
时间:2022-10-29 12:56:26 | 来源:语文通



我们是一家人作文800字 篇1我们是一家人优秀作文 篇2我们是一家人优秀作文 篇3我们是一家人作文500字左右 篇4我们是一家人作文400字 篇5我们是一家人作文600字 篇6我们是一家人作文 篇7我们是一家人优秀作文 篇8我们是一家人初中作文 篇9我们是一家人作文 篇10

我们是一家人作文800字 篇1


Home is the center of a circle, and we are its radius. Grandma, Dad, Mom, and I are walking around the center. We have stepped out of a love, a circle, and a home.


Childhood with the roaring streams


My parents brought me back to my grandma's house because of their busy work. Time has passed too long, too long, so long that I have forgotten the situation when I first met Grandma. In my impression, Grandma is very kind and always spoils me. By the brook in front of the gate, on the rocks beside the brook, in the ancient bridge above the rocks, under the ancient trees beside the ancient bridge... There are bright laughter when Grandma and I play, and there are shadows of Grandma and I chasing and playing


New Year's Eve


"Baby, who are you looking at?" A soft shout took back my wandering thoughts. Turning to see the people near the gate, I was pleasantly surprised to say, "Mom and Dad, you are back!" Then I threw myself into the arms of my parents. However, good days are always so short. One night three days later, when I got up to drink water, I heard such a continuous voice coming from the living room: "Mom, we will leave tomorrow morning. You have worked hard for years... Don't tell her", "I have only been back for a few days and have to leave again, son... I have been thinking of you for a long time, don't you want to accompany her more?"


What they said later, I can't hear them clearly. I only know that they will leave tomorrow and "lose" me again. That night, I hid in the quilt alone and couldn't sleep all night


A moonlit night


"Grandma, when will Mom and Dad come back? I miss them so much!" "They will come back when the moon is full." I looked up at the moon in the sky and kept praying: "Moon, moon, please get round quickly!"! In this way, I can see my parents as soon as possible


In the twinkling of an eye, I grew up and had my own ideas. I always made my parents angry. I hung up the phone with only a few words to Grandma. I never noticed the growing silver hair on their heads. Until now, I suddenly woke up.


Delicacies that nourish the heart


For the first time, I cooked a meal for my parents in person. Although it tasted bad, their expressions seemed like they were enjoying some delicious food in the world. The smile on their lips never disappeared; For the first time, I took the initiative to call my grandmother. The call lasted more than half an hour and told her all kinds of interesting things that happened on campus. Listening to Grandma's laughter, I seem to fall into the honey pot, and my heart is so sweet! They used to worry about me. Now, let me give them a little reward!


Along the way, the sun and the moon are reincarnating, and the spring and autumn are changing. We have been surrounded by a circle, regardless of wind and rain, pain and happiness. Because, we have love, because, we are a family!

我们是一家人优秀作文 篇2


Speaking of family, the most unforgettable thing for me is that spring.


At that time, I was only six years old, and I was only in the first grade. My father had already got very serious lung cancer, while my mother was much older because of my father. At that time, our family was living in a very difficult situation, but my mother had been trying to support the family.


Until I was seven years old, my father left and never came back. Thinking that I would never see my father again, I couldn't help shedding tears.


Time passed quickly, and I was a New Year student in a twinkling of an eye, but I still could not forget my father. Sometimes I saw other people's father's hands walking on the road, and I looked at the sky, hoping that tears would not flow out.


Once my sister and I went back from school. It was a long time before my mother came back, and I had no homework, so I was very bored. I went to the kitchen to have a look, but I saw a strange food, so I took one. It cannot be broken by hand; Bite with your teeth. In a rage, I took the kitchen knife and cut it. Ah! With a scream, my fingers began to bleed. I hurriedly went to see my sister. My sister hurriedly told the uncles and aunts around, and then they sent me to the hospital. If it were not for them, I would have finished that time!


This is my family, full of emotions and joys.

我们是一家人优秀作文 篇3


Home is a solid backing, while family members always bring warmth. They are bosom friends or just travelers sailing in the horizon. They always share weal and woe with you, dragging you out of the mud.


Entering junior high school, everything is so strange. You sit here and he is there, staring at the things in hand. Due to introversion, I don't talk to him, always leaning against the wall in a daze, lonely and lonely. His arrival, however, made me cheerful and greatly affected me. He is Xiao Min.


After school, some talked in the class, and some returned early. But I walked in the corridor with no acquaintances. I was very upset. Three or five students rushed to the playground after class, and I followed them without saying a word. When they came to the playground, they went in. I just stood outside the guardrail and looked at them through the guardrail. It was obviously a step away, but it seemed like a thousand miles away from a wall. I was unhappy.


At this moment, a hand beside him suddenly slapped on the shoulder: "Hey, pony, what are you doing? Go and play football." He grabbed me and dragged me to the court. He smiled at me: "Don't be so shy. It's all my classmates and family!" Then he put down his worries and estrangement and joined him. Xiaomin held the ball and said to everyone, "I and Xiaoma will continue to score." He turned and patted me. "Cooperate well, we are a family!"


After the kick-off, the other team's forward rushed over. I immediately snatched his ball and passed it to Xiao Min. He used his skillful skills to bypass the other team's guard and gave me a look. He looked at the goalkeeper. There was an empty seat. He looked at me again. He had already entered the restricted area. He hesitated, did not choose to hit the door, gave up a chance to break the door, but passed it to me instead. He shouted to me: "Watch!" I saw the right moment, jumped forward, and headed the ball to the door. The goalkeeper did not return to the dead corner of the door. I fell heavily on the playground. Xiao Min ran to me excitedly, helped me up, and grabbed my hand with his thin hand. He said to me, "It's a good kick. I really deserve to be a family!" Go on, look at Xiao Min, this sentence seems to wake me up and let me feel the warmth of my family. Yes, we are a family, and I am no longer introverted, but return to the big family.


We won the game, but what impressed me more was Xiao Min. Although I am not a thousand li ma, he, like Bole, helped me and gave me encouragement and warmth. He has also become a loyal partner with me, because of the friendship, he never gives up. The word family is not far away, it is warm and unforgettable.


We are family!

我们是一家人作文500字左右 篇4


There are three members in our family. Although we are a family, our personalities are different. Father, mother and I are all members of the zodiac. Which three are they?


"Old scalper"


"Old scalper"就是我的爸爸,他每天比太阳公公起床还早,早市上他的身影总是“名列前茅”。每当我和妈妈醒来时,爸爸都已经准备好了可口的饭菜,等待我和妈妈吃早餐。中午,在妈妈帮我复习功课的时候,爸爸总在厨房中忙碌着。晚上,爸爸总是最后一个回来,每次不是提着蔬菜和水果,就是带着一些好吃的。即使晚上值夜班,也会把饭做出来。除了做饭,每天扫地、拖地、洗碗的人也都是他。爸爸为了这个家,不就像一只勤勤恳恳的老黄牛吗?


"Big Hen"


"Big Hen"是我的妈妈,妈妈像一只大母鸡一样爱唠叨,也像母鸡一样脾气暴躁。每天家里说话最多的人就是妈妈,你听:“把衣服穿上!”“快点,上学要迟到了!”“别看电视了,快去做作业!”“还不去弹琴,是不是想让我请你吃‘竹板肉’!”……妈妈每天说那么多话,真可以去当播音员了。可是如果不是因为我和爸爸,妈妈也不会变成“大母鸡”

"Big Hen"呀!


"Little lazy pig"


"Little lazy pig"就是我,之所以叫我小懒猪,是因为我除了玩电脑,什么都不爱干,妈妈让干什么,我才干什么,不说就不干。拿妈妈的话说就是“推一推,动一动”。每次一学习就想睡觉,哈欠连天。睡懒觉是我的最爱,周末的时候基本都是十点以后才起床。“小懒猪”

"Little lazy pig"也是妈妈给我起的外号。


Well, isn't our family very interesting?

我们是一家人作文400字 篇5


I have a warm home. At home, there is a grandpa of "Flower Foot Cat", a father of slow temper, a mother of acute temper, and a young master - I.


Grandpa opened an entertainment room at home. Every afternoon and evening, many neighbors come to the entertainment room to play mahjong to kill time. Every time around 12:30 at noon, I can always hear someone downstairs calling "Brother Liu, Brother Liu, where is this' flowery cat '?" Hey hey, needless to say, Grandpa must have gone to the fortune teller in Nanmen Bridge to figure out the eight characters or to the vegetable market again.


Dad is recognized as a slow-moving person in our family. Every time we want to go out, Dad always looks for his mobile phone, wallet and other things first, and then goes to the toilet when he finds them. In a word, every time we go out, Dad always makes us wait for half an hour, and sometimes makes Mom furious.


Mom is an impatient person. She will be ready for anything in advance. She said that she could make herself wait for others in everything she did, but never let others wait for her. This is respect for others. Although I don't understand the meaning of this sentence, I believe my mother is right.


I'm the young master of my family, but I'm not spoiled. I am very diligent. I will help my mother wash dishes and cook... So I am not like a young master at all.


This is our family, a loving family.

我们是一家人作文600字 篇6


From across the ocean, do you still remember the Christmas in China that winter? In a sea of snow, your blue eyes are deep and clear, as if they are stars in the night sky.


The lively atmosphere of the first meeting reappeared in my mind. In an ordinary class, you joined the class as a transfer student and became a member of the ten class family. Applause, welcome, and frolic are all accompaniments of happiness at this time, listening to everyone's heart. Shy you are not good at expressing yourself, but you also talk happily in the cheers of everyone and make many friends.


Our intersection gradually increased after that night. As a class committee, it is natural to help teachers organize various activities. At that time, it was approaching the end of the semester, but the school required a class meeting with a Christmas theme. I was at a loss for a very nervous period of time. At one o'clock in the morning, a text message on my mobile phone warmed me: "I think I can help you plan some ideas!"


Yes, it was you who sent it to me, dear Taylor. I don't remember how busy I was that day. I only remember that you stayed with me through WeChat until the moment when I finished the work. The next morning, you came to me first after entering the shift and said, "Well, that's a good idea. Here's your coffee! I knew you wanted it." Taylor's eyes naturally showed endless concern for me. I was deeply moved when she took the steaming coffee from her. When I handed over the task later, Taylor gave me a big hug and whispered in his ear with the sweetest voice: "This must be the most memorable Christmas in my life!"


Bells jingle, and the smog doesn't stop Santa Claus. Laughter in the class, like the most beautiful music of time, warms the soul in the ice and snow. A girl with a big bag finally appeared in my sight. She must be my Christmas goddess, Taylor. Little Red Riding Hood and stockings are ready. We hold hands and look at the Christmas tree decorated together. There is no sense of the disobedience, because we are a family.


Comment: The language of the article is beautiful, and the narrative is smooth, very good! At that time, the details and plots of her "family" are still not enough. At the end of the article, we should also write about her "family". Come on!

我们是一家人作文 篇7


We, once the best friends, studied and played together. Under the same roof, we also discussed problems together, went to school together, and went home together. Doesn't that mean we are best friends?


Fate, a small heart tightly linked together. Thanks to fate, because it makes us good friends. We form a big family. Like brothers and sisters, we support each other and grow together. Here, we accepted a gift that can't be bought with any money. This gift is the most precious gift in the world - friendship.


Here, we enjoy the joy that ordinary people can never enjoy. As we grow older, we feel more and more mature. Unconsciously, we grow up.


Seeing that the new semester is about to begin, we are standing at the same starting line, looking for our future together and changing our destiny. However, no matter what changes, our friendship and friendship will never change. The five years of study and life will remain in our hearts forever! As time goes by, we have graduated and are about to make a major choice at another crossroads of life. We graduated, but five years of good time left us an indelible impression. What we need to do now is just to work hard, work hard, and work hard again. We hope to meet again in the campus of key universities, and review the past that will never fade again. I believe we will still be together!


Our class is like a boat, we are a family, and every student in our class is a sailor. When the new semester comes, we will also sail! We will embark on a new journey!

我们是一家人优秀作文 篇8


"Because we are a family, we love each other..." Whenever I sing this song, I feel very warm in my heart, because China is a big family, we are all a family!


"Unite to fight against the wind and snow", the snow was so fierce that it even became a snow disaster! Snow is cruel, but I can see people's hot hearts from this cold snow disaster!


This winter, it snowed so heavily that it was almost indescribable! The houses are crushed, the trees are crushed, the roads are blocked... But our hearts cannot be crushed. Take this as an example. Affected by the snow disaster, many trains stopped and the expressway was closed. Migrant workers could not return home, so did our home. We had to stay in Hangzhou for the Spring Festival, but many people still waited in the station with a glimmer of hope. In cold weather, people are waiting anxiously. Many people are ill. Some people even can't afford to eat. At this time, China Telecom Hangzhou Branch provided free phone calls for stranded passengers to contact their relatives. Armed police officers and soldiers temporarily set up tents at Hangzhou Railway Station to protect passengers from wind and snow. Yuhang soldiers cooked ginger tea for stranded passengers at Hangzhou East Railway Station, leaving street offices to organize food for stranded passengers to eat. The hospital distributed drugs Open a green rescue channel... One after another rescue and service warmed the hearts of stranded passengers.


I still remember some moving pictures. One day in the snow disaster, a couple was going to have a wedding. In a place, the road is very difficult to walk. One car with a foreign license plate can't walk through, and the couple can't walk through either. So, the two newlyweds got off the bus to help the owner of a foreign license plate to push the car. After that, the owner managed to push his car over. In order to make the road safe and smooth, some citizens spontaneously shovel snow on the road and remove snow from trees


As long as everyone gives a share of love, the world will become a better world. Yes, because there is love in the world, China has become such a harmonious and harmonious home. Let's continue to pass on this love and make the world a better place!

我们是一家人初中作文 篇9


"Go to bed early and good night." Mother is like a gentle breeze in spring, gentle and gentle. Only a glass of milky white milk was left on the desk, and wisps of hot fog brought warmth to people. I drank all at once, washed early and went to bed.


Lying in bed, unable to sleep, I had to grab a book, turn on the lamp and kill time. The night was so quiet that only the breeze occasionally came out for a walk and stepped on the dead leaves, making a crisp sound of "rustling". Suddenly, the sound of the key chain crashing broke the peace. I knew that it was my father who came back. He changed shifts and came home at midnight. I heard his footsteps getting closer and closer. I quickly turned off the light and retracted into the quilt. "She's already asleep. Don't wake her up." The mother's voice was several times too small to be heard. The door was gently pushed open, and the light penetrated through the crack of the door, pulling my father's shadow long and long. I squinted my eyes, and saw my father leaning down slightly, closing the door with his hands, and coming carefully. His every step is like a cat, very light and very slow. He went to the window, drew the curtain gently first, then walked to my bed, pulled my quilt up gently, and pressed the quilt corner with his hands as if not at ease. At this time, my mother also went in. She handed my father a cup of honey water, put the books beside my pillow back on the bookshelf, and put the clothes to wear the next day beside my pillow. All their actions were carried out silently without any sound. Having done all this, they went out one after another.


In the moonlight, their backs were reflected on the wall, and I was surprised when my father's waist was no longer straight and his head was slightly bald. When did my mother stop tidying up her dark hair every day? She just complained about the lack of hair when she combed it. They work hard every day for everyone, and spend the most precious years on everyone. I thought of the past. I was looking through my mobile phone and jokingly said to my mother, "How did you and your father treat me so well?" My mother still did not stop her work. She smiled and said to me, "Because everyone is a family!"


The moonlight is so bright and the wind is so soft. I know in my heart that everyone is a family, so they selflessly present their love to me and permeate their care into my life. This most simple and pure love, "everyone is a family", is its most beautiful name.

我们是一家人作文 篇10


The Shaoxing Opera singers came here, and we went to the theatre with Ah Tai: I, my mother and father.


I didn't want to go out to the theatre with Abby, but she was very old after all and needed her family to accompany her. My father also asked for leave to accompany her, and my mother also prepared a lot of tea, fruit and melon seeds for her to eat.


The weather is very good, but it is still very cold. Some old people can't carry it anymore. They hide at home. Abby is still in good health and can go out for activities. She took a small step, and I helped her for a long time. This speed! I strode forward alone for about 2 minutes, turned around to look at her, and couldn't help slowing down.


The weather is good these days, the sky is blue, but the trees are yellow and dry, and there is a layer of frost on them.


When we got to the place, the whole theater was full of old people. There were no people my age, and we couldn't find a companion. Our family sat on the seats. After a while, I thought it was boring to go to the theatre, so I wanted to go home, but my father whispered his disapproval. Dad said that he would go to the theatre with Ah Tai, who was too old and wanted someone to accompany him. I said that it was not interesting to watch a play. It was better to play games. My mother kept winking at me.


However, everything depends on the idea of Ah Tai. I turned to look at Abby, who was staring at the stage, with her mouth slightly raised. I seem to see that when I was a child, I focused on Altman to fight monsters, while the woman beside me sat beside me, asking me what it was and what it was doing on TV from time to time. She couldn't understand but stayed with me all the time


So I said, "Forget it. I'd better go to the theatre with Ah Tai." At this time, Abbess A turned around and said, "The child may not understand our ancient dramas, so let's go." "No, Abby, I will accompany you this time, just as you accompanied me when I was young. We are a family!"


In this way, we will sit there, listen to the play, eat, drink tea, and accompany Abby.