
时间:2022-10-24 12:52:02 | 来源:语文通



严厉也是一种爱作文 篇1严厉也是一种爱作文 篇2严厉也是一种爱作文 篇3严厉也是一种爱小学生作文600字 篇4严厉也是一种爱作文 篇5严厉也是一种爱作文 篇6严厉也是一种爱作文 篇7严厉也是一种爱小学生作文600字 篇8

严厉也是一种爱作文 篇1


The mother eagle took the baby eagle to learn to fly at the edge of the cliff. The giraffe "scolded" the newborn baby again and again, forcing it to learn to walk. Under the cloak of "cruelty", love becomes "unimaginable"—— notes preceding the text of a book or following the title of an article


When I was a child, my grandparents took great care of me and loved me very much. They regarded me as the apple of their eye and depended on me for everything.


I was loved by my grandparents when I was young, and gradually formed a selfish and spoiled character. For this reason, I was slapped, and I still remember it deeply.


It was a sunny afternoon, and the weather was so sunny. The sun was listening to the singing of Wind Girl leisurely, and the trees were rustling. Everything seemed lively, lovely and vibrant.


At that time, I was playing with my neighbor's little sister on a grass covered with green grass. I was holding a Barbie doll I had just bought. At this time, my neighbor's little sister wanted to play with my favorite toy, but I wouldn't let her, because Grandpa just bought it for me.


So, we two began to fight, and accidentally turned the beautiful little princess into a "headless ghost".


At that moment, I burst into tears and shouted, "You pay!" My crying startled my mother, who walked out of the room quickly. After asking the reason, I thought my little sister could be punished, but I received a loud slap.


I cried loudly and said, "Why did you hit me? What did I do wrong?"? The mother said in an educational tone: "You depend on your grandfather's love for you, but you don't understand tolerance at the critical moment. Respect the old and love the young is the traditional virtue of our Chinese nation. If you always do this, when will you grow up?" After hearing this, I knew I was wrong.


Sometimes, being strict can also be a kind of love. It is another way for relatives to express their "love" for you. Use strict methods to educate you, so that you can further and deepen your footprint on the road of life.


This kind of strict love makes us stronger, calmly face the ups and downs on the road of life, make our life more colorful, and go on firmly and steadily

严厉也是一种爱作文 篇2


From the moment we were born, we were loved and spoiled. You can get what you want. Even if we want the stars and moon, as long as we speak, Mom and Dad will certainly pick them for us. In our eyes, parents love us, but although this is love, it is also harmful.


There are many kinds of love and unconditional obedience, which is indulgence. Excessive indulgence will make us unable to even take care of ourselves in the most basic way. I'm sure everyone has seen the popular sitcom Family with Children! In one episode, it is said that "Liu Mei's colleague has a genius son who can recite the Oxford dictionary backwards. But he can't even tie his shoelaces. This is the result of excessive indulgence. I don't think anyone would want to have such a son! All this shows that indulgence is the greatest harm to children, so parents can't spoil us.

严也是一种爱,只不过有时我们会受一些皮肉之苦。不过这对我们来说也许是一件好事。如果我们犯了错,被父母教训了一顿之后,会变得比以前老实很多,以后不会再犯同样的错误。考试考的不好,怕被 .cn 父母看见后会生气,所以把卷子藏起来,然后被父母找到后打了一顿。我相信下次任谁也不会再犯了。而且下次考得会比这次多一些,所以对我们严一点也是好的。

Yan is also a kind of love, but sometimes we suffer from some skin and flesh. But this may be a good thing for us. If we make mistakes and are taught a lesson by our parents, we will become much more honest than before and will not make the same mistakes again. I did not do well in the exam. I was afraid that my parents would get angry when they saw me, so I hid the paper and was beaten by my parents when they found it. I believe no one will do it again next time. And the next test will be more than this time, so it's good to be strict with us.


Petting is evil, being strict is love, and not beating or scolding is evil. " This fully proves this, so if our parents are more strict with us, we should not think that our parents deliberately beat and scold us. In fact, this is not an end, but a means. We should not be rebellious because of this. Think about it when you are angry. Who raised us? Who cares most about us The fire naturally disappeared.

严厉也是一种爱作文 篇3


My mother used to be a very excellent teacher, but for some reasons, she changed her career. In my impression, my mother was very strict, and even made me think that she was not my own mother. However, she grew up. Being sensible, I gradually found that being strict is also a way for a mother to love her children.


I remember when I was a child, I always thought that I was not my mother's own. How could a mother be so strict with children! What I remember most clearly is between the ages of 10 and 12. Every time I come back from vacation, my mother will ask me to read. I can read any book I want, but I can't read any book that is not healthy or beneficial to me. Children's nature is to play, let alone make me feel like reading. Every time I want to surf the Internet, I am chased back mercilessly. In the sixth grade, I thought that when I grew up, my mother would no longer be strict with me. But who would have thought that, as I grew older, she became more and more strict with me, so strict that I was not allowed to go away! I didn't understand my mother's behavior more and more. I didn't understand whether she was doing me good or harming me until the day of the first day of junior high. That day, my mother sat down to talk with me for the first time. After that long talk, I finally understood the words "pity the parents all over the world".


In the past few months of my junior high school, I was able to settle down to read in the self-study classes one after another; When my friends just want to go out, I am not interested at all.


If I didn't have that strict mother in those days, I think I would be nothing, nothing. Without my mother's hard-earned money, I don't know where I would go to a second rate school; Without my mother, I would not have such a good life.


Therefore, sometimes sternness is also a kind of love.

严厉也是一种爱小学生作文600字 篇4


I am the sun at home. No matter what requirements, my parents will promise me that I want nothing. My parents will buy me whatever it is.


But all this has changed since I grew up. I remember that when I was seven years old, I went to the store once and fell in love with a remote control racing car. It was the beauty of the car that attracted me deeply. I said to my parents: "I want this car." Although the price of the car is expensive, my parents still met my wishes.


I went home happily. Now I am ten years old and in the fourth grade. One day I bought some snacks to go home. Just after entering the house, my parents said to me, "Why do you eat these snacks when you are older? They are not good for your health." I also argued: "What's wrong when you grow up? Can't you eat snacks?" But finally, my parents were not persuaded, and all the snacks were handed in.


For this reason, my parents and I were angry for three days. I don't understand why my parents are so strict with me. After a long time, I forget the taste of snacks. As a sixth grader, I like computer games and often forget to do my homework because I am so obsessed. My parents are very angry about this.


One day after school, when I returned home and just put down my schoolbag, I went straight to the computer. My parents suddenly came to me to educate me. I feel guilty and angry. I will never have the chance to play computer again. The next day, I was carrying my schoolbag and preparing to go to school. I didn't expect to fall to the ground as soon as I went out. Before I knew it, my parents rushed to help me and said to me kindly, "Are you hurt? Is there anything?"


I was both happy and did not understand this scene. Why is it good and bad for me. A year has passed, and my parents and I have had many conflicts. Unconsciously, I have become a middle school student. After junior high school, I found that I had many good habits compared with my classmates. Some students like to eat snacks, but I have no feelings about it; Some students like games, and I am not infatuated with them at all. I can't help thinking of the advantages of my parents' sternness to me.


Some parents love their children very much, but some parents are very strict with their children. But my parents just love me differently.

严厉也是一种爱作文 篇5


My father is the most strict person to me in the world, and he is also the person who loves me most in the world. His love for me made me understand that sternness is also a kind of love, and is the deepest love.


Maybe Dad was a soldier in the past. He was serious to everyone, and even more severe to me. Since I was very young, he has severely treated all aspects of my growth.


At dinner, my father asked me to hold the bowl in my left hand, not to leave a grain of rice, not to scatter a grain of rice, and not to cross my legs. If I forgot, his big eyes began to stare at me; When I laughed, my father asked me not to show my teeth and to laugh quietly. If I laughed too much, his big hands would be on my shoulders; When I was lazy, he was more strict with me. He would ask me to finish the things I didn't do immediately, and he would add some tasks to me, so that I could remember the consequences of that laziness deeply


There are many things my father is strict with me, which makes me feel like living in the army all the time. If I'm not careful, I will see my father's displeasure. But over the years, I have felt that my father's sternness towards me is also a kind of love. Compared with a gentle mother, my father is the one who sings the white face at home. He does this for my good, so that I can be more disciplined and excellent when I grow up.


I remember that my father once forgot to be strict with me. That was the time I broke my leg. My classmates and I ran after each other, but we fell into a safe well and broke our leg. That time, my father was not strict with me at all. He was as gentle as my mother and let me lie in the hospital for several months. Later, I learned from my mother that when my father saw that I had broken my leg, he was so eager to cry that he could not be willing to be more strict.


From that time on, I knew that my father loved me, and his love was secretly hidden in his sternness to me because of his experience.

严厉也是一种爱作文 篇6


"Only moms are good in the world, but children without moms are like" Every time I hear this song, I can't help thinking of something.


Once, it was Saturday. When I finished my homework, I was coquetry and said to my mother, "Mom, I went to play with Jiajia, 88." My mother said


Go ahead and come back early. " "Well, I left with a song.


When I got to Jiajia's house, I said, "Jiajia, how about going to the woods?" "Good," said Jiajia. We went to the woods near the field. It was very cool and comfortable when we went in. We strolled around and found that there were radishes. We picked several radishes and tasted them. They tasted good. We found delicious (^ O ^)/~. We were very happy. Time passed quickly. It was only 6 o'clock. It was already dark. I remember we came out at 3:30. At this time, Jiajia said in panic, "I'm dead. I'm sure my parents will scold me when I go home. What can I do?" After listening to Jia Jia's words, I also became uneasy "Lan Lan, go home, Lan Lan." "Jiajia, go back, my mother asked me. 88" I walked on my way home and prayed constantly. We were fine when we went home.


I got home before I knew it. My heart was jumping and scared. As soon as I entered the room, my mother made me kneel down and said, "Where have you been? Do you know I'm so worried about coming back so late?" I told my mother everything from beginning to end. My mother said, "Don't do this next time. Get up." I'm busy. Then my mother hugged me and cried, "I am so bad to you for your sake! I love you forever."


I concluded that being strict is also a kind of love.

严厉也是一种爱作文 篇7


As the saying goes, "Teachers are like gardeners, while we are like flowers of our motherland." Every teacher has his own teaching method. Teacher Chen of our trusteeship class is very strict.


At ordinary times, when we were doing our homework, Mr. Chen would inspect each room one by one. That evening, Mr. Chen came to inspect again. As soon as we saw Mr. Chen coming, we did our homework quietly and obediently. Immediately, the classroom was silent, and even a needle fell on the ground. Mr. Wang, who had been worried about us, was relieved and continued to check our homework. Mr. Chen stared at us to see if we were lazy or making small movements, At this time, a classmate, without knowing how important it was, made a strange cry. Teacher Chen's originally kind face immediately stood up, his eyebrows were locked, and his eyes were firmly fixed on that classmate. The student who made a strange cry immediately realized that it was wrong. He covered his mouth with his hands and did his homework carefully. Teacher Chen's face relaxed a lot. After coming here for two or three minutes, Teacher Chen left, and became active again between classes.


Teacher Chen most hoped that our grades would be improved. He was more strict with us in our studies than usual. One time, Teacher Chen gave us a test in person. After the test, the results were not ideal. Teacher Chen locked his eyebrows, wrung his mouth, put his hands behind his back, walked into the classroom angrily, and began to lecture. The chalk in teacher Chen's hand hit the blackboard heavily, as if criticizing us. Many students lowered their heads in shame. I also only got 88 points, We felt that we had failed our teacher's usual Chunchun teaching. We didn't even dare to move, although we understood that it was the teacher's purpose to let us listen carefully.


I know that no matter how strict the teacher is, it is also for our good. I thank the teacher. In fact, the strict teacher is also very beautiful.

严厉也是一种爱小学生作文600字 篇8


There is a strict teacher in our class. She is our Chinese teacher, Miss Hang.


On the first day of school, she came to the classroom with neat clothes and elegant steps. She put the book on the platform with a bang and said to us sternly: "The new semester should have a new start, and the students should study hard!" After saying that, he made an appointment with us: "1. Study hard and get good grades. 2. Actively participate in extracurricular activities." I thought to myself, "Teacher Hang is so strict!"


A few days after the beginning of school, Mr. Hang organized a Chinese dictation. I didn't do well in the exam and only got 60 points. Miss Hang looked at me with her stern eyes. Then he said in a low voice: "Class cadres have all got 100 points, but you didn't get it. You are not qualified to be an excellent class cadre. Go back and think about it yourself!" Her voice was filled with a feeling of hatred for iron. Facing the teacher's criticism, I bowed my head and kept silent. But he thought to himself, "Hey, why didn't he get a good result this time? Thanks to the teacher's criticism and mother's scolding, if only he got a good result." After class, Miss Hang called me to her side again and said, "Usually your grades are very good, but today you only got 60 points. Don't be discouraged. You should sum up the experience and lessons this time. I believe you will get good results next time." Faced with the teacher's concern and attention, my face suddenly turned red, and tears rolled in my eyes. I feel that if I don't get good grades to repay the teacher next time, I will be ashamed of myself.


Another time, our group failed in the fan dance competition. We were dejected and blamed each other. At this time, Miss Hang came to us, comforting us and encouraging us with her beautiful smile, as if we were full of fighting spirit again.


I finally realized the harshness of Mr. Hang, where bread contains a deep concern and deep love for us!