
时间:2022-07-01 13:26:51 | 来源:语文通



"Mom, mother, the college has a theme activity of" Finding the Memory of Red Scarf ". Do you have antiques and little stories related to red scarves before?" Therefore, my mother turned out of a fully transparent finishing box on the top of the wardrobe,There are many various qualification certificates, honorary certificates, and antiques.I attracted me a red pentagram plus a chapter of fire."Mom, this chapter is very beautiful. I have never seen it. Can you help me tell me?" "Okay!" Mom talked about the background of the medal creation.


The mother was born in the early stages of China's reform and opening up, and she also added the Miao Miao team, and then added the young pioneer.In 1992, the fifth grade was the chief of the university's young pioneers, which often meant that the colleges participated in the competition and the theme activities of various young pioneers.Because the scores of studying and testing have always maintained a long -leading leader, the comprehensive ability at all levels is high, so it has been selected as "Shanghai County's Outstanding Pioneer" and has this precious medal.There are only about 10 excellent teammates in Shanghai County.After that, Shanghai County made a combination of Minhang. After grade reports and reviews, the Minhang Youth League Committee was also awarded the qualification certificate of the "Outstanding Captain"."Mom, what is the Youth League Committee?" "When you are 14 years old, you need to retreat, see you from the Youth League Committee, and become a member of the league." "After that?"You can align with the grass -roots party organizations. If you are excellent enough, you may become a Communist. "


Yes, my mother is a Communist, who applies for the party to join the party. The college is a party branch in the department.I often hear my father and mother talk about the words "firm beliefs, remember the heavy responsibility" at home. Perhaps, I am still too small and I don't understand these.But they often talk to me, "Now that there are good standards, many people have changed their lives, and many people are not known to invest in everyone. In the future, you will become such a person, for everyoneYou can have a good life and make the great motherland stronger. The young pioneer is the successor of the communist society. Therefore, you don't need to underestimate this red scarf. The actual significance behind this is the expectation of the Chinese nation.In the future, you can pick up your class! "


This medal and medal creative background, I want to feel deeply.I will work hard, and in the future, I will definitely have the "medal" that belongs to myself.



1、寻找:寻找读音为xún zhǎo,是指找;觅求。寻找 xún zhǎo分词解释:找;觅求。分词解释:● 觅(覓) mì ㄇㄧˋ◎ 找,寻求:觅食。觅取。寻觅。搜觅。◎ 数量单位,中国唐代南诏以十六枚贝为一觅。● 寻(尋) xún ㄒㄩㄣˊ◎ 找,搜求:寻找。寻觅。寻机。寻问。寻访。寻衅。追寻。寻章摘句。◎ 古代的长度单位(一寻等于八尺):寻常(古代八尺为“寻”,倍寻为“常”,都是平常的长度,后泛指平常、素常)。● 求 qiú ㄑㄧㄡˊ◎ 设法得到:求生。求成。求知。求索。求证(寻求证据,求得证实)。求实(讲求实际)。求同存异。求全责备。求贤若渴。实事求是。◎ 恳请,乞助:求人。求告。求乞。求医。求教。求助。◎ 需要:需求。供过于求。● 找 zhǎo ㄓㄠˇ◎ 寻求,想要得到:寻找。找人。找物。◎ 退回,补足:找钱。找平。找齐。...寻找怎么造句,用寻找造句»

2、红领巾:红领巾读音为hóng lǐng jīn,是指①红色的领巾,代表红旗的一角,少年先锋队员的标志。②指少先队员。红领巾 hóng lǐng jīn词语解释:①红色的领巾,代表红旗的一角,少年先锋队员的标志。②指少先队员。(1) [red scarf]∶红色的领巾,代表红旗的一角,少年先锋队员的标志(2) [Young Pioneer]∶少年先锋队员分词解释:红旗:①红色的旗子,是无产阶级革命的象征:红旗红旗飘飘。②竞赛中用来奖励优胜者的红色旗子。③比喻先进:红旗手丨红旗单位。红色:①红的颜色。②象征革命或政治觉悟高:红色政权丨红色根据地。队员:1.小型集体组织的成员。 2.特指游击队战士。领巾:1.围在领子四周的图案形装饰性织品。 2.披或系在脖子上的织品。 3.指少先队员的红领巾。...红领巾怎么造句,用红领巾造句»

3、记忆:记忆读音为jì yì,是指①记住或想起:小时候的事情有些还能记忆起来。②保持在脑子里的过去事物的印象:记忆犹新。记忆 jì yì词语解释:①记住或想起:小时候的事情有些还能记忆起来。②保持在脑子里的过去事物的印象:记忆犹新。分词解释:记忆犹新:犹:还。过去的事,至今印象还非常清楚,就象刚才发生的一样。事物:指客观存在的一切物体和现象:任何事物都不是一成不变的。事情:1.事物的真相;实情。 2.事理人情。 3.人类生活中的一切活动和所遇到的一切社会现象。 4.犹工作,职业。过去:时间词,现在以前的时期(区别于‘现在、将来’):过去的工作只不过像万里长征走完了第一步。有些:1.有一些。表示数量不多。 2.犹有的。表示其中的一部分。 3.略微﹐稍微。...记忆怎么造句,用记忆造句»