Under the meticulous brush of those painters and the exquisite shots of the photographers, we can find the brown -black figure from time to time.Eagles living on the rare cliffs of people.
It is known that eagles have been endorsed, struggling and heroes since ancient times.
In people's minds, only the eagles flying in that vast sky.But who knows that from the time of climbing out of the egg shell, you won't go away, to flying and blue sky with agilely, what kind of challenges do you have to go through?
When a eagle in people's eyes was young, when the wings were just all growing, they would be pushed out of the nest by the "brutal" of the eagle father and the eagle mother, forcing it to expand the small pair of wings, forcing itIt learned to fly. Although the moment they never flew to their wings, they all had the protection of the Eagle Dad and the Hawk Mom, but the surprise and fear were definitely there. Dangerous, it may come at any time.
In the process of learning to fly, there will always be some difficulties and setbacks, and there will be some accidents.No matter how powerful the "King of the Air", there will be a weak time, such as being grabbed by some adult eagles or young eagles larger than its young eagle during prey;Art>
In the language of the Tashkkkkkkkkkkkick Autonomous County, Xinjiang, the meaning of "Lazani" is the eagle.
On September 1, 2021, the model of the Times of the Times of the Time -Tagik's Border Guardian, a pair of children of Razani Baya: 14 -year -old Dier Khan Lazani and her 12The older brother Radil Lazani came to the stage to tell the story of their father.Lazani Baya, because not wearing military uniforms is not a warrior, but also the "border guard" who defended the country, a border guard who once vowed to "40 years of guarding the motherland".On January 4, 2021, in order to rescue the children who fell into the ice cave, the unfortunate sacrifice was unfortunately sacrificed.When people lifted Razini from the cold lake, his hand still kept a supporting posture, which was the last attitude of the hero left to the world.
When I was a child, Dier Khan often saw Dad returning home with a injury, bleeding from his forehead, fracture of his fingers, and the worst one. He was even pulled to the hospital for three hours.The year of the white yak "hero" fell down. For the first time, Xiao Duerhan was crying like a child in his 30s, but his father said, "Yaks can be bought again.Take them home safely. "
Lazani will also take their children to patrol.The most important job of the PLA and Razani each year is to use the "China" on the "China" to describe the most bright red."At this time, he was very careful, lowered his head, and described redness seriously, as if to print this red red in his heart."
"I think, if my father is still there, he will continue to keep the side for forty years," Dier Khan said.
Eagle -teenager and hero.
1、雄鹰:雄鹰读音为xióng yīng,是指雄健勇猛的鹰:~展翅。 八架~编队飞过广场上空。...雄鹰怎么造句,用雄鹰造句»
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