
时间:2022-11-22 12:51:32 | 来源:语文通



关于清明扫墓作文400字 篇1清明节扫墓作文400字 篇2关于清明扫墓作文400字 篇3清明节扫墓作文400字 篇4关于清明扫墓作文400字 篇5清明节扫墓作文400字 篇6清明节扫墓作文400字 篇7

关于清明扫墓作文400字 篇1


Qingming Festival is one of the twenty-four solar terms, also called "Cold Food" Festival. It is a custom to visit graves and eat Ai dumplings.


"During the Tomb Sweeping Day, it rained in succession, and passers-by wanted to die." This year's Tomb Sweeping Day is overcast and rainy, which seems to add a sense of solemn atmosphere. On this day, our family went up the mountain with sacrifices to visit the tomb. At the foot of the mountain, there were long lines of vehicles coming to visit the tomb. They were crowded and moved slowly. There was also a temporary command from the traffic police.


We went to Grandma's grave first, took out a sacrifice and put it in front of the tombstone to religiously express our grief for Grandma. Suddenly, "Bang pa! Bang pa!" The sound of firecrackers was heard. I followed my reputation. It turned out that some people set off firecrackers in front of the tomb without authorization, despite the proposal of "civilized tomb sweeping, no firecrackers". Despite the continuous rain today, the fire hazard of setting off candles and firecrackers cannot be underestimated.


I was lost in thought


Suddenly, I remembered what my teacher said in class, "Online Tomb Sweeping". Yes, the teacher once mentioned that "online tomb sweeping" can not only ease the traffic pressure, advocate green civilization sacrifice, but also facilitate netizens to visit ancestors without leaving home during the Tomb Sweeping Festival, which can be described as "killing three birds with one stone".


On the same day, I agreed with my father that we would pay tribute to Grandma on the Internet on Tomb Sweeping Day next year. In the future, we will also mobilize people around us to respond to the green call and join in the online tomb sweeping.

清明节扫墓作文400字 篇2


Today is Tomb Sweeping Day. My parents took me to visit my mother's hometown to commemorate the dead relatives.


After two or three hours of driving, many interesting things happened along the way, and finally arrived at my mother's hometown - Tianmen. As soon as we got off the bus, our uncles and aunts greeted us and invited us into the room. After a meal, they set out to the cemetery with Grandpa. In a short time, we arrived. My uncle walked along the muddy road with firecrackers, my father with paper money, and my mother and aunt with flowers. When we got to Grandma's grave, we looked up and saw the words "born in March 1952 and died in December 1982" engraved on the tombstone. When we came closer, there was also a row of small characters engraved with the names of my parents, uncles and aunts, cousins and me.


My mother asked my cousin and I to kneel in a row and kowtow three times. Then my mother burned paper money beside us and said, "Mom, your grandchildren have come to see you. You should bless them for their health and progress!"


Then my father and uncle lit firecrackers. My cousin and I held a bunch of flowers and put them on Grandma's grave.


Looking at my mother's sad face, I thought of the poem that has been handed down through the ages: "It rains one after another during the Qingming Festival, and pedestrians on the road want to die.".


Then, with a sad mood, we walked home in the continuous drizzle.

关于清明扫墓作文400字 篇3


The Qing Festival on April 5 is a traditional festival in China. Every time I come to this festival, I will think of the poem "Tomb Sweeping Day" written by Du Mu: during the Tomb Sweeping Day, there is a lot of rain, and pedestrians on the road want to die. On this day, people all over the country will go to visit the graves of their dead relatives. Family members should be reunited, or visit ancestors' tombs, or take a youth tour.


On this day, I, my father, mother and relatives went to the cemetery to visit the graves of my dead grandparents. They also carried incense and paper money to climb the mountain. Grandma also bought a bunch of flowers. We put the flowers in front of the graves of our grandparents with a sad heart. Looking at the tombstones of the dead Tai Gong and Tai Po, my mother and I were a little sad. My father told me that Tai Gong was a kind person and Tai Po was a kind person. Dad used red paint to redraw the words on the tombstones of my grandparents. In my heart, I silently told my great grandfather and grandmother: I have grown up and am in the fourth grade. If you were still alive, how wonderful it would be! I also saw some people burning paper money and others crying. At this time, Grandpa also started to burn paper money, and Dad ran to help Grandpa burn paper money. After burning the paper money, Grandma offered a glass of wine. Together, we made a deep bow in front of Grandpa's grave, and said, "I wish my great grandfather and my great grandmother will bless our family in heaven."


How I like Tomb Sweeping Day. Because on this day we can send some gifts to our dead relatives to show our respect for them.

清明节扫墓作文400字 篇4


The annual Tomb Sweeping Day is coming again. At the crossroads, people begin to burn paper money for their dead relatives. However, I think we should change a way to pay tribute to our lost loved ones - use flowers instead of paper money; Use burning incense instead of firecrackers. The reason why I say this is because burning things will produce carbon dioxide, which will cause another damage to the environment invisibly. This year's sacrificial activities in my family will undergo a "reform".


Early in the morning, we took the flowers prepared by our mother to pay tribute to my beloved grandfather. Along the way, I saw many uncles and aunts working in foreign countries like my father, who would come to pay tribute to their relatives. After a long journey, we finally came to Grandpa's grave. Looking at my grandfather's grave, I thought of the pictures I had with him. My eyes were slowly moist, and tears were rolling around in my eyes. I tried hard not to let them flow down. I don't think grandpa wants me to cry, and everyone doesn't want me to cry. After lunch, we walked back from our hometown. Along the way, I saw many passers-by with sad faces, like eggplants beaten by frost. I think this is what Du Mu, a poet of the Tang Dynasty, said: "During the Tomb Sweeping Day, there was a lot of rain, and people on the road wanted to die." What do you mean.


In this sad festival, the whole city shows a sad situation

关于清明扫墓作文400字 篇5


Qingming Festival always seems to be inseparable from rain. This Tomb Sweeping Day is a rainy day without rain.


It was Tuesday morning, and the soft light on my confused face in the sunny morning was wonderful.


Go hiking until you reach Chen Hui Cemetery. Eh? I have never passed this long-distance race. Why are people with poor physical strength not tired at all? It is said that people are not tired when they meditate. What about me? Always pondering Chen Hui?


The sun is shining in the sky, but my heart is getting lower and lower. Standing in front of the monument, he thought, "Why is it that such a good revolutionary martyr has not been rewarded well? Do good people really get rewarded well?"


The teacher on the stage is still talking, but his speaking speed is getting slower and slower. I think it is not only a physical impact, but also a deeper psychological trauma.


On the way back, the sun shone brightly into my eyes, which made me feel like a god.


When I suddenly turned around, I vaguely remembered that the sunlight beside me was strong and the trace like light in the distance gently stroked the willow branches beside me. The willow branch has just grown tender leaves, but it is quite lovely.

猛然想起,“不是不报 ,时机未到”。陈辉烈士的好报也许还未开始?兴许报效祖国使祖国便是他的追求。他所期望的包袋?

It suddenly occurred to me that "it is not a failure to report, but the time has not come". Perhaps the good news of martyr Chen Hui has not started yet? Perhaps it is his pursuit to serve the motherland. The bag he expected?


The sky is still cloudless, but the sweet rain in my heart is already infiltrating my heart.

清明节扫墓作文400字 篇6


"During the Qingming Festival, it rained in succession, and passers-by wanted to die..." The ancients always used the rain to express their sadness for their lost loved ones. Now we are celebrating the Tomb Sweeping Day. In addition to the tomb sweeping, we are mainly going to feel the atmosphere of spring. As Cheng Hao said, "It's a beautiful day at Tomb Sweeping Day, so you can travel and forget to return."


Today, as in previous years, our family went to Beishan to visit my grandfather who had been dead for 30 years.


The mountains are red and yellow. The red is the beautiful Yingshan red, and the yellow is the elegant small wild flowers; Tall torreya trees are covered with mountains of different heights; The pointed bamboo shoots poked their heads out carefully; Many lovely birds are standing on the branches chirping... All this in front of me is like a beautiful picture, revealing the breath of spring everywhere.


Beside the mountain path leading to the Outer Cemetery, there is a clear stream. Although it is already April, the water in the brook is still cold and piercing. There are many shrimps in the stream. Every time I come, I always take some home.


A year later, Grandpa's tomb was covered with grass. So we eliminated them one by one with hoes, and added several baskets of soil to Grandpa's grave. Then, use the broken bamboo branches to clean up the dust in front of the grave. Finally, we set off some firecrackers to express our grief for Grandpa.


Clusters of tea trees are sprouting new green shoots, and tea farmers are busy picking this year's new tea. The air was filled with a faint smell of grass. When the Tomb Sweeping Day comes next year, Grandpa, we will come to see you again!

清明节扫墓作文400字 篇7


On Tomb Sweeping Day, my parents brought me, my sister and grandma to Mianxian to visit the tomb.


We drove to Mianxian County, where we had a meal at the fourth grandma's house, and then our parents took us to a place full of stone tombstones. My mother took me to a tombstone, and we all knelt on the ground. While crying, my mother said, "Grandma, now that I have two children, I don't know how you are. We are all fine now. Don't worry!"


My mother said that when she was young, if her mother went to work, her grandmother would take care of her mother and her aunt and be very kind to them. But her grandmother died early because of illness. My mother should miss her more! But she will never see her grandmother again. My father took out a lot of paper money and a stack of paper and lit it in front of the grave. I also silently took three pieces of paper money and threw them into the fire. They immediately turned into ashes and disappeared. Mom's grandma will know that we have come to see her.


On my way back to Grandma's house, I remembered the scene of sweeping the tomb and almost cried. How happy we are now! Everyone takes care of us. We have so many relatives around us, but our mother is short of so many relatives. It is estimated that she feels very sad every day. We should cherish our childhood.