
时间:2022-10-18 12:46:06 | 来源:语文通



描写重阳节诗句 篇1重阳节经典古诗句 篇2

描写重阳节诗句 篇1

1) 出门复入门,两脚但如旧。 —— 杜甫《九日寄岑参》

1) Go out and get back to the basics—— Du Fu's Sending Cen Shen on the 9th

2) 临深应在即,居高岂忘危。 —— 韦安石《奉和九日幸临渭亭登高应制》

2) When you are in depth, you should not forget the danger—— Wei Anshi, "On the 9th day of Fenghe's lucky to climb the Linwei Pavilion to answer the challenge"

3) 万化相寻绎,人生岂不劳?从古皆有没,念之中心焦。 —— 陶渊明《己酉岁九月九日》

3) Wanhua comes together. Isn't life hard? Ever since ancient times, it is the focus of mind—— Tao Yuanming, September 9, Youyou Year

4) 登临无限意,何处望京华。 —— 文森《九日》

4) You can see Jinghua wherever you go—— Vincent's Nine Days

5) 重阳过后,西风渐紧,庭树叶纷纷。 —— 晏殊《少年游•重阳过后》

5) After the Double Ninth Festival, the west wind is getting tighter and leaves are falling—— Yan Shu's Youth Tour - After the Double Ninth Festival

6) 肠断裂,搔首一长嗟。 —— 汪元量《望江南•幽州九日》

6) Broken intestine, scratch your head with a long sigh—— Wang Yuanliang's Nine Days in Youzhou

7) 近重阳、偏多风雨,绝怜此日暄明。 —— 姚云文《紫萸香慢•近重阳》

7) Near Chongyang, there are many storms, and I will never feel pity for the bright day—— Yao Yunwen's "Purple Cornus Fragrant Slow • Close to the Double Ninth Festival"

8) 平原草枯矣,重阳后、黄叶树骚骚。 —— 纳兰性德《风流子•秋郊即事》

8) The grass on the plain is withering. After the Double Ninth Festival, the yellow leaf trees are rustling—— Naran Xingde's Romance · Instant Events in Autumn Suburbs

9) 岑生多新诗,性亦嗜醇酎。 —— 杜甫《九日寄岑参》

9) Cen has many new poems, and his sex is also fond of mellow Zhou—— Du Fu's Sending Cen Shen on the 9th

10) 中心愿,平虏保民安国。 —— 宋江《满江红•喜遇重阳》

10) The central wish is to pacify the enemy and protect the people and the country—— Song Jiang's "Manjianghong • Happy Meeting the Double Ninth Festival"

11) 天宇清霜净,公堂宿雾披。 —— 杜甫《九日杨奉先会白水崔明府》

11) The sky is clear and frost is clean, and the hall is covered with fog—— Du Fu, Yang Fengxian Meets Cui Ming's Residence in Baishui on the 9th

12) 今日潘怀县,同时陆浚仪。 —— 杜甫《九日杨奉先会白水崔明府》

12) Today in Panhuai County, at the same time, Lu Junyi—— Du Fu, Yang Fengxian Meets Cui Ming's Residence in Baishui on the 9th

13) 紫萸一枝传赐,梦谁到、汉家陵。 —— 姚云文《紫萸香慢•近重阳》

13) One purple cornel was passed on to the Han Tomb—— Yao Yunwen's "Purple Cornus Fragrant Slow • Close to the Double Ninth Festival"

14) 采采黄金花,何由满衣袖。 —— 杜甫《九日寄岑参》

14) How can you fill your sleeves with gold flowers—— Du Fu's Sending Cen Shen on the 9th

15) 帘栊昨夜听风雨,都不似、登临时候。 —— 潘希白《大有•九日》

15) The curtain was long last night, listening to the wind and rain, but it was not like the time of landing—— Pan Xibai's Nine Days

16) 重阳佳节意休休,与客携壶共上楼。 —— 姜塘《摘星楼九日登临》

16) The Double Ninth Festival is a time of rest, so we go upstairs together with our guests—— Jiang Tang's Nine Day Climbing at the Star Picking Tower

17) 重阳初启节,无射正飞灰。 —— 阴行先《和张燕公湘中九日登高》

17) At the beginning of the Double Ninth Festival, there was no fly ash—— Yin Xingxian Climbing High with Zhang Yangong on the Ninth Day in Central Hunan

18) 问秋香浓未,待携客、出西城。 —— 姚云文《紫萸香慢•近重阳》

18) Ask Qiuxiang Nongwei to take guests out of the West City—— Yao Yunwen's "Purple Cornus Fragrant Slow • Close to the Double Ninth Festival"

19) 算明朝、未了重阳,紫萸应耐看。 —— 吴文英《霜花腴•重阳前一日泛石湖》

19) In the Ming Dynasty, before the Double Ninth Festival, the purple dogwood should be durable—— Wu Wenying's Frost Blossom • The Stone Lake the Day Before the Double Ninth Festival

20) 统豺虎,御边幅,号令明,军威肃。 —— 宋江《满江红•喜遇重阳》

20) The uniform jackal and tiger, the imperial broadside, the command is clear, and the military is dignified—— Song Jiang's "Manjianghong • Happy Meeting the Double Ninth Festival"

21) 诗成合座皆珠玉,归去迟迟满落霞。 —— 沈辂《九日登高台寺》

21) All the poems are pearls and jades, and the sunset clouds are lingering behind—— Shen Lu Climbing the Gaotai Temple on the 9th

22) 思亲堂上茱初插,忆妹窗前句乍裁。 —— 秋瑾《九日感赋》

22) Zhuchu first inserted in the Miss Qin Hall, and the sentence in front of my sister's window was cut—— Qiu Jin's "Nine Days Feeling Fu"

23) 极喜御戎全上策,倚栏长啸晚烟横。 —— 王琼《九日登长城关楼》

23) I am very happy about the best policy for the imperial army, and I lean against the fence to howl and smoke at night—— Wang Qiong Climbing the Great Wall on Nine Days

24) 菊花清瘦杜秋娘。 —— 吴文英《浪淘沙•九日从吴见山觅酒》

24) Du Qiuniang, the thin chrysanthemum flower—— Wu Wenying, The Waves Washing the Sand, Looking for Wine from Wu Mountain on the 9th

25) 朔方三度重阳节,河曲干旌岁岁忙。 —— 齐之鸾《九日登清水营城》

25) The Double Ninth Festival is held three times in Shuofang, and the winding river is busy all the year round—— Qi Zhiluan's "Climbing Qingshuiying City on Nine Days"

26) 风雨满城,何幸两重阳之近。 —— 文天祥《回董提举中秋请宴启》

26) The city is full of wind and rain, and the two double suns are close to each other—— Wen Tianxiang's "Returning Director Presents a Mid Autumn Festival Feast"

27) 远岫对壶觞,澄澜映簪绂。 —— 崔元翰《奉和圣制重阳旦日百寮曲江》

27) The distant mountains are opposite the cups, and the clear waves reflect the hairpins—— Cui Yuanhan's Sacred Double Ninth Festival Danri Bailiao Qujiang

28) 帽堕笑凭纤手取。 —— 吴文英《蝶恋花•九日和吴见山韵》

28) The cap falls and laughs with the slender hand—— Wu Wenying's Butterfly Loves Flowers - Nine Days and Wu Jianshan's Charm

29) 此怀祗有黄花览。 —— 戴复古《醉落魄》

29) Only yellow flowers can be seen here—— Dai Fugu's Drunken Down

30) 秋明白鹭双飞处。 —— 吴文英《蝶恋花•九日和吴见山韵》

30) The place where egrets fly together in autumn—— Wu Wenying's Butterfly Loves Flowers - Nine Days and Wu Jianshan's Charm

31) 琅琅新雨洗湖天,小景六桥边。 —— 张可久《风入松•九日》

31) Langlang new rain washes the lake sky, and the small scenery is beside the six bridges—— Zhang Kejiu, "The Wind Enters the Pine, Nine Days"

32) 万里秋光客兴赊,同人九日惜年华。 —— 沈辂《九日登高台寺》

32) In the autumn of ten thousand years, customers enjoy credit, and people cherish their time for nine days—— Shen Lu Climbing the Gaotai Temple on the 9th

33) 赓歌圣人作,海内同休明。 —— 李泌《奉和圣制重阳赐会聊示所怀》

33) Geng Song is composed by saints, and it is the same as Xiuming at home—— Li Bi, A Meeting Made by Fenghe Sage to Give Double Ninth Festival

34) 牢裹乌纱,一任西风作。 —— 戴复古《醉落魄》

34) Wrap the black yarn firmly and let the west wind blow—— Dai Fugu's Drunken Down

35) 平皋行雁下,曲渚双凫出。 —— 崔元翰《奉和圣制重阳旦日百寮曲江》

35) Flying geese descend from Pinggao and two ducks emerge from Quzhu—— Cui Yuanhan's Sacred Double Ninth Festival Danri Bailiao Qujiang

36) 吟怀未许老重阳,霜雪无端入鬓长。 —— 序灯《九日吴山宴集值雨次韵》

36) Whispering about the old Double Ninth Festival, frost and snow grow in my temples for no reason—— Preface lamp "Nine Day Wu Mountain Feast"

37) 正长安乱叶,万家砧杵。 —— 周密《扫花游•九日怀归》

37) Zhengchang'an is littered with leaves, and thousands of people are rootstock and pestle—— Zhou Mi's Flower Sweeping Tour - Nine Days of Huaigui

38) 疏篱下、试觅重阳,醉擘青露菊。 —— 吴文英《一寸金•秋感》

38) Open the hedge, try to find Chongyang, and get drunk and break the green chrysanthemum—— Wu Wenying's One Inch of Gold - Autumn Feeling

39) 净洗绿杯牵露井,聊荐幽香。 —— 吴文英《浪淘沙•九日从吴见山觅酒》

39) Clean the green cup and expose it to the well—— Wu Wenying, The Waves Washing the Sand, Looking for Wine from Wu Mountain on the 9th

40) 欲赋归来,莫是渊明错。 —— 戴复古《醉落魄》

40) If you want to give back, don't be wrong—— Dai Fugu's Drunken Down

41) 只座上、已无老兵。 —— 姚云文《紫萸香慢•近重阳》

41) There are no veterans on the seats—— Yao Yunwen's "Purple Cornus Fragrant Slow • Close to the Double Ninth Festival"

42) 沉吟坐西轩,饮食错昏昼。 —— 杜甫《九日寄岑参》

42) Sit in the west porch and eat in the dark—— Du Fu's Sending Cen Shen on the 9th

43) 鸿鹄归何处,长天空落霞。 —— 赵时春《原州九日》

43) Where do swans go—— Nine Days in Yuanzhou by Zhao Shichun

44) 武公不但歌淇澳,贤女犹能唁卫侯。 —— 姜塘《摘星楼九日登临》

44) Duke Wu not only sang for Macao, but also mourned Wei Marquis—— Jiang Tang's Nine Day Climbing at the Star Picking Tower

45) 风光政要人酬酢。 —— 戴复古《醉落魄》

45) Attractive political personages exchange ideas—— Dai Fugu's Drunken Down

重阳节经典古诗句 篇2

1、自得休心法,悠然不赋诗。忽逢重九日,无奈菊花枝。《九日示大圆洪智》 宋·陈与

1. Self satisfied with the mental skill, and leisurely without poetry. Suddenly on the ninth day of the Double Ninth Festival, there was no alternative but chrysanthemum branches. "Nine Days Show Great Wisdom" Song · Chen He

2、祝融峰下逢嘉节,相对那能不怆神。烟里共寻幽涧菊,樽前俱是异乡人。遥山带日应连越,孤雁来时想别秦。自古登高尽惆怅,茱萸休笑泪盈巾。《九日陪董内召登高》 唐·廖匡图

2. I wish Rongfeng a happy festival at the foot of the peak. In the smoke, we look for secluded stream chrysanthemums, and in front of the bottle are all foreigners. The remote mountain belt is connected with each other. When the lonely goose comes, it wants to leave Qin. Since ancient times, when climbing high, one feels sad. The dogwood will not laugh and cry. "Accompany Dong Neizhao to the High on the 9th Day", Tang Liao Kuang


3. Bamboo leaves are indistinguishable from people, and chrysanthemums never need to bloom. Nine Days

4、茱萸房重雨霏微,去国逢秋此恨稀。目极暂登台上望,心遥长向梦中归。荃蘪路远愁霜早,兄弟乡遥羡雁飞。唯有多情一枝菊,满杯颜色自依依。《九日雨中》 唐·徐

4. It is raining heavily in the dogwood house. When I leave the country, I hate this rare autumn. My eyes are on the stage temporarily, and my heart is far away from my dream. Tsuen Tsuen has a long way to go and is worried about the frost early. The brother village envies the wild geese flying far away. Only a sentimental chrysanthemum, full of color. Nine Days in the Rain Tang Xu

5、重阳阻雨独衔杯,移得山家菊未开。犹胜登高闲望断,孤烟残照马嘶回。《重阳阻雨》 唐·司空图

5. Chongyang held the cup alone to block the rain, and the chrysanthemum in the mountain was not opened. It is better than climbing high to look at the dead, and the horse hisses back after the solitary smoke. "Double Ninth Blocking the Rain" Tang Sikong

6、重阳时节。可怜又是天崖客。扁舟小泊花溪侧。细雨斜风,不见秦楼月。白衣望断无消息。举觞一笑真难得。归兮学取陶彭泽。采菊东篱,悠然见山色。《醉落魄/一斛珠》 宋·赵善括

6. Double Ninth Festival. Poor, you are also a guest from Tianya. The boat is on the side of Huaxi River. The gentle rain and slanting wind make the moon of the Qin Tower invisible. There was no news in white. It's rare to raise a glass of wine and smile. Guixi learned from Tao Pengze. Picking chrysanthemums in the east fence, you can see the mountains leisurely. Drunken Down/A Bamboo Ball Song · Zhao Shankuo

7、重阳高会古平台,吟遍秋光始下来。黄菊后期香未减,新诗捧得眼还开。每因佳节知身老,却忆前欢似梦回。且喜清时屡行乐,是非名利尽悠哉。《十日和张少监》 唐·徐铉

7. The ancient platform of Chongyang Gaohui starts to come down with autumn light. The fragrance of the chrysanthemum has not decreased in the later period, and the new poem is still open to the eyes. Every time I know I am old because of the festival, but when I recall the past, I feel happy as if I were dreaming. I am glad to have fun in the Qing Dynasty. Ten Days with Zhang Shaojian Tang Xu Xuan

8、摘得菊花携得酒,绕村骑马思悠悠。下邽田地平如掌,何处登高望梓州?《九日寄行简》 唐·白居易

8. Picking chrysanthemums and drinking wine, you can ride around the village and think about yourself. Where can I climb up to look at Zizhou? "Nine Day Letter" Tang Bai Juyi

9、欲强登高无力去,篱边黄菊为谁开。共知不是浔阳郡,那得王弘送酒来。《答泉州薛播使君重阳日赠酒》 唐·李嘉祐

9. If you want to climb high and can't go, who will open the yellow chrysanthemum beside the fence. As we all know, it is not Xunyang County, so Wang Hong must send wine. "Answers to Xuebo's envoy in Quanzhou, giving wine on the Double Ninth Day" Tang, Li Jiayou

10、玉露霏凉木渐酡,每逢佳节惜年华。青山叠叠多归梦,白发萧萧不在家。触景漫思千古事,无钱空对一篱花。相知相见情何已,石鼎山泉且煮茶。《九日书怀》 元·王冕

10. The jade dew is falling and the cool wood is blushing. I cherish the time every festival. The green mountains are piled up and many people return to their dreams. The white hair is not at home. Touch the scenery and think about the things that have gone through the ages. We know where we are when we meet. Shiding Mountain Spring is boiling tea. "Nine Day Book" Wang Mian, Yuan Dynasty

11、雨阻龙山会,云荒戏马台。且看黄菊放,休待白衣来。事业书千卷,功名水一杯。登临聊复尔,吟啸漫徘徊。《漫兴 十八》 元·王冕

11. The rain stopped the Longshan Meeting, and the clouds were desolate and playing on the horse platform. Look at Huang Jufang. Don't wait for white clothes to come. A thousand books of career, a cup of fame. Climb to chat and wander around. The Eighteenth Year of Man Xing Wang Mian, Yuan Dynasty

12、异国逢佳节,凭高独若吟。一杯今日醉,万里故园心。水馆红兰合,山城紫菊深。白衣虽不至,鸥鸟自相寻。《婺州水馆重阳日作》 唐·韦庄

12. When it comes to festivals in a foreign country, you can sing alone. A cup of today's drunkenness is a thousand miles away from home. The water hall is red and blue, and the mountain city is purple and chrysanthemum deep. Although the white clothes are not there, the birds will find each other. "Double Ninth Day Works of Wuzhou Water House", Tang Wei Zhuang

13、野人多病门长掩,荒圃重阳菊自开。愁里又闻清笛怨,望中难见白衣来。元瑜正及从军乐,甯戚谁怜叩角哀。红旆纷纷碧江暮,知君醉下望乡台。《阳日寄浙东诸从事》 唐·李郢

13. Wild people are sick and the door is always closed, and the Chongyang chrysanthemum in the wasteland opens itself. In sorrow, I heard the plaintive flute, but I couldn't see white clothes in my eyes. Yuan Yu was just playing military music, and he felt sorry for anyone who felt pity for him. The red banners are in succession in the dusk of the blue river, and I know you are drunk and come down to Wangxiangtai. "Sending People in Eastern Zhejiang in the Sun", Li Ying, Tang Dynasty

14、檐前白日应可惜,篱下黄花为谁有。行子迎霜未授衣,主人得钱始沽酒。苏秦憔悴人多厌,蔡泽栖迟世看丑。纵使登高只断肠,不如独坐空搔首。《九日酬颜少府》 唐·高适

14. The day in front of the eaves should be a pity. Who has yellow flowers under the fence. The shop son did not give clothes to the frost, and the master began to sell wine after getting money. Su Qin is haggard and many people are tired of it. Cai Zeqi looks ugly in the late age. Even if climbing is heartbreaking, it's better to sit alone and scratch your head. "Nine Days of Rewarding Young Mansion" Tang Dynasty, Gao Shi

15、寻诗绕遍一篱花,落叶声中日易斜。忆得高堂临别语,授衣时节望还家。《九日》 清·万夔辅

15. Look for poems around a fence of flowers, and the sound of falling leaves makes the sun incline. Recalling the parting words in the high hall, I hope to return home when I give clothes. Nine Days, Qing Dynasty, Wan Kuifu

16、萧飒秋声楼上闻,霜风漠漠起阴云。不见携觞王太守,空思落帽孟参军。风吟蟋蟀寒偏急,酒泛茱萸晚易醺。心忆旧山何日见,并将愁泪共纷纷。《九日北楼宴集》 唐·权德舆

16. The rustling autumn sound is heard upstairs, and the frost wind is blowing in the desert. Without taking the head guard of the King of Wine, Meng joined the army in vain. The crickets in the wind are cold and quick, and the wine is easy to get drunk when it is late. The heart remembers when to see the old mountain, and will be sad tears. Nine Days North Tower Banquet Tang Quan Deyu

17、细雨成阴近夕阳,湖边飞阁照寒塘。黄花应笑关山客,每岁登高在异乡。《客中九日》 明·王翃

17. The drizzle is overcast and the sun is setting. The flying pavilion by the lake shines on the cold pond. Huanghua should laugh at Guan Shanke and climb high in a foreign land every year. "Nine Days of Visiting China", Wang Hong, Ming Dynasty

18、西风吹日弄晴阴,酒罢三巡湖海深。岳阳楼上登高节,不负南来万里心。《两绝句》 宋·陈与义

18. The west wind blows the sun and makes it clear and cloudy. After drinking, you can patrol the lake three times. The Yueyang Tower Climbing Festival is worthy of the thousands of miles from the south. "Two quatrains" Song Dynasty, Chen Yuyi


19. I'm not proud to come here. I missed the Double Ninth Festival. Nine Day Mountain Climbing

20、闻道东篱菊已黄,无因移向酒樽旁。西风忽起野烟暮,落叶乱飞山树苍。雁带寒声归渚急,江涵秋水与天长。浮云遮尽登高眼,不许愁人望故乡。《九日登鸡鸣山》 清·韩畕

20. Smell that the chrysanthemum in Dongli has turned yellow, and no reason to move to the wine bottle. The west wind suddenly blows wild smoke, and leaves are flying in the mountains and trees. The wild geese bring cold sounds to the boat, and the river culvert is full of autumn water and sky. Clouds cover your eyes when climbing high, and you should not worry about your hometown. "Climbing Jiming Mountain on the Ninth Day", Han Ju, Qing Dynasty

21、万里飘零两鬓蓬,故乡秋色老梧桐。雁栖新月江湖满,燕别斜阳巷陌空。落叶何心定流水,黄花无主更西风。乾坤遗恨知多少,前日龙山如梦中。《重阳》 南宋·文天祥

21. The old Wutong trees in autumn in my hometown are floating on my temples for thousands of miles. The river is full of wild geese and crescent moon, and the lane in the setting sun is empty. The fallen leaves do not mind the flowing water. The yellow flowers are more westerly without owners. How much do you know about heaven and earth? The day before yesterday, Longshan Mountain was like a dream. Double Ninth Southern Song Dynasty Wen Tianxiang

22、万里惊飙朔气深,江城萧索昼阴阴。谁怜不得登山去,可惜寒芳色似金。茱萸秋节佳期阻,金菊寒花满院香。神女欲来知有意,先令云雨暗池塘。《九日遇雨二首》 唐·薛涛

22. The air is deep and the river city is bleak and the day is overcast. Who can't pity climbing the mountain? It's a pity that the cold fragrance looks like gold. The autumn festival of Cornus officinalis is blocked, and the chrysanthemum flowers are fragrant in the courtyard. The Goddess wants to know her intentions, and shilling clouds and rain darken the pond. "Two Poems in the Rain on the Ninth Day" Tang Xue Tao

23、天涯重九。独对黄花酒。醉拈黄花和泪嗅。忆得去年携手。去年同醉流霞。醉中折尽黄花。还是黄花时候,去年人在天涯。《清平乐》 宋·石孝友

23. The ends of the earth are nine. Only yellow flower wine. Picking yellow flowers and smelling tears when drunk. Recall that we worked together last year. Last year, I was drunk. When drunk, you will lose all your yellow flowers. When I was a yellow flower, last year I was at the end of the world. "Qing Ping Le" Song Dynasty, Shi Xiaoyou


24. Drink the golden flower wine together in other places, and enjoy the sorrowful wild goose sky for thousands of miles. September 9th Mystery

25、四时令节惟重九。况此日、逢佳偶。金菊已花杯有酒。瑶池宴罢,一枝斜插,好作渊朋友。翠眉淡淡匀宫柳。比似年时更清瘦。双绾带儿新结就。长情恩爱,随家俭约,素与君同寿。《青玉案》 宋·倪翼周

25. The Four Seasons Festival is only nine. This day, I met my wife. The golden chrysanthemum has spent a cup of wine. Let's have a banquet in Yaochi Lake. One of them will be inserted obliquely to make friends with Yuan. The emerald eyebrows are light and uniform. More thin than when I was young. A new knot is tied with double straps. Long love, thrifty at home, and live with you. Blue Jade Case, Song Dynasty, Ni Yizhou

26、谁道他乡异故乡。泉江风物似湄湘。钗头缀糁萸偏紫,杯面浮金菊倍黄。今共古,几重阳。休将往事更平章。舞衫歌扇姑随分,又得掀髯笑一场。《鹧鸪天》 宋·郭应祥

26. Who knows that a foreign land is a different hometown. The scenery of the Quanjiang River is similar to that of the Meixiang River. Hairpin with grits and corns is purple, and the cup surface is golden and yellow. This is ancient times, and several double suns. Hugh smoothed the past. The lady of dancing clothes and singing fans will follow her orders, and she will have to laugh again. Partridge in the Sky Song Dynasty, Guo Yingxiang


27. The old willow and cicada are all worried. Who will teach the white clothes to deliver wine. "Indulge in the East Wind"

28、身闲身健是生涯。何况好年华。看了十分秋月,重阳更插黄花。消磨景物,瓦盆社酿,石鼎山茶。饱吃红莲香饭,侬家便是仙家。《朝中措》 宋·范成大

28. Leisure and health is a career. Not to mention the good times. After watching the autumn moon, the Double Ninth Festival is full of yellow flowers. It is used to kill scenery, to brew in the Wapen Community, and to make Shiding Mountain Tea. The Nong family is the immortal family when they have eaten red lotus fragrant rice. "Chaozhongcuo" Song Dynasty, Fan Chengda

29、少逢重九事豪华,南陌雕鞍拥钿车。今日蜀州生白发,瓦炉独试雾中茶。《九日试雾中僧所赠茶》 南宋·陆游

29. It is rare to meet the luxury of the Double Ninth Festival, and Nanmo carved saddles embrace tin cars. Today, Shuzhou has white hair, and the tile stove tries the tea in the fog alone. Tea Presented by Monk in Fog on the 9th Test Southern Song Dynasty, Lu You

30、上客南台至,重阳此会文。菊芳寒露洗,杯翠夕阳曛。务简人同醉,溪闲鸟自群。府中官最小,唯有孟参军。《九日陪崔郎中北山宴》 唐·严维

30. Welcome to Nantai and Chongyang. Chrysanthemum fragrant cold dew wash, cup green sunset glow. When people are drunk, birds flock in the stream. The lowest official in the mansion, only Meng joined the army. "Banquet with Cui Lang in the North Mountain on the 9th" Tang Yan Wei


31. Life is easier to grow old than it is to grow old. Mulberry Picking Chongyang

32、去年登高郪县北,今日重在涪江滨。苦遭白发不相放,羞见黄花无数新。世乱郁郁久为客,路难悠悠常傍人。酒阑却忆十年事,肠断骊山清路尘。《九日》 唐·杜甫

32. Last year, we climbed to the north of Qixian County, and today we focus on the Fujiang River. If you suffer from white hair and don't let it go, you will be ashamed to see countless new yellow flowers. The world is chaotic and gloomy. I have been a guest for a long time. Jiulan, however, recalls ten years of events and is heartbroken by the dust on the roads of Lishan Mountain. Nine Days, Tang Dynasty, Du Fu

33、秋树风高,可怜憔悴门前柳。白衣去后。闲却持杯手。一笑相逢,落帽年时友。群知否。南山如旧。人比黄花瘦。《点绛唇 重阳》 元·李俊明

33. The autumn trees are windy, and the willows in front of the door are pitiful. After the white clothes go. I hold a cup hand when I am idle. When we meet with a smile, we will be friends in the year of falling hat. Whether the group knows or not. The south mountain is as old as before. People are thinner than yellow flowers. Red Lips and Double Ninth Festival Yuan, Li Junming

34、秋暮天高稻穟成,落星山上会诸宾。黄花泛酒依流俗,白发满头思古人。岩影晚看云出岫,湖光遥见客垂纶。风烟不改年长度,终待林泉老此身。《九日落星山登高》 唐·徐铉

34. In the autumn evening, the sky is high and the rice is grown. The guests will meet on the Luoxing Mountain. Yellow flowers are full of wine according to popular customs, and white hair is full of nostalgia for ancient people. In the evening, I can see the clouds coming out of the mountain, and the lake light can see the guests from afar. The wind and smoke will not change the length of the year, and Lin Quan will eventually become old. "Climbing the Star Mountain at Nine Sunsets" Tang Xu Xuan

35、强插黄花三两枝,还图一醉浸愁眉。半床斜月醉醒后,惆怅多于未醉时。《重阳夜旅怀》 唐·郑谷

35. Forcibly insert three or two yellow flowers, and try to get drunk and look sad. When half a bed is drunk on the slanting moon, there is more melancholy than when not drunk. The Night Journey in Chongyang Tang Zheng Gu