The winter vacation, I was fortunate to go to Jianglangshan with my parents.
We got out of the car and looked up, wow! Jiang Langshan not only was beautiful and charming, but also the mountains were also very majestic and dangerous, like a mighty giant.I thought to myself: I can show my best to climb the mountain this time!
We came to the mountain and grabbed the chain tightly. I was afraid that we would roll down and walk hard along the way.At the middle of the mountain, I had felt my fingers trembling and my legs and feet were soft, but I gritted my teeth and walked step by step with my head.At this moment, I thought to myself: If it doesn't work, give up, no one will laugh at me anyway.At this time, I heard a series of sounds sounding from the road next to it.Looking back, yeah! It turned out to be a group of workers with wood.They are small, with a few obvious green tendons on their feet, and they are wearing shorts and vests.Despite this, none of them had no idea of giving up, holding wood in one hand, grabbing the iron chain in one hand, and climbing up.
When I saw them, I felt ashamed that I was better than them, and I didn't need to carry wood, but I wanted to give up.Thinking of this, I don't think I can climb the top of the mountain.I seemed to be full of positive energy in my heart, coupled with the efforts of my parents, climbing to the top of the Jianglang Mountain.On the top of the mountain, I looked down at the scenery below and shouted: "Those who persistently work hard will definitely gain!"
Ah! Jiang Langshan, what a beautiful scenery! This time the climbing left me a beautiful memory, how much is the scene of the scene when the scene climbing!pleasure!
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