In today's society, there is no lack of blind worship. They feel that everything is good in other countries, and even stubborn self -proclaimed self -proclaiming.What I want to say is that there are unique things abroad, but the Chinese civilization is also worthy of being proud of everyone.
The Chinese civilization is the hard work of the Chinese people who work hard for generations.Chinese civilization is brilliant due to culture and art, and civilized behaviors are confident due to culture and art.Improve the cultural power is to complete the strong spiritual energy accumulated by the outstanding revitalization of the Chinese nation.
In the 5,000 -year history of 5,000 years, Chinese culture has accumulated the deepest spiritual pursuit of the Chinese nation.Traditional Chinese culture is the key to Chinese civilization, the life of the Chinese nation, and the basis of the Chinese national cultural power.
A country without traditional virtues is not strong, and a person who has no traditional virtue is worthwhile.Everyone in Chinese culture and art takes ethics and morality as the key, respects the professional ethics of "benevolence", respects benevolence, righteousness, etiquette, wisdom, and faith.It is the most basic cultural gene of the Chinese nation. It has the traditional Chinese virtue of the Chinese nation and creates the energy that is just right.realm.
During the entire process of reading articles in Chinese classical literature in China, everyone has accumulated historical and cultural heritage.Chinese Chinese classical literature is the brilliant and dazzling pearl above the yellow crown of Chinese civilization, and has the inexhaustible spiritual driving force of Chinese culture.At every important historical juncture, culture and art can recognize the change of the fortune of the Chinese nation, shape the trend of the times, say the sound of concepts, and become the horn of the development of the period.Sima Qian's "Li Sao" and "Skywi", Wang Anshi's self -denial is true and sincere, Gong Zizhen's "I am willing to shake the world, eclectic and lower the outstanding talents", and recorded the historical background of the Chinese nation's hard work at the different stage.EssenceFrom ancient times to the present, Chinese classics have been the source of intelligence, the fingers of culture and art, the peak period of concepts, and the "genetic map" of people's spirit, the "fixed star" of ideological and moral construction, and the "animal living fossil" of historical and humanistic.It nourishes the life of the Chinese nation, and also makes everyone who loves Chinese culture and art show the classic cultural power of Chinese classics.
I'm proud of being proud of Chinese civilization.
1、自豪:自豪读音为zì háo,是指为自己或与自己有关的集体、个人所取得成就、荣誉而感到光荣、骄傲:自豪感|他自豪地向大家介绍了家乡的巨大变化。自豪 zì háo词语解释:为自己或与自己有关的集体、个人所取得成就、荣誉而感到光荣、骄傲:自豪感|他自豪地向大家介绍了家乡的巨大变化。分词解释:集体:许多人合起来的有组织的整体(跟‘个人’相对):集体生活ㄧ集体领导ㄧ个人利益服从集体利益。荣誉:1.光荣的名誉。 2.犹赞誉。 3.荣耀,光荣。光荣:①由于做了有利于人民的和正义的事情而被公认为值得尊敬的:光荣之家丨光荣牺牲。②荣誉:光荣归于祖国。个人:①一个人(跟‘集体’相对):个人利益服从集体利益ㄧ集体领导同个人负责相结合。②自称,我(在正式场合发表意见时用):个人认为这个办法是非常合理的。...自豪怎么造句,用自豪造句»
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