
时间:2022-08-27 13:18:09 | 来源:语文通



One day, the little monkey skin and the little monkey jumped together to cross the river and go to the forest to find food.Suddenly, there was a heavy rain under the sky, accompanied by the wind, and the calm and quiet river suddenly wavy.The rainy and bigger, Pippi and jumping were almost drenched into "falling chicken soup"! Pippi saw the rain falling on the boat to accumulate a pool of water.Pippi was anxious like an ant on a hot pot -a group turned.Pippi told the incident and was frightened.


Jumping the bones of the eyes and bones turned around.Jump to Pippi, "If we cut a small hole in the boat, the water flows out." Pippi is really a good way, so they picked up the hammer and chisel on their hands and started to work.Pippi chisen, and soon chisited a hole. I saw the water sprayed in inside like a fountain.The boat slowly began to sink.The rain finally stopped, but it was too late. The little monkey skin jumped and the little monkey jumped, and he was anxious to jump on the boat.


Later, the two little monkeys could only abandon the boat to jump into the water and shouted to help. The fisherman who passed by saved the monkeys. The fisherman understood the matter and said that it was wrong.The two little monkeys suddenly realized that they knew they had done a stupid thing.



One day, the sun was shining, and Tao Tao and Pippi Xing rowed a row.Suddenly, Tiangong was not beautiful, and he began to go through the clouds, and a thunder sounded, and there was a storm.At this time, the rainwater accumulated a pool on the boat, and they were anxious to scratch their ears, racking their brains to find a way.


Suddenly, Tao Tao's eyes turned around, and he came up with his heart.Said: "We put the hammer and chisel on the boat, and the rain would not flow into the sea." Tao Tao finished speaking, and the two brothers raised their sleeves and started to dry.


"Ah, ah." Suddenly there was a white flower pillar on the boat. What was that? What was it? It was sea water, but the rain was not flowing, the sea water fell, and the two brothers hit the boat side by side.


"Woo, wow." A big ship came.The ship owner rescued Tao Tao and Pippi, and asked strangely: "Why do you do this?" After they talked about the matter, the ship owner said, "This method will not be drowned.You will be drowned for a while! "Tao Tao and Pippi listened to the ship owner, they couldn't cry and laugh.


This story tells us that we must study carefully to come up with a good way and do not do something stupid.



One day, the little monkey obviously and Wenwen took a boat to play outside.Suddenly, the waves on the sea were turbulent, and the rain was pouring under the sky. The rainwater accumulated more and more, and it was very nervous. I thought: After finishing, finished, the rainwater accumulated too much, and the water could not be discharged.Will sink.


At this time, a large box was floating on the sea. Obviously and Wenwen salvaged it, took a look at it, and found that there was a hammer and a chisel inside.Two tools, cutting the boat out of a large hole so that the water can flow out, and we become safe, isn't it good? "So, the two of them rolled up their sleeves and started to dry.


After a while, a large hole was cut, but there were more and more water in the boat. Seeing that the ship was going deeper, it was obvious that the boat was scared to seize the ship's side and shouted in panic: "Help! Help! Help!Yeah! "Just right, a fishing boat passed by the sea. The fishermen heard their help, and immediately took the fishing net to catch them up.


After the two monkeys were rescued, they talked to the fisherman after 151, which caused the fisherman to laugh and said, "You cut the holes on the boat, the water will not flow out, but it will flow in more.Many, of course, this ship sinks even more. "After listening, the little monkeys also laughed back and forth, crying and laughing, saying that I would never do such a stupid thing anymore in the future.


This story tells us that doing things must be more brain and be good at thinking!