Some people like the red apple, and I like the brown kiwi, but I just like the persimmons of Huang Chengcheng.
When you walk under the tree, you can see the thick tree roots are densely covered with fertile land. The trunk is a little bent. The bark is brown -gray, which is relatively rough. There are one or two scars on it. You can reach the wall of the building from the middle. The shape of the leaves is also various, including round and ellipse. Some of them a few holes were ate by bugs, and some were eaten more than half. The color was green. The leaves can be touched with a very smooth side and a fluffy side. In the reflection of the sun, you can see some staggered leaf veins. You can see the persimmons. Some of these persimmons are round, some are square, and some are three connected. Essence Essence Essence Essence Essence The color is green, orange, orange -red, red. Essence Essence Essence Essence Essence At this time, you take off a persimmons. Cut it. You will find a picture of a small flower in the middle. First smell it, and a faint fragrance comes on the face. Then lick a sweet sip, take a bite, and the flesh is soft. Finally chewed, the taste, astringent, and numb. Persimmon contains nutrients such as cellulose, magnesium, calcium, etc., which is good for our health.
The teacher told us: "In spring, the persimmon tree blooms the flowers of the trees; in the summer, the leaves are dense, and the flowers have become small green persimmons; in the autumn, the persimmon is like a yellow lantern full of persimmon trees; in winter, in winter,The leaves are all falling, but the persimmons are still on the tree.
I love persimmons, I love the charming aroma, and I love its seductive taste, but I love its cuteness.
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