
时间:2022-11-15 12:50:54 | 来源:语文通



七月的风_300字 篇1七月的风作文 篇2七月的风作文 篇3七月的风作文 篇4七月的风作文 篇5七月的风作文 篇6七月,我们栽下一棵亲情树之六 献给妈妈的诗_200字 篇7七月的风作文 篇8七月的风作文 篇9

七月的风_300字 篇1


The summer wind is blowing warm, through the hair through the ears, you and my summer wind gently say "


Listening to the sweet and beautiful voice of wishing, accompanied by the euphemistic and elegant tune of Wen Lan's "Summer Wind", is really not a kind of enjoyment!


Walking in the summer evening of this city, I felt stuffy, and the heat of the sun had not completely gone. The hot and red sky in July seemed to be covered by something, which made me unable to breathe.


It is not that I am unwilling or paralyzed to walk in the pedestrian street with a little material, or revel in the night sky of the city, or walk in such a fast pace on a rare holiday. I feel that it is not surprising, but I have no time to take care of it. I can't control my steps, neither can I. Perhaps the intersection of the road is my only stop. I also walk mechanically under the command of traffic lights. I know that one day people will stop, and stop forever. The day will eventually turn into night, because it is inevitable.


We are still young, and we have endless capital. After many failures and setbacks, I always encourage myself in this way, which may be a kind of paralysis in the eyes of others, but I like this kind of paralysis, at least it will not make me very painful.

七月的风作文 篇2


The scenery does not have to be magnificent. A person's small action can also become a beautiful scenery.


When the tide ebbed, from a distance, I saw a little boy, bent over, as if picking up something. In the distance came an old man with gray hair and faltering steps. He said to the little boy, "Don't pick up fish like this. Thousands of them will be hit by the waves in a day." It turned out that the boy was picking up the fish that had been hit by the waves and could not return to the sea. He picked them up and threw them away from afar. The little boy retorted to the old man, "If I can save a fish, it is a life!" The old man was a little guilty, so he stopped dissuading the boy. This is a beautiful landscape.


When school was late, it suddenly rained heavily, and the students without umbrellas were trapped in the school. At this time, a mother came to pick up her children with an umbrella and a raincoat. When they came out, the raincoat was on the child, and the mother was all wet. Even so, the umbrella is biased towards the children. This is also a beautiful scenery.


The village teacher, Mr. Li, is a hero.


One night in winter, the school alarm rang. He knew that a thief had entered the computer room. He ran directly to the computer room without wearing a coat. As a result, he saw two black shadows carrying an electronic calculator, so he shouted, "Catch the thief!" The two robbers were worried. One of them swung an iron bar and threw it at Miss Li's head, but he didn't give up and shouted twice: "Catch the thief!" As a result, she was cut and wounded by robbers, and Miss Li fell in a pool of blood. At this time, someone came from the security office of the school and reported to the police. The robbers were arrested. Teacher Li was sent to the hospital. His head was six millimeters deep, he was cut five times, and he had more than 40 stitches sewn. This is due to Mr. Li's bravery and perseverance, so that the school will not lose an electronic calculator worth more than 100,000 yuan.


This is enough to move people. This is the most beautiful scenery!


It is said that there was a wind god. As long as he was angry, the earth would be windy and blow all the trees away; The grass was blown down; The small lake was blown like boiling water, "guru guru". The gods in the sky did not feel offended by the Wind God. One day, the Wind God gave birth to two men and two women, who named the two girls Spring Wind and Autumn Wind respectively. Name the two boys Summer Wind and Winter Wind.


It is summer now, and the summer wind has come out to "visit the country".


Xia Feng is the messenger of life. It blows out the lotus, which emits an intoxicating fragrance as a reward for the summer wind to blow it open. It blew the jasmine, and the jasmine took its white and beautiful "posture" as the reward for the summer wind to blow it. It wakes cicada, who sings the first song for Xia Feng with her sweet voice.


Xia Feng likes playing hide and seek with people. Every time it hides in a small corner, when people "find" it, it will gently blow a small breath and then "sting" run away. In this way, people "found" the summer wind, and it ran away, and people were tortured by the summer wind again and again.


The summer wind is naughty. I walked to Uncle Tree and found him roaring angrily. oh The wind had damaged his leaves and made him tremble with anger. Now, where did the wind go? Look! The flowers were beaten by her and cried, while the grass was tickled by her and bent down with laughter.


The summer wind is lazy. No matter how it is called, no matter how hot the weather is, no matter how much people need it, it will not come out to relieve heat for people.


The summer wind has no air conditioner at all. Even if it blows on your face, it will burn you back a few steps.


It is like a person who likes to play. He hopes to play hide and seek and likes to sweat.

七月的风作文 篇3


"I believe that we will see each other again, I believe that I will always miss each other, I believe that we will be fine, I believe that everything I believe will become a flame, shining on each other's faces, and the vast sea of people will see each other.".


When the wind blows in July, when the graduation exam is over, it will break up in 1992. There is not much to give up, but there is some bitterness in my heart.


After three years of growth, seven papers ended. Three years of love, the word "graduation" broke up. After three years of lost, I regret it. Every time I talk about junior high school, I always have the image of broadcast gymnastics in my mind, the deep feeling in the recitation of Chinese traditional culture, the shouting at the school sports meeting and the funny and moving jokes at the get-together... Like many people, junior high school has too many things to give up, but as the days go on, we have to separate.


On the last day of junior high school, the monitor said before class that he should stand up before class and then shouted "I love you, teacher". All the students in the class felt hypocritical, but when the class bell rang and the monitor shouted to stand up, everyone stood up very neatly and bowed, saying that sentence loudly and affectionately. The head teacher was surprised and then gave us a deep smile. In this last lesson, the old class did not talk about those boring geometry problems, but sent the graduation photos taken earlier to us. Graduation photos are always ugly, but every time I see them, I feel very warm. The classroom is noisy. They are talking about who is taking good pictures with whom, whose eyes are too small, and who's ambiguous little actions with whom. The head teacher did not yell at the top of his voice to be quiet as usual, because she also knew that this might be the last chat in our junior high school.


After school, some people giggled heartlessly and said not to miss me too much; Some people's tears have climbed up their eyes, but their faces are wearing the most brilliant smile; Some people tear all the test papers into pieces and scatter them from upstairs... All of this is just to cover up the sadness in their hearts, but it's useless to give up no matter how much, because we can't stop the passage of time, just like the wind decides to go, the cloud can't keep it.


"Goodbye to the old classmates who disliked each other, goodbye to those who didn't have time to say thank you, goodbye to the homework that will never happen again, goodbye to the last page of your graduation volume..."


The best of us, the last youth, the most beautiful 92, the most true love.


The world is a circle.

七月的风作文 篇4


The summer wind is really strange - she is not as hot as the spring wind; Unlike the autumn wind, the golden autumn sends cool; It's not as cold as the winter wind. Summer is a polyhedron! Alas, you can see that I have to meet you personally!


In July, the sunlight was so vicious that it was like cutting a torch, which would be eliminated in a flash. At this time, the ground is like a dry pot with no water burning on the stove, and everything in the world is like food in the pot, which is being resisted by unbearable blood. "Good heavens! Let the rain stop! If you don't show mercy, life will come out here!" Therefore, the world of every day has begun to enrich the world of summer wind


In the morning, the naughty summer wind got up early and began a new all day joke. He crossed the country and reached the rustic ruins. He knew that some delicate plants could not stand the hardships of a tiny sand grain, and he was arrogant everywhere. have a look! The wheat was bent down by her. Ouch, hey, take it easy! The farmers are sad to cry!


Next day, I marched to the cram school under the hardships of Father Sun. Sitting in the "special shuttle bus", I was overwhelmed by the heat - I was going to sleep! Suddenly, another gust of wind came. It was cool, cool, and I was satisfied. I have a rare kung fu in this hundred summer. I suddenly feel everything on the road is so beautiful... Look, people are looking up at the sky, their hair is blown in disorder, but they have no scruples. Who calls this the first "West Cold Wind" this summer! Listen, the leaves on the trees on both sides of the street are rampant singing the "sand" waltz. It can be seen that the wind is blowing at the right time - these little ghosts who hate the summer are also praising her behavior.


At dusk, everyone was tired and fell asleep in the air-conditioned room with the sound of the frog. Xia Feng was also a little tired, but he used some strength to make a circle. After having a good night with everyone, he fell asleep.


The whole day of summer wind ended like this.

七月的风作文 篇5


It was the beginning of summer, but the wind was blowing fiercely. It messed up the girl's long hair, stirred the huge loquats on the tree tops, and also touched my heartstrings.


In the summer of May, the sun was so bright that plants and people were wilted. Physical education textbooks are a rare time for students to play, but the weather is not beautiful, and the sun is really too poisonous. Many students are afraid that their delicate skin will be damaged by ultraviolet rays, so they huddle around in the shade of trees. I didn't want to run on the playground with my head full of sweat. Instead, I sat on the blue stands and enjoyed the unique warm wind in summer. The students were chatting. I looked at the buildings in the distance. My thoughts drifted to the summer night in Zhejiang, and I remembered the old man, the old house, and the hot wind


Zhejiang is a coastal area. Whether spring, summer, autumn or winter, morning, afternoon or evening, wind is always an indispensable part of Zhejiang people's life. Grandma lived in a simple village for most of her life. Her parents felt that the village was too backward, and they always proposed to take her to the city, but Grandma refused in pleasant Zhejiang dialect: "It's good for me to be here, not to go to the city, not to go, not to go."


I often spent the winter and summer holidays at Grandma's house. I found that she always liked to choose the only shabby bamboo chair from many beautifully made wooden benches, and then put it in front of the vegetable garden in the yard, sitting for a whole day.


I once asked innocently, "Grandma, are you not bored to sit all day doing nothing?" Grandma just smiled, touched my head, and answered, "My silly baby, Grandma is sitting here with Grandma Feng!" I nodded vaguely and smiled. Grandma could not help laughing when she saw that I was ignorant. She gently hugged me and told me the old yellow story in a low voice.


Sometimes Grandma also sits alone. Every time she sits alone, she always holds a wooden box in her hand and looks at the vegetable garden in front of her, laughing and mumbling something. When I was a child, I always yearned for that magical wooden box. What on earth made Grandma so fond of it?


Now I understand that it is the wind, it is warm, it is grandma's verdant years!


"Hey! What are you thinking? Class is over. Let's go to dinner." My good friends said while holding me. "Ah, it's nothing. Just talk to Grandma Feng." My friend looked at me doubtfully, "Ouch, it's really nothing. I'm starving. Let's go to eat!". So, a group of teenagers walked to the canteen in the warm summer wind.

七月的风作文 篇6


It seems that the wind in summer also depends on the sky.


In the sunny summer afternoon, the temperature on the cement floor is killing the ants. My feet are like stainless steel plates on the charcoal fire barbecue. I can bake them with cumin powder. It seems that the green plants along the road are not harmed. The tree trunk is green, which means free and easy. But looking down, you can see the soil layer on the surface, which seems to have been drained of water and turned white. Just when the wind blows, the sound of falling leaves curls around my ears. The dry coarse soil moves to the area, and the sweat drops quickly. Under the scorching sun, these tiny camera lenses come out slowly, and time seems to be short of breath. The wind does not allow me to be cheerful. The fire like passion can only make people feel upset. Even though the sound of course is pleasant, I have no intention of appreciating it. I just want to enjoy the cool under the tree and escape to the air-conditioning room.


In the summer after the rain, the wind also brings a little heat, which makes people feel uncomfortable. Just because the sun hasn't come out for a long time, the wind is roaring, and people finally get some really cool. This is the most suitable temperature. People's hearts are calmer. At this time, the wind will dissipate the heat left behind. With the spirit of summer and the coolness of daily wind, it will blow into the room from the window, which is like a natural gift. It is cool and refreshing that cannot be blown out by the air conditioner. I thought of my sister's home in the past. At that time, the summer was also painful. My sister's home was not air-conditioned, which was always a bad luck. Fortunately, in a small room, there were two windows on different walls, which was a relief. I heard from my sister that the house will interact with light wind in the evening, so you can sleep without air conditioner, which makes you feel more comfortable and comfortable than the cold wind from the air conditioner. At that time, she looked proud, without any element of accommodation. I think she understood the coolness of the wind earlier than I did, and the supernatural power and preciousness earlier than I did.


The summer and wind did not seem to blend into each other. It was the wind that made the summer mild, or the summer made the wind look tender. Who is more. Only in the course of existence, will have its style, people nostalgia.

七月,我们栽下一棵亲情树之六 献给妈妈的诗_200字 篇7

妈妈,我想对您说 虞涵淇是谁,在我们生病的时候,为我们熬红了双眼?是谁,在我们灰心的时候,给我们无穷的力量?

Mom, I want to tell you who Yu Hanqi is, who made our eyes red when we were sick? Who gives us infinite strength when we lose heart?


Who gave us encouraging vision when we made progress? Who is it that shows a happy smile when we succeed? That's Mom!


For us, working day and night, the delicate hands become rough; The smooth cheeks had fine wrinkles; There are several white hairs hidden in the bright black hair; The straight waist is no longer straight... Ah, Mom, I want to tell you that I will listen to you obediently. I am growing up now. No matter how far we fly, we will remember

七月的风作文 篇8


The wind is a spirit flying in the sky and the earth. It's strong, it's arrogant, it's aggressive. Wherever the wind goes, all things bow to it. Our motherland, like the proud wind, has endless vitality, constantly surpasses itself and composes beautiful songs one after another.


We chased the spring breeze of reform and opening up, and sowed the seeds of hope on the barren fields. Under the wind of spring, the buds burst the seed coat, burst out of the land, broke the sand, and drilled out of the ground, so everything slowly became prosperous.


The wind wakes up the land that has been sleeping for a long time, and the beautiful blueprint has been shown in front of us. In the period of inheriting the past and opening up the future, we, the future builders of our motherland, need to rise against the wind.


Let's face the sea and pursue the wind of civilization. Discard barbarism and rudeness, and abandon aggression and war. Let's experience the purity and ease of the soul, and taste the beauty and charm of culture; Let's listen to the beating of the heart, the flow of blood, and the deepest cry of the soul. If the smoke of gunpowder and the flames of war reigned, barbarism would cover civilization. Although we love peace, we will still rise up without hesitation, even if we sacrifice ourselves. We are willing to use our own blood to wash away barbarism and make civilization brilliant.


Let's raise the sail to pursue the moral wind. Where the moral wind blows, justice and light will appear in front of us, and darkness and dirt will no longer exist. People trust each other and live in harmony. Respect the old and love the young in the family, warm and harmonious; There is no trampling on the flower terrace, and no one breaks the flowers on the branches; Everyone on the bus offered their seats and communicated with each other. No matter what they knew or didn't know, their faces were full of smiles. The air will flow with happiness and sweetness.


Let's go hand in hand with the seagulls flying in the air and chase the wind of sports. Feel the passion and charm of sports. With the cheering and shouting, watch the vigorous and heroic athletes. Experience the vitality brought by sports, struggle and the thrill of competition. Feel joy and tears embracing each other in sports, and complete the shaping of your heart in the process of participating in sports.




We should be ready now to follow the footsteps of the wind!

七月的风作文 篇9


The most comfortable wind in a year can only be the summer wind.


When you are in the heat, don't you laugh at the cool summer wind first? Look, the wind is coming. But sometimes Xia Feng likes playing hide and seek with people. Every time it hides in a small corner, when people "find" it, it will gently blow a small breath and then "sting" run away. In this way, people "found" the summer wind, and it ran away, and people were tortured by the summer wind again and again.


In the summer vacation, I came to my grandmother's house. I got up very early at that time. In the morning, when I saw the first summer wind blowing into the flowers, both flowers and grass were dancing with the wind. The summer wind was naughty. I walked to Uncle Tree and found him roaring angrily. oh The wind had damaged his leaves and made him tremble with anger. Now, where did the wind go? Look! The flowers were beaten by her and cried, while the grass was tickled by her and bent down with laughter. This gust of wind fills the air with the fragrance of flowers, and even I am intoxicated with the refreshing fragrance of flowers, making the morning permeate with the fragrance of flowers.


At noon, the air was filled with heat. It seemed that there was a fire in the air. The grass was gone, the branches were tilted, and the sun was burning the earth with anger. It was like burning the whole earth. My grandfather and I, who helped in the farmland, were sweating profusely. At this moment, "Oh, it came, and a cool summer wind came. In a moment, the place where the wind blew sent out a cool breath everywhere. We couldn't help standing up and enjoying the freshness of the summer wind. The wind left, and we were all full of energy and continued to work


In the evening, the cool wind was blowing gently, insects were singing and birds were breathing. We were enjoying the cool outside in the windy evening, chatting and laughing, and our mood was much better. Grandfather and others were playing chess. Everyone looked at the chessboard on the table and felt anxious. Suddenly, Grandfather said happily; "I won" I saw grandpa's joy in winning chess from his face. I looked at grandpa with excited eyes and felt happy for him. At this time, the wind seemed to be happy for him. The summer wind gently blew on us. How comfortable everything was. I like you in the summer wind.