
时间:2022-07-27 13:16:45 | 来源:语文通



Everyone always has the first time in life.The first time I read Pinyin, I met English words for the first time, and the first time I sang.Like me, I had a short -term trip the day before yesterday and took a cable car.


I just stepped on, I was a little scared, and I had a little bit of fear.The cable car is not as good as it is outside. There is no fresh air breathing, and it is deadly, but the relaxation of the mood makes the surrounding air began to change slowly, turning into a pleasant and pleasant air.The cable car slowly moved upwards, slowly moving upwards, my mood was stunned, the higher the higher, the higher the higher, and the higher the more, and I shake from time to time as I was frozen in the ice. My face also followed.Gradually white, Dad noticed my anxiety, and pulled my hand tightly, saying, "Don't shake, I'm a little scared!" Mom heard this, laughed, and still laughed, and still laughed, and still laughed, and he still laughed.Saying dad is timid.After listening to my mother's words, my mood was relaxed.


The cable car rises higher and higher. Looking down, the lush woods below are green, very lush, like a green ocean.Looking out from the window, it is already the sky that can be reached. Yuner floats away, easy and free, which is trapped in the cable car, not free at all, shocked by step, sorryThere is no determination to move freely in the cable car.Stopped, the cable car stopped. Although it was stopped for a while, I felt that it was still going to the goal slowly -the North Peak.


Mom said, "Looking at it will become more and more terrible!" But I think it will be very exciting below, but it will be terrible to see it.When will you throw you down from the cable car, and then the cable car laughs like a naughty child.When it comes, the North peak is here! The cable car gradually enters the track and slowly stops. We took the opportunity to get out of the car and shouted: "North Peak, we are here!"



1、缆车:缆车读音为lǎn chē,是指①在斜坡上沿轨道上下行驶的运输设备。用缆绳把车厢系在电动机带动的绞车上,转动绞车,缆车行驶。②指索道上用来运输的设备。缆车 lǎn chē词语解释:①在斜坡上沿轨道上下行驶的运输设备。用缆绳把车厢系在电动机带动的绞车上,转动绞车,缆车行驶。②指索道上用来运输的设备。分词解释:设备:满足生产或生活上所需的成套建筑、器物等:设备完善|实验室将陆续增添种种设备。电动机:把电能变为机械能的机器,是近代工业的重要动力装备。通称马达。带动:1.通过动力使有关部分相应地动起来。 2.引导使之前进。车厢:火车﹑汽车等用来载人或装东西的部分。...