
时间:2022-11-08 13:01:02 | 来源:语文通



我的漫画老师作文 篇1漫画老师 篇2我的漫画老师 篇3我的漫画老师作文400字 篇4我的漫画老师作文400字 篇5

我的漫画老师作文 篇1


If we want to draw a cartoon for our Chinese teacher, it must be like this: a brown black curly hair, a pair of bright eyes, and a mouth with a small tiger tooth. It looks very good when you laugh. This is our beautiful and intellectual Chinese teacher, Miss Li.


She likes to laugh very much. The first time I saw Miss Li was when the fourth grade began. As soon as I entered the classroom, I saw Miss Li's smiling face. I think this teacher must be a good teacher who is easy to get along with and good at teaching.


In the days to come, Miss Li's smile gave us boundless warmth and subtle care.


I remember that in the first semester of the fourth grade, the school led everyone to the Summer Palace as a small tour guide. Sitting on the bus to the Summer Palace, Miss Li's mood was very complicated: Would the students dare not tell us, and would they make mistakes in the guidebook. She was afraid that we wouldn't dare to explain to the tourists, so she looked at us with a sweet smile and said, "When students see tourists, don't be nervous, relax, and boldly say the guide words." After listening to Teacher Li's words, our confidence was encouraged and our courage naturally increased.


When we arrived at the Summer Palace, there were still some shy students who did not dare to explain to the tourists, so Miss Li once again showed her sweet smile and said to the students: "Look, other students have bravely gone to be little tour guides. You should trust yourself and not be afraid of making mistakes. After the explanation, the teacher will reward you!" Influenced by Miss Li's smile, the students were relieved of their nervousness and went to introduce the long history of the Summer Palace to the tourists. Mr. Li smiled with satisfaction as he watched the students boldly act as guides for tourists.


This is our teacher Li, a smiling teacher! This smile is a warm love, a selfless dedication, and a natural expression of good feelings between teachers and students.

漫画老师 篇2


A good teacher guides us like a lighthouse in the vast sea. A good teacher shines on us like the sun in winter. A good teacher sacrifices himself like a burning candle and lights up every student.


My eloquence class teacher Shen Haoran, he is not tall but stands tall and straight, and his voice is husky but powerful. Give him an article or a sentence at random, and he can always put his reading in and out.


In class this Sunday, the teacher gave us a speech, and I read it. At first, I thought it was not difficult to read the whole article, but I felt it was very difficult when I read it myself. When I heard the teacher read it, his voice was very loud and his breath was very full. He seemed to bring me into the situation as he read more and more. We read it once but felt that it was not as good as the teacher. I think this speech is a little difficult. After class, I went to see my teacher. The teacher read it to me again. This time, it sounded better than when I read it in class. Class began again. The teacher asked each of us to read it on the stage. When I finished reading, the teacher pointed out the mistake to me, and he said, "Every word of yours depends on shouting, and you should use a sonorous and powerful voice." The teacher demonstrated to me once, alas, the teacher's voice is really vivid and powerful.


This is my eloquence teacher. His voice was magnetic, gentle, like the attraction of gravity, and he wanted to approach his voice every minute.

我的漫画老师 篇3


If I want to draw a "cartoon" for a teacher, I will definitely choose our 30 year old teacher, Mr. Wu, who is also a math teacher and a science teacher and a deputy head teacher.


Mr. Wu, he wears a meatball every day, and those bright eyes seem to be able to see through you. She wears white shoes every day. This meticulous habit has accompanied her for five years. Although she always has a straight face, she is actually a very humorous person!


I remember when the third grade teacher was talking about tree planting, Sun X and Lin XX were playing with paper airplanes again. They were playing quietly, hardly making a sound. Although Mr. Wu is over 50 years old, his listening is as good as ours. Only one Pan Zhoudan turned his head, and then under her "palm", two white lights flashed. The two students had two more white dots on their heads. When we saw the two students with a hooded face, our whole class burst into laughter. Teacher Wu's next words also made us almost burst into laughter: "You either did half of the three side calculations the previous two days, or left two, or even did not do them. Do you say that your two brothers and sisters belong to Sun Wukong? Sun X and Lin XX bowed their heads in shame after listening to them.


On the fourth class, when learning the optimization unit, Miss Wu called several students to line up. She cleared her throat and said, "Li X takes six minutes, Qin XX five minutes, Wen X three minutes, Zhang XXX one minute. But how many minutes does it take for two people to work together?" Mr. Wu asked the students to perform the examples on the spot, and he also participated in them. Sometimes he even forgot what the examples were, which made us laugh and let us know how to optimize time unconsciously. Not only that, she can also listen to English while eating breakfast, and listen to music while mopping the floor. When learning how to keep chickens and rabbits in the same cage, she asked us to use the leg reduction method: the chicken became a legless chicken, and the rabbit became a two legged rabbit. Mr. Wu also asked us to line up in the corridor, let the students play chicken and rabbit respectively, let the students who played chicken squat down, let the students who played rabbit stop, and let the problem "talk" clearly. We could not help but exclaim: "Mr. Wu is really powerful!"


Mr. Wu is not only humorous, but also knowledgeable. He can always come up with various ways to help us understand difficult problems. Mr. Wu is a good teacher in my mind.


So which teacher did you choose? Come and tell me!

我的漫画老师作文400字 篇4


Mr. Jiang is our math teacher. He is medium height. He has a talkative mouth on his face. The words spoken from his mouth are always funny and humorous. He is like a farmer uncle who is not afraid of hardship and tiredness without "Composition Fan WWW.. CN". He keeps planting ideal knowledge in our hearts; Like a cleaner, he kept sweeping away the dust from our hearts with that big broom.


Teacher Jiang's eyes were very bright, just like being practiced in the stove of the Supreme Master. He knows every little move we make, which is just the eye of fire. Mr. Jiang also had two ears that listened to the wind. He could hear every student's whispers under the platform. I really convinced him.


Teacher Jiang is not as rigid and strict as other teachers. He often plays a little joke on us. Once, when Mr. Jiang reported the answer, he said, "I love my teacher." I blurted out, "My teacher loves me." Mr. Jiang said, "You don't obey me. I don't like you anymore." We laughed after listening. These things make the ordinary classroom with heavy atmosphere easier and happier.


Mr. Jiang, you are like a musician, who can touch every string of wisdom in the students' minds and play beautiful music; You are also a tour guide, always leading us to the right path; You are also a magic master, making us young and young become tall and strong in an instant.


This is my teacher, my favorite math teacher - Mr. Jiang.

我的漫画老师作文400字 篇5


Do you like to read comics? I love to read comics. Exaggerated pictures and unique painting style have become eye-catching cartoons. Today I will draw a picture for my teacher. Shh! The students must not tell her!


This teacher has wicker like hair, Tongtong has god like eyes, crescent moon like nose, a small cherry mouth, a tall man with a gorgeous skirt, which is extremely beautiful. She is my late kindergarten teacher Li.


Miss Li, she dresses herself up beautifully every day. There are countless gorgeous skirts! Each piece of clothes looks like a gem, which makes people love Teacher Li at first sight. Miss Li is not only beautiful and generous, but also responsible.


After school, we looked up and came to the evening care as if we had a plan in mind. We put down our schoolbags. We started our "get-together". One student was noisy, jumping and jumping like a monkey. Suddenly, Mr. Li unconsciously walked into our "get-together" with great care, and stopped us. Then he used the "Foshan Lion Roar". The sound was earth shaking. We all sat down and could only hear the rustling of writing.


It is such a teacher who is especially responsible for us, Mr. Li, who has been drawn by me in a wild way!