
时间:2022-07-14 13:50:38 | 来源:语文通



My brother likes Ultraman.

My brother likes Ultraman.


He especially likes Cyro Altman. Every time I watch other Ultraman TV, my brother shouted: "I want to watch Siro!" If he didn't give him, he would cryCan show him.

He especially likes Cyro Altman. Every time I watch other Ultraman TV, my brother shouted: "I want to watch Siro!" If he didn't give him, he would cryCan show him.


He also likes Altman Card, and often play cards when he is fine.When I saw Siro, I was very excited and took it out.But I was very angry because he took it away without me, and some were lost.


Look, this is the younger brother who likes Ultraman!

Look, this is the younger brother who likes Ultraman!



My brother likes Ultraman.

My brother likes Ultraman.


He especially likes Cyro Altman. Every time I watch other Ultraman TV, my brother shouted: "I want to watch Siro!" If he didn't give him, he would cryCan show him.

He especially likes Cyro Altman. Every time I watch other Ultraman TV, my brother shouted: "I want to watch Siro!" If he didn't give him, he would cryCan show him.


He also likes Altman Card, and often play cards when he is fine.When I saw Siro, I was very excited and took it out.But I was very angry because he took it away without me, and some were lost.

He also likes Altman Card, and often play cards when he is fine.When I saw Siro, I was very excited and took it out.But I was very angry because he took it away without me, and some were lost.


Look, this is the younger brother who likes Ultraman!

Look, this is the younger brother who likes Ultraman!



1、喜欢:喜欢读音为xǐ huan,是指亦作“喜懽”。1.愉快;高兴。2.喜爱。喜欢 xǐ huān词语解释:亦作“喜懽”。1.愉快;高兴。2.喜爱。(1) [like;love]∶喜爱喜欢几种蔬菜(2) [happy;elated]∶愉快;高兴分词解释:喜爱:对人或事物产生好感或兴趣。高兴:①愉快而兴奋:听说你要来,我们全家都很高兴。②带着愉快的情绪去做某件事;喜欢:他就是高兴看电影,对看戏不感兴趣。愉快:快乐,适意。...喜欢怎么造句,用喜欢造句»

2、弟弟:弟弟读音为dì di,是指1.同父母﹑同父或同母而年纪比自己小的男子。 2.称同族同辈而年纪比自己小的男子。弟弟 dì dì词语解释:1.同父母﹑同父或同母而年纪比自己小的男子。 2.称同族同辈而年纪比自己小的男子。(1) [younger brother](2) 弟弟,同父母 (或只同父或母) 而年小于自己的男子(3) 同辈而年纪比自己小的男子分词解释:年纪:1.纪年年数。 2.年号。 3.年龄。 4.年代;时代。男子:1.犹男人。男性的成年人。 2.儿子。 3.丈夫。 4.指刚强有作为的男人。 5.古称无官爵的成年男人。 6.指嫡长子。同辈:1.犹同列,同僚。 2.犹同伴,伙伴。 3.年辈相同。小的:1.旧时平民﹑差役对官绅自称之词。 2.用为仆人对主人辈的自称之词。 3.旧时对仆从的称呼。 4.小孩子;少年。...弟弟怎么造句,用弟弟造句»