
时间:2022-11-18 12:56:58 | 来源:语文通


幼儿园国庆节放假通知温馨提示 篇1幼儿园国庆节放假通知温馨提示 篇2幼儿园2022年国庆节放假通知及温馨提示 篇3幼儿园国庆节放假通知温馨提示 篇4幼儿园国庆节放假通知温馨提示 篇5幼儿园2022年国庆节放假通知及温馨提示 篇6幼儿园2022年国庆节放假通知及温馨提示 篇7幼儿园2022年国庆节放假通知及温馨提示 篇8

幼儿园国庆节放假通知温馨提示 篇1


Dear parents and friends


In the busy work, we are about to welcome the National Day holiday of October 1. First of all, thank you for your cooperation and support for the kindergarten work. Taking this opportunity, all teachers and students of XX Kindergarten wish all parents and friends a happy holiday!


The National Day holiday is arranged as follows: 7 days of compensatory leave from October 1 to 7. Regular classes are held on October 8 (Saturday) and October 9 (Sunday).


You must have made rich arrangements for yourself and the children during the seven day long holiday. Take the children home to see the elderly during the holidays and enjoy the happiness of family reunion; Take the children to visit the great rivers and mountains of the motherland to broaden their horizons; Or just stay at home with your children to read and play games, and fully enjoy the warmth and happiness of the holiday.


Dear friends, here we would like to solemnly remind you that no matter where you are, you must strictly control your safety to ensure the personal and property safety of yourself and your children. As we know, various potential safety hazards such as food safety, social security, natural disasters and violent emergencies occur from time to time. Pay attention to family members, especially children's personal safety, during holidays! Here, the kindergarten has also done a series of work, looking forward to working with you to ensure the safety of children during the long holiday. Kindergarten classes carried out safety education activities before the National Day holiday. They integrated various safety education such as traffic safety, food safety, activity safety, health safety and self-protection through nursery rhymes, stories, videos and other forms, so that children could understand that they should not play with fire, play with computers, eat too much, go out without permission, and avoid scalding, falling, being trafficked, food poisoning and drowning, Enhance children's safety awareness and self rescue ability. This is to remind parents and friends to also improve their awareness of safety protection, take the responsibility of monitoring their children during holidays, and lead them to have a happy holiday together.


Here, we also remind you of the following matters and sincerely hope to continue to receive your attention and support:


1、 Safety tips at home.


During holidays, children spend more time at home, and parents can't follow them anytime and anywhere. Therefore, they should actively carry out family safety education to cultivate their self-protection awareness.


1. Develop good habits of daily life, go to bed early and get up early, avoid children watching TV for a long time, and protect their eyes. Parents of new children should provide their children with the opportunity to do things on their own, talk more about what happened in the kindergarten, and avoid children's emotional instability after the long holiday.


2. Strengthen fire safety education, do not play with fire, do not let children use candles alone, and pay attention to the safety of electricity and water.


Prevent children from touching hot water and hot soup to prevent scalding.


3. Help children develop good hygiene habits. Pay attention to family and personal hygiene, and supervise your children to wash their hands frequently


Take a bath and cut your nails frequently. Prepare handkerchiefs or paper towels for children, and wash their hands frequently with hand sanitizer (soap) and clean water.


4. When family reunions or family and friends gather for dinner, children should not be allowed to eat raw, cold or hard food, let alone overeating. Fruits and snacks should not be eaten too much, so as not to cause children's gastrointestinal discomfort. The weather is cool in autumn. Don't give seafood to children. They are prone to gastrointestinal diseases.


5. Parents and children are invited to participate in appropriate outdoor exercise to strengthen their physique, so as to improve their own immunity and disease resistance.


6. Holidays are also a good time for young parents to have a rest. Please coordinate the time for rest and accompanying children.


2、 Travel safety tips


1. Clean up, tidy up personal belongings and store them properly. When leaving, be sure to close and lock the doors and windows, and turn off the power switch and faucet at home before leaving.


2. It is inevitable to visit relatives and friends and travel during holidays, but traffic accidents occur from time to time, so traffic safety cannot be ignored. Parents should educate and urge children to abide by the traffic regulations on the way out. They should not chase and fight on the road, do not play dangerous games, and walk crosswalks when crossing the road; It is forbidden for children to walk on the road without permission, and parents should set an example, especially when taking children out, driving and cycling are not allowed to drink.


3. When driving by yourself, do not let the child sit in the co driver's position, and equip the child with a suitable baby seat. It is forbidden for children to stretch their heads and hands out of the window. Parents should not leave their children in the car. Do not take the "three no" vehicles, especially those driving without a license or speeding.


4. Pay attention to personal safety. Do not take children to play in rivers, catch fish, touch shrimp, swim, etc.


5. Don't take children to entertainment places without safety facilities. Pay attention to your speech and behavior in case of disputes.


6. When going out on vacation, if you encounter bad weather, you should pay attention to prevent lightning, flood, landslide and other accidents, and protect your own safety.


7. Educate young children to learn to protect themselves, and keep up with adults in supermarkets where there are many people, so as to prevent them from getting lost. Be familiar with and know the name, telephone number, etc. of family members, know the fire alarm: 119, police: 110, rescue: 120, etc.


All teachers and staff of XX Kindergarten wish all parents and children of XX Kindergarten a happy National Day in advance! We are waiting for you!

幼儿园国庆节放假通知温馨提示 篇2


Dear parents and friends


The autumn wind is cool and the osmanthus is fragrant. The National Day holiday is coming soon. XX Kindergarten sends you and your family its warmest holiday greetings and best wishes. Let children have a safe, healthy and happy holiday life. We sincerely hope that you can fulfill your guardianship obligations, cultivate children's safety awareness and improve their self-protection ability. Here, please cooperate in the following aspects:


National Day holiday arrangements


According to relevant regulations, the National Day holiday schedule is: October 1, 20XX (Friday) to October 7, 20XX (Thursday), 7 days off; On October 8 (Friday), we will enter the kindergarten as usual and make up classes on October 9 (Saturday).


Warm holiday tips


With the coming of the festival, our kindergarten has strengthened the safety education for children during the festival to improve their self-protection awareness. At the same time, in order to ensure that children spend a "healthy, safe, happy and meaningful" holiday, we would like to give you a warm reminder:


Can I travel during the National Day holiday?


All teachers and students should not go to areas with medium or high risk of epidemic. During the National Day holiday, reduce cross provincial mobility. In principle, teachers and students are required to celebrate the holiday on the spot, go out of provinces and cities to fulfill the reporting procedures, and teachers and students returning from other provinces need to provide a 48 hour nucleic acid test report.


What "epidemic prevention and control" matters should be paid attention to when going out?


Avoid places where people gather, especially those with poor air mobility, and keep a social distance in public places. When people gather, especially those who do not know each other, they should wear masks.


Wear a mask when taking public transport, pay attention to personal protection, keep a reasonable distance from others, and try to avoid touching objects on public transport. Wash your hands in time after going home.


What if someone in the family comes back from the risk area?


If any of the co residents are in the period of home health observation and daily health monitoring, the children should avoid contact with them. On the 7th day of home health observation and the 7th day of daily health monitoring, they should have a nucleic acid test respectively. After 14 days, they can return to the kindergarten with a negative nucleic acid test certificate.


The National Day also requires attention:


When resting at home, children are not allowed to climb the balcony, doors and windows. Educate children not to play with sockets, switches, fire, electricity and gas, and keep away from potential safety hazards. At the same time, teach children the methods of self-protection and self-protection and self rescue to prevent all electric shock and fire accidents.

不在马路边或车辆盲区内玩耍打闹。遵守交通法规,不闯红灯、不翻越隔离栏。自觉遵守轨道交通、公交车乘车规范。教 https://www.niubb.net/ 育孩子右边下车,注意后面的车辆和行人。乘车系好安全带,不让孩子独自留在车内。

Do not play or play along the road or in the blind area of vehicles. Obey the traffic laws and regulations, do not run the red light or climb over the barrier. Consciously abide by the rail transit and bus riding specifications. Teach HTTPS://WWW.NIUBB NET/Child rearing Get off on the right and pay attention to the vehicles and pedestrians behind. Fasten the safety belt and don't let the child stay in the car alone.


Don't take a stranger's car; Do not accept money, toys, gifts or food from strangers. If children are kidnapped, teach them to shout loudly and try to destroy objects around them to attract passers-by's attention. If a stranger knocks at the door when staying at home alone, teach the child to be vigilant and not open the door easily. If there is any abnormal situation, call 110 to call the police.


Instead of indulging in mobile computer games, parents can go to the cinema with their children, watch a patriotic education film, and tell the children about the revolutionary ancestors. Go outdoors with your children and feel the beauty of nature.


Dear parents, let's take action together to protect the safety of our children and let them have a safe and meaningful holiday. XX Kindergarten sincerely wishes the motherland a happy birthday! I wish all families a happy National Day, happiness and health!

幼儿园2022年国庆节放假通知及温馨提示 篇3


Dear parents


On the occasion of the National Day holiday, I would like to thank you for your cooperation and support in the kindergarten work. The safety and happiness of children is our greatest wish. In order to let all teachers and students in the kindergarten have a safe, stable and peaceful National Day "Golden Week", please cooperate with the kindergarten to do a good job of safety education. During the holidays, you should earnestly shoulder the responsibility of monitoring children and lead them to spend a happy holiday together.


The relevant matters are arranged as follows, and we sincerely hope to continue to receive your help and support:


1、 National Day holiday arrangements


In accordance with the relevant provisions of national statutory holidays, we hereby arrange the following matters related to the National Day holiday in 20XX: the National Day holiday lasts from October 1 to October 7, a total of 7 days. Go to school from October 8 to October 14.


During the National Day Golden Week, you must have arranged various relaxation and entertainment activities, but your children's health is your concern and also our concern. In order to let the children spend a happy, safe, healthy and full National Day holiday, we sincerely remind all parents that whether they go out or stay at home: always pay attention to their health, please cooperate closely:


1. During the long holiday, many parents will take their children out to play, broaden their children's horizons, and increase their children's knowledge. It is recommended that parents take their children to participate in more outdoor activities or sports. They should pay attention to public health, traffic safety, and work and rest during the holiday.


2. Parents should always pay attention to the food hygiene of children, and should not overeat or eat too many snacks to avoid indigestion and gastrointestinal diseases.


3. Children who rest at home should reasonably arrange their work and rest time. They should go to bed early and get up early. Children should not be allowed to watch TV indoors for a long time. They should try to keep their work and rest rules in the kindergarten so as to avoid discomfort when they return to the kindergarten after the holidays.


4. Parents should strengthen their safety awareness. Children must be accompanied by their parents when they go out, and pay attention to traffic safety. They should pay attention to the reasonable placement of family items. Children should not be allowed to touch unsafe items and power supplies to avoid accidents.


5. Please do not leave children at home alone, and be vigilant when going out to prevent bad people from swindling children and hurting minors.


6. Continue to develop good habits and behaviors at home, such as doing your own things, eating your own meals, dressing your own clothes, helping your mother do housework such as sweeping the floor and choosing vegetables, etc


7. When the weather gets cold, parents should pay more attention to children and help them increase or decrease their clothes in time.


8. Autumn is the season of high incidence of infectious diseases. Pay attention to the air circulation in the room and personal hygiene of children, and try to avoid activities in crowded public places. Wash your hands frequently, drink plenty of boiled water and eat cooked food. Don't take your children to unsanitary stalls to eat, and help them develop good living habits.


9. During the holiday, please pay attention to your child's physical condition at any time. If you have fever, rash and other symptoms, you must not be careless. Take your child to the hospital for treatment in time. In case of any infectious disease, contact the head teacher in time, pay attention to nutrition, rest at home, and do not walk around to spread the source of the disease.


Finally, I wish parents and children a safe, healthy, happy and full National Day holiday!

幼儿园国庆节放假通知温馨提示 篇4


According to the spirit of the Notice of the General Office of the State Council on the Arrangement of National Day Holidays in 20XX, the schedule of the kindergarten's National Day holidays in 20XX is as follows:


7 days off from October 1, 20XX to October 7, 20XX


Go to work on October 9 (Saturday)


Dear parents


The autumn wind is cool and the osmanthus is fragrant. The whole country celebrates the National Day. On the occasion of the coming National Day, XX Kindergarten would like to extend its holiday wishes to you, and also sincerely thank you for your support and help in the kindergarten's work.


In order to let the children have a full and safe holiday, please cooperate with the following work to do a good job in the child's custody, education and epidemic prevention.


Warm holiday tips


Epidemic prevention safety


1. Advocate local festivals. Reasonably arrange vacation trips. Do not leave the county or go to areas with medium or high risk of epidemic disease unless necessary. If you need to travel, please pay close attention to the epidemic situation in the destination and passing places, and do a good job of personal protection to reduce the risk of infection.


2. Take personal protective measures. Wear a mask when going out, consciously develop a good habit of civilization and health, such as "wash hands frequently, ventilate frequently, gather less, one meter noodles", do not pile up, do not gather, and keep a safe social distance. Actively cooperate with prevention and control measures such as temperature measurement, wearing masks, checking health codes and travel cards.


3. Minimize gathering for meals. Try to reduce the group gathering in unnecessary places, and try to control the gathering of individual families to less than 10 people, and advocate the use of male spoons and chopsticks when eating; Avoid gathering in closed or poorly ventilated places.


4. Do a good job of personal health monitoring. In case of fever, dry cough, fatigue, sore throat, hypoesthesia, diarrhea and other discomfort symptoms, immediately wear a mask to go to the nearest medical institution with fever clinic (consulting room) and truthfully inform the epidemiological history and living history, and avoid taking public transport during this period.


traffic safety


traffic safety,不让幼儿独自过马路或在街上乱跑。


2. Do not run the red light when crossing the street. Look left and right, and walk along the crosswalk, overpass and underpass.


3. Do not take three no vehicles and three overtaking vehicles.


4. Don't look around or play while walking.


5. In foggy and rainy days, it is better to wear colorful clothes.


6. Don't put your head and hands out of the window when riding.


7. Educate children to get off on the right and pay attention to the vehicles and pedestrians behind.


8. Children are not allowed to take the co driver and walk around in the car.


9. Never let the child stay in the car alone.


Take strict precautions against diseases


1. Educate children to wash their hands frequently, pay attention to food hygiene, and prevent disease from entering by mouth.


2. Take children to densely populated places less and reduce the chance of contact with infectious disease sources.


3. At home, pay attention to opening windows for ventilation to reduce bacteria breeding.


4. Remind children to drink more water and wash their hands frequently.


5. If the child is found to have symptoms of a suspected infectious disease, he or she should seek medical advice immediately.


6. When you go out to play, you should prepare some medicines for urgent use.


7. It is not allowed to overeat, and children should not eat more fruits and snacks to avoid gastrointestinal discomfort.


Strictly prevent kidnapping


1. Don't open the door to strangers. Teach children to see who is coming from the cat's eye.


2. Don't go out alone, go shopping or travel.


3. Don't talk to strangers casually, don't eat what strangers give, and don't walk with strangers.


4. Get separated from your parents and find the police, security guards, broadcasting room, shopping mall staff, etc.


5. Remember your home address and your parents' phone numbers.


6. Let children remember the anti kidnapping and anti cheating songs, such as:


Strangers, give food, do not take, do not eat;


Strangers, come to chat up, don't talk, turn around and walk away;


Stranger, hold you and go, hold on to the railing.


home safety


1. Children are not allowed to stay at home alone in case of accidents.


2. Do not climb the balcony, doors and windows or other high places to prevent falling.


3. Do not play with sockets and switches to prevent electric shock. Do not touch the appliance with wet hands or wipe the appliance with wet cloth. Do not play with the power plug and socket, let alone put your hands or conductive objects into the power socket.


4. Do not play with lighters and lighted mosquito repellent incense to prevent scalding or fire. Do not play near the fire source or under the high-voltage line. Do not play with fire, such as matches, lighters, candles, etc. Teach children the knowledge of fire self rescue, such as covering their mouth and nose with wet towels to escape.


5. Do not play with sharp or fragile objects to prevent cuts, scratches and stabs.


6. Do not put your hand into the fan blade to prevent injury.


7. Drugs must be kept properly to prevent accidental consumption.


8. Keep the hot water bottle out of the reach of children to prevent scalding.


Dear parents, let's take action together to protect the safety of our children and let them have a safe and meaningful holiday. At the same time, please urge your children to arrange their study and life reasonably to make the National Day holiday more substantial.


Finally, all teachers of XX Kindergarten wish all parents and children a happy, harmonious, happy and healthy National Day holiday!

幼儿园国庆节放假通知温馨提示 篇5


Dear parents




We sincerely thank you for your strong support and cooperation in the kindergarten work. According to the arrangement of the State Council for the National Day holiday in 20XX, the time of the holiday and the warm reminder are as follows. Parents are kindly requested to cooperate in the custody and education of their children during the National Day holiday.


20XX National Day holiday: 7 days in total


Holiday time: October 1 to October 7


Return time: October 8 (Friday)


Regular classes on September 26 (Sunday)


Regular classes on October 9 (Saturday)


Tips on National Day Holiday


During the National Day holiday, parents have arranged various forms of relaxation and entertainment activities, but your children's health is your concern and our concern. In order to enable children to have a happy, safe, healthy and substantial holiday, parents and friends are reminded to pay attention to their children's health at all times, whether they are traveling or staying at home.


1. Keep away from others during travel, wash your hands frequently, and wear masks when going out!


2. Please scientifically and reasonably arrange children's vacation schedule to maintain a healthy and orderly life; Pay attention to the alternation of movement and stillness, and lead the children out to participate in various beneficial activities;


3. Encourage children to participate in housework at home, do what they can, help adults to serve others, and improve children's self-care ability and sense of responsibility;


4. Spend some time every day reading or playing games with children;


5. Support children to exercise, arrange at least one hour of outdoor sports every day, and let children practice certain sports skills, such as racket, running games and other activities;


6. Remind children that they are going to kindergarten one day in advance, adjust their mentality and schedule, and try to avoid anxiety, crying, fatigue and other phenomena after the festival.


National Day Holiday Safety Tips


1. Pay attention to traffic safety


1) Children are not allowed to cross the street alone or run around in the street.


2) Do not run the red light when crossing the street. Look left and right, and walk along the crosswalk, overpass and underpass.


3) Don't put your head and hands out of the window when riding.


4) Don't let the child stay in the car alone.


2. Take strict precautions against diseases


1) Educate children to wash their hands frequently, pay attention to food hygiene, and prevent disease from entering by mouth.


2) Take children to densely populated places less and reduce the chance of contact with infectious disease sources.


3) At home, pay attention to opening windows for ventilation to reduce bacteria breeding.


4) Remind children to drink more water and wash their hands frequently.


5) Children should not eat more fruits and snacks, and should not overeat to avoid gastrointestinal discomfort.


3. Strictly prevent kidnapping


1) Don't open the door to strangers. Teach children to see who is coming from the cat's eye.


2) Don't go out alone, go shopping or travel.


3) Don't talk to strangers casually, don't eat what strangers give, and don't walk with strangers.


4) Get separated from your parents and find the police, security guards, broadcasting room, shopping mall staff, etc.


5) Remember your home address and your parents' phone numbers.


6) Let children remember the anti kidnapping and anti cheating songs, such as:


Strangers, give food, do not take, do not eat;


Strangers, come to chat up, don't talk, turn around and walk away;


Stranger, hold you and go, hold on to the railing.


4. Home safety


1) Children are not allowed to stay at home alone in case of accidents.


2) Do not climb the balcony, doors and windows or other high places to prevent falling.


3) Do not play with sockets and switches to prevent electric shock.


4) Do not play with sharp or fragile objects to prevent cuts, scratches and stabs.


5) Drugs must be kept properly to prevent accidental consumption.


6) Keep the hot water bottle out of the reach of children to prevent scalding.


5. Fire discharge


1) Teach children to recognize safety signs.


2) Do not touch the appliance with wet hands or wipe the appliance with wet cloth.


3) Do not play with the power plug and socket, let alone put your hands or conductive objects into the power socket.


4) Do not play near the fire source or under the high-voltage line.


5) Do not play with fire, such as matches, lighters, candles, etc.


Holiday notice及温馨提示 篇6


Dear parents and friends: In this season of osmanthus fragrance, the mother of the motherland has welcomed the XX anniversary. XX years of trials and hardships, our motherland is thriving and growing, our nation is proud and confident, and our people are happy, healthy and energetic!


The five-star red flag flutters in the wind, and we celebrate the glory of the motherland's birthday together. Now we inform the following about the arrangements for the National Day holiday in 20XX:


Holiday notice


7 days of compensatory leave from October 1 to 7


Normal admission on September 26 (Sunday) and October 9 (Saturday)


On October 8 (Friday), the holiday ended and the children returned to the kindergarten


In order to let the children spend a


Happy, safe and meaningful National Day holiday


Parents are requested to cooperate with the kindergarten


Focus on the following aspects


1、 Epidemic prevention during holidays


Continue to do a good job of regular epidemic prevention according to the relevant guidelines issued by the school; Do not go abroad or to areas with moderate or high risk of epidemic.


Take personal protective measures. Wear a mask when going out, consciously develop a good habit of civilization and health, such as "wash hands frequently, ventilate frequently, gather less, one meter noodles", do not pile up, do not gather, and keep a safe social distance. Actively cooperate with prevention and control measures such as temperature measurement, wearing masks, checking health codes and travel cards.


Do a good job of personal health monitoring. In case of fever, dry cough, fatigue, sore throat, hypoesthesia, diarrhea and other discomfort symptoms, immediately wear a mask to go to the nearest medical institution with fever clinic (consulting room) and truthfully inform the epidemiological history and living history, and avoid taking public transport during this period.


2、 Please scientifically and reasonably arrange children's vacation schedule


Keep a healthy and orderly daily routine; Pay attention to the alternation of movement and stillness, and lead children to participate in various beneficial activities.


A good habit of work and rest is the prerequisite for developing the concept of time. Parents can work out a schedule with their children, including when to get up, how long to wash, how long to eat breakfast, what to do at home first, what to do next, and when to go to bed. Only by fixing the schedule and forming habits can children have a clear understanding of time and develop a good concept of time.


3、 National Day is the best time to teach children to be patriotic


Patriotic education should start with children, so that they can establish and develop the concept of patriotism from childhood, and do their best to love the motherland and cherish peace.


Children's love for the motherland education is one of the contents of children's moral education. Through planned and purposeful educational activities, children are trained to have a sense of attachment to their relatives and hometown, a sense of familiarity with national symbols such as the capital, the national flag, the national anthem and national cultural traditions, and a sense of pride in the natural scenery, historical and cultural monuments and construction achievements of the motherland. Education should gradually expand from loving parents and teachers to regular cleaners, cooks, salesmen, drivers, etc., and know the social significance of labor.


4、 Encourage children to participate in housework at home


Do what you can, and help adults to serve others, improve children's self-care ability and sense of responsibility.


1. Children's participation in labor can promote their health.


2. Children's participation in labor can promote their intellectual development.


3. Children's participation in labor can promote children's artistic aesthetics.


4. Children's participation in labor can promote their ability to take care of themselves and develop good living habits.


5. Children's participation in labor can promote their moral cultivation.


5、 Support children to exercise


Arrange at least one hour of outdoor sports every day, so that children can practice certain sports skills, such as racket, rope skipping and other activities.


1. Group sports let children have a sense of belonging, and it's more fun to have company!


2. Exercise can also relieve children's pressure


3. Sports help children establish discipline and rules


4. The process of preschool children's sports is far more important than the result


6、 Remind children 1 to 2 days in advance that school is about to begin


Adjust your mind and schedule, and try to avoid anxiety, crying, fatigue and other phenomena after the festival.


Dear parents, let's take action together to protect the safety of our children and let them have a safe and meaningful holiday. At the same time, please urge your children to arrange their study and life reasonably to make the National Day holiday more substantial.


Finally, all the teachers and staff of XX Town Central Kindergarten wish all parents and children a happy, harmonious, happy and healthy National Day holiday!

幼儿园2022年国庆节放假通知及温馨提示 篇7


Dear parents


The safety and happiness of children is our greatest wish. In order to let all teachers and students in the kindergarten have a safe, stable and peaceful National Day "Golden Week", please cooperate with the kindergarten to do a good job of safety education. During the holidays, you should earnestly shoulder the responsibility of monitoring children, and lead the children to spend a happy holiday together in the principle of "safety and proximity".


The relevant matters are arranged as follows, and we sincerely hope to continue to receive your help and support:


1、 National Day holiday arrangements:


According to the Notice of the General Office of the State Council on the Arrangement of Some Festivals and Holidays in 20XX, the National Day holiday of kindergartens is arranged as follows: from October 1 to 8, the kindergarten will be off in lieu for 8 days, and classes will be held as usual on October 9 (Monday).


2、 Health and safety tips:


1. Special tips: It is autumn now, and the temperature is sometimes high or low. Please pay attention to the timely increase or decrease of clothes. At the same time, we hope that parents should follow the principle of safety and health, and try not to take their children to places where people gather and the air circulation is poor; We can take children into nature, participate in some safe and meaningful practical activities, and carefully care for and cultivate their curiosity, understanding, interest and desire to explore the surrounding things and phenomena.


2. Strengthen fire safety education, do not play with fire, do not let children stay at home alone, do not let children use candles alone, and pay attention to the safety of electricity and water.


3. Strengthen traffic safety education, abide by traffic rules, teach children not to play on the road, look at the traffic lights when crossing the road, and take the crosswalk when crossing the road; Don't go out and play without permission of parents.


4. Strengthen the education of food hygiene, continue to do a good job in food hygiene, educate children to wash their hands frequently, drink more boiled water, eat cooked food, do not take children to unsanitary stalls to eat, eat less fast food, eat less sweets, and help children develop good living habits.


3、 Precautions for children traveling on National Day:


Children have poor resistance and patience. When traveling, we should pay attention to the following points:


1. Be well prepared


Children's clothes, food, medicine, etc. should be prepared before going out.


2. Select tourist attractions with good sanitary conditions and convenient transportation


Select designated travel, avoid running around and change hotels every day. Choose a safe project suitable for children to play, and do not carry out outdoor sports such as mountain climbing and exploration.


3. Take transportation tools correctly


When taking a plane or a car, help or urge the child to fasten his seat belt (the baby is held in his arms), and do not let him walk around at will to prevent collision and injury during turbulence. Children's emotions fluctuate greatly, and crying may interfere with others' rest, so arrangements should be made, such as letting them read books and listen to stories. When the plane takes off and lands, children will feel earache. Let them bite pacifiers and chew candy to help alleviate the symptoms.


4. When traveling, children are active and do not know what danger is. In addition, naughty children are not easy to control. They may get bruises, falls, sprains and even fractures during traveling. Parents should teach children what they should not do and pay close attention to their children's actions. Pay attention to food hygiene, and don't let children eat raw and cold food.


5. Pay attention to children's health


When children travel, the incidence rate is higher than that of adults. Anyone who sees that they have less food and activities should pay attention to whether they are ill. If the child shows impatience, fatigue or illness, he should be sent to the local hospital for examination in time, instead of being asked to travel with illness.


6. In order to avoid the huge economic payment risk caused by accidents, purchasing travel insurance is one of the effective ways.


4、 Precautions for civilized travel


1. When you buy tickets for a trip, you should consciously queue up, wait patiently, and teach children not to run around.


2. When you travel, you should protect the environment, do not litter, do not step on the lawn, do not pick flowers and plants, and do not scribble on civilized objects.


3. Do not chase and fight in public, or lie down on public chairs; Do not smoke in places with "No Smoking" signs.


4. Speak in a civilized manner, with a gentle tone and moderate volume; Use civilized expressions such as "thank you", "please forgive me", "sorry", "excuse me", and do not use uncivilized expressions; Don't make too much noise, dance and laugh loudly in public.


5. When eating, pay attention to the hygiene of the restaurant, do not spit or litter;


6. You should arrive at the airport more than one hour in advance to check your seat, check your luggage and exchange your flight ticket; Observe the order and do not jump the queue if you do not compete; Before entering the waiting room, actively cooperate with the safety inspection, and do not carry anything that may hinder flight safety in violation of regulations; Get seated as soon as possible after boarding and put your belongings in the trunk above the seat; After taking a seat, fasten your seat belt, and do not take off your shoes or stretch your legs and feet to affect your neighbors; After takeoff, take the initiative to turn off mobile phones and other electronic products; Don't touch others when resting; When vomiting, special cleaning bags must be used; When having a meal on the plane, the steward shall deliver it to the seat in order. Don't go to pick it up in person. If you need other services, you can raise your hand to the steward or press the call button to say hello. Don't shout too loudly; After the aircraft lands and stops stably, open the trunk and take out your belongings to get off the aircraft in turn; When picking up checked baggage, check it carefully to avoid mistakes. If you know that baggage is damaged or lost, you should immediately contact the leader and go to the airport lost and found department of the airline to handle compensation or search procedures.


7. Arrive at the station more than 30 minutes in advance by train and get into the platform with the train ticket; Stand within the yellow safety line when waiting to avoid danger. Get on the train according to the carriage number marked on the ticket, and check the number of eight seats; Don't walk back and forth in the carriage when the train is running, so as to avoid falling and bumping.


8. After getting on the bus, take the initiative to find the conductor to buy tickets or buy tickets with coins; Prepare change before getting on the train; If you want to take the subway, you should buy a ticket at the ticket office in advance, and then enter the platform with the ticket; Don't evade tickets; No smoking, melon seeds, chewing gum, ice cream and other easily polluted snacks are allowed in the carriage; Respect the old and love the young, and offer your seat to them.


Finally, I wish parents and friends a happy National Day holiday!

幼儿园2022年国庆节放假通知及温馨提示 篇8


Dear parents and friends




It has been nearly a month since the school began in autumn. Here, we sincerely thank you for your support and help to our kindergarten since the beginning of school, and for cooperating with our kindergarten to effectively carry out various activities. In this time of national celebration, in order to let children spend a full and safe holiday. The holiday time and precautions are hereby notified as follows:


Holidays: 7 days from October 1 to October 7


Return time: October 8 (Tuesday)




A normal day off on September 28 (Saturday);


Children enter the kindergarten normally on September 29 (Sunday) and September 30 (Monday).


Kindergarten Tips


The National Day holiday is a golden holiday. In order to ensure that babies spend a "healthy, safe, happy, meaningful and civilized" holiday, we would like to give you a warm reminder:


1. Strengthen fire safety education.


Don't play with fire. Don't let your baby use candles alone. Pay attention to the safety of electricity and water.


2. Strengthen traffic safety education.


You must pay attention to the traffic safety when you go out on holidays. You must obey the traffic rules and educate your baby not to play on the road. You must take the crosswalk when crossing the road; Don't go out and play without permission of parents.


3. Strengthen the education of food hygiene.


Do a good job in food hygiene, educate children to drink more boiled water and eat cooked food, prevent children from eating raw and cold food, and prevent children from overeating. Don't take children to unsanitary stalls for meals. Have regular meals three times a day, do not eat snacks, pay attention to the combination of meat and vegetables in diet, encourage children to eat more vegetables and fruits, and help children develop good living habits.


4. Strengthen environmental protection education


Educate children to care for the environment, care for nature, do not step on the lawn, do not litter, learn garbage classification methods with children, and guide children to separate garbage. Save water and electricity, and look for items that can be reused.


5. Help baby develop good hygiene habits.


Keep your home ventilated. Autumn is the season of high incidence of influenza. Keeping indoor air circulation is a shortcut to prevent influenza. Pay attention to family and personal hygiene, prepare handkerchiefs or paper towels for your baby, and often use hand sanitizer (soap) and clean water to wash your hands.


6. Develop good habits of life and rest.


Reasonably arrange children's work and rest time, and try to keep it consistent with that of the kindergarten. Arrange some learning activities properly every day to consolidate good habits.


7. Special tips:


Autumn is a period of high incidence of epidemic diseases. Try not to take children to places where people gather and the air circulation is poor.


8. Parents should improve their safety awareness.


Don't leave your child alone at home; When children go out, they must be accompanied by adults; When traveling on vacation, check the weather forecast in advance and prepare necessary clothes to avoid catching cold.


9. Cultivate self-care ability.


When children are at home, parents should not do everything and try to do what they can. The children should be properly assigned tasks within their capabilities and actively guided. If the children do a good job, they should be praised in time.


All teachers and students of XX Kindergarten wish you in advance


Happy National Day