
时间:2022-11-10 13:20:28 | 来源:语文通



快乐的五一劳动节作文 篇1快乐的五一劳动节作文 篇2快乐的五一劳动节作文400字 篇3快乐的五一劳动节作文 篇4快乐的五一劳动节作文 篇5快乐的五一劳动节作文400字 篇6快乐的五一劳动节作文 篇7快乐的五一劳动节作文500字 篇8

快乐的五一劳动节作文 篇1


Before, every May Day, I said nothing about labor, but this May Day, I really experienced the joy of labor!


This noon, my two good friends Chen Hao and Chen Xiangyu came to my home to play. It happened that Mother was not at home, so we made some food ourselves. When we listened, the coke broke. Usually my parents cook for me, but I have never tried it myself. This time, all three of us want to show our hand.


We worked together and cooperated very well. Chen Hao is responsible for cutting vegetables. Although he seems to be clumsy and cuts vegetables very big, he finally cuts them into pieces; I am responsible for cooking, with my shovel flying up and down in the pot; Chen Xiangyu is responsible for adding spices, and the spoon in his hand flies around like a diligent bee. All of a sudden, the sound of frying and chopping vegetables merged into a happy symphony, and we involuntarily came to a small chorus - "outing".


We cooked two courses of shredded potatoes and fried onions in a row. The smell came to our nostrils! It's delicious! It's much better than the food in the restaurant!


Unexpectedly, we cooked our own dishes so delicious! This May Day was a real labor day, and I really felt the joy of labor!

快乐的五一劳动节作文 篇2


This year's May Day holiday is very sunny, but it's a pity that I only stayed at home to participate in "labor" for one day. Although I didn't go out to play, I had a very full life.


Before the holiday, I discussed with my parents that during the "May Day" holiday, my father would drive us to the countryside to have a look, walk and take a walk In this way, on the one hand, you can relax and relieve fatigue, on the other hand, you can increase your knowledge and broaden your horizons.


However, my father went to other places due to work issues before the May Day holiday, but the original plan was "completely disrupted". Only my mother and my brother were left to keep company with each other. Because I was "upset", it was more than seven o'clock and the sun was shining, so I got up from the bed lazily. After dinner and homework, the morning passed quickly. It was a bit depressing to think that my May Day had passed in half. But on second thoughts, Mom and Dad are usually so busy. Why don't I use the holidays to help Mom do something and have a meaningful May Day?


But what can I do to help my mother? After thinking about it, I decided to clean my room so that my mother could have more time to rest.


Just do what I say. First, I tidy up the books and stationery that I usually throw away when I study. I pick up the towel and wet it with water and wring it dry. I carefully wipe the desk, bookcase and windowsill to make the messy room look neat and orderly. The last difficult task left was to mop the floor of the room. This is not difficult for me, because mopping the floor is my strong point. Without saying a word, I picked up the mop, dipped it in water and squeezed it dry. My room is not big, but the desk, bookcase, wardrobe and bed seem to be against me on purpose, always blocking the mop, so I can't drag left and right. I had to drag it bit by bit. As time went by, success was finally ushered in behind a sweat. Looking at the fruits of their labor, I can't say how happy I am.


May Day passed in my work. Looking at the clean room and my mother's approving eyes, I realized the joy of labor; This May Day holiday has taught me how to work and how valuable it is.


I had a very fulfilling May Day. Although I didn't go out to play, I had fun. I can't help thinking of a sentence: labor is the happiest!

快乐的五一劳动节作文400字 篇3


Today, I had a happy May Day. My sister came back. My parents took us to the park to play.


As soon as we entered the park, we were attracted by the lively scene here. The children were playing bumper cars, some were playing small trains, and some were roller skating... Everyone's faces were full of happy smiles. My sister and I rushed to join their team.


We went to the bumper car first. My sister drove very high. She dodged nimbly under the impact of several bumper cars. Sometimes she could make time to deliberately hit other people's bumper cars. We were so happy to see everyone dodge and stagger. After getting out of the car, we walked in and saw a small floating boat with paddles in the shallow swimming pool. At first, I didn't dare to go up, but when I saw my sister sitting steadily in her boat, I was moved. I asked my father to hold me on the boat, although I was still a little scared, but I was not discouraged. When I got down to the ground, I shook the oars according to my mother's guidance. The boat began to move steadily on the water, and soon moved freely on the water. I felt very happy and proud.


Finally, we went to paint the plaster sculpture. We selected a pen holder of a little pig, painted it with a golden hat, a purple skirt, and red shoes, and then sat on the green grass with a white pen holder. The floating working people are the greatest people in the world, and they use it very brightly. Seeing our final work so successful, we jumped and danced happily, like a pair of happy birds.


This is my happy "May Day".

快乐的五一劳动节作文 篇4


The east wind blows the earth, and the grass sways with the wave. No one knows; You didn't grow up slowly without being aware of it. He was blunt enough to welcome the first "May Day" since he went to school. I recorded it in words.


"Zero --" With the bell ringing, the May Day holiday began. The students all picked up their schoolbags and went home happily. And my parents and I are going to be called "Strawberry Pickers"!


Early in the morning, I came to the strawberry picking garden with my parents. When I came to the work field, I saw green everywhere. I rushed to the strawberry ground and wanted to wear strawberries. Because I like strawberries best, I was so greedy for the delicious taste that my mouth watered. But I found that immature strawberries are green and mature strawberries are red. I picked the biggest and reddest strawberry. How many green leaves grow on its head, like wearing a small green straw hat. Its body is a small peach shaped. Its body is inlaid with sparse "green sesame seeds", and there are some thin and short black thorns on it. The water is clever and the appearance is particularly hateful. I can't help but return the strawberry to my heart and chew it with relish. It is cool, soft, sweet and sour, and I hate it very much. I quickly found some big red strawberries, ran to my parents and gave them to eat. "Mom and Dad, this is to welcome you. I picked it by hand! Is it labor?" Father and mother handed over strawberries, patted my head, and cried, "Well, this is the result of your labor. This is not only labor, but also sharing."


Although this simple strawberry picking is no better than the hard work of uncles and aunts in the plantation, I can pay attention to the happiness brought by labor and learn to share and understand the joy of sharing. I think this is my biggest sowing on Labor Day.

快乐的五一劳动节作文 篇5


Today is Labor Day. My father took me and my mother to the Yugang Power Station for barbecue.


After we arrived, we found that a family had already arrived and started their activities. They also shouted, "Sell mutton skewers! Sell mutton skewers! Ten skewers are 20 yuan, five skewers are 10 yuan, buy them quickly!" At that time, we believed it. We ran to see that they were playing tricks. We walked to the foot of the rockery to start our barbecue.


We started to string meat first. Looking at the greasy mutton, I couldn't help swallowing a mouthful of water: "Can you string meat by hand? "Dad said," What do you think? ", I endure the danger of vomiting "Use my bare hands to string the mutton which was cut into pieces by the knife onto the sign. When the meat string is ready, I start to light the fire. At the beginning, I soon lit the fire, but a gust of wind blew and put it out, but I didn't lose heart and continued to light the fire. But Grandpa Feng didn't like the fire or deliberately put it out, God knows! Time has passed, and again and again the wind put me out again and again, I said Angered, he made a big fire. This time, Grandpa Feng obeyed me. The wind didn't blow out the fire. I cheered and became active. It's like discovering a trillion yuan of property.


I was always worried about why I didn't blame those people. I asked my father, "Why didn't I blame those people? "My father said," We are noble people and don't care about those villains. "It happened that a happy boy who was playing heard this sentence. He ran to his father and told the whole thing to those people. They were so angry that they knocked our tent with stones.


We didn't resist, just ignored them for several hours, because we knew that they were busy and didn't mean to fight, but to add a happy atmosphere of "May Day".


In the evening, I also recalled the burning of the barbecue in the morning. I couldn't help feeling sad when I thought of the fire going out again and again. At the thought of the successful ignition, I couldn't help getting excited. In the middle of the night, the clattering voice came into my ears. I saw from the "window" that it was raining cats and dogs. The big raindrops hit my face with pain and clattered on the tent. It seemed that I was performing music to celebrate the arrival of "May Day".


This is my happy May Day.

快乐的五一劳动节作文400字 篇6


On May Day, I was very happy. Because we went to the Dongying Children's Palace and enjoyed ourselves.


Our family came to the Children's Palace. I chose my favorite place - the lakeside and participated in the most exciting project - water shooting.


We got on the boat. My father was the helmsman, controlling the direction. My mother watched the battle, and I was a sniper. My father drove the boat to the center of the lake. I aimed at the red mark on a boat in front of me and shot at its bottom. All I heard was "Pa pa!" Two rings, "Ouch!" I shouted. No hits. It turned out that my father drove the boat and approached the target. The lake water rushed into the boat, and my shoes were all wet. I didn't lose heart. I took aim at the target on the stern of another ship again and shot. Alas! He missed again. Then I shot again, yeah! Got it! The water poured into the cabin of the family, and the family became a drowned rat. I danced happily. He said loudly to his father, "Look, my shooting skills are not bad!" Just as my voice dropped, someone turned around and hit back. I think people will be more angry when they see my complacency. The water war between our two ships started again


Later, we played many games, such as racing cars


We had a good time that day!

快乐的五一劳动节作文 篇7


Today is the "May Day" International Labor Day. I had a good time!


In the morning, we had breakfast. My father drove to the Blueberry Villa to live in a villa, have barbecue, play "gunfight", drive a desert off-road vehicle, and catch crayfish. It was a lot of fun!

今天最让我难忘的是:玩“枪战”,本来今天是准备好好地去玩一次“枪战”的,因为今天爸爸也带了高级枪,弟弟也带了枪,为此,我还准备了好多子弹呢!可是,到了驻地,刚准备“战斗”,枪不能连发子弹了,一检查,才知道原来是电用完了。爸爸说:“我让你好好准备的,你 https://m.chayi5.com/ 怎么搞的?”我一脸无奈地自言自语道:“昨天还好好的,没有感觉没电呀!”爸爸说:“你要估算一下,你玩了这么多天了,电估计没有了,今天出来玩,应该先充电呀,不能等没有电再充,这样不让你出洋相才怪呢!”我感觉爸爸批评的对,心里却依然很生气,默默地说:“枪呀枪,你可真不架势,让我在大家面前难堪。”后来,爸爸还是让我过了一把高级枪连发子弹的瘾,真爽!

The most unforgettable thing for me today is to play "gunfight". I was going to have a good "gunfight" today, because my father also brought a high-level gun and my brother also brought a gun. For this reason, I also prepared a lot of bullets! However, when we arrived at the station, we were just about to "fight", and the gun could not fire bullets repeatedly. After checking, we knew that the electricity was used up. Dad said, "I asked you to prepare well. What happened to HTTPS://M.CHAYI5.COM/?" I said to myself with a helpless face, "Yesterday was still good. I didn't feel like there was no electricity!" Dad said: "You have to estimate. You have been playing for so many days, and the electricity is estimated to be gone. If you come out to play today, you should recharge it first. You can't recharge it until there is no electricity. It's strange that you won't make a fool of yourself!" I felt that my father was right in criticizing me, but I was still very angry. I said silently, "Gun, gun, you are so rude. You embarrassed me in front of everyone." Later, my father let me pass the addiction of a high-class gun to fire bullets repeatedly. It was really cool!


Today, the most exciting thing is to drive a desert off-road vehicle. I have never driven this kind of vehicle in the past, and children are not allowed to drive it by themselves. My father took me to drive it. As soon as the car started, Dad loosened the handle gently, and the car flew off. After departure, the car turns left, turns right, climbs high, and dives, turning around in this way. Dad's skill is good. He flies all the way, and soon returns to the starting point. It's really exciting, but I always feel that it's not satisfying.


The most unfulfilled part of today's game was catching crayfish. It took more than an hour for my father and younger brother to catch 8, but I didn't catch any. It was very unpleasant. But Grandpa said, "This is also a harvest. It not only hones your patience, but also your will. This is the best harvest." I think this may be my grandfather's encouragement!


The best thing today is that the whole family cooks barbecues together. After we stayed, the family began to prepare for the barbecue. Everyone did what they could. Grandpa, grandma, mom, brother and I would string cauliflower, beans, potato chips, mushrooms, etc. Dad is the most capable. He is responsible for burning the fire and the whole baking. While Dad is baking, we eat, and I eat very happily. Grandpa kept saying, "Eat less, eat less." I smiled and promised my grandfather, "Hmm, hmm, hmm." It made the whole family laugh.


This year's "May Day" International Labor Day, I really enjoyed myself!

快乐的五一劳动节作文500字 篇8


The May Day International Labor Day is coming. There is a three-day short and long holiday. Many families go out for sightseeing together. While we are enjoying ourselves, don't forget that there are many uncles and aunts who still stick to their jobs and can't go home to reunite with their relatives.


On May Day, the traffic police stood at the intersection as usual, regardless of the harm to human body caused by the horns and exhaust gas of cars, and still carefully and responsibly commanded pedestrians and vehicles to maintain traffic order and ensure traffic safety. They are very responsible for their work, no matter how hard or tired they are, they have no regrets. It is their wish to ensure the safety during the festival.


On May Day, doctors and nurses in the hospital continued to fight on their posts. The doctor in the outpatient department asks the patient gently about the situation, and then prescribes drugs or test sheets, B ultrasound sheets, etc. for the patient; The "angel in white" nurses were busy taking blood pressure, delivering medicine, injection and infusion for the patients enthusiastically... They did their best to relieve the patients' pain. With their careful treatment and warm care, they cured one patient after another and saved one life after another.


On the "May Day", the tour guides should organize everyone to travel together. They are very serious and must not let anyone fall behind. We will also explain the knowledge about tourist attractions, historical stories, or fairy tales. If someone doesn't understand, they will explain to them separately so that they can understand.


I admire those people who are caring and dedicated and stick to their jobs regardless of holidays for the sake of people's safety, harmony and health.