wild fruits.


More than 5,300 years have passed, and the hands of archeologists have continuously unveiled the mysterious veil of Liangzhu, making the face of the once vicissitudes of the sea.The Majiabang culture and Songze culture in the Neolithic era were displayed in front of everyone.


In the 1980s, the archeological work of this area entered the substantive stage with the symbol of the excavation of Wujiabu.The excavation of anti -mountain and Yaoshan caused a huge sensation, and quickly set off a wave of research on Liangzhu culture and Liangzhu jade.Soon, important sites such as Huiguanshan and Mojiao Mountain were revealed, and the study was pushed to a climax.


Let's walk into the Liangzhu Cultural Museum and explore the collections of the collections! Among them, there are advanced agricultural tools for Liangzhu: stone plow, stone shovel, stone knife, stone sickle, and soil breaking machine. From this, we can imagine that their lives are quite moisturizing.The rice rice fish is self -contented.


The treasures of the town in the museum are: the gods and beasts are the king of jade, describing a person riding on the beast.The King of Jade was 6.5 kilograms. Legend was the symbol of the royal power at that time.The internal circle of the jade , is a round hole in the middle. Experts speculate that it is a sacrifice ritual, which reflects the cosmic view of the primitive ancestors' "Tianyuan Place".In the anti -mountain tomb, there were also thousands of jade, jade whistle, and jade plate unearthed, witnessing the highest state of aesthetics at that time.


The ancient city of Liangzhu is the pearl of Hangzhou and the eyes of ancient times. It is worthy of the World Heritage Site.



Do you know what the site is? I only went to Liangzhu Ancient City to know, this is the hills.Don't underestimate these hills. Once, the hills were a magnificent palace!


Liangzhu culture, which has a long history, has been five thousand years old, but we still remember it.


Against mountain king's tomb made me nostalgic.It is a high graveyard with many funerals with different shapes. Although it is dazzling, it still can't stop me from deep curiosity.Kung Fu is worthy of care. I finally discovered that there were only small sticks in civilian tombs, but the king and nobles had precious jade burial.I really do not fight for the civilians. Why do the king treat the civilians so well, but it is unfair.


At that time, there was a city wall, and its nickname was "rounded square".Because the city walls are in all directions, the corners are round, so that there is this nickname.As soon as I saw it, I wanted to call it the "old -fashioned" city wall.


The Mojiao Mountain Palace is also very famous.It is also a hill, but there are many stones and circles on it.This hill was very high, and we spent the power of nine cows and two tigers to climb up.When I jumped happily between the circles, there was a sudden pride. The ancestors could make such a high -level thing. For the younger me, it was too powerful!


Liangzhu culture not only changed history, but also affected us now.I hope that in the near future, China will be stronger and glorious.



This summer, I "explored" the Liangzhu Ancient City Park with a history of more than 5,000 years.


Entering the door, we took the sightseeing car and visited the ancient city wall in the first stop.I thought I would see those tall and sturdy stone walls or brick walls that I have seen in Xi'an and Beijing, but when the car stopped, I looked at the direction of the guide's signal, and was really laughed.Because what I see is just a few humble small soil piles.If it weren't for the rows of metal nets, I really thought it was a wasteland that was stacked here at will be dug ponds nearby.Those tourists in the same car estimated that they had the same thoughts as me, and they laughed.But after laughing, I thought about it. No, these walls piled up in the soil have undergone five thousand years of uninterrupted wind and rain erosion, but I can see the previous appearance.How tall and majestic is it! Thinking of this, I can't help but respect.


After watching the ancient city wall, the sightseeing car started again, and the rice fields on both sides of the road ran towards the car quickly. It didn't take long to reach an archeological experience platform. Here, spending 20 yuan can make people dig for 30 minutes in person, maybe you can dig the exquisite Liangzhu jade. How can I let go of such a good experience? After paying the money, when I mentioned the shovel, I jumped into the sand pit and buried my head. In my ear, there was only the shovel shovel "brush" and "brush" sound of the sand soil. The nose was filled with the dry smell of dust, but until the sweat on my forehead had dripped in the sand, the shovel had touched the bottom of the pit, and I still didn't dig any baby. "Huh! It's all deceptive!" I throw the shovel angrily, sitting in the pit with a buttocks. Dad saw it, and ran to the pit, while throwing sand on me and said slowly: "Real archeological excavations are hundreds of times more difficult than you today. Well ... "" Hum, I'm not lazy! "I really hit my dad's excitement again, lifted the shovel, and chose another place to start digging. Unexpectedly, as soon as I shoveled it, I felt that the shovel head touched a hard thing. I quickly put down the shovel and wiped the layer of soil with my hands. No, it should be said "brushed". The bottom of the sand exposed a little white. I excitedly dug the surrounding soil directly with my hands. It was revealed. The jade tablets are milky, with the same size of my palm. It has a bird -like shape. It looks like a dart used by Batman and there are beautiful patterns on it, just like those patterns I saw on the Liangzhu Tour Manual Essence It was lying quietly in the sand. Although it was just a copy, I still felt that I dug a rare treasure.


After digging the baby, we went to the next attraction -the water observation deck.Although I felt boring when I heard the words "Observation Deck", I even wanted to depend on the sightseeing car anymore, but I held the idea of "in case the scenery is not bad", and I felt that I should try it to try it.Try.Unexpectedly, the moment I boarded the observation deck, my chin was "pulled" by the scenery in front of me, and I couldn't go back again: the endless forest was connected to a whole piece of dark green, and the middle of the house was mixed with the house with the house.A touch of tile was crimson, as if someone was inlaid with ruby on it.In the sun rain, the surplus of the sunset reflected the rainy curtain not far away, as if a curtain made with gold was hung between the heavens and the earth.


The Liangzhu ancient city ruins are too big. We spent half a day and we could only go to the horse and watch flowers. Soon we arrived at the closing time.Sitting on the sightseeing car in the exit, I was secretly thinking that when I grew up, I must be good at it, and I really come here to explore it!