
时间:2022-08-30 13:26:01 | 来源:语文通



"Hahaha ..." A noisy laughter came out of the third grade (5), eh?What are they doing?It turns out that they are playing chicken games!


Teacher Liu announced the rules of the game with a smile, "Of course, this time the chicken eating competition is not a chicken on the mobile phone, but the part of the part of the chicken you want to eat, you can't repeat it, whoever tells the chicken part of the most part of the part of the chicken part of the part is the most.Who is the winner. If you say that the part of the chicken is the least, you must accept the punishment. "


When I finished speaking, I saw my table at the same table, staring at me with my eyes, and whispered, "Do you know what parts are there? Actually, I don’t like chicken, so I don’t know the chicken at all. What are the parts! "I pretended not to hear. In fact, I was thinking about what parts of the chickens were. After I planned to start, I stood up and said. I only heard the teacher say: "The game starts! The" troubled wagnist "of our class took the lead in standing up from the seat, raised his hands while yelling," Teacher, I come! I come! "Well, the" troublemaker "of our class, I haven't reacted it yet. At this time, the teacher asked" Trick Treat "to answer. So I want to eat chicken crowns! "The classmates laughed after listening." Trick or Treat "shouted angrily:" What laughs, I want to be the boss! " "Then the students started speaking, some said chicken head, some said chicken wings, and some said chicken legs ... before I stood up and said the chicken parts, they were said by other classmates. It's almost the same. I thought about it and I didn't say a chicken buttocks left. There was no way. In order to add points, I had to raise my hand and said, "I eat chicken. Essence Essence Essence Essence Essence chicken. Essence Essence Essence Essence Essence butt! "At this time, the students laughed forward and closed after listening. I lowered my head embarrassed and thought," In order to win! I am out! "


Finally, I won 10 parts of the chicken!At this point, don't mention how happy I am.The teacher said, "The person who loses must be punished." My table was unhappy to go to the podium, and she danced reluctantly.The "Lotte" Xiao Zhang swayed in the back and shouted: "Yeah, Yeah, Yeah ..." He twisted his buttocks, and the students laughed at his funny movements.


The joyful time is always short. Just as we are still intoxicated in the fun of the game, the bell rang at the end of the get out of class, and I will always remember this unique activity lesson.



Everyone loves chicken, but this world is strange. In the distant north, there is a township. All township people are famous for their love.The name of the township, of course, is named "Love Chicken Charm City".


The annual eating chicken feathers are the annual event of this town. In addition, this year is the 100th session. The mayor decided to expand the holding.The high bonus is called, depending on how much the champion can eat and a thousand as a unit. If you are not afraid of eating too much, the bonus is to accumulate unlimited.


All township people feel that the opportunity must be lost, and immediately starts in a lot of food training in full swing. In any case, they hope to put their stomachs at the scene of the game, and make the most chicken feathers, becoming a well -known "invincible big stomach king".


The game is finally about to start. The players wipe their mouths. Where can I eat the most feathered image, it is uncomfortable.


The cheering of the loved ones who shouted the flags outside the field, "Dad! Come on!" Or: "Husband! Anyway, it is exempt from money, you just eat, let everyone see your strength!"


After the midfield, some people couldn't hold it, vomiting, dizzy, and even some people were directly lifted to the ambulance. The painful expression on the players' faces made everyone can't stand it anymore.However, the game is still in progress. Players who adhere to the spirit of the sports are unsatisfactory and strive to continue to stuff the feathers.


The champion is released. He is a beggar who hasn't eaten for a week. He is hungry. He has been waiting for this game for a long time. He usually has no money to buy feathers. At this time, it is a rare opportunity to be full.


The bonus he received was enough for him to be in the future for several months, and he would not worry about not eating.Unfortunately, he didn't go to find a job. When he was sitting in the mountains, he was afraid that he had to be hungry, or looking forward to the next game.


There is a stupid beggar, and I will not comment.