
时间:2022-07-11 13:28:07 | 来源:语文通



After school, the cold wind rose, and the fallen leaves turned into the drift, and the cars on the road continued to disappear in the distance in the distance.I hurriedly walked back to the way back, and turned over the crossroads. I would not stop the pace and lose their losses.


A gorgeous blood stains that have already been dried walking on the road.Although there are seals of cars on the top, it cannot cover its previous gorgeousness from beginning to end.


Not long ago, every time after class, I always saw the previous neighbor next door, Grandpa Yang, guarding the wind.His face has been engraved with deep years of marks, and it looks very old, but he is also very loving. The eyes that are full of hope have been looking at the entrance of everyone's school far away.After school only after school, Grandpa's bitter face always highlights the valuable and kindness.Grandpa is a bitter old man. After the child is married, because he is disagreed with his daughter -in -law, he must be alone to rent a house alone.Shouhou is here, just want to see his little grandson.


Why not go to see the little grandson immediately, just stand here and look at him?I was very doubtful when I first met Grandpa and couldn't help asking him: "Grandpa Yang, why are you standing here all day long?"


Grandpa Yang turned his face, and I clearly saw a loving sadness on his face, and his mouth trembled slightly.


"I'm watching my little grandson."


"So why don't you go to him immediately?" I asked again.


"That's it," he said helplessly, "If I want to find a baby, *** Mom will be unhappy and scold him, I don't want to get angry."


What is the love in a phrase "That's fine"!The true feelings of this kind of flesh and blood are mainly manifested on a kind elderly man, and it has been improved on his body.My heart was moved by his language -it turned out that love was so simple ...


The day before, when I was so cold, I saw Grandpa Yang standing at this corner.Suddenly, a student fell when he beaten each other. Grandpa Yang twitched his mouth and hurriedly moved to the road.At this time, a ruthless vehicle rushed. In a strong voice, Grandpa Yang fell into the honeydles, and the people on the four sides swarmed.Seeing it. "


The people present were stunned. I only understood that many customers who had experience in processing factories now must know that the raw materials are all about the raw materials.The severe cold blows, the dead leaves rotate the dancing, I grabbed Grandpa Yang's hand to realize the sincerity of this corner ...


The father's love is like a mountain, and the mother's love looks like a stream.The love of the family is difficult to interpret.



1、感动:感动读音为gǎn dòng,是指①思想感情受外界事物的影响而激动,引起同情或向慕:看到战士舍身救人的英勇行为,群众深受感动。②使感动:他的话感动了在座的人。感动 gǎn dòng词语意思:①思想感情受外界事物的影响而激动,引起同情或向慕:看到战士舍身救人的英勇行为,群众深受感动。②使感动:他的话感动了在座的人。分词解释:在座:1.亦作“在坐”。 2.到席;在场。今多指在聚会﹑会议等的座上。向慕:向往羡慕:渴求向慕之心日甚。事物:指客观存在的一切物体和现象:任何事物都不是一成不变的。群众:①大众:人民群众|群众运动。②指没有加入中国共产党、中国共产主义青年团等组织的人。用于表示政治身份。引起:1.起身。 2.一种事情﹑现象﹑活动等使另一种事情﹑现象﹑活动等出现。...感动怎么造句,用感动造句»

2、拐角:拐角读音为guǎi jiǎo,是指(拐角儿)拐弯儿的地方:房子的拐角有个消火栓丨那个小商店就在胡同的拐角。拐角 guǎi jiǎo词语解释:(拐角儿)拐弯儿的地方:房子的拐角有个消火栓丨那个小商店就在胡同的拐角。分词解释:胡同:小街道;里弄。北方对小街小巷的通称:串胡同。那个:亦作“那箇”。1.那一个。2.那事物;那东西。3.口语。用在形容词、动词前,表夸张。4.口语里代替不便直说的内容(含有婉转或诙谐的意味)。房子:有墙、顶、门、窗,供人居住或做其他用途的建筑物。地方:①中央以下各级行政区域的统称:地方政府。②处所;部位;领域:学校在什么地方|什么地方疼|桀、纣贵为天子,富有四海,地方甚大,战卒甚众,而身死国亡。③部分;方面:这话有对的地方|有些地方你欠考虑。④地保:令他们报个“暴病身亡”,合族中及地方共递一张保呈。⑤本地;当地:地方上的老百姓个个拥护李书记。...拐角怎么造句,用拐角造句»

3、真情:真情读音为zhēn qíng,是指1.本心;真实的感情。 2.实在的情况。真情 zhēn qíng词语解释:1.本心;真实的感情。 2.实在的情况。(1) [the facts]∶真实的情况不了解真情(2) [true feelings]∶真诚的情感吐露真情分词解释:感情:①对外界刺激的比较强烈的心理反应:动感情ㄧ感情流露。②对人或事物关切、喜爱的心情:联络感情ㄧ他对农村产生了深厚的感情。情况:1.志趣,志向。 2.情谊,恩情。 3.情形。 4.犹体统。 5.情趣,兴致。 6.心情,情绪。 7.今亦特指军事上敌情的变化。真实:1.跟客观事实相符合;不假。 2.真心实意。 3.确切清楚。实在:①真实;诚实:这不是实在话,我不信|他觉得这是个实在的青年猎手,没有虚情假意。②副词。表示确认:这孩子实在聪明|这道题我实在不懂。③副词。表示转折:问题看来简单,实在并不如此。...真情怎么造句,用真情造句»