
时间:2022-07-15 13:49:23 | 来源:语文通



The mother deliberately produced a pot of younger in a pot of grandfather's house.I put it in the room and appreciate it.


It has a thin leaf as pure cotton towels, turquoise and green; the leaves also have a classmad -like pattern; the top of the leaves is pointed, and the edge of the leaves is embedded with the "golden wire" of yellow orange. How beautiful! Some of the leaves go straight up to the sky, as if the general who has played a victory, raised his head to hold his chest; Its leaf -based curly hair is like a snake climbing, and it suddenly needs to rush to you. Although its body looks like a snake, it is not vicious and has great effects! Its leaves can digest and absorb cigarette oil, purify indoor air, and treat cancer disease. Touch it, the surface of the large leaves is not smooth and smooth, and there are some smoothness that just grows out. Its leaves have no taste, but the flowers are different. The two flowers bloomed silently, and then opened the third, fourth until fifth; at this time, your room would be filled with aroma that didn't know how to outline. The flower was red, like a girl wearing a black dress, sitting between the green leaves coquettishly. The flowers are thin and long, and they do not look like the leaves that give it life at all. The flower bones are pale yellow, as if three bees are pierced into the flowers at the same time, so cute! The fruits are also bright red, round, and release the aroma of temptation, but the fruit but cannot be eaten.


Listening to the great family, Wan Nianqing also represents auspicious life, so every household likes to put it in the large living room.Its strong and stubborn quality, the spiritual essence of the loyal and unyielding spirit, is also a model for everyone to learn and train.I still remember that in the summer of one year, I forgot to pour it for three consecutive weeks, waiting for me to run to the balcony to visit it. "Thousands of young" is still so green, so green, so vibrant, I can't help but feel!


Today, the pot of youth will no longer be appreciated, and it has been planted in my heart.I love you, Wannian.



1、万年青:万年青读音为wàn nián qīng,是指单子叶植物,百合科。多年生常绿草本。根状茎粗而短。叶阔带形,青翠经久。花浅黄色或褐色。浆果球形,熟后橘红色。常盆栽供观赏。根、根状茎、叶和种子可入药。万年青 wàn nián qīng词典解释:单子叶植物,百合科。多年生常绿草本。根状茎粗而短。叶阔带形,青翠经久。花浅黄色或褐色。浆果球形,熟后橘红色。常盆栽供观赏。根、根状茎、叶和种子可入药。分词解释:常绿:指植物永不凋谢的。盆栽:1.在盆中栽植或移植的行为。2.在花盆里栽培植物。经久:①经过很长的时间:掌声经久不息。②经过较长时间不变:经久耐用。多年生:能连续生活多年的,如乔木、灌木等木本植物和蒲公英、车前等草本植物。观赏:观看欣赏:观赏名花异草丨观赏杂技表演。...