对论据而言,首先要增强论据的真实性、典型性和新颖性。真实性是基础,不能随意捏造,因为议论文要靠论据来支撑,如果有一个论据是假的,那读者就会“窥一斑而见全豹”,推而广之,进而全盘否定你的观点。对于引用名人名言,一定要写明谁说的,否则就会减少可信度,读者大都有“因其人而信其言”的思维定势,所以平时是要“牢记”一些名人名言在脑中的。典型性是“公信力”的保证,家长里短、道听途说当不得论据,所举论据应该是众所周知、公认的事实或定理原理,而且是最典型的,这样才能以一当十,增强说服力。新颖性是在前两者基础上,突出论据的新鲜感和时效性。其次要扩大论据的覆盖面。一般来说,文中所举论据应避免重复,尽可能兼顾不同领域、范围(有时同一领域的多数量也能增强说服力)。“古今中外”、“社会科学、自然科学”、“个人、集体、国家”是思考的几个常见维度。第三要注意论据的表述。对道理论据一般表述为“某人说过某话”就可以了,对事实论据的表述则要注意内容表述的指向性。要在陈述事实的同时,鲜明地将与中心最密切的关联处清晰地表达出来,而不是淹没在材料中让读者猜测、揣摩,而且还要着重对事实的结果进行交待,以增强说服力。一般在叙述时要关注四个要点:“人、事、果、倾向性词语”(某人做某事最终结果怎样)。“倾向性词语”是指能清晰表明与论点一致性的“醒目”的词语或语句,使论据与论点保持逻辑上的高度一致性。当然,无论是举例还是引用,在这之后最好加上分析说理的句子,以使论据与论证紧密结合形成合力,共同有力地证明论点。例文很好地体现了这些特点。 For the argument, first of all, we should enhance the authenticity, typicality and novelty of the argument. Authenticity is the basis and cannot be fabricated at will, because argumentation must be supported by arguments. If one argument is false, the reader will "see the whole leopard", and then generalize it, and completely deny your view. For quoting famous quotes, you must specify who said it, otherwise it will reduce the credibility. Most readers have the mindset of "believing what they say because of their own people", so you should always "remember" some famous quotes in your mind. Typicality is the guarantee of "credibility". Family history and hearsay should not be used as arguments. The arguments should be well-known and recognized facts or theorem principles, and they should be the most typical. Only in this way can one act as ten and enhance the persuasiveness. Novelty is based on the first two, highlighting the freshness and timeliness of arguments. Second, we should expand the coverage of arguments. In general, the arguments presented in the paper should avoid duplication and try to take into account different fields and scopes (sometimes the majority of the same field can also enhance the persuasiveness). "All ages and all over the world", "social science, natural science", "individual, collective, country" are common dimensions of thinking. Third, we should pay attention to the presentation of arguments. It is OK to express the reason argument as "someone said something", and pay attention to the directivity of the content expression when expressing the fact argument. While stating the facts, we should clearly express the closest connection with the center, instead of drowning in the materials to let the readers guess and speculate, and also focus on the results of the facts to enhance the persuasiveness. In general, four key points should be paid attention to in the narration: "people, things, results, and tendentious words" (what is the final result of someone doing something). "Tendency words" refer to "eye-catching" words or sentences that can clearly show the consistency with the argument, so as to maintain a high degree of logical consistency between the argument and the argument. Of course, no matter it is an example or a quotation, it is better to add a sentence of analysis and reasoning after this, so that the argument and argument can be closely combined to form a resultant force and jointly and effectively prove the argument. The examples well reflect these characteristics.
对论证而言,要增强论证的严密性,这需要学习一些逻辑知识。可以说,逻辑性是议论文的“生命”。我们一般总会用到归纳法和演绎法。归纳是由个别到一般,演绎是由一般到个别;归纳法限于“已知”,指向“温故”,演绎法助人探求“未知”,指向“知新”。运用归纳法时注意不要“以偏概全”,把话说死说绝了,需要辩证、全面;运用演绎法时注意“推论”的合理性,要符合逻辑。特别要注意语言的准确性和严密性,用语要恰当,造句求精密。 For argumentation, to strengthen the strictness of argumentation, we need to learn some logic knowledge. It can be said that logic is the "life" of argumentation. We usually use induction and deduction. Induction is from individual to general, deduction is from general to individual; Induction is limited to "knowing" and points to "reviewing". Deduction helps people to explore "unknown" and points to "knowing new". When using induction, be careful not to "generalize the whole by one part". It requires dialectics and comprehensiveness; When using deductive method, pay attention to the rationality of "inference", which should conform to logic. Special attention should be paid to the accuracy and rigor of the language. The language should be appropriate and the sentence should be precise.
“向心力”原来是个物理学概念,是指使质点(或物体)作曲线运动时所需的指向曲率中心(圆周运动时即为圆心)的力。这里我们借用这个概念来形象说明一下议论文的写作吧。这个“心”就是中心论点,这个“向心力”指的就是论据、论证的说服力;增加“质点质量”——材料或加大“速度”——论证即可增加“向心力”。为了证明自己的论点的正确,我们常常要从不同的角度,多方面地给出论据,并运用多种论证方法来证明论点。如果这些论证和论据是有系统的、有说服力的(当然是正确的),那议论的向心力就会增强,中心论点就能使人信服。反之,则会弱化向心力,甚至还会产生离心现象,将极大地削弱论证力度,最终使论点“立不住”,甚至“不可信”,达不到使人信服的目的。 The "centripetal force" is originally a physical concept, which refers to the force that points to the center of curvature (the center of the circle in circular motion) when a particle (or object) moves in a curve. Let's use this concept to illustrate argumentative writing. This "heart" is the central argument, and this "centripetal force" refers to the persuasiveness of arguments and arguments; The "centripetal force" can be increased by adding "particle mass" - material or increasing "speed" - demonstration. In order to prove the correctness of our arguments, we often have to give arguments from different angles and in many ways, and use a variety of argumentation methods to prove the arguments. If these arguments and arguments are systematic and persuasive (correct of course), the centripetal force of the argument will be enhanced and the central argument will be convincing. On the contrary, it will weaken the centripetal force, and even produce centrifugal phenomena, which will greatly weaken the strength of the argument, and ultimately make the argument "untenable", or even "untrustworthy", and fail to achieve the goal of convincing people.内容导航
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