
时间:2022-09-02 13:19:41 | 来源:语文通



My hometown is an ancient town.It is located in Shaxi Town, Taicang City, Suzhou City. There are Ming and Qing Dynasties, Lingshui Buildings, Guxiang and Ancient Bridge and the former residence of celebrities.


Shaxi Town is known as the second week of China. Its unique ancient town pattern of "One River, Second Street, Three Bridge and One Island" is a typical towns in Jiangnan Water Village.


One river refers to the Qipu River in Shaxi Town.The Qipu River in the Song Dynasty runs through the town. The river is wide and there are islands in the river. It is a major feature of the ancient town of Shaxi.Although the Qipu River is a common river for people in Jiangnan, it is the mother river of Shaxi Town, which has a history of thousands of years.


Second Street is two ancient streets that are closely relying on the three miles long on both sides of the Qipu River.Walking in the alleys of the ancient street, its ground is made of countless stones. The stones stepped on the feet are uneven, as if crossing the ancient times, and no more modern atmosphere.There are many small shops on both sides of the alleys. There are about a dozen square meters of each small shop. There are many things sold in these shops, including special snacks, cheongsam, costume photography, etc.I have drank a bowl of plum soup here before, and the taste was particularly refreshing in the hot summer day.Continue to walk in, you will see a bronze statue. The kind grandpa is struggling to pull the car. The uncle who is thick is making shoes. There is also a student next to him to study.


If you are tired, you can rest on the bridge. The three stone arch bridges here are located on the Qipu River. Because the Qipu River is relatively straight, other bridges can be seen on a bridge.The arched stone bridge is reflected on the river, and it looks like a big ball falls into the water.A gust of wind blew, the green swaying posture planted by the bridge, and a few leaves fell into the river, and a circle of ripples were swinging on the water.At this time, a few children came, and they ran across the bridge surface, followed by a group of adults and walked away. There was a girl wearing costumes and holding oil umbrellas leaning on the bridge head.Tan's eyes are beautiful!I also like to lean on the stone arch bridge like this, admiring the clear river water, and the blue sky and white clouds at the end of the river, and view the style of the ancient town of hometown.


I love my hometown. It is a big family. The Qipu River looks like a gentle mother. The ancient street is a brothers and sisters with hand -pulling hands.I am proud of you, I love you, Shaxi Ancient Town!



Historical and cultural celebrities' former residence.Today I will take the host to take a circle in the ancient town, and enjoy the unique "small bridge flowing people".


In the early morning, the town, which had been sleeping all night, began to wake up, and residents on both sides of Qi Putang began their busy life.See, the grandfather and grandmother who arranged neatly on the center of the central square just focused on strengthening the gymnastics. They all shook and glowed.In comparison, more people who are busy with the collection, the flowing flow of people instantly makes the long streets become unreasonable and lively.Look, the group of vibrant students hummed Xiaoqu on the school bag and embarked on the road of studying.There are more people going to work on the street.Listen, the sound of the car horn, the bicycle ringtone, the noise of the crowd ... All this sound is intertwined, writing a "morning song" for the town.


Shaxi Ancient Town has the reputation of "hometown of fish and rice".Now it is the autumn harvest season. Looking at it, the golden rice fields are endless. In the river ponds are tender green rhombus and white fat lotus roots.The persimmon trees planted in front of the household door are covered with heavy fruits.Old saying cloud: autumn wind rises, crab feet itch.The town is rich in crabs. September is the peak season for crab eating. The crab farmers sipped customers to solicit customers. It is not difficult to see the red fire of business from their happy face.


Below, let's see the ancient buildings of the town again.Entering the alley, it is like entering a wonderful picture: the ancient houses that are wrong and falling, and the deep -winding alternate, with the flow of thousands of years, the ancient cultural construction and modern architecture collide out.The spark of harmony.There are many monuments in the ancient town, and the outstanding dance master Wu Xiaobang Memorial Museum is built here.The three ancient stone arch bridges across the river have a typical Qing Dynasty architectural style.Qipu Tang runs through the town, with a wide river channel and island in the river. It is a major feature of the ancient town of Jiangnan.The most eye -catching is those wonderful bronze statues.Look, their movements are different: some are chartering, some are repairing shoes, some are supplementing the pot, some are selling oil, and some children are watching the oil soldier seriously ... from thisIt is not difficult for us to see a bronze statue that was once a bustling street at that time.


Wow, there is a "Long Dragon" where there is a long team!Oh, it turned out that tourists who are about to return are buying special products in ancient town: lard and rice candy, osmanthus sparrow eggs, meat pine, pork loose bones ... My favorite is lard rice sugar — bites and crispy, and there is itThe fragrance of osmanthus is really good!


"The ancient alley is the same as the household, the ancient street is three miles long, the ancient bridge is a single hole, the ancient house is picking the beams, the household has carved flowers, the family has long windows, the bridge is in front of the door, and the boat is in front of the door."The ancient town of Shaxi, which has a history of more than 1,300 years, exudes the simple charm of Jiangnan Town, glowing with the vitality of youth.I love my hometown -Shaxi in Guzhen!