
时间:2022-07-14 13:50:39 | 来源:语文通



I suddenly opened my eyes, and now it is deep in the middle of the night. The moon in front of the window looks very white, and the items in the room are very thin.


The world is full of moonlight.

The world is full of moonlight.

The world is full of moonlight.

The world is full of moonlight.


On the other side of the house, his father had reviewed the manuscripts of the trainees.The moonlight is scattered on his tired and weak face, and the weak light of the small table lamp can no longer meet his requirements. He puts the manuscript in the moonlight, and in the white moonlight, he gradually moves again and again.Writing gradually.The words in the book are wonderful. They sang charming songs in the moonlight, jumped with beautiful Waltz, and slowly sent their father into a dream.


The world is full of moonlight.

The world is full of moonlight.

The world is full of moonlight.

The world is full of moonlight.


In a close street community, a cafe brand is flashing very weak light.There is no one over the street. Every household has turned off the lights long ago, and it is very quiet at night.This moonlight spread on the road that was never reached the end of the road. From here, it has been widened to the distance.At this time, a passerby hurriedly passed, but when he saw the moon, he stopped, looking at the white moon, the passersby sighed, looking at the distance, as if he had missed his parents in his hometown,Brothers also have old friends.He was silent for a while, and followed the trace of Moonlight, and ran towards the distance towards the distance.


The world is full of moonlight.

The world is full of moonlight.

The world is full of moonlight.

The world is full of moonlight.


In a longer -term region, a group of children have slept very close to the city.Before here, they had already played for a day. Now, most children have already entered the dream, but a child can't sleep. He is sitting in front of the outdoor tent and looking at the moon.The jade plate suspension is in the sky, and why is it so round and so bright.But he felt that the light released by the cabbage plate was so warm and so bright.The moonlight on the lawn is better. It is shown on the lawn that is gently blowing by the wind, which looks unique and beautiful.After a while, the wind stopped, the only frog be next to the pond.


I moved my body and leaned my body in the bedroom bed.Seeing the snow -white moonlight, thinking, such a beautiful moonlight, the rhythm of life as fast as QQ flying, can there be another person who can experience it?


The world is full of moonlight.

The world is full of moonlight.

The world is full of moonlight.

The world is full of moonlight.



1、世界:世界读音为shì jiè,是指①自然社会和人类社会一切事物的总和:世界之大,无奇不有|世界上万事万物都有自身的发展规律。②地球上一切地方和国家:周游世界|世界冠军。③一定的范围、领域:动物世界|音乐世界|内心世界宽广无比。④世道;时代:如今的世界人心过于浮躁|现在是什么世界了,你还死守着老观念不放。⑤佛教指宇宙:大千世界。世界 shì jiè词典解释:①自然社会和人类社会一切事物的总和:世界之大,无奇不有|世界上万事万物都有自身的发展规律。②地球上一切地方和国家:周游世界|世界冠军。③一定的范围、领域:动物世界|音乐世界|内心世界宽广无比。④世道;时代:如今的世界人心过于浮躁|现在是什么世界了,你还死守着老观念不放。⑤佛教指宇宙:大千世界。分词解释:观念:①思想意识:破除旧的传统观念。②客观事物在人脑里留下的概括的形象(有时指表象)。范围:①周围界限:地区范围ㄧ工作范围ㄧ活动范围ㄧ他们谈话的范围很广,涉及政治、科学、文学等各方面。②〈书〉限制;概括:纵横四溢,不可范围。现在:1.存在。 2.指目前活着。 3.现世,今生。 4.眼前一刹那。与过去﹑未来相区别。后泛指此时﹑目前。过于:副词,表示程度或数量过分;太:过于劳累丨过于着急丨过于乐观。...世界怎么造句,用世界造句»

2、月光:月光读音为yuè guāng,是指1.月亮的光线﹐是由太阳光照到月球上反射出来的。 2.见“月光童子”。 月亮的光线月光 yuè guāng词语解释:1.月亮的光线﹐是由太阳光照到月球上反射出来的。 2.见“月光童子”。[moonbeam] 月亮的光线分词解释:月光童子:佛经中人名。其父申日为古印度摩揭陀国王舍城长者﹐信外道﹐作火坑欲害佛﹐月光童子谏之不听。后佛至﹐现大神力变火坑为七宝紫绀池﹐中生莲花大如车轮。父自悔责而皈依佛法。佛言童子来世当生秦国为圣君﹐受经法﹐兴道化。见《月光童子经》﹑《申日经》﹑《法苑珠林》卷九六。亦省称“月光”﹑“月光子”。出来:1.从里面到外面来。 2.出现;产生。 3.犹言出面;露面。 4.多数;一般。 5.用在动词后,表示人或物随动作由里向外。 6.用在动词后,表示人或物由隐蔽到显露。 7.用在动词后,表示动作完成或实现。 8.表示动作使人或物在某一方面获得某种好的能力或性能。反射:①光线、声波从一种媒质进入另一种煤质时返回原媒质的现象。②有机体通过神经系统,对于刺激所发生的反应,如瞳孔随光刺激的强弱而改变大小,吃东西时分泌唾液。参看〖条件反射 〗、〖非条件反射〗。月亮:月球的通称。通常指其明亮的部分﹐故称。语出唐李益《奉酬崔员外副使携琴宿使院见示》诗:“庭木已衰空月亮﹐城砧自急对霜繁。”...月光怎么造句,用月光造句»