
时间:2022-11-19 13:03:16 | 来源:语文通



大海作文 篇1大海作文 篇2大海作文 篇3大海作文 篇4大海作文 篇5大海作文 篇6描写大海景色的作文 篇7大海作文 篇8大海作文 篇9大海作文 篇10

大海作文 篇1


Everyone said that the sea water is salty. I don't believe it. Today, I went to the seaside to observe whether the sea water is salty or weak.


As soon as I got off the bus, I came to a large square, which is said to be the Songlan Mountain Beach in Xiangshan. When I was looking around, I suddenly found a coral pavilion. I was full of curiosity and decided to go to see it. As soon as I entered the door, I saw several large corals linked together, like a big shield standing in front of us, holding on to their posts like ancient soldiers. There are also some colorful tropical fish swimming happily in the big aquarium filled with coral, as if playing hide and seek.


When I was fascinated by what I saw, my mother came to call me and said that I would have no time if I didn't go swimming in the sea. I looked at my watch and said, "Ah! Sure enough, it's past five!". I changed my bathing suit in the bathroom, took the swimming ring and ran to the sea quickly, shouting "Sea, I'm coming!". I first played with my friends on the beach to build castles. I took a plastic shovel and soon the castles were built. But as soon as the tide rose in the sea, our hard built castles were destroyed. So we all went to the sea and had a fight with Daliang. I am not afraid of the waves with a swimming ring, but when a wave hit me, I inevitably drank a few mouthfuls of sea water. At this time, I tasted the taste of sea water. It was really salty.


When I was having a good time in the sea, my mother came to call me, saying that the sun was setting, and the wind and waves were getting bigger and bigger, so she let me go ashore. I can only reluctantly say goodbye to the sea and go back to the shore to have a fresh seafood dinner.

大海作文 篇2


During the summer vacation, my father drove me and my mother to Qingdao to see the boundless sea.


After passing through caves, roads and bridges, I finally arrived in Qingdao. It was already late at that time. My father said to me, "Baby, let's go to see Mr. Hai in boundless blue clothes tomorrow!" I said, "Hmm.".


The next morning, my father called my mother and me up. We got on the bus and started. First, we passed a gravel road, then a forest and reached the seaside.


We got out of the car together. The first thing I saw was gold. The golden sand seemed to be like a piece of golden rice field. Dad squatted down in a place and threw away the gold grains washed by the sea water with his hands. Then he picked up all kinds of shells, colorful and beautiful.


My mother let me occupy the stone not far from the sea to enjoy the beautiful and unique scenery. The waves hit my feet and made me feel cool. Just now, the sun was shining on the sea and the waves were sparkling. There was an unspeakable static beauty. After a while, the wind rose, and the waves started to march forward like thousands of white standing horses, rushing forward in a magnificent manner. At this time, I can't help thinking: I think it's the voice of playing the piano, no, no, it's the voice of singers singing about nature. This is just a stroke of nature. It's wonderful. My mother patted me and scared me. I also came back from the dream of the sea. I couldn't bear to see the sea again when I got on the bus.


Ah! The sea I love you!

大海作文 篇3

早上5点左右,我看到了我从未见过的大海,靠近城市的这面海是混沌的,而只有深海的海水才是清澈的,碧绿的,湛蓝的。看着大海,我们的心胸也变的开阔了,所有的烦恼都抛远了,在这种境界里,使人神清气爽,心旷神怡,海水涨潮了,海中的波浪一个接着一个向岸边涌来。有的升上来,像一座滚动的小山;有的撞在海边的礁石上,发出“哗…… 哗”的美妙声音。

At about 5 o'clock in the morning, I saw the sea that I had never seen before. The sea near the city is chaotic, and only the deep sea water is clear, green and blue. Looking at the sea, our mind has become wider, and all our troubles have been thrown away. In this realm, people feel refreshed and happy. The sea is in high tide, and the waves in the sea are coming to the shore one by one. Some rise up, like a rolling hill; Some hit the reef at the seaside and made a beautiful sound of "wow... wow".


After a long time, Chao stopped rising, but he still rushed up to some strange things from time to time. Sometimes, beautiful shells come up. Sometimes, small crabs come up. What's more, there will be starfish!


The sea is like a naughty child: you are walking on the beach, and she pounced on you mischievously and drenched you in water; When swimming, she jumped into your mouth happily, making you unforgettable for life the bitter taste of sea water; You just want to be angry, but she is like a shy little girl, turning around and quietly leaving you, looking at you from afar.


I love the sea, love her strange, love her waves.


[Chapter 3] Composition of the Sea

大海作文 篇4


The first time I saw the sea was last summer. When I stood barefoot on the shining golden beach, I could never believe how real the scene was.


When you lean down, the warm sun shines on you. Through your fingers, you can see the shadow of the sun, and you can feel the smile spreading to your heart. The sea was a scene of sparkling water. Fools are thin and soft, as soft as babies' skin. I can't help but smack my tongue and sigh. He walked forward with a light step and scooped up a handful of sea water. He felt that the palm of his hand was full of the power of the sea, but soon it passed through his fingers. In such a situation, even the sea breeze is warm. There is no hysteria when the storm comes, and there is no coldness in the cold wind and winter night. Only warmth, just like a mother's embrace.


I suddenly remembered my mother's instructions when I came: "Follow everyone well and don't lose it. Although Hainan is like summer all the year round, we should take some coats to take care of ourselves in case of Waiyi. Don't be tired! Girls should take good care of themselves, do you know? Watch the weather..." "I know, I'm really annoyed!" I didn't wait for my mother to finish speaking before I interrupted her directly. The brother on the other side couldn't stand it, so he whispered to me, "Mom is for you, don't be impatient." I was very frustrated at that time. I thought it would be good for me if my mother was so wordy? The anger rushed up unexpectedly, and I yelled at my brother, "I'm not a level 9 disabled, can't I even take care of myself? Mind your own business!" The elder brother seemed to be angry, but fortunately, his mother took him and whispered in his ear: "She has a lot of troubles in her study. As the elder brother, let her." After listening, my brother didn't look at me, but left with a sentence, "Let her take care of herself.". At that moment, I realized that my behavior had gone too far, but my mother did not care, as if nothing had happened. She continued to tell me some trivial things. This time, I didn't dare to interrupt, but listened to my mother quietly.


When the difficulties and perplexities in my heart gradually accumulated, I saw the sea. It seemed that I suddenly understood my mother's kindness to me and the profound meaning of what she said to me. My mother is always pondering my thoughts. Her words reveal her love for me, and every word I say is a great injury to her. I also think of the spring, my mother took me to the park cruise; In summer, my mother accompanied me to swim; In autumn, my mother went with me to appreciate maple leaves; In winter, my mother knits sweaters for me. Even if her hands are wrinkled and her body is getting tired, she will always put herself in my shoes. Indeed, I have forgotten too much. I have forgotten to watch the moon with her on the Mid Autumn Festival, to wait for the New Year bell together, and to bear the pain of my birth.


When I face the sea, I feel her sincerity and feel her painstaking care. At that time, what should have been remembered was forgotten, and what should have been forgotten was remembered. The quarrel is not because of the pressure of study, but because it is not mature enough, because it is too frivolous. Now, Dahuan and I are growing and mature together.


The sea is still sparkling, the sea breeze is still warm, and the heart is so calm. Fortunately, everything is still fine.

大海作文 篇5


"When I was young, my mother told me that the sea was my hometown..." Whenever I heard this melodious song, I would think of the experience of traveling to Hainan.


On that day, it was sunny and sunny. Father Sun smiled at me in the sky. My mood was just like this weather. I was very happy [WWW.. CN] and excited. Because today I'm going to Hainan with my parents. Time flies by like an arrow. In the blink of an eye, we have arrived in Hainan. We walked to the sea. The waves slapped the rocks on the shore and made a sound of "popping". The sea breeze blew in the face. The golden beach set off the blue sea. The beauty could not be explained. The waves of white flowers poured in, bringing the sea's "gift" - colorful shells. I was ecstatic to pick up the shells. These shells were white, pink, blue... countless, small and exquisite.


The sea is not only beautiful in the daytime, but also interesting in the evening.


In the evening, the endless sea, the blue light, the red sunset, and the glittering sand beach make people intoxicated with this wonderful time. Standing on the beach, I looked at the sea skimmed by seagulls and the sea decorated by the sunset, as if I were in heaven. I also felt that this was a painter with superb painting skills. The painting was almost indescribable.


"... The sea breeze blows, the waves surge, and I drift everywhere..." Whenever this song rings again, the beautiful sea always appears before my eyes.

大海作文 篇6


This Spring Festival is very lively in my home! Our relatives and friends all came to my home for the New Year, so my father and I secretly planned an activity to embrace the sea.


In the morning, my father and I jumped out of bed at seven o'clock and began to make preparations. I called up all the relatives and friends who were sleeping and said to them, "There is an XX activity today. Mr. Lei and I will take you to a beautiful place! We will stay there for a night. It's a villa! Do you want to go?" Hearing what I said, they were in high spirits. They forgot their displeasure when they were suddenly woken up by someone and began to pack up their things. Dad has also booked a seaside villa. "Good! Everything is ready!" I shouted.


After lunch, we set out with excitement and pleasant scenery. At about two o'clock in the afternoon, we arrived at the destination - the sea. Before I saw the sea, I clearly heard waves. The sound made my heart beat faster. We couldn't wait to run to the beach. At this moment, there was an endless sea in front of us. I took off my shoes and walked barefoot on the wet beach. It was cool and comfortable! The cool sea breeze blew across my face, listening to the passionate "symphony", which was strong and powerful. As I walked, I enjoyed the magnificent sea. Thousands of waves rose in the deep blue water, like thousands of white flowers embroidered on blue cloth. From a distance, a thin white line on the horizon combines the blue sea and the blue sky. The sun is hanging above the horizon, and the golden beam sprinkles on the sea, reflecting golden light. Unconsciously, there was a little red glow in the sky, and the sun began to set. My family and friends and I joined hands to play surfing. Whenever the waves came, we jumped up, which was interesting! Of course, we can't help choking a few mouthfuls of seawater. For example, I was so preoccupied with watching the sunset that I lost my mind. When the "Long Dragon" jumped up, my "tail" was lost and became the end of the soup. I also tasted the sea water. The sea water was a little bitter, but it was basically salty, but mixed with a little sweet taste. It was strange. I was thinking about it carefully when I heard my sister call me: "Stupid, dazed! Back!" When I got back to my senses, I found that the big villain elder sister had gone a long way. I shouted, "Wait for me! Who is a fool?"


In the evening, I was lying on the balcony alone, looking at the sea and smiling happily - it was good to embrace the sea

描写大海景色的作文 篇7


When I was young, I saw what the sea looked like on TV. People who saw the sea said that it was vast and could do many interesting things on the sea. I was full of fantasies about the sea in their mouth. I hoped I could go to see the sea once one day, and only watch it on TV each time, I always feel that the sea I see on TV is not as beautiful and wide as they say.


So I always had great doubts about the sea. So I summoned up the courage to tell my parents this idea when they were on holiday. They didn't agree at the beginning. Later, I agreed to take me to the sea because I was hungry and pestered them all the time. In this way, I realized my wish to see the sea for the first time. On the way to the sea, I always wondered how beautiful the sea was and whether the sea was really salty.


Is there really a sea fly in the sea? My head is full of confusion. The sea that the students said can finally be seen by me. It is bitter or sweet that I know after tasting. I am excited and restless in my seat. I can't wait to see the sea immediately. After an hour's drive, I finally came to this place full of imagination. What shocked me most was the roaring sound of the sea. Although people felt a little scared after listening to it, I felt that the sea was very broad minded and contained so many drops of water.


I walked happily on the beach, the sea wind was beating me, playing around me like a child, playing tricks on me with my soft body, and I couldn't help feeling when I saw the endless sea. The sea is really wide! It is full of awe. The mother of the sea is really great. She has nurtured and adopted so many children, and never disliked how small they are. I saw the seashell rolled up by the sea mother on the beach and dressed up for herself. It turned out that the sea mother also had the same love for beauty as us. The sea mother wore the huge skirt that people are afraid of today. The waves jumped at me from time to time at the behest of the sea mother, as if they were saying hello to me.


Accompanied by the sea, I suddenly felt that time passed quickly. It was time for the sun to set when I was not careful. Before I had seen all the beautiful scenes on the sea, it was time to go home. The mother of the sea had a bad habit, that is, she was a little bad tempered. She would go to the beach to vent at night, so people usually left her at this time, Although I was full of reluctant feelings towards the sea, I also had to leave her arms. Finally, I was able to realize my little wish. For the first time, I saw the sea and realized the beauty of the sea.

大海作文 篇8


Today, my father took me to Rizhao to see the sea. I'm so happy. It took me 9 hours to get to Rizhao. I'm so tired. The sea is far away from Anyang!


The next morning, my father and I got up at five o'clock to see the sea. Ah! How big the sea is! The sky seems to be connected with the sea, which is endless and uniform. The boats in the sea kept coming and going in the waves. My father said that it was the hardworking fishermen who were fishing in the sea.


After breakfast, my father bought me a swimming circle. When I put on the swimming circle, my father and I walked into the sea. A big wave hit me and knocked me over. My head was down and my feet were up, which frightened me. Dad quickly helped me up, said he was not afraid, and asked me if I had drunk any water. I said I drank five mouthfuls of water. The sea water is sour and salty. This time I sat on the swimming circle, and my father pulled me into the sea. One by one, the waves rushed over and pushed me to the beach. My father pulled me into the sea again and again, and the waves pushed me to the beach again and again. I had a good time. Father said: "The waves behind push the waves ahead, rolling up thousands of piles of snow.". When I saw it, the white spray was really like a pile of snow.

大海作文 篇9


On the road to happiness, there are difficulties and supports. It is rough and flat. Every step is the result of little by little experience, blood and sweat.


Difficulties cannot be avoided. Only by solving problems can we take the next step.


The afterglow of the setting sun fell on the last big question of the exercise book, and that blank was like my mind. The pen in his hand has been wet and slippery by the wet palm. The draft paper is filled with dense data, and even a few big holes are poked by the pen tip, but it cannot tell me the final answer.


When night fell, my homework book was still blank, and I was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot. If I hadn't finished my homework before my mother came back, I would have been scolded for "high blood pressure". la By the way, it suddenly occurred to me that there was this example in the textbook! I quickly opened the book. As soon as I turned to the first page, I began to regret. The blank space under that question is still blank. "Why, why am I distracted? Why does the world treat me so cruelly?" I cried in my heart.


"Buzz -" The mobile phone on one side vibrated, and I grabbed the phone like a life saving straw. I clicked on the "homework help" to quickly search for questions. "Bingo!" I immediately copied the phone screen. Hurry up! There was a sound of the door lock turning from the porch. It was too late!


I wrote the last word, and my mother's voice sounded at the right time: "Have you finished your homework?" "Done." I answered confidently.


"From tomorrow, I will communicate with every family member to tell them my happiness. What the happy lightning told me will tell everyone, and give each river and mountain a warm name." Relaxation and openness to solve difficulties are the so-called happiness!

大海作文 篇10


At noon, the sun was hot, and the earth was roasted like steak, "hissing" with heat. In this hot summer day, I went to the seaside with a group of classmates.


When I came to the sea, I saw that the sea was like a pile of sapphires, shining with dazzling light under the sunshine; The sea is like a smooth mirror, reflecting the beauty of the sky; It is also like a happy heaven, with laughter from time to time.


I don't know which wind blew, and the sea began to stir up gradually. In the distance, where the water meets the sky, there was a faint sound of waves rolling. "Look!" A student pointed to the distance and shouted. We looked in the direction he pointed to, and saw a wave that was more than 2 meters over, rushing towards us. Then there was another wave, two waves, three waves Like a large group of tigers coming at a gallop, we began to set up the "sand defense line".

同学们分成了三人一组,共有三道防线。我被分到了危险一级防线,我们组想出了一个计划:用湿沙和干沙搭配,将防线前面的地方刨深一点,将防线做成“u”字型。我们按这种方法迅速地做了出来。突然,来了一个浪,虽然冲击力不大,不过浪的范围大,深,持久力也好。我们见水比较深了,就叫大家退开。过了一会儿,潮退了,我们走近一看,才发现防线消失了,同学们顿时失望极了。看大家这样, 我提议把防线方案重新改造,制成“h”的形状。大家立刻行动起来,在旁边挖出一大堆沙子,开始不停地捏,按,揉。可是一个浪迎面打来,刚做一般地防线瞬间塌了。我们毫不气馁,继续制造防线, 经过一番艰苦卓绝的战斗,我们终于制作出了“百摔不破”的防线。

The students were divided into three groups, with three lines of defense. I was assigned to the dangerous first level defense line, and our group came up with a plan: use wet sand and dry sand, dig the place in front of the defense line a little deeper, and make the defense line into a "U" shape. We did it quickly in this way. Suddenly, a wave came. Although the impact was not strong, the wave was wide, deep and durable. When we saw that the water was deep, we asked everyone to back away. After a while, the tide receded. We walked closer and found that the defense line had disappeared. The students were immediately disappointed. As you see, I propose to rebuild the defense line scheme into the shape of "H". Everyone immediately started to dig out a lot of sand and began to knead, press and knead constantly. However, a wave hit me head-on, and the general defense line collapsed in an instant. Undaunted, we continued to build a defense line. After a lot of hard work, we finally created a defense line that could never be broken.


Looking at the defense line made by ourselves, we were laughing and fighting happily at the sea. The sea! You are so clear, you are so pure, you are sometimes calm, sometimes fierce, sometimes Pentium, sometimes roaring. However, we will certainly control you!