I have such a kind of in my heart that has made me unforgettable so far, and it can even be said that it has changed the path of life and the position of my movement. Now I will describe this in detail. Maybe you can also get inspiration from this.Essence
I still remember very clearly, that is, in the third grade. Since I just touched the application signature pen, my words were very poor, and my parents helped me report a "hard pen interest training class" to make me still there.Pen pen characters in an interest training class.At first I was unwilling to go, because I was afraid that my words were uncomfortable.
But what I was surprised was that the teacher was a man, but he was very loving.I also welcomed me very warmly when I saw me. On the first day of my gradual calligraphy, he seemed to see my words crooked, but he always laughed and inspired me.! "Just under his continuous inspiration, a month later, my words have developed to a certain extent. He gradually learned about his shortcomings and advantages, and also formulated a corresponding calligraphy practice plan for me.
That's how I have been with him for nearly 2 years, and the words are written in a medium level, and I have received the recognition of other teachers.In the fourth grade, my word is now practicing like this. The teacher who taught me the pen to practice the pen also saw my progress, so I would go back and work hard.Do you know who this teacher is?
He is a young man who is 20 years old. He looks very cool and handsome. He has a big nose on the square face. He always wears glasses and looks very university to question. Although he wears glasses, his eyes are like a fire eye golden eye.I can also see who is writing with my heart, who is thinking, although he always teaches everyone very strictly, but he never beats everyone, and he looks like everyone like his brothers. In addition, he returns everyone.I have taught some ways that can make things faster, such as stacking quilts, brushing my teeth, mouthwash, cleansing, etc., my stacking quilt skills are learned from him. The mattresses I stacked beforeIt's not easy today, thanks to this teacher.
Guess who he is?Yes, he is the glasses "Jason".
After the first time in my eyes, what kind of inspiration do you have?
1、经历:经历读音为jīng lì,是指①亲身见过、做过或遭受过:他一生经历过两次世界大战。②亲身见过、做过或遭受过的事:生活经历。经历 jīng lì词语解释:①亲身见过、做过或遭受过:他一生经历过两次世界大战。②亲身见过、做过或遭受过的事:生活经历。分词解释:见过:谦辞。犹来访。唐王维有《酬诸公见过》诗。亲身:1.不离左右的亲近。 2.贴身。 3.亲自。...经历怎么造句,用经历造句»
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