Go home from school, and see the four people sitting on the sofa on the living room when I open the door, I froze.Isn't this the Tang monk, Sun Wukong, Zhu Bajie, and the monk of the monk in "Journey to the West"? I saw the monk of the sand from taking out a pair of hemp from the burden. The four of them did not go to Xitian to learn from the scriptures and played cards without any business!Zhu Bajie seemed to see my mind: "We are all retired, and I am idle." I entered my room silently.
Go home from school, and see the four people sitting on the sofa on the living room when I open the door, I froze.Isn't this the Tang monk, Sun Wukong, Zhu Bajie, and the monk of the monk in "Journey to the West"? I saw the monk of the sand from taking out a pair of hemp from the burden. The four of them did not go to Xitian to learn from the scriptures and played cards without any business!Zhu Bajie seemed to see my mind: "We are all retired, and I am idle." I entered my room silently.
When I went home from the library, I found that the person on the sofa on the living room was immediately froze. Isn't this the stepmother of Princess Bai Xue? Am I going wrong?How did she come to my house ... this person is not easy to mess with! If I am wrong, she will try to set the way to harm me! She is looking in the mirror and turning her head to ask me: "Am I beautiful?" "Beautiful! It's beautiful! You are the most beautiful woman in the world. Even Snow White can't be compared with you! "But who knows that Princess Bai Xue is 10,000 times more beautiful than her.
When I went home from the library, I found that the person on the sofa on the living room was immediately froze. Isn't this the stepmother of Princess Bai Xue? Am I going wrong?How did she come to my house ... this person is not easy to mess with! If I am wrong, she will try to set the way to harm me! She is looking in the mirror and turning her head to ask me: "Am I beautiful?" "Beautiful! It's beautiful! You are the most beautiful woman in the world. Even Snow White can't be compared with you! "But who knows that Princess Bai Xue is 10,000 times more beautiful than her.
当我玩回来,打开门发现沙发上坐着海绵。我很惊喜,这不是海绵宝宝和派大星吗?这时海绵宝宝说话了:“快来品尝品尝我新做的蟹黄煲,味道可好了!”我接过海绵宝宝的蟹黄煲吃了一口:“不错,不错!Very good!我得给你一个大大的赞!”派大星嚼了一口蟹黄煲赞许道:“很好,很好!这是我吃到的味道最好的蟹黄煲了!”
When I played back, I opened the door and found a sponge sitting on the sofa.I am surprised, isn't this SpongeBob and Pai Da Star? At this time, the Sponge Baby spoke: "Come and taste my new crab yellow pot, the taste is good!" I took a bite of SpongeBob's crab yellow pot: "Yes, yes! Very Good! I have to give you a big praise!" Paida stars chewed a bite of crab yellow pot and praised: "Good, very good! This is the best crab yellow pot I have eaten! ""
When I played back, I opened the door and found a sponge sitting on the sofa.I am surprised, isn't this SpongeBob and Pai Da Star? At this time, the Sponge Baby spoke: "Come and taste my new crab yellow pot, the taste is good!" I took a bite of SpongeBob's crab yellow pot: "Yes, yes! Very Good! I have to give you a big praise!" Paida stars chewed a bite of crab yellow pot and praised: "Good, very good! This is the best crab yellow pot I have eaten! ""
When I open the door again, what will I find? Please guess ...
When I open the door again, what will I find? Please guess ...
Go home from school, and see the four people sitting on the sofa on the living room when I open the door, I froze.Isn't this the Tang monk, Sun Wukong, Zhu Bajie, and the monk of the monk in "Journey to the West"? I saw the monk of the sand from taking out a pair of hemp from the burden. The four of them did not go to Xitian to learn from the scriptures and played cards without any business!Zhu Bajie seemed to see my mind: "We are all retired, and I am idle." I entered my room silently.
Go home from school, and see the four people sitting on the sofa on the living room when I open the door, I froze.Isn't this the Tang monk, Sun Wukong, Zhu Bajie, and the monk of the monk in "Journey to the West"? I saw the monk of the sand from taking out a pair of hemp from the burden. The four of them did not go to Xitian to learn from the scriptures and played cards without any business!Zhu Bajie seemed to see my mind: "We are all retired, and I am idle." I entered my room silently.
When I went home from the library, I found that the person on the sofa on the living room was immediately froze. Isn't this the stepmother of Princess Bai Xue? Am I going wrong?How did she come to my house ... this person is not easy to mess with! If I am wrong, she will try to set the way to harm me! She is looking in the mirror and turning her head to ask me: "Am I beautiful?" "Beautiful! It's beautiful! You are the most beautiful woman in the world. Even Snow White can't be compared with you! "But who knows that Princess Bai Xue is 10,000 times more beautiful than her.
When I went home from the library, I found that the person on the sofa on the living room was immediately froze. Isn't this the stepmother of Princess Bai Xue? Am I going wrong?How did she come to my house ... this person is not easy to mess with! If I am wrong, she will try to set the way to harm me! She is looking in the mirror and turning her head to ask me: "Am I beautiful?" "Beautiful! It's beautiful! You are the most beautiful woman in the world. Even Snow White can't be compared with you! "But who knows that Princess Bai Xue is 10,000 times more beautiful than her.
当我玩回来,打开门发现沙发上坐着海绵。我很惊喜,这不是海绵宝宝和派大星吗?这时海绵宝宝说话了:“快来品尝品尝我新做的蟹黄煲,味道可好了!”我接过海绵宝宝的蟹黄煲吃了一口:“不错,不错!Very good!我得给你一个大大的赞!”派大星嚼了一口蟹黄煲赞许道:“很好,很好!这是我吃到的味道最好的蟹黄煲了!”
When I played back, I opened the door and found a sponge sitting on the sofa.I am surprised, isn't this SpongeBob and Pai Da Star? At this time, the Sponge Baby spoke: "Come and taste my new crab yellow pot, the taste is good!" I took a bite of SpongeBob's crab yellow pot: "Yes, yes! Very Good! I have to give you a big praise!" Paida stars chewed a bite of crab yellow pot and praised: "Good, very good! This is the best crab yellow pot I have eaten! ""
When I played back, I opened the door and found a sponge sitting on the sofa.I am surprised, isn't this SpongeBob and Pai Da Star? At this time, the Sponge Baby spoke: "Come and taste my new crab yellow pot, the taste is good!" I took a bite of SpongeBob's crab yellow pot: "Yes, yes! Very Good! I have to give you a big praise!" Paida stars chewed a bite of crab yellow pot and praised: "Good, very good! This is the best crab yellow pot I have eaten! ""
When I open the door again, what will I find? Please guess ...
When I open the door again, what will I find? Please guess ...
1、他们:他们读音为tā men,是指代词。称自己和对方以外的若干人。 对自己和对方以外多于两个人的称呼他们 tā mén词语解释:代词。称自己和对方以外的若干人。[they] 对自己和对方以外多于两个人的称呼分词解释:自己:1.代词。自身﹐本身。 2.自己人。 3.知己亲近;关系密切。代词:代替名词、动词、形容词以及其他实词的词。有人称代词(我、你、他)、指示代词(这、那)、疑问代词(谁、什么)三类。以外:表示在一定的范围﹑处所﹑时间﹑数量的界限之外。对方:跟行为的主体处于相对地位的一方:老王结婚了,对方是幼儿园的保育员 ㄧ打球要善于抓住对方的弱点来进攻。...他们怎么造句,用他们造句»
2、想想:想想读音为xiǎng xiǎng,是指1.考虑。如:让我想想。2.思考一下。如:想想他们的孩子将成为什么样的人。3.想像,设想,用祈使语气暗示惊讶。如:想想看吧。4.引起注意(如对某一观点)。想想我们的狼狈局面吧。想想 xiǎng xiǎng词语意思:1.考虑。如:让我想想。2.思考一下。如:想想他们的孩子将成为什么样的人。3.想像,设想,用祈使语气暗示惊讶。如:想想看吧。4.引起注意(如对某一观点)。想想我们的狼狈局面吧。分词解释:局面:①一个时期内事情的状态:稳定的局面ㄧ生动活泼的政治局面。②〈方〉规模:这家商店局面虽不大,货色倒齐全。设想:1.假想﹐悬拟﹔想象。 2.着想﹔考虑﹔打算。语气:1.说话的口气。 2.表示陈述﹑疑问﹑祈使﹑商榷﹑感叹等各别的语法范畴。孩子:①儿童:小孩子丨男孩子。②子女:她有两个孩子。观点:①观察事物时所处的位置或采取的态度:生物学观点丨纯技术观点。②专指政治观点:没有正确的立场,就不会有正确的观点。...想想怎么造句,用想想造句»
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