
时间:2022-10-11 13:18:18 | 来源:语文通


秋天的校园作文300字左右 篇1秋天的校园优秀作文400字 篇2关于秋天的校园作文 篇3关于秋天的校园作文 篇4秋天的校园优秀作文400字 篇5秋天的校园 篇6秋天的校园 篇7关于秋天的校园的作文 篇8秋天的校园 篇9

秋天的校园作文300字左右 篇1


accomplish by hook or by crook


I love not only the campus in spring, but also the charming campus in autumn.


As soon as you enter the school gate, you can see a big flower bed on the left, where chrysanthemums, roses and so on are in full bloom. Look, some of those chrysanthemums have already opened, like happy smiling faces. Some are half open, like a shy girl blinking her eyes and secretly looking at the beautiful world! Some are still Huaguduo, like a child who is sleeping and refuses to get up! The rose flower emits a charming fragrance, which makes you stop to smell the charming fragrance every time you pass here.


A row of Chinese parasol trees were planted beside the big flower bed. A light wind blew, and some yellow leaves that could not stand the wind fell. Some students said that yellow leaves were like beautiful butterflies flying in the air. Some students said: Yellow leaves are like gliders flying in the air. They are really beautiful.


The playground is surrounded by trees, including pine trees. Now many trees begin to lose their leaves, while the pine and cypress trees are still green and green, like loyal guards guarding our beautiful homeland.


Ah! How beautiful our campus is!

秋天的校园优秀作文400字 篇2


Miss Qiu came to us quietly by the autumn wind and came to our school.


In the morning, as soon as I entered the school, I saw that only a few cypresses near the teaching building had not changed into new golden clothes. There is a large round flower bed on the left of the cypress tree. There are many flowers in the flower bed, including pink roses, pale yellow chrysanthemums, purple violets, dark red cockscomb


There is a big playground right in front of the teaching building. There are rows of locust trees around the playground. Their leaves turn yellow. A gentle autumn wind blows, and the leaves fall down one after another. The leaves fall on the ground of the playground and pave a gold carpet for the playground.


There is a big lawn on the right side of the playground. The grass in the lawn has lost its vigorous appearance in spring and has become withered and yellow. This scene reminds me of a poem written by Bai Juyi: "Leave the grass on the ground and it will wither and prosper every year. The wildfire will never burn out and the spring wind will blow again."


After class, the students have changed into colorful autumn clothes. Some of them are sweeping leaves, some are playing games, and some are running races. They are really like a group of happy birds!


There is a small round pool behind the teaching building. There are several small goldfish swimming happily in the pool. Suddenly, a small goldfish with white and golden lining stopped and blew several small bubbles, as if to say: "Autumn is coming, autumn is coming, and the school's autumn is beautiful!"


Thank you, the golden autumn, you decorated the school so colorful!

关于秋天的校园作文 篇3







关于秋天的校园作文 篇4


Autumn is not as colorful as spring, and the fragrance is pleasant; It's not like there are so many little creatures singing in summer; It's not as beautiful as winter. However, it is the most beautiful in my heart.


Autumn is coming, and when we enter the open campus, a cold wind blows, which makes us feel cool. The campus is still beautiful in autumn, and the trees are still green; It seems that the flowers do not know that the late autumn has come, but they are still fragrant and attract bees with their fragrance. A few yellow leaves fell from the trees in the flower beds on campus, and people's breath condensed into milky hot air.


The trees in the campus sometimes sway with the wind; Sometimes stand still; Sometimes a few poor leaves fell from the branches. However, these do not affect the charm of green trees in late autumn. The flowers in the campus are still open, and the bees are still busy collecting honey. There are many bees flying around the flowers, looking for a better one.


The autumn sky is very solemn and bright. The sky is dark, which makes people feel very mysterious. There are several stars in the high sky, which makes people guess: where are the other stars?


I love autumn, the bright sky and the cool season!

秋天的校园优秀作文400字 篇5








秋天的校园 篇6


Our campus is a beautiful garden.


Once entering the campus, the flower bed on the left is covered with dense Nantianzhu. The fruits are as red as rubies. The original green leaves have been inlaid with red edges, as if to say, "Autumn is coming!" Look! The red bletilla, which forms a series of fence walls, is full of purple flowers. Each flower is divided into 6 flower buds, each of which has 5 petals, which are just like small chrysanthemums. Its leaves are colorful, including purple, yellow, orange and red... Although the grass under the wall is no longer as green as in spring and summer, it looks like a yellow and green carpet.


There is a round flower bed in the middle of the school gate. The flower bed is full of sunflowers. Each flower has five petals, and they have many colors, red like fire, yellow like gold... Each color is so bright. A gust of wind blows, and the pale yellow stamens dotted in the middle of the petals quiver and are very beautiful!


There are several osmanthus trees on the right side of the teaching building. "Cinnamomum blossom, fragrant for thousands of miles". There are many stars on the tree, which means that countless osmanthus flowers are blooming, and the strong fragrance of flowers is coming. The beautiful hibiscus flowers are dotted on the emerald green hibiscus trees. From a distance, the flowers look like red agates.


The red, yellow, purple, green... set off the red and white teaching building, just like a beautiful fairy tale world.


I love the campus in autumn!

秋天的校园 篇7





关于秋天的校园的作文 篇8


All the year round, spring, summer, autumn and winter. It's autumn now. Our school is very beautiful, but Miss Qiu has decorated our school as a golden campus. It's really beautiful!


I think the golden campus is the most beautiful and interesting. After school, I saw that the playground in the upper courtyard was clean. The next day I came to the upper courtyard to see the tall locust tree. As soon as the leaves of poplar trees were blown by the wind, they fell down, like yellow butterflies, dancing in the air. Soon, a courtyard was full of golden carpets. The wind blew the fallen leaves on the ground and they ran like athletes at the sports meeting. After a while, the students in the seven classes began to clean the upper courtyard. The fallen leaves were like disobedient little children (WWW.. CN), hiding in the trash can. How interesting! Our campus is also very beautiful. Miss Qiu has decorated some flowers and trees more beautiful. Trees also make our school look like a beautiful picture.


I like Spring Girl. Uncle Xia. Miss Qiu. Grandpa Dong, I prefer Miss Qiu, because she brings a harvest song to the farmer uncle and a happy song to us, so I like Miss Qiu.

秋天的校园 篇9


Miss Xia walked away quietly, and Miss Qiu came quietly, putting gold on the campus.


Jujube trees bear many big red dates, some green, some red Red and green, beautiful! Suddenly, a gust of wind blew, and a fragrance floated from a distance. We searched and searched, and finally found the fragrance of the original flower tree. Another gust of wind blew, and the small flowers in the osmanthus tree were exposed. It was very beautiful! The color of Acer gossypii is very beautiful. From green to red, when the wind blows, the leaves float with the wind, just like a little girl dancing. It's very beautiful!


Look at the flowers again. There was a cluster of violets at the door. Suddenly, a gust of wind blew, and the violets were blown around. They were very lovely! Another gust of wind blew, and we saw some petals flying in the air, just like beautiful butterflies. With the petals, we found the owner of the petals, which is daisy. Daisy is like a small sun, very beautiful!


The children were fascinated by these scenes, and each of them wanted to see the beautiful scenery. We saw the sun flower, pomegranate tree, pomelo tree, orange tree... The bell rang, and the children had to go back to the classroom to have class.


Ah, what a beautiful campus in autumn!